IPhone :: Sync Apps To Itunes Library?
May 12, 2012how do I sync my apps to my itunes library, it is saying that it will erase all my apps on the phone and replace with library. I want it to be the apps on my phone...
iPhone 4
how do I sync my apps to my itunes library, it is saying that it will erase all my apps on the phone and replace with library. I want it to be the apps on my phone...
iPhone 4
In order to free up space on my IMac, I have moved all my itunes music to a portable hard drive. I ended up deleting the itunes library folder at the same time and consequently changed my defaulted itunes to the library folder within the hard-drive (which is attached to the computer at all times).
When launching itunes from the icon on the desktop, it launches the itunes within the hard-drive.
My issue now, is that I cannot transfer any of the music purchased in my i-phone to my i-tunes as it states the phone is synced to another library.
Is asks whether I want to sync it to the new one but I gather I will lose everything currently on my phone?
First, if I do proceed to sync it will it from now on sync to this itunes library and is there any way I can attempt to save the stuff already on it? Including music I've purchased from the i-tunes store and all my contacts?
iPhone 4
After I sync my IPhone, why don't songs on my phone appear in my Itunes Library on my PC?
Info:iPhone 3G
I have two I phones an old 3G and 4S.I use the 4S in the US and I planned to unlock the 3G in order to use it in France.I have itune on my computer and I would like to know if I can sync my two iphones on the same itune?
iPhone 3G
The laptop I had my iTunes on recently quit on me. I created a new user account on a desktop and proceeded to log into my iTune account. When I plugged in my phone it told me to "removed and erase" to sync the computer with my phone. I figured it would add all the music to the library on the computer. I agreed and all the music from my phone went in the library, however it was all removed from my phone. I tried to sync it up, and when I try it tells me there's nothing in my library to snyc except a recently added CD. Now I have no music on my phone, and only 2 GB of the 19 GB I had on my previous library.
iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.1
unable to sync my iphone 4s with my itunes library.
iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.2
I had been having a problem with my iPhone4s and Itunes communicating. Every time I attached my iPhone iTunes would report an error that the Library could not be updated. I followed instructions on how to more the .XML file, restart iTunes then reimport the library. The problem is that now NONE of the Apps I had are there, and if I attach my iPhone it wants to delete the apps on the phone and replace it with the ones in the iTunes Library, which at this point is only two! How do I get the apps on my iPhone BACK into my iTunes library!
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1
I've just spent 2 hours before work last night, and another 3 since getting back, trying to figure out why iPhone 3G syncs kept dropping my Skype and Shazam apps.Performed 3 full time-consuming restores.Then every other bit of online advice I could find.Clicking "reset warnings" finally revealed this ( image included )I had always trusted iTunes to
Then a chat with a Skype agent reveals they don't support older versions or my 3G phone without iSO.4 Are ALL companies so out of touch with those struggling in the economic realities since 2008 ?!Apple, Skype, etc don't forget to update every blessed time we innovate relentlessly
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
My Macbook OS X 10.6.8 will not recognize my new iphone 4S - therefore I can't get my itunes library to sync up.I have dowloaded the new version of itunes, restarted the computer, restarted the phone, etc.
iPhone 4S
how do i sync my music from the itunes library BACK to my iphone? all the music disappeared about the iO5 update?
iPhone 4, iOS 5
All of a sudden my iTunes library won't synch between my iphone and my iMac.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI used to have multiple iTunes libraries that I eventually condensed into one, and I somehow cross-synced my iPhone and now it won't sync with any of them. (I get the "this iPhone is synced to another library, would you like to erare the contents and sync with this library" message.) I've tried the trick of copy/pasting the Persistent Library ID, but that doesn't seem to work (unless I'm doing it wrong). I'm A-OK with wiping all the music from the iPhone and loading it all again (if anything I'd prefer to do that now that I've unified my music libraries into one) and all of my contact and calendar items are properly synced with my main laptop. What I'm worried about are the other things on the iPhone (apps, photos, notes, recorded memos, etc.). Especially the apps. If I let iTunes wipe the phone to sync with my new library, will I retain those other items? Or will it wipe everything and I'll lose any apps that I've bought, photos stored on the phone, notes, etc.?
MacBook Pro 2.53Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.6.2), iTunes 10.0.1 (22)
Will i lose my apps if i connect to a different itunes library?
iPhone 4S
I just restored my 4s from an old backup. My Lib has 75 aps but the new phone only pickedup up 44. Aps Syn is enabled.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
it is possible to transfer your music library from a 1st gen Ipod touch to your itunes library on a Mac book pro. I have alomost 3000 songs as well as playlists on my Ipod and cant find anyway to transfer theses to my itunes library, meaning i can't add them to my 4s.
iPod touch, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
if i pressed sync apps it will directly delete all the new apps?
iPhone 4
I just got a replacement iphone and restored it from a backup, however, upon trying to sync it again, the 'sync apps' checkbox is not checked. I can see my apps that are greyed out but as soon as I check the box to sync the apps, they all disappear! I haven't synced it since for fear of having to start over every time.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
When I start the Media Sync program on my XP machine I immediately get a pop up that says the program has encountered an error and needs to close. It is the most recent version. This problem seems to not to be affected by whether or not Media Sync is started alone or through the Desktop manager.
However, the program opens, and acts like it is running anyway. (Just ignore the pop up.) A week ago, it was seeing my iTunes library and I could use it to put music from a playlist onto my Tour. Now, however, it does not see the iTunes library/playlist. It says it my library contains no songs. Sometimes, multiple attempts to start it it, it will see them, but then I cannot click the boxes that allow me to choose the playlist to sync them to the BB.
All the apps in iTunes are greyed out, i cannot do anything with them. I have switched to manual sync but still cannot sync.I have the latest version of itunes installed on my imac and the latest version of firmware on my iphone.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy apps will not sync to iTunes. When I plug in my phone and try to sync, the apps on the memory bar (green) dissapears entirely.
iPhone 3G
I keep running into a super, super frustrating issue that I can't seem to figure out a fix or workaround for - basically iTunes keeps trying to sync ALL of the apps in my library no matter if I've removed it from the phone or unchecked it from within iTunes. When I start a sync, unchecked apps mysteriously become checked and iTunes then tries to copy everything over again.
I currently have around 600 apps in iTunes but only have around 200 on the phone itself, and manually deleting 400 apps every time iTunes freaks out like this is driving me crazy.
I currently back up the phone to iCloud but some times sync to iTunes to backup locally as well, but I'm assuming this isn't the expected behaviour.
How to Sync apps on a iPhone to iTunes
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
I want to be able to sync my music but not the apps, they are for my son on his ipad, onto my iphone, how can I do this we have the same account?
iPhone 4S
When connected to my iPhone, the Apps are greyed out and can't be accessed and don't sync. The sync apps box is chceked, the computer is authorised, there are no restrictions on my iPhone - everyhting else syncs fine (as it has always done) only the apps stopped?
iPhone 4, Windows XP
How do I sync my apps from my itunes to my phone?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
I downloaded a few apps, there on my itunes. and while my iphone is connected it syncs but still no apps on there. the "app" tab on itunes is unclickable, i cant uncheck or check anything.
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1
Has anyone ever developed software to be kind of like iTunes for syncing jailbroken apps? Pkgbackup can be used to back them up, but it would be nice to have visual evidence like iTunes gives you. I copied the folder for jailbroken apps to my Mac as an additional backup but that doesn't have the settings IIRC. I also used aptbackup for the settings, before you tell me that. I just wonder if anyone has put all this together to make something more visual.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAfter jailbreaking and getting my phone exactly the way I want it, I've decided I don't want to have to use iTunes to manage my music and Apps. I just reformatted my PC, and now iTunes wants me to totally wipe my iPhone and start over - this is unacceptable.
So I would like to manage my music outside of iTunes, but prefereably still using the iPod app as opposed to a third party one. I did a quick search and found nothing on the forums. Googling has led me to a few ideas, but they all seem dated. I am not familiar enough with SSH to figure this one out by myself.
Apps may be trickier, but there are a number of apps I have downloaded through Cydia, etc. that I would need to re-download if I wiped my phone.
Any tips or advice would be great here. Each successful thread I post takes me one step closer to leaving Big Brother out of my smartphone experience!
My new iPhone 4S (iOS 5.0.1) won't sync apps or music from iTunes in my win7 operating system unless if they downloaded from i tunes store, and the sync does't work if the source of apps is a CD or DVDs!
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1
apps purchased from Iphone won't backup to Itunes during sync.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
The syncing on my iPod 5th Generation seems to work fine, but after further review, about 10 apps don't sync for some reason. I am using iOS7. I'm trying to transfer all of my apps from my iPod to my iPhone 5s via iTunes, but I can't get a few apps to sync in iTunes. Why most of my apps will sync fine, but some won't? One of the apps I am trying to sync is called RE.minders (a calendar app).
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