IPhone :: Getting Message "syncing With Iphone Will Change 25% Of Your Calendars On This Computer"?

Jun 27, 2012

home button broke. in warranty. given new phone. calendar sync said "syncing with iphone will change 25% of your calendars on this computer" and the table said 602 entries would be modified. So I went into advanced and ticked the box "replace information on iphone with information from computer". ran sync. now iphone has everything. BUT the next sync (minutes later, just to check) I got the same error message: "syncing with iphone will change 25% of your calendars on this computer" and the table said 602 entries would be modified. What do I do now? Until I can fix this, I can't make any calendar changes on the iphone. Have to wait until I am at home to record on the PC, since I can only do a one way replace for calendars....

iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.3

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IPhone :: Syncing Calendars Between 2 Phones Under The Same Cloud?

Apr 15, 2012

My wife and I both have IPhone 4s and would like to sync calendars. We share an cloud account.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: 4s Stopped Syncing With Outlook Calendars?

May 13, 2012

I've been using iPhone 4s since January and it has worked flawlessly until about 2 weeks ago... right around the time I upgraded to 5.1.1. It still syncs Outlook 2010 contacts but has stopped syncing calendars. I have no idea why??? I've removed and reinstalled iTunes and associated apps but to no avail.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, Outlook 2010 running on Windows 7

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IPhone :: It Stopped Syncing With Outlook Calendars

May 30, 2012

I've been using iPhone 4s since January and it has worked flawlessly until about 2 weeks ago... right around the time I upgraded to 5.1.1. It still syncs Outlook 2010 contacts but has stopped syncing calendars.

Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, Outlook 2010 running on Windows 7

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IPhone 4 :: How To Sync With Computer Calendars

Jun 30, 2014

their page doesn't look anything like my Itunes store....so how the heck do i sync my calendars.?Â

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IPhone :: Syncing 4 And Ipad To Different Computer. Other Computer Hard Drive Crashed?

Apr 29, 2012

I need help syncing iphone and ipad to different computer. Other computer hard drive crashed.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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Google Nexus 5 :: Syncing Calendars To Windows 8

Feb 19, 2014

I just recently purchased a Nexus 5. I was a Windows Phone 8 user so this is a big change for me since this is my first ever Android device. With my Windows Phone, one thing I used to use a lot was the calendars. Whatever I would put in my phone would go onto my Calendars app in my Windows 8 laptop and reversal. It'll popup and give me notifications. With Android, I have noticed I can't do that. I am now using Google Calendars. What is a solution I can use so that whatever reminder I put in my calendars in my Nexus goes directly to my computer and I get notifications automatically?

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BB Bold :: Syncing Multiple Outlook Calendars?

Feb 3, 2012

I need to sync more than one outlook calendar with my Bold 9650. When I turn on wireless sync, only my main calendar syncs. When I turn it off and hook it up to my desktop, it syncs both calendars but not when I'm mobile so updates to the calendar don't show unless I reconnect to the PC.

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Motorola Backflip :: Syncing Sports Calendars?

May 7, 2011

I just found out you can load sports schedules in Google Calendars. I was hoping that by adding them to my Google Calendars they would sync with my phone. This doesn't seem to be the case. I saw a work-around from a discussion in Oct. 2000, but the site suggested in that discussion only has 2010 football schedules. Any other ideas about adding a calendar on my phone? Is there a best place for me to suggest that the "Browse Interesting Calendars" feature be available on phones as well as online?

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Nokia Nseries :: N8 - Syncing Multiple ICal Calendars With ISync

Nov 15, 2010

When I first heard that Symbian^3 on the N8 would support multiple calendars I was under the impression that I finally could sync all my iCal calendars with my N8. But I just can't get this feature to work (iSync plug-in version is 2.0).

Calendar entries made on my Mac still show up under the "PC Suite" calendar on the N8.

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BB Bold 9650 :: Syncing Unwanted Calendars / Contact Lists

Jul 27, 2010

I am an Executive Assistant and use Microsoft Outlook on a daily basis. I have up to 3 or more different calendars created for various things. This is the same case as with my Contacts. I have a separate contact list for my boss as I do for myself. And with regard to the calendars, I do this so I can print him off a calendar at any time without it being affected by anyone else's or my own appointments showing up.

I am very familiar with Blackberry's and my work has awesomely provided me with a new BB Bold 9650.THE ISSUE: My BB is syncing all calendars and contact lists. I DO NOT want to sync all these calendars and contact lists.I just want to sync certain calendars and only certain contact lists. My BB is a crazy ol' mess with contacts showing up 2 and sometimes 3 times and the one calendar I can view on my BB has my boss' appointments with my appointments and other crazy appointments.I swear I think my appointments even have appointments. LOL! (cheesy joke).WHAT I DO KNOW: My company is using a "BES" (?) server for wireless syncing. I have already tried going into options>advanced options>default services to change the calendar I am picking up. It's stuck and I do not have the ability to change it. I am guessing it's b/c my job has the phone "locked" with an IT policy.

I have searched and searched online to try and figure out how to get around this to no avail. I spoke with Verizon and they said to contact my IT Department. I contacted my IT Department and they said to contact Verizon. BTW, the pi$$-ant in I have to work with in IT is in a wrank mood today as most days. Always testy and I would just love if I could call him up and tell his know-it-all punk a$$ what he needs to do to fix the problem. If it's something I can do on my own, that would be even better.

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IPhone :: Syncing It To A New Computer?

Mar 20, 2012

I recently got a macbook pro and I was just wondering how to sync my iPhone 4 to my new mac without losing all of my contacts, pictures, etc. I have set up icloud and home sharing and all of my contacts and pictures from my phone are saved on my macbook through that, I just want some reassurance that if I plug it in I shouldn't loose that stuff before I actually tried it.

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IPhone :: Syncing 4 From Old To The New Computer

Mar 31, 2012

My operating system crashed last 2 weeks. That was the OS my iphone syncing with itunes. I recovered my music and videos from it and then when I reformat my laptop I put my songs and videos on the same directory as my old laptop's music and video directory. today I plugged my iPhone to my newly reformatted laptop to delete all the music but when I went to the "iPhone name" > "music". due to reason that I can't delete or even add a new music into my iphone I check the "Sync Music" checkbox and asked me "Are you sure you want to sync music? all existing songs and playlists on the ''iPhone name' will be replaced with songs and playlist from your iTunes library". So I clicked the "Sync Music" and hit the "apply" button on the lower right part of iTunes. After clicking the button I received another confirmation shown below...

If click the "Erase and Sync", what kinds of contents iTunes will erase? I'm afraid it might also erase my apps. or even my contacts.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1, OS: Win 7 Ultimate 32-bit

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IPhone :: What To Put On My Computer Before Syncing With 4S

Apr 7, 2012

I am trying to sync my iphone with my mac but I don't know if i need to put other stuff in itunes before i sync. I don't wanna lose the stuff on my phone.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Syncing To New Computer?

Apr 11, 2012

My iMac has just completely died, I now want to sync my iphone to my work iMac, will I lose all the photos, contacts and apps? or will it transfer them to the iMac? I'm not bothered about the music because I have that on there already I'm just worried about the rest.

iPhone 4

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IPhone :: Syncing 2 On The Same Computer?

Apr 11, 2012

My friend doesn't have a personal computer and has never synced/backedup/updated software on her 3GS. I suggested using my laptop - my sister didn't check how you do this and so went ahead logging on with my friends itunes account. She now has all my contacts aswell as her own!how you sync 2 iphone on the same computer but make them completely separate?

iPhone 3GS, Windows7

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IPhone :: Syncing 4 To New Computer?

Apr 16, 2012

I have an iphone4 and I just got a new hardrive. I want to sync my Iphone4 with my computer. Is there a way to transfer what is on my phone to my computer?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: 4 Not Syncing To Computer?

Jun 18, 2012

I've had a lot of trouble with my phone where it is constantly searching to get reception. The only way I get messages is to swipe my phone and once it has searched my messages appear. Phone calls do not come through and voicemails are not coming up. I am due for an upgrade so will do that but I wanted to import all my photos and now my phone does not sync to my computer. I really need my photos, does anyone know wny my phone would not be syncing and what I could do to fix this problem. I have completed all the updates etc

iPhone 4, Windows7

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IPhone :: Syncing 4 To A New Computer?

Jun 22, 2012

I had my iphone stolen, and vodafone are sending me a new one. I made an iphone back up on my work computer, but not on my home PC... My iphone is being delivered tomorrow (at home) and I am then off on holiday for 3 weeks, so I won't be able to get to my work computer to restore... is there a way I can get the back up information (currently on my work computer) to my home pc, so I can restore it from there tomorrow? I am at my work computer at the moment...

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Syncing Photos To Computer?

Feb 17, 2010

im not sure if anyone has asked this question but is there a way to sync the photos from my phone to my mac?
its annoying as heck to either email them or upload them to photobucket every time i want it on my mac

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IPhone :: What Gets Erased When Syncing To Another Computer

Apr 3, 2012

An iPhone can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time. I would like to add a ringtone, but it is synced with another computer. If I erase and sync, will I lose all my contacts and photos? I have a lot of contacts and photos and I don't want to add them all over again even though it is saved to my SIM card. I have a lot of contacts that I added myself and were not saved to my SIM card. So will it erase contacts and photos? I don't care about games and music though because I have no music and not a lot of games.

iPhone 3G, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Syncing Automatically From Computer?

Apr 22, 2012

after i registered my phone, it synced and put all my boyfriends info on my phone, how do i undo (we share a computer)?

iPhone 4S, Windows Vista

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IPhone :: Syncing 4 With Outlook XP On A New Computer?

Apr 29, 2012

I have an iPhone which now has iOS 5 on it. Recently I had to get a new computer, but it's an old model, running Microsoft XP and Outlook 2002. I successfully synched my iPhone with everything except Outlook. Does anyone have any advice on how to get my contacts from my phone to Outlook? Note: I have tried entering a dummy contact before syncing, but that didn't work for me. Is my Outlook just too old? The syncing worked with the same version of Outlook on my old computer.

iPhone 4

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IPhone :: 4 - Syncing It And Itunes On Computer?

May 7, 2012

I added new music purchases on my iphone. it does not show up on my itunes library on computer. If I plug iphone into computer, will it sync new music on my computer?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Syncing With Computer After ICloud?

May 24, 2012

Can I sync my iphone to the computer after I have synced with iCloud? There are some deleted text messages we are trying to recover, and I need to backup and sync to the computer to retrieve the file from what I have found. Can I then sync back to the backup in iCloud?

iPhone 3GS

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IPhone :: What Will Be Erased When Syncing To Different Computer

Jun 19, 2012

When syncing to a different computer's itunes, when it says it will erase the phone and sync with that itunes library what will it be erasing?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone 4s :: And Computer Will Not Communicate For Syncing

Sep 1, 2014

The sync worked fine till yesterday all of a sudden they will not communicate

iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.2

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IPhone :: Syncing It To New Computer And New ITunes Library?

Mar 26, 2012

i am in the process of moving to a new Mac (from an older Mac). Due to some corruption (i think) issues in the old iTunes Library, I have re-created iTunes from scratch on the new computer. iTunes on the new computer has been authorized and I re-downloaded clean new versions of ALL previously purchased Apps, Books, Movies and TV Shows from the iTunes store. I am using iCloud Match to only selectively download past purchased Music. I have also moved ALL personal non-iStore content (PDF Books, Movies, TV Shows and Ringtones) to the iTunes Library on the new Mac. So as it sits now, ALL iTunes content that was on my previous Mac now exists on the new Mac in a pristine folder structure managed by a pristine iTunes Library.

Since I did not transfer the old iTunes Library FILE to the new Mac, is it possible to plug in the iPhone and resume "business-as-usual" without any wiping or transfering taking place? Are there sections of the OLD iTunes Library XML that can be pasted into the new (clean) one to make the iPhone think this is just the same old computer? For further information, the iPhone is TOTALLY integrated into iCloud (syncing, backup, match, etc.).

MacBook Pro "Core 2 Duo" 2.66 15" (Unibody), Mac OS X (10.6.4), Mac mini "Core 2 Duo" 2.26 (Late 2009), 2x Airport Extreme N, Ai

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IPhone :: Syncing It To New Computer Without Losing Contacts

Mar 28, 2012

im trying to sync my phone to my new computer without losing all my contacts.

i dont care about the photos or music, ive got all the music on my computer anyway..... and the photos i can recover from the phone without syncing.... but as soon as i do the sync its going to clear all my contacts and and start fresh, as there is no history of my phone on my new computer.

ive gone from a broken pc ( its dead, so i cant get the old itunes history) , and now i have a MAC, and im worried that when i say YES to the sync its going to wipe the phone clean and sync it with a contact file that is blank.....

so is there a way i can get the contacts off my phone before i do the sync so i don't lose them..

iPhone 4

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IPhone :: Syncing Multiple IOS Devices On One Computer

Apr 6, 2012

My wife and I have iPhones, and we also have an iPad. She synced her phone with my desktop for the first time, why i have no idea, but she did. The next day, I synced my iphone with the desktop to put some new music on. When it was done, I had all her apps on my phone. Is there anyway to get the computer to recognize different iPhones and iPads on the same iTunes account and not do that? Had the problem with my iPad too. Got all my phone apps on it and had to do some deleting!

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Locks Up Computer When Connected And Syncing

Apr 9, 2012

When I connect my iPhone to my computer it begins syncing and then freezes up.

iPhone 3GS

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