Since recenty trying to back up my iphone to icloud quite alot of my contacts in the phone have duplicate addreses. The extra address is slightly different, as if the address field have been filled in incorrectly.
I recently configured my Bold 9700 with a data account and added two E-mail addresses. One being personal, and the other being my school E-mail address. After doing this, I noticed that my contacts were doubled and in some cases, tripled. Some contacts say that they are sychronized to my personal E-mail, while the duplicates say that they are sychronized to my education email address. How can I solve this problem so that the duplicates are deleted? I have several hundred contacts and it is a pain to delete them manually.
Earlier I synced Contacts, Keychain and Calender on my Mac, iPhone and MobileMe. I made sure that I selected the option to have the data on the Mac replaced. Calender and Keychain synced correctly, however, Contacts on MobileMe and iPhone were lost and replaced with the Contacts on my Mac - which were none. I have no idea why this happened and I have no back up because I to do an erase and install of Leopard today. It isn't such a disaster as I have most of the contacts saved in other ways. is there any way I can copy or transfer the email addresses in my Mail App to the Contacts App? It is easy to do on received emails, but I can't figure out how to get the 'saved' email address to come up with the option to Create A New or Add To An Existing Contact.
I have a client that has an iphone 4s after she synchronized her iphone with an office 365 online services account(its exchange 2010).now the phone keep creating duplicate contacts (even after I delete them they keep apearing).microsoft says its an apple problem what can be done
I got both my iPhone and iPad sychronized with my outlook exchange account in my company. This setting has been applied over a year and I re-added the account after i got a 4S. However, outlook contacts started to duplicate (some up to 10 times) from 8xxx contacts to 9xxxx contacts since 2 weeks ago. I didn't turn on iPad and I consulted the IT department they said they needed to disable activeSync on my account to test first. Do you know if it's iPhone/iPad problem or ActiveSync problem? What I can do? I did try to remove all contacts in Outlook and restored a backup (8xxx contacts) but after a while, the outlook contact started to duplicate again and even generated up to 6xxxx contacts again.
I recently purchased an iPhone 4S (came from a droid) and my contact list was in gmail.The service provider "copied" my contacts from my old phone to my iPhone and when finished, most of them came over in triplicate. Is there a way to merge, delete duplicates; short of manually? If done, will they come back during a sync
I have read about duplicating contacts, but that is not my main problem. My problem is that instead of one phone number for any given contact, there may be up to 30 of the same phone number! If there is a cell and home, both will be duplicated. What a pain! I do use mobileme but have not started on the cloud yet. Any ideas how this can happen? I showed them my iphone 4 (IOS 5.1.1) at the Verizon store and the rep said she never saw anything like that before. I live two hours from the nearest apple store.
Ok, so when I am in the compose message view I start typing a name to send a message to and the phone shows me all numbers for that contact, even if I deleted that number... for example say my contact Lewis upgrades and gets a new number, I edit his contact, deleting the old number and replacing it with the new. Then when I type LEW into the compose message "to" section it shows all numbers ever stored under that name, if you know what I mean..? So i am typing someones name getting multiple numbers even if they only have 1 number to there name.This also seems to be the case if someone registers a number to FB and I overwrite that number with a new number
Upon Sync of contacts ( Outlook ) with iTunes, I see duplicate contacts being created and it is listed as Share contact.I see multiple contacts like this in my "From My PC" and "iCloud". Please help resolve this problem and how to avoid these duplicate contacts?
I am having issues with duplicate contacts when i have both Gmail contacts and Icloud contacts synced. What is the best way to consolidate and prevent the replication of all these duplicate contacts? Is there an app that do this?
Everytime I edit a contact it creates a duplicate of the contact. Then when I go to delete the duplicate contact it occaisionally deletes both of them.
Can RIM add the capability for Messages to lookup addresses not only in my local Contacts but in my Corporate Exchange directory as well as my BlackBerry Tour 9630 currently does?
Sincer the GB update when I run the navigation app and tap the contacts option for a destination, it says that my contacts have no adresses. This is of course is incorrect. I have rebooted and even done a battery pull. I have avoided doing a full reset in the hopes someone here knows a fix for this.
I was trying to start the navagation app and select an address from Contacts to get directions. The response was no contacts have an address. The work around is to start up MAPS, find an address and then in the MAP app, select navigation. Is this how it is suppose to work? If not, is there a fix?
While phone numbers, email addresses, and random notes seem to have made the crossing from my old Palm Centro to my new Atrix the address fields did not. I still have the data in a desktop application and it would be fantastic if I could copy and paste them on my desktop and then sync them to my phone? Can I connect with the USB cable that came with the phone? I spent way to long doing it on the phone and I am only up to the Gs.
I'd like to send (and then keep synched) all my SGS2 contacts (including their email addresses) to Outlook 2003 on my PC. Sounds easy, eh?
Well, it works (over Bluetooth as well as USB), but somehow only the phone number(s) and some other details (postal address, company etc.) are stored in Outlook - but NOT the email addresses of my contacts!
IS it a known limitation? Is it due to the old version of Outlook? Is there a work-around?
It was fine until Monday when the contacts did it again. It also deleted all the information that was added to each contact (like facebook, email, picture etc) and defaulted itself to a standard work number. It would show doubles of some contacts, three of others, and some even four. I then went to AT&T and they just looked at me like I was stupid, saying that it was because I synced my phone to my computer. Well for starters, I don't have an address book on my computer, and I don't know how to used outlook. Also, I've synced my phone with my computer several times before with no issues.I then went home, called AT&T and the Blackberry Department and still nothing. They said it was all a syncing issue. So after all that being said, I re-deleted the extras and re-organized a few.
Today I noticed that when I linked one of my BBM contacts (she had gotten a new pin) to her contact info, the address book again duplicated itself. So I am guessing this is the problem? Is there away I can link BBM Pins to Contact Info without it duplicating all my contacts and deleting their other information? I'm really crazy when it comes to organizing, and I can't keep having my contacts getting messed up continously.
I have 2 contacts with the same name but different info under each contact. How do I delete one of the contacts? I can't do delete through duplicate contacts. One contact has the info I need. The other same contact just has an email address that's no longer valid. I can't find a way to just delete it.
My razr maxx all the sudden ended up with 15000 contacts in it. I should have about 200 at the most. No fooling, they are all email addresses. Of course only 200 are ones I know. How do I remove them?