IPhone :: What Is The Little Golden Coloured Metal Tab That Sticks Out The Side Of The Logic Board
Mar 14, 2012
On the logic board of a 3g and 3gs (i am not sure about the other models) there is a golden coloured tab that sticks out and when the board is in the housing it makes contact with the chrome bezel. I was wondering what the job of this little part is and what the implications would be if it did not do its job properly.
I have an iPhone 4 which does not turn ON nor charge. If I plug it on iTunes, it says it is on restore mode but the screen is black so it's stuck on DFU mode. I am not sure if I need to change battery or it's with the logic board. If I try to restore it, I always get error 1600 and I have done all the steps you could possible think of and still not working.
The camera button on the side of my phone keeps pressing itself.. When the phone is unlocked, the camera would come up and start taking pictures without pressing anything. I changed the settings so that nothing happens when I press the button but it affects it when I type and when the phone is locked my phone will be constantly lit up..
Just updated my BB desk top manager with the update version 5.0..1. Now I am not able to use the left side convenience key button to lock the keyboard. Just curious to see if anyone else has had the problem and if so, how did you fix it.
I have had a black bumper since day one and have just bought a coloured one. The couloured one seems to have a better fit around the volume buttons and the lock button.Anyone else noticed the same?
A few days ago, I tried to send an iMessage to my wife who also has an iPhone. The iMessage service was down (got the 'Delivery Error' icon). I then chose the option to send as text message.Â
Now whenever I try to message her, the message is always sent as SMS (her name is in green as is the text). How to get it back to sending her iMessages. Tried turning iMessage on and off. Turned SMS on and off. Nothing.Â
I took this shot after updating both my iPhone 4 and iPad with the latest SW releases today... If the signal bar cacluation Apple is recommending is appropriate for the iPhone, why not the iPad 3g as well?...and which is correct?
Sometimes (i.e. very often) when I am on a phone call on the iphone 6, and using headphones, the volume goes to maximum and stays there. Pressing the decrease volume button shows the graphic going down and the volume briefly goes down, but then immediately ramps upto maximum volume again. Taking out the headphones and just holding the phone to my hear, enables me to get normal volume again during the call.Â
I think this is nearly exclusively a problem with Headphones + phone calls. Does I need to replace the earphones or the phone?Â
There is a golden pouch (maybe an envelope with a strap around the bottom) that appeared at the bottom of the email icon. Can't find it anywhere in the documentation and can't figure out what it is when I select the email envelope it does not indicate anything different.
It is my goal to own two iPhone 4s tomorrow morning at 7am via my local Apple store without a pre-order. However, my girlfriend and I are currently on a Verizon family plan and despite me constantly explaining how the iPhone will be the best investment she will ever make (I even used to have my own iPhone at the same time as the Verizon phone), she still needs more convincing that AT&T is at least pretty similar to Verizon's service and monthly bill.
Shortened story shorter (the point): I'm looking for some type of up-to-date comparison chart/website to compare the two. I tried Google but couldn't find anything worthwhile. I have a feeling if there's anything out there, MR would know.
I just thought of something else. Incase Apple is so busy tonight that they don't want to cancel Verizon and set me up with AT&T until they "officially" open the store (10am), can I still just pay for the two phones and set them up with our old Verizon numbers and new AT&T plan at a later time? Obviously I would do this to insure I have the phones in my possession and won't need to wait until they have new stock.
i think i screwed up today as i forgot to put my new iphone 4 on the xray trey when i had to go through a metal detector at the airport. since i am very careful about my new device im afraid the magnets may have damage my phone. is it possible that they did? i havent discovered anything yet but i have this feeling it got slower and the camera quality has worsened.
My iPhone 4S has been damaged on the lateral metal bezel (made of aluminum): can I send my iPhone to apple for repair assistance? Because if I send my phone to a shop, I'll lose the warranty.
I got a BB Curve 3G and within a day or so the battery went. i charged it up but it wouldnt switch back on so I rang TMobile and they exchanged my phone for a new one. I have had this one for a few weeks now and today I noticed that every time i click on app of any sort i get the timer for a few seconds before it comes on. I havent used up much memory but i thought i would delete some song files etc as I added some yesterday so i did but it was still going slow. I tried a battery remove and now my phone wont switch back on again. It gets the white loading bar but went it gets to the top it just sticks like that for about 15 minutes. Then it eventually goes to the T-mobile white screen but it wont go any further. I took the memory card out and did the same again but it hasnt helped and my phone still wont come on.
on the blue bar under time,I've a coloured envelope with no 2 next to it,so I open tray to find what it is,its some email of some sort but can't see where or what??? Annoying!! Looks cld be summat to do with google but I've looked and nothing!how can I get rid of these icons? Also the facebook notification came up saying I'd 4 notifications and opened it,to find I'd only 1.now that fb notification is still there,its not dissapearing.more concerned bout the coloured envelope?
Bebbled, one of the top 100 universal board games and the best bubble breaker in the AppStore, will be free during the upcoming weekend, starting today. Bebbled is UNIVERSAL and works great on your iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch
My Lumia 800 has gone crazy. This is a replacement phone for the last Lumia that I got that turned off one day and then didn't turn back on. I have had this one for only three weeks.Last night at about 9pm, before I got any New Year messages the screen of my phone changed to a multi coloured static looking screen and I couldn't do anything to fix it.I could hear messages coming through occasionally and the phone rang a few times but I was unable to answer it due to not being able to see what I was doing.I have tried doing a soft reset to no avail and I have also drained the battery til it went dead and have recharged it, but have not had any joy with it today either.This phone has not been dropped or damaged in any way, so I have no idea what is going on.
I come across these two terms and sometimes they appear interchangeable. Any idea what the difference is between these two terms. Or do they mean the same?
i have noticed that every time i view my email from any account using the stock email app in landscape view i can not scroll the email list smoothly. when i try and scroll it sticks every so often making it difficult to go through my emails in landscape.
My iPhone's proximity sensor has all of a sudden started sticking to "screen off" even after I remove it from my ear. It's getting very annoying, especially when calling companies with those menu driven phone answering systems. Anyway, does anyone else have the same problem?
Two days ago i removed my sim and a small copper board came out with it, its the same size as the older style sim and shape, the phone still works perfect apart from it now says no service and i cant make calls etc,
I am still on Belle.In the month view of the calendar, the little triangles on the days with appointments are all blue. Why will they not show as a differe colour even when I am using multiple calendars with only one e.g. Red calendar appointment on the day?
when i place the phone on a metal table. so far any kind of metal. it even does it when in a case. this is the second bionic im on and it does the same thing. so im almost betting most of the phones do this too.
Due to its grey colour, the keys don't create a strong contrast and they are hard to read in some conditions when light is coming from a certain direction because the keypad backlight come out to soon. Especially indoor I can't read any of the keys. I'm really disappointed when after I installed the latest software upgrade this problem still exist. Is it possible to "turn off" the ambient light sensor that I'm supposing causes this problem? Have you same issue? Some workaround or fix available?
I bought a new X6 from operator before Xmas. Just in 3+ weeks USB port metal shield in phone was ruptured from phone circuit board and metal holding came out with the cable. Board was not damaged as I could get USB working by keeping cable in manually in right position but as it was not secured it stopped working as soon as phone moved even slightly. Using Nokia Comes with Music/Ovi store during Xmas heavily I connected/disconnected usb 200+ times in this short time frame.
Nokia repair shop took the phone for repairs for over 5 weeks and surprised by a billed (40 Euros) statement that it can't be repaired satisfactorily. It's not within Nokia limited warranty terms and I should by a new phone! I can't complain as consumer as I bought phone for my company and can't use my private insurance to cover replacement. As I bought it via an operator I'm wondering whose Quality Assurance I should now complain. As a telecoms consultant I've advised several equipment manufacturers on quality assurance but this really puzzles me.