Yesterday I decided to delete all my music library on iTunes, to make a better selection of music to put on my iPhone 4S. After the sync with iTunes, I noticed that some album remained were in gray, and unable to play on the phone. I tried to: restore the same albums remained on the phone (nothing happened, just duplicate the grey files with playable ones), change the music library, take off or put on the marks on the manually manage music etc etc....all the possible solutions that I found on the internet....
In the latest build of iOS 8 (and in previous builds of iOS 8 but for me not in iOS 7), the music app is sorting Albums in the wrong alphabetical order. (The problem doesn't affect the Artists list, for example.) I get pages like this (see below), where the As are interrupted by an L and then returns to As, only to be interrupted by a P later on. As you can see, the album under the interrupting "L" has no Ls in it by which it could be sorted under L, but even if it did, why doesn't this album then appear below with the Ls instead of sorting here oddly among the As?
The problem seems to be limited to the A section as far as I can see. This problem also makes the alphabet side scroll not work at all, so you have to manually flick through a long, long list of albums. I've tried deleting and resyncing all the music from iTunes, but this didn't fix the problem. I also tried tweaking the settings in Settings>Music (e.g., activating and deactivating Group By Album Artist), but this also didn't fix the problem. I assume this is a bug in iOS 8.
I attempted to sync my music to my iPhone 4S (iOS version 7.1.1) a while back and iTunes on my computer froze mid-sync, forcing me to quit. When I unplugged my phone and checked my music, several albums had two copies of the same song or entire albums were split apart. One in particular was split into 4 different albums, with only one containing the entirety of the song list.
After syncing music from iTunes (v10.6) to my iPhone 4 (iOS 5.1) I can see all the albums, artists and songs I selected but in grey font and it's impossible to reproduce them. I know the songs are there because I can see the memory they are using, but they are not available. I tried turning off, deleting and starting from zero, selecting one song, selecting a reproduction list, always the same. My music is stored in a Time-Capsule, but this should not be the problem because I can reproduce it from iTunes...
I've had this problem before where I buy an album from Ovi music, and when it goes to download to my pc I just get an error saying Download failed. The problem couldn't be rectified before and so Nokia put a credit on my account. I just went to use this credit today to download something else and the same thing has happened.I'm fed up of calling the call centre and it costing an arm and a leg to do so because I keep getting disconnected and to be honest they're bloody useless and can't do anything.
so i've got my first BlackBerry phone, Curve 9360. it was either this, or the new iPhone, but since i'm not a big fan of touch-screens i went for the 9360. so far, so good. i have one (big) problem, though..
i have most of my music albums stored on my computer as a MP3 backup. and i tried to "improve" my music BB music experience by transferring some of my albums onto my 9360. now some of the albums are OK, but some of them are split in two folders. to clarify this a bit - my albums are stored as folders containing the MP3 songs on my computer. those folders were transferred onto my 9360. an now i have (for example) one Michael Jackson - BAD ablum folder in my phone, but two Thriller, Dangerous, or HIStory folders. or one Clawfinger - Clawfinger folder, but two Use Your Brain folders. and each of the duplicate album folders contains different songs, for example Thriller album has songs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 in one folder, and song number 8 in the other one. same goes for the rest of those split albums, each folder contains songs that are not in the second folder. when i connect the phone to my computer it shows only one folder for each album.
I just recently found problems with downloads certain songs. Specifically the artists Chromium, Deas Vail, Celldweller and Hawthorne Heights. What happens is I download them as usual the whole file downloads with no errors BUT the songs are firstly filed incorrectly on the P.C (not in folders of artist and album). Secondly they don't have any metadata/ info embedded in the file (artist album publisher etc) and Finally but most importantly they don't play, not on my winamp or nokia media player. If I use nokia media player an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle appears next to the Song. This has only happened with those artists so far. I'm using a Nokia N8 unlimited Music subscription.
I'm using native music app on honeycomb 3.0.1. I noticed some of my albums are duplicated on the list (but not on the filesystem, I checked using a file manager).What is strange is that the first copy have some music and the second copy have the other music missing on the first copy. I checked to see if it was a problem with the ID3 tag but aparently it is not. I even used DroID3 tag editor to autoedit ALL music from a given folder but after it finishes editing tags, the album is still duplicated with exactly the same songs on each copy. DroID3 renames the files, so apparently it is not a problem with the filename.I even cleared the Music App's cache after autoediting tags but it didn't solve the problem. I also noticed any music app that uses the index to list music have the same problem, so I don't think its a problem with the native music app.
When transferring a number of Albums to my Nokia 700 I've noticed that a number of albums are appearing twice on the phone - with some tracks in one and the others in an apparently identically named Album. All seem fine on Nokia Music Player.
I have all of my music uploaded to Google Play. I have about 30 of those same albums on my phone's memory card also so that I can have music if I don't have data or want to save bandwidth. The problem is that the albums that are also on my phone show up twice in the the Play Music app on my phone. I have tried doing a refresh in the app and have also tried clearing cache and data with no effect.
I'm using the Google music player with songs stored on my SD card in a directory I created (MyMusic"artists""albums") and they are in MP3 format (copied to desktop using RealPlayer). Prior to ICS, no problems and all was fine. After I upgraded to ICS, now when I look under Artists they all display however when I display Albums only 4 show: Unknown album/Ozzy Osbourne, Unknown album/Unknown artists, comedy cuts/Unknown artist and notifications/Paul Oakenfold. If I select an artist to play, it ends up playing all songs as the majority of the music now appears under the first album above. I trying to find an index file or something that may have gotten corrupt to delete but no luck. All songs play fine, just lost the ability to organize these as they appear on the SD card.
I am not able to delete a folder under Artists and albums in the music player. When deleting I am getting msg as "File is Corrupted. Operation Cancelled". How to get rid of the folder??
Music that is not in my current iTunes will not play, and some are grayed out. Some music that was from my iTunes will work like music from cds, but mp3's wont. What I mean when I say not on my current iTunes, is that I had to switch computers due to mine breaking, so I lost all the music from that itunes and had to switch to a new computer. So the deleting and syncing trick will not work since I don't have the music anymore. Its bull if I seriously cant get my music and have to re-download everything. I thought the music would stay on the phone, even if switching computers. Is there any way to get my music to play again?
I have a problem with the camera on my Iphone 4. I upgraded it yesterday and the camera stopped working after that. I also restored it afterwards when I saw that the camera didn't work. I only get the grey "lens picture" and everything is frozen.
The camera on my Iphone 4 has started to take pictures where part of the picture is a big grey rectangle. They look this way both in the iphone photo album and after import to iphoto. When the photo is first taken, the animated shutter opens and first it shows the whole photo for a split second, then it flashes to the grey photo and that photo is animated to the the little thumbnail to the bottom left of the screen. This doesn't happen with every photo, just once in a while and only started happening recently, after an update to iOS 5.1.1.
After the update to the 5.1 iOS, my 32GB iPhone 4S is now displaying some pictures in my Camera Roll as grey boxes with "JPG" in the middle. When you select the photo, it brings up a larger version of the grey box showing the "JPG" in the middle. I've tried to delete the photos and re-sync my phone, but each time - more pictures seem to be showing up like this.