IPhone :: 4 - Other People Aren't Receiving My Voicemails
Jun 23, 2012
I have an iPhone 4. Operating system 5.0.1. Other people aren't receiving my voicemails. And it is not just other iPhone users it's landlines too. Does anyone know why this is happening or how I can fix it. It isn't all the time though is the thing that's weird.
i have not been receiving all text message for 3 days now. yet my network provider is saying there is nothing wrong with my phone as i could receive their test messages they sent to my phone. I have had a replacement sim card and network reset. I am having the same problem with several people, of who i receive some text messaes from them, but not all.
I have the iPhone 5. A few days ago my friend switched from iPhone to Android and since my phone was stuck in using iMessage for her it wouldn't let me send messages to her. I knew this, so turned off iMessage. I turned it back on afterwards. I noticed that after that any picture messages from other people weren't coming through. I went back to iMessage and saw that it was still turned off. I turned it back on and it was stuck in "verifying" and asked me to log into an old gmail account I used for my old iPhone.
I tried loggin in but I guess the password was differnt back then, and something I can't remember. I tried resetting the password and i really just can't get into that old gmail account. So I switched iCloud and iMessage over to my new gmail, no big deal. But now I'm not getting picture messages. People tell me it gives them an error message. Is it still trying to send to the old gmail account info?
my mums iphone and my dad's iphone are all getting each others text messages, it's completely bizarre. Yes we are all on the same account and I believe synced through the same computer. All using ios5 or later and my mum just received a new one today, where she previously only had ios 4.xxx and she didn't receive the texts that my dad and I are getting between each other.
I send a text to my mum, it goes to my dad too. My dad sends a text to a third party (only one specifically) and it gets sent to me, though I rarely see what she has sent back, only what he has sent to her.
when both have their imessage turned on, i can text my gf and her daughter also gets my text and can reply. any text that any of the 3 of us send, we all can see in the same thread. how do we sop this from happening while leaving imessage turned on on all 3 phones? this doesnt seem to happen with any other iphone/imessage users, only me
When I send a message on my iPhone 6 to multiple people, how can I have their replies only sent to me and not seen by everyone on my original distribution?
i've been on holiday for 10 days and i came home, charged my phone and no text messages, facebook notifications or bbm's have come through! i've tried sending bbm's and the red clock comes up... i also cant connect to the internet! and when i switched my phone back on, it had the same date and time of when i left it 10 days ago! what do i do?
I have an S6. And it has had the latest software update. Ever since yesterday, I am not receiving any notifications for ANYTHING, be it messages, whatsapp, facebook, snapchat etc, I only see I have a message if I click directly into the app and then it shows me i have new text/snap or whatevs. This is frustrating so much!!!!! Ive checked in my settings and I have all my notifications switched on, I even set them as a priority but still no joy! I have also restarted my device a couple of times in the hope that would work but nope ....
I currently do the majority of my texting from Google Hangouts on my computer. However on my phone, the only Android app that will actively sync these text messages (and receive new ones) is the hangouts android app. I'm trying to switch to another app while still being able to text from hangouts from my computer. Is this possible?
I've been enjoying my new Galaxy S6 for the past couple days but one thing I've noticed is that I'm not receiving any Gmail push notifications. I only ever notice new emails getting pulled in when I open the Gmail (or Inbox) app, and it executes a refresh now that the app is open. If I'm not using the app or my phone's screen is off -- nothing.
I've tried a number of different things, including making sure Power Saving mode is turned off and ensuring that auto sync is enabled for my Google account. I've also made sure that all the appropriate Gmail labels are set to notify me.
One thing I've noticed, in the process of discovery for my Gmail issues, is that when looking at my Google sync information on my phone, the "last synced at" time is usually very out of date.. sometimes it's a couple hours ago, sometimes it's a day ago. I'm wondering if my phone is for some reason just not polling on a regular, more reasonable interval.
FYI I'm getting push notifications from other apps (including Hangouts) as expected.
I've just moved over to a Galaxy S5 from an iPhone 5S. I am using S Planner as my calendar, but I'm not recieving any meeting requests. My husband (who has an iPhone) has sent numerous event invites. They aren't showing up in S Planner or in my email. Yet I can send him an invite in S Planner and he will receive it on his iPhone.
I'm not sure why this is and i have tried pretty much everything. people can only hear me when i have my phone on speaker phone.. i cant afford a new iphone since they are like $600 without an upgrade.
My iPhone 5 reliably showed a red symbol for new voicemail messages. Since the upgrade to 8.1.1, voicemail notification or red symbol is completely unreliable. The voicemails are there, but usually I'm not seeing any indication that they exist so I am missing voicemail messages. Today, found messages from past 3 days.
Unfortunately after my mums iphone was synced she has lost some voicemails which are very important to her. Her friend passed away and they are all she has left of her. Any way to get these back.
A couple months ago my boyfriend gave me his iPhone 4 instead of being stuck with my 3GS so I did a backup and then plugged in the iPhone 4 and set it up using the backup from my 3GS so everything transferred over. It was awesome because it worked so well, even transferring over my ALARMS, but today I realize that none of my saved voicemails transferred over. Normally this isn't a huge deal but my mom passed away a few months ago and I had several voicemails saved from her that I would listen to whenever I missed her and wanted to hear her voice.
When I go to voicemail it just dials my voicemail like the old days with a flip phone. I am no longer getting voicemail notifications either. Called sprint and they said it was apple's problem and a software update was needed. Apple denied this and recommended a hard reset which did not work. They are going to call me back later with other options to try to fix it but this requires that I have another phone which won't happen till later tonight. Any tips? I'd like to get visual voicemail back and I'd also like my old voicemails too! Is this a sprint or apply problem?
Running 45.4.13 with Voicemail App Version T., I have the following issue:
1. I get voicemails 2. When I try to retrieve the voicemail I cannot play it and an errors pops saying "Unable to Play" 3. I have to reboot the phone in order to retrieve voicemail. 4. I do get a dialog that something about verifying account information.
I don't have any third party apps installed related to voicemail. This behavior started happening after the update.
I want to upgrade to the iPhone 6 and want to know if there is a way that I can back up my saved voicemails, from iPhone 5, so that they load onto my new iPhone.
Today I had to turn off my phone for an exam. I'm waiting for a call from a potential employer any day now. I felt confident that even with my phone off, when I would turn it back on it would show me any phone number or contact that tried to call me and left a message. But that doesn't seem to be the case.
I was sure I would get a call today. So I tested it out: I turned off my phone and tried calling it. Goes straight to voicemail, left a voicemail. Turn on phone...no notifications of a phone call or voicemail. So, I called my voicemail and said 1 new message, luckily that was the only one and it was my voicemail. But now I don't think I can turn my phone off ever so I don't miss a call.