IPhone :: 3gs Cannot Be Synced Because There Is Not Enough Free Space To Hold All The Items In The Itunes Library
May 11, 2012
The iphone cannot be synced because there is not enough free space to hold all the items in the itunes library. Additional 203 mb required. But there is 6 gb free space. What is the problem?
I was attempting to update my phone to iOS 5.1.1 when this message popped up: "There are purchased items on the iPhone that have not been transferred to your iTunes library. You should transfer these items to your iTunes library before updating this iPhone. Are you sure you want to continue?"
Preparing to backup my iPhone to my computer, I saw there was an uupdate available (5.1.1). When I cllicked to update a message window popped up saying,
"There are purchased items on the iPhone "Mac User's iPhone" that have not been transferred to your iTunes library. You should transfer these items to your iTunes library before updating this iPhone."
But how do I ascertain what hasn't been traferred and where, and how would I do that transfer?
I accidentally synced my iphone to my wife's library, which renamed my iphone in itunes. She was able to rename to my phone, but somewhere along the way I lost all my contacts from my iphone4. How can we recover these?
I have a 16GB iPhone 5S. I'm trying to sync on my PC, iTunes V. with iOS 7.1.2 . I currently have 4.77 GB of free space on my iPhone (recently deleted a bunch of stuff to try to sync, to no avail.)Â
When I attempt to sync my iPhone with iTunes, I receive the following message:
The iPhone "XXX's iPhone" cannot be synced because there is not enough free space to hold all of the selected items (additional 82.9 MB required).Â
What is this message referring to? selected items on my iPhone? or on my PC? I should have no problems syncing with the amount of free space I have. I have not selected to install any new apps, just a few songs, no videos or podcasts. I literally have very few items on my iPhone - 30 apps, 707 songs and 1 book.
I only have 800 MB free (in Settings -> General -> About) but iTunes tells me I have 3.9 GB. If i remove the phone and then reconnect, iTunes will then show me 800 MB (0.8 GB) I just reproduced the problem by simply going into the apps tab and moving an app to a different folder. My free space immediately changes from 0.8 GB to 3.9 GB. What's going on ?
The iphone "myname 's iPhone " could not be synced because this computer is no longer authorized for purchased items that are on this phone "Â i restored my iphone several times but the same problem when i first restored my iphone i could transfer apps and synced successfully , but after a while im not able to sync my iphone or transfer apps , it happened to me with an iphone 4 and now iphone 5 ...
I used to use a PC to sync my iPhone but recently but a MacBook. Now when I try to sync my iPhone with the MacBook it says my iPhone is synced with another iTunes Library and if I continue everything on my phone will be erased and synced with the library that has nothing in it. I have over 400 songs and don't want to lose them
Have an iPhone 4 wich is synced to an iMac, sync includes, iCal, contacts, notes, music, photo's, movies, music, etc... The works.Problem is, I am currently travelling with my Macbook Air, with no library or syncs, and need to add an additonal Movie onto my iPhone, I realise if I connect it to my macbook, and check *Manually manage.. It will wipe the photos, music, movies etc, I am obivously avoiding this at all costs.My iCloud only holds my iCal, and contact info, so that is not an option either. Is there a way to add to a Pre-synced iPhone from another itunes library??
I have just set up my work email on my blackberry using IMAP and I have noticed that when I send an email from my blackberry it will not show up in my mailbox's Sent Items.I have checked the setting and made sure that the mail folder was called Sent Items as suggested in[URL]...I am using the BIS service.I noticed that it works with my google mail account which is using IMAP as well.
it is possible to transfer your music library from a 1st gen Ipod touch to your itunes library on a Mac book pro. I have alomost 3000 songs as well as playlists on my Ipod and cant find anyway to transfer theses to my itunes library, meaning i can't add them to my 4s.
I have a JB'd 3GS 32GB (via Blackra1n) and it's been perfect for a while now.All of a sudden yesterday I added a few tracks and this morning I get a message that there is no space available. There was 9GB of free space available the day before today. I went into the "about" area and it says 0 bytes available?
Any way to restore back my space? I don't really want to re-jail break it, it's too customized.
I tried to download the garageband update v. 1.2 on my iphone 4s, but i only got a message that says I don't have enough free space.I tried to reinstall the app, but no luck. The app is about 800mb and i have about 1,5gb left on the phone.
Yesterday I made a back up of my iPhone and then I rebooted it. Before restoring I had all my song and photos on the phone - they occupied almost the whole memory. But now I can't sync my music beacuse it says the isn't space enough: it needs 2 gb!
I have a iphone 5 IOS 8.1.1 and I don't know how to free up memory. I have tried erasing individual messages, but no change in the memory ratio... what to do...
i am having with my 3G[S]. I have 277mb of free space and im trying to download a couple games/apps. And when I go to download a game or something it claims I do not have enough free space. I know the game is only like 90mb, and i have 277 free. So why is it saying I dont have enough space and that I should start removing apps and photos and what not?
I backed up all my photos from my Camera Roll onto iCloud, I want to delete them all on my phone for more space. If I delete them now, will they also be deleted from my iCloud storage, or will they still be available there?
using an app tells you to "free up space on your device to continue" but you have already verified there is enough space on your device than needed by the app (17 gigs free).
I keep deleting apps and it keeps giving me the message that my storage is almost full. I have gone through and deleted everything I can think of besides my pictures and music but it isn't changing anything.
I want to delete a few videos from my phone in order to free up space. I went to my photos app, i clicked on albums, clicked on videos, and i even selected them, but my garbage icon is not highlighted, not letting me delete videos. I cannot access them from my videos app. How do i delete them?
I have plenty of space and I have turned on the fill free space box that allows itunes to use all the free space available however it is not syncing all my music.
I just received a new phone and I backed up my iphone this morning on my phone not my computer. When I came home to back up my phone from my icloud it will only upload the new one that I backed up instead of the old one I did that morning. That is my first problem. Now I need to know how I can edit the things in my icloud so I can delete space and take stuff out of it. I don't want to buy more space so how can I delete some things in my icloud?
The IPhone 5 has a Camera Roll, Photo Library and Photo Stream. (What the difference is, and have yet to read an explanation which makes any sense whatsoever to my technologically challenged self.) I want to save photos on my PC but remove them from my IPhone to free up space. So, while I have only a few dozen photos on the Camera Roll, and fewer in the Photo Library, I have hundreds in the photo stream.