Huawei Nexus 6P :: How To Decrypt Phone
Dec 16, 2015I flashed CM when it first arrived and encrypted my phone. How do I unencrypt it again?
View 10 RepliesI flashed CM when it first arrived and encrypted my phone. How do I unencrypt it again?
View 10 RepliesAs the title states, I flashed the lastest Cataclysm (stable) and ElementalX kernel(also TWRP asked me that SuperSU wasn't present and to flash it so I did, that might've messed it up), phone booted up fine and set my fingerprint password and everything. I decided to reboot my phone and the phone encrypted itself and now the ROM is force closing and I can't do anything. It asks for a password every time the recovery starts up (I tried default_password, no go) and TWRP won't let me decrypt.
So my question is, is there a way to decrypt without erasing userdata? Would really like to keep my internal storage. I have lots of important pictures and files.
I unlocked my bootloader, flashed Chainfire's systemless boot.img, flashed TWRP twrp- and when I took into recovery TWRP is asking me for a password to decrypt. I don't remember setting a password and don't know if there is a default one.
View 10 Replies View RelatedSo just got my 6p yesterday but it seems as though ambient display although turned on is not working ND when I answer a phone call my screen stays black during the call and won't wake up.
So apparently it's because the tempered glass screen protector is covering the proximity sensor. I still have to actually test that theory out once I get a new protector but from doing some digging that most def it. Just a heads up I used the one by super shieldz so don't buy that one until they make a cut out for the sensor.
I'm on the latest build that came out today. Not sure if it's something I did, or if this is normal for when you are rooted, bootloader unlocked, etc
View 10 Replies View RelatedMy Nexus 6P will not do anything but charge when it's plugged up to my PC. I am using the systemless root and Franco kernel r7. Other than that, it's stock. What happens when I plug my phone into my PC is the battery icon changes to charging, and that's it. The PC does not recognize the phone is plugged in, and there are no unknown USB devices in device manager. I also do not get a USB notification on my phone.
More details:
- I have done the complete drive install VIA the nexus root toolkit (both initial setup before this problem, then again when the problem surfaced)
- USB debugging is enabled
- I swapped cables about 3 times, no change
- Tried different USB ports on PC and laptop and even ports directly connected to the motherboard. no change.
- Tried on my laptop (Windows 10) and it does the same thing as the PC (Windows 10).
- USB settings are set to MTP, although if I change it, it seems to get stuck on charging. I have to tap MTP about 3-5 times in order for it to say it's in MTP mode again.
- Running the command adb devices in command prompt does not show anything connected.
Other than this weird issue, I have not had any problems with my phone. I also have another USB-C cable on the way, but it seems unlikely that would be the issue.
I got my brand new 6p last week on friday and am in love with it, currently testing out the battery to see how much juice I can get out of it in a normal working day. I have however noted that when i browse using 4g on chrome the phone gets warm, not too hot to hold but get noticeably warm, the top half between the camera and the fingerprint sensor and the front screen as well. I have the phone in the 'adopted' case that i ordered with it from the Google store which might be bad for heat dissipation but still wondering if other people have had their phones get warm when being used?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to use the new Emojis which "came out" with 6.0.1? checked Google keyboard but it contained only old emoticons.whats the procedure for enabling the latest emojis
View 3 Replies View RelatedI got the 45.5mb ota ,restart after update but nothing changed in phone about.. same old build number and security patch...see attachment.
Attached Thumbnails
So I set up my phone with all my apps, and turned it off and now it won't boot up. How to get it to work?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow can I get my voicemails to show up there? Does it work with Verizon? The tab only appeared after I installed Google Voice and set it up as my voicemail in the phone app settings...
It doesn't matter to me if I have to use Google Voice or Verizon's native voicemail, just seems like a cool feature.
On a related note, Google Voice regularly alerts me of Voicemails hours or even days after I get that normal?
The phone apparently does not support HDMI over USB-C and I need to find a way to mirror my screen via HDMI.
My car has an HDMI input to the head unit and it was just recently found to have a bypass in it so that the HDMI will work while driving. I do not want to watch videos while driving but I do want Google maps/waze to be shown on my head unit screen as the car's standard navi is terrible.
I have tried using Chromecast but the Chromecast does not work unless the car is connected to WiFi. Using my phone as a hotspot was a workaround up until an update to the Chromecast was said to cause it to crash. So this option is out.
What I would like to do ideally is buy an HDMI miracast dongle to mirror the screen as it uses WiFi direct. If I go into settings>WiFi>menu>advanced I see the WiFi direct menu but it looks incomplete.
I did some searching and saw that there was a way to edit the build.prop on the nexus 6 to allow for miracast.
I don't get my Nexus 6P shown as a drive on Windows 10. I've installed the Google Drivers. Also I have the adb and fastboot driver. USB Debugging is enabled. When I switch to MTP, nothing happens. When I change to PTP my Nexus gets a mark in the device list but I can't install any driver manually. Even when I navigate to the location where the google drivers are located.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I had owned iPhones for a long time and one thing I loved about them before I switched is the visual voicemail feature. I hate having to call into my number and listen to each voicemail individually. I heard there was talks about possibly including this feature into Android M but I can't seem to find it. Is there any applications that you can recommend that does this feature?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have the setting checked but its not detecting the voice command.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have contacts set to display last name first and sort by last name but in messenger when i start a new message they all revert back to first name first... Stock unrooted.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently unlocked the bootloader and rooted my Nexus 6P and just this evening received an update for the November Security Update. This downloads fine but when the phone reboots to install, it just goes to TWRP and doesn't install.
This is most likely incredibly simple and stupid for me even to ask, but is it possible to install one I've unlocked/rooted?
There was an option during setup to transfer app data from my old phone. I skipped it initially as I figured I'd do it later, but now I can't find it... Also, am I going to have problems using this option coming from an Amazon Fire Phone?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI have shut WiFi off the the settings pane and it still shows on in the battery monitor. I don't think it is using a lot of battery (hasn't shown up) but some of the stuff in the system shows WiFi usage when it is clearly shut off.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy Nexus 6P arrived yesterday and now i have problem i can't connect to my WiFi.first time i try connect WiFi working good and then after hour when i try to connect again on same WiFi can't connect and stuck on Obtaining IP Address and when do restart for router the device connect to WiFi and when turn off WiFi and try connect again same problem.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi was wondering what all of us are using as screen settings and why. For me srgb looks certainly more accurate but White are yelloish, they look better on Google's calibration settings but then colors are too saturated... So for now i still haven't made my choice.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've got my nexus 6p two weeks ago. In the last week i've noticed that the phone is always awake, even with screen off. In the first days of use doze was working well and i didn't have problems. It doesn't seem to be regular.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI don't normally do a lot of videos from my phone due to the poor quality, but given that the 6P records in 4K I wanted to try it. I recorded my son's Christmas Musical. Once home I tried playing back via wifi to my TV. I got audio and nothing more. So I thought it was just a connection problem. I then tried on my computer.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm stock rooted when I restore my back up when trying to unlock it when I type my pin or used swipe code it doesn't authorize it
View 4 Replies View RelatedLove my 6p. But every time I use the phone and put it to my ear it switches to speaker and I have to toggle the speaker on and off. The speaker icon does not turn on when it first happens. Am I missing a setting or do I have a problem with the phone?
View 2 Replies View Relatedsecond phone call where other party complains they cannot hear me. what's is going on with audio quality of this phone?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThere a ROM on my 6p there other day and think it changed this so what to set it back to default if possible.
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