HTC One X :: HAC Mode Doing Opposite - Lowers Volume In Calls
May 25, 2012
Enabled HAC mode to boost in call volume and it does the opposite! It lowers the volume where you cant hardly hear the caller and they cant hear you as well. Volume is up all the way so its not that. HAC mode works on my bosses Evo 3D running gingerbread. Either its an ICS issue or I have a bad phone! Also phone randomly reloads at least 10 times a day even when I don't have apps running...
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Mar 19, 2015
My 32gb LG G3 D855 just keeps on lowering the volume by itself. My touch feedback sound is on and just a notch away from full volume. However, the sound is unstable in that it just lowers itself. I keep checking the setting but the level is just the same and not changing.
For example, one series of tapping on the screen has the expected volume. After some time, the next series of tapping on the screen has their sound feedback dropped by itself to very low. It is fluctuating and unstable.
Just now, I turned everything to full volume and tested things out. To my surprise, even my notification and ringtone volumes are also unstable. They go very low to hear at one point, then get back to being loud again. All by themselves. It came to a point where my ringtone is at maximum level, then when I tested it (tapped at the adjuster), the sound was very low. Then after testing again, it goes back to the intended full volume.
In summary, the volume just drops down by itself, then gets back to the expected level, then drops down again. Very unstable.
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Apr 21, 2014
When you are playing a song on the factory installed Google Play Music app or any other app with an equalizer or when using a separate equalizer and you increase any of the bands in the equalizer, the overall volume of the song drops.
To easily reproduce the problem, start playing a song on the Google Play Music app, go to settings, select equalizer, select advanced. Set the equalizer bands to flat (in the middle settings for all bands). While a song is playing, raise any equalizer band and the overall volume of the song goes down dramatically, like by half. This is especially noticeable as you increase the 16k slider. This is not how equalizers should work. A working equalizer should amplify the band you increased but leave the volume on all other bands the same and thus not lower the overall volume of the song. This is happening with all equalizer apps I've installed (besides the stock Music FX and SoundAlive equalizers) and I've seen the exact thing happen with three other equalizer apps on this phone, so it seems like a specific Samsung Galaxy S5 problem.
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Nov 11, 2015
Experiencing super low microphone volume when using hangout calls on speakerphone/video calls? The other person i'm calling says they can barely hear me.
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Feb 13, 2010
I have been a BB lover for years. My Curve 5320 served me well and I loved it. When the new Bold 9700 was released I was one of the first to get it b/c businesses were offered the opportunity to get it before individuals. I was so excited about 3G, it's sleek look, etc. My excitement has officially crashed and burned. When placing calls it will fail repeatedly before even dialing the number. It will fail during calls up to 5 and 6 times in a few minute period, which is HORRIBLE during business calls. It will lock up when I'm trying to move between apps, it will spontaneously shut itself off. I'm feeling like my BB is possessed. This is my second 9700. The first the E key would stick or repeat 20 times on a text and the calls would fail, so they diligently sent me a new one. Thankfully, I no longer have to edit every text for 100 e's (i'm stopping @ theeeeeee storeeeeeeeeeee is theeeeeeereeeeeee anything you neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed), but the failed calls thing is really pissing me off! Also, the volume on calls is really low in comparison to my Curve. To top it off, the 3G speed seems as slow as, if not slower than my former EDGE. I am hoping and praying that a software upgrade will fix all of these issues, but if it doesn't are there any suggestions as to what i can do? Other than switching to an iPhone? I for one happen to love my Qwerty keyboard and am not exactly fond of the on-screen keyboards.
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Jan 31, 2015
Power button act a little funny? Every 3-4 presses, it does the opposite. For example, when the screen is off and I press the button, it wakes up then turns right off. I don't remember it always doing this, but then again, I use Knock On all of the time.
I did, however, order a new rear piece with new buttons and a new camera cover. I figured the job is easy enough just to swap out the whole back of it.
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Jul 17, 2015
Was rooted with BOFJ 5.1.1 firmware, tried to install another firmware type, everything booted ok except my icons and keypad are opposite (reversed order) Tried my Twrp recovery... still the same, next clean install with odin 3 still the same. Searched and tried "Sanadca" thread.
type *#2663# in keyboard call
touch TSP FW update (General)
Just get failed to update!!!
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Jan 16, 2015
What is the meaning of 2 horizontal arrows facing on opposite side on my S5? I cant find out whats this arrows stands for...
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May 5, 2015
My device front camera pics are shown opposite direction when I shoot a pic...
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Jul 3, 2010
when i try to use the speaker mode sounds really low or if i try to listen per say a voice msg from wazzapp sounds very low imposible to hear it
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Jul 3, 2010
My Z2 phone have started to turn on volume for notification and ringing volume by itself. I have gone through the settings and set all sounds to off, but after an hour or so, it is back to normal volume. Have had this problem for a week now. Have restarted the phone several times. Cleared all open apps. Nothing works.
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Sep 7, 2012
I'm being told by people at the other end of the phone that I am really quiet, can I amend this on my phone or is it likely to be there end?
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May 27, 2012
The volume of calls is very low, I am not able to hear other person voice
Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5
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Feb 28, 2010
volume - sound is very low in E72 practically useless for conference particularly during incoming call sound is really pathetic. Nokia should improve it. Is there any method to increase the volume.
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Jun 17, 2012
I have the xperia ray, and I have it with android 4.0.4, and my problem is that when I put music in the speaker with maximum volume, the sound is excellent, but when a I make a call and I put the speaker at maximum level, the audio has poor volume
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Jul 30, 2015
I am unable to hear any volume at all during calls - both via the handset speaker and on speakerphone. I also can not hear music when played through the speakers. I have checked that the volume is turned up full. However, I am still able to hear alarms, ringtones and notification tones. I'm hoping that this is some sort of software issue.
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Jan 15, 2016
So recently i noticed on my fairly new Xperia Z3, that the call sound volume went extremely low. Since all other sounds from the upper speaker work normally and on normal volume (media, ringtone, notifications), I'm guessing it has nothing to do with hardware.I have read the other support replies and ''solutions'', and i have tried a fair amount of them, but none worked.
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Apr 3, 2010
Whenever the phone is in camera mode, the zoom buttons don't zoom in or out or do anything. But when it is in music player mode they turn the volume up and down perfectly fine. Any ideas how to fix it or is a trip to Nokia Care needed? Would upgrading the firmware do anything to solve the problem?
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Sep 11, 2015
My LG G3 is stuck in safe mode. The volume down button does not function anymore. Every time I restart the phone it goes right back to safe mode.. Is there any other way to get it out of safe mode?
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Jul 9, 2012
I have a verizon bold 9930 that I received last week, no third party apps besides what was preloaded on the phone. Yesterday, I noticed that when I answer phone calls I cannot hear the other person unless I put the phone into speakerphone mode. Is this a hardware issue?
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Nov 26, 2012
I've noticed this happen several times before, but if I'm connecting/disconnecting to headphone jack or bluetooth, all media volumes will go silent (resuming a podcast, music, etc), and turning up/down the volume has no affect. The only fix I've found is to pause everything, go to the homescreen, turn the phone volume (which appears automatically) down, then go back into the app and press play. However, sometimes I can't turn the phone volume down on the homescreen because only the media volume appears, even after I close the media apps (even from the recent menu from holding the Home button). Even going into Menu > System Settings > Sound > Volumes and adjusting everything there made no difference. I had to make a phone call, hang up, then go back to the homescreen, turn the phone volume all the way to mute/vibrate, then turn it back up and go back into my media app and the media sound would be restored. It's really frustrating and considering how often I use media apps and how often this happens, I'm considering ditching the Razr Maxx and getting a non-Motorola phone.
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Jun 23, 2012
i did a bit of research before getting a motoactv to serve as my primary training data tool. i read dc rainmaker's report, watched his Internet video of the thing in the shower, and read all the stories of people having water caused failures and motorola invalidating the warranties. i loved the looks and the features, and i wrote off the water complaints as the voice of a loud internet minority, most of whom probably didn't do something right. i was worried about the warranty not being honored, so i made my purchase at rei, who essentially grant lifetime return of anything that they sell.all my workouts are sweaty. encouraged by dc rainmaker's video, which he said was conducted on motorola's terms, i wore the motoactv into the shower after a run. the headset grommet and usb port cover were firmly in place. there were no signs of trouble during the shower (as there weren't in the video), but about 40 minutes later, i caught a glimpse of some small white text on a black screen, then the watch went dark. i powered it back on, which went normally, but once fully booted up, the up volume was constantly activated, with the overlay message showing the speaker icon and the horizontal volume bar showing full volume.
i could sometimes get the indicated volume to go down with the down volume button, only to see the volume quickly ramp all the way back up. i played with this for a while, then powered the thing down to save the battery, as the up volume input was keeping the screen on. suspecting water damage, i checked the usb port and it was dry. a day later, all was back to normal. that was a month ago. i accidently wore it into the shower for all of 10 seconds yesterday, only long enough for it to take a few splashes, and not even long enough to wet the entire case. the phantom volume ramp returned within 10 minutes, but i was able to eventually make it go away by actuating the up volume and music buttons. again, the usb port looked dry. this morning the watch was dead dead dead, with only a brief bootloader message when i tried turning it on. hooking it up to the usb on the computer was enough to get the juice flowing again and start to fill the battery. i was able to power up after about 15 minutes. the phantom volume has returned and won't go away.
i will be exchaning the unit for another at rei today. given the backup of rei's return policy, i will be sticking with the motoactv as my training data device for now. i'm writing all of this to inform people about what they might expect, and to encourage motorola to get their act together on making these things work for their intended purpose. from now on, i'll be cleaning sweat off with a moist paper towel. if it rains, the motoactv will be coming out with me like it or not, and i'll just make another trip to rei if the thing conks out. if rei sees a pattern, i'm sure they will do a better job of encouraging motorola to make the necessary changes than i could.
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Sep 9, 2014
The phone's volume buttons suddenly stopped working and today the phone is in a constant vibration mode even when not using. This started when a call came and ever since then the phone is constantly vibrating. Can feel the motor running at the back but not sure why it is running in such a hyper mode. Not sure what the problem is.
iPhone 5c, iOS 7.1.2
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Jul 29, 2010
is there seriously no way to control the speaker volume during calls that i dont want the entire world to hear?
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Jul 23, 2012
I can use my Blackberry normally in all respects, except I can no longer get a dial tone or hear the person I called (the call does go through) unless I am on speakerphone. Speakerphone is the only way I can now use the phone. Did I turn on something automatically or?
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Oct 6, 2010
When I switch to Turn on lodspeaker during a call, the sound volume is very low and it is almost impossible to hear any conversation.However the music plays loud enough on MP3
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Jun 24, 2014
One problem I have is the low volume without playing music or media. I dont know when someone calls me. I know that the xperia z2 works only with one speaker when you have a call or notification. I want you to fix it because it is a huge problem due to the high price of this smartphone.
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Aug 2, 2011
why is the speaker sound so infuriatingly low?
whenever I am outside and I get a call, I can hardly hear it. And yes, I have the pocket mode ticked on to make the sound higher. What is the point of creating a high-end mobile phone when you miss out on calls because of the speaker being so lousy? My old sony ericsson (not even a smartphone) had much higher volume
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Sep 2, 2014
when ever i answer a call ..volume seems to be very low., my volume is set high.. there is no cover in-front of speaker..i always need to turn my speaker ON or need to put my headphone to hear.
iPhone 4, iOS 7.1.2
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Dec 7, 2012
I just bought the xperia z2 and i'm facing a horrible thing here the volume of the incoming notifications and the incoming call are too low but when it comes to music via walkman its super i've tried almost everything ..
1- clearing the data of smart connect
2- clearing the data of enhancment sounds
3- raising the sound volume and checking the X-Loud
Even i changed the notification tone and the ring tone to any other thing and it also didn't work i noticed that the lower speaker only used when it comes to notifications and incoming calls ..
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Dec 1, 2015
U can only hear people when my phone is on loud speaker. On my S6...
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