So I downloaded a few widgets and when I go to add them to my home screens they are not in the folder to add. I've downloaded a few different ones to be sure it wasn't just a one off incident and I am unable to add anything.
I have a brand new Nexus 6 and have been unable to find widgets that I was able to use on my HTC One M8. Is there something I need to do or or these no longer available? I only see very few selections (primarily Google-related). in my widget folder.
I just got my N6 today! I've been going through trying to get things just the way I like them, but I'm not seeing my favorite widgets. i.e. Weather Channel, Audible, Tasks, Brilliant Quotes and What am I missing? I'm coming from a S5. I did however find a widget for play music that I didn't have on S5, so that's cool.
I just got a brand new N5. So far so good but theres a couple of things that are bothering me... mostly the fact that widgets dont seem to self update at ALL!! When I tap on them they still work, but the actual widget stays the same.
I purchased a Nexus 6 phone about 9 months ago and installed many widgets. My software is up-to-date and AT&T is my carrier.
Everything was working fine until approximately 5-6 weeks ago when the widgets began freezing multiple times per day requiring a reboot to reactivate. When the widgets freeze - everything else works fine. I have gone through several exercises trying to determine the cause to no avail. I've removed all of the widgets and reintroduced one at a time, but can't pinpoint any one widget as being the issue. I currently use the following widgets: Weather Channel, The Score, Google Now, Calendar, Gmail and Flipboard.
I have a Chronus clock and an Accuweather widget that wil randomly stop updating. The only way to resolve this is to reboot the phone. The Chronus clock works ok, but the battery meter will randomly stop updating. The Accuweather wigdet will also stop. If I remove and re-add the Accuweather app, all I get is the "Loading" screen.
I am on a Nexus 6 on the T-Mo network. Currently running OS 5.1.1, build LYZ28J.
I'm running Cataclysm ROM (the Sept. 10 beta), Franco kernel, and I'm rooted and use Xposed. I receive this error when I try to add a card in Android Pay: "Android Pay cannot be used: Google is unable to verify that your device of the software running on it is Android compatible". I tried disabling root entirely and using RootCloak (Xposed) to hide root from Android Pay and Google Wallet, but I still can't use Pay. Wallet still works as it always has.
I had cynogen mod installed and my phone rooted. Then all of a sudden i get a boot loop. I tried to flash but I receive an error FAILED <unable to flash write>. im able to go into recovery and boot loader. In my team win recovery in the terminal I get multiple errors saying "E:unable to mount '/data", "E:unable to mount /ata/media/TWRP/ .twrps when trying to read settings file" ,"E: No valid storage partitions found for MTP" (when i try to enable mtp), "E:unable to mount '/persist" and "E:unable to mount storage"
When install the most recent updates (V5.003/5.004) of K9 the following error msg pops up: "Unknown error code during application install '-505'". I posted the problem in K9 mail forum in Google groups, the developer replied:
"A quick Google search suggests that you might have an app installed that defines the same permission as K-9 Mail defines. On Lollipop the system prevents the second app that defines a permission from being installed.
There's nothing we can do about this. Uninstall the other app (check the Android system log [keyword: logcat] to find out which) and tell its authors to not define K-9 Mail's permission."
Unfortunately I don't know how to "check the Android system log". Then i search Google, found and install an app known as "aLogcat". After open it no log shows up.
I've tried to set a voicemail number on my phone, but it will not save.
I've tried going to Voicemail > Setup > Voicemail Number, entered the number (1416) and then clicked ok.
The phone closes the dialog without displaying an error, but the voicemail number still reads as <Not Set> and the voicemail notification still says "Voicemail number unknown", though clicking on the option again shows 1416 already filled.
I have installed super beam to my nexus 5 mobile . Earlier I was using superbeam to send video files but now am facing an issue sending video files since super beam is crashing after clicked send button.
While texting a friend, I typed the message: "like 4 years" and the 4 came out in the superscript format for no reason. All I did was hold down the 'r' key, and let go once a 4 showed up. I sent the message, and they read it as the 4 being superscripted. I tried to recreate this accident, but was unable to. I kinda want to send superscript format messages, because that would look cool.
I have a Nexus 5, and I was using the 'Hangouts' sms system.
Not wanting to wait for the OTA update to appear on it's own, I downloaded the 5.0.1 OTA update directly and tried to do a adb sideload from my Mac but sadly I get a "device not found" after doing the adb reboot bootloader command. I do adb devices and indeed no devices are attached. So I entered recovery mode and still no device found and so I just start the Nexus 6 back up as normal. At that point, adb devices shows the Nexus 6 and so rinse and repeat - the device is not found while in bootloader. Must be doing something wrong since I was able to install 5.0 without any issue and it's already unlocked.
I am using a Nexus 5, and I am not able to set a launcher by default. I have downloaded, Hola launcher, Solo Launcher, APUS launcher and Nova Launcher. But except Google Now Launcher, nothing stays default. if this is some bug in the latest 5.1.1 upgrade.
So ever since yesterday I've been able to use WiFi. I was chromecasting something and while it was casting my phone went through a reboot, thought nothing of it since its happened lately. Well i think it did it a few times. Well I check my phone after my show is over and my WiFi is off., and I can't turn it on. I rooted my phone last night since it was unlocked already from when I had it rooted before. It's on Android 6.0 right now. I was getting a logcat error in reference to the wifistatemachine.
Recently i got careless and i accidentally cracked my nexus 5 screen after dropping it on the ground
Currently the touch screen works but there is a problem. I am unable to answer calls as the screen goes black and does not turn on again until the person has hung up or until i reset the phone. Also when i try to call out the screen turns black as well and exhibits the same symptoms as listed above.
From people who have had experience with cracked Nexus 5 screens, do you think replacing the digitizer + lcd will fix this issue or did i screw up something big
I tried this app that take a picture anytime the wrong password is entered "CM Locker" but since I have it, I have a little white star (Nexus 5 user) on top right corner of my phone, right across the Wi-Fi, the battery indicator and the clock. Now, I don't have CM Locker anymore, but that little star is still on my screen and I don't know how to delete it...
Yessterday my Nexus 5 battery drained out and instead of shutting down, it tried to restart and got stuck in the startup sequence with the dots floating on the screen. I went into bootloader mode and then into recovery mode where I saw the cache errors.
E: failed to mount /cache (invalid argument)
I started to read a bit more on fixing the issue and the first solution was to flash it with the stock cache.img. However, when I unlock the OEM using fastboot oem unlock and reboot the boot-loader, it is going back to the locked state. I'm not sure if I'm going wrong somewhere but I haven't been able to flash my phone yet with the stock rom.
I use both the Gmail inbox widget, which let's me preview and scroll through current mail without opening the Gmail app, and the Google Calendar widget which allows me to preview my calendar in agenda mode.
Both widgets have extreme lag in scrolling. Calendar has lag and sync/updating issues.
It was like this on my Edge (exchanged for regular S6) and on my new S6.
I'm stock unrooted and still waiting for the 6.0.1 update.
Starting yesterday, all of my widgets began just disappearing. I put them back, and and later in the day they're gone again. Three of them on two different home screens.
From last week my phone got stucked at boot(Google logo). I went to recovery mode-twrp and clicked factory failed saying that unable to mount storage.
And I also tried nexus tool kit, To flash lollipop stock rom, It say flash write failure..
And tried fastboot flash all.bat method also but not works...
After fully charging the phone yesterday, when I went out to get food, my phone shut down along the way and being unable to boot. My phone is running on stock 5.0 with no mods
At first, I was able to get to the colored dots loading screen but it would always get stuck there and shut off. Then I keep trying to restart it up and it got worse and worse, now I'm always stuck at the GOOGLE screen. I'm not sure if this is a boot loop issue as it just gets stuck at GOOGLE screen. I tried the recovery mode cache wipe and it gets stuck at the GOOGLE screen in the middle of the wipe.
So this morning, after fiddling around the power buttons some more, I am able to get the battery logo while charging, though it is weird that it shows 100% then completely drained the next minute or so. I try to load into the recovery mode again and this is what I see at the bottom
E: failed to mount /cache (invalid argument) E: Can't mount /cache/recovery/log E: Can't open /cache/recovery/log E: failed to mount /cache (invalid argument) E: Can't mount /cache/recovery/log E: Can't open /cache/recovery/log E: failed to mount /cache (invalid argument) E: Can't mount /cache/recovery/log E: Can't open /cache/recovery/log E: failed to mount /cache (invalid argument)
I'm not sure what to do at this point, I'm still in recovery mode but don't want to push any buttons yet as it was a real struggle to get to this point as I'm always stuck at the GOOGLE screen.
A few months earlier I went to Nokia care because my phone had an issue. The problem was not fixed, and my phone was replaced by another Nokia E5. In this phone whenever I try to uninstall some apps an error message "Removing cancelled" is appeared, and the app is not uninstalled. Following seven apps are problematic:
1. Twitter 2. MySpace 3. Bloomberg 4. AP Mobile 5. Chat Apps 6. Hi5 7. Friendster
I uninstalled these apps in my old phone without any problem. I have reset the phone many times, and I have the latest version of the firmware.
My Nexus 5, with default Google Keyboard, has stopped showing word suggestions. It used to work but doesn't anymore. The keyboard is not set to the same language as the system language.
For months I was happily using my Nexus 5 with a SoundID 300 earpiece. Pushing the call button went into a dialer dialog with voice prompts and responses. Suddenly a few weeks ago it started going to the Google Now (aka Google Search?) function (the one you get when you say "OK Google"). Although it will generally recognize the same voice commands as the dialer dialog, there are no voice prompts or responses, so if Google Now has crashed or decides to prompt on screen for "OK or Cancel", I have to get the phone out and look at it to see why it didn't dial.
Yesterday I did an update to several programs including Google and noticed major battery drain. I was not sure which program did it but checked Battery in Settings and saw it was the screen causing the drain. Apparently when the Google program updated, it changed the setting for automatic brightness adjustment to ON. I turned it off and the battery is fine. I keep brightness set to about one quarter to one third brightness. I think the battery life is great and I can easily get thru the day.
I'm sure many of you have heard that when you enter an incorrect pattern/PIN/password, eventually the phone asks for Google account credentials to unlock it. My Nexus 5 on 5.1.0 does not do this. Does yours? If my lock screen is set to PIN, I can enter as many incorrect attempts as I want, it never asks and never stops me. If I have a pattern set it will let me enter 10 incorrect attempts after which it simply stops me from trying for 30s, but it never asks for Google account credentials.