Galaxy S5 :: Contacts Disappearing Randomly

Jun 14, 2014

Some of my contacts disappear randomly, not sure if this is a common issue and if there is something to do to recover and fix problem?

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LG G3 :: Why Do Contacts Synced To Google Keep Disappearing Randomly

Dec 4, 2015

I'm using a LG G3 (LG D858HK) running Android 5.0.1. I'm saving my contacts to Google. Every now and then, some newly created contact info goes missing but I could find the telephone no in phone's call log as a unsaved number. If you check the Google Contacts, this particular contact is not there.

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Eseries / Communicators :: E7 - Exchange Contacts Randomly Disappearing?

Aug 18, 2011

I've got an E7 phone which is synchronized to my Exchange 2003/Outlook 2010 email account. Since I got this phone, I've had problems on multiple occasions with contacts simply disappearing - they are suddenly gone from both my phone and my Outlook account. I have a lot of contacts in my address book that I don't use regularly, so it's hard to know just how widespread the problem is. But three or four times over the last few months, a very important contact has disappeared, along with all the notes and information that I'd added.

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IPhone :: 4S Randomly Loses Contacts - Disappearing From Address Book

Mar 27, 2012

My iPhone 4S randomly loses contacts, even if I have re-entered them into the phone. Tonight 12 of the contacts I text to are no longer in my address book. Their text window just shows their phone number.

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Galaxy S6 :: Text Messages Disappearing Randomly

Apr 17, 2015

My Galaxy S6 has been great except for one huge problem I've noticed. Random text messages disappear. And they don't just disappear inconspicuously.. they disappear AS I'M READING THEM.

I will get a message, open up the messaging app, start reading it, get halfway through it, and BAM, the message vanishes and it never comes back.

Restarting the phone doesn't bring it back, it's just gone. I know that some messages disappear because I SEE them disappear, but what gets me is how many messages have a missed that have been sent, and my phone just makes them vanish before I read or even notice them?

Here's a video showing a message disappearing on my Galaxy S6.

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Galaxy S5 :: Contacts Keep Disappearing After 5.1.1?

Sep 17, 2015

Now my contacts disappear regularly from my S5. I can get them back only by restarting the phone. Error messages says has stopped. I'm running 5.1.1, and I can't haven't been able to tie the problem to any specific app.

I cleared the cache and did a factory reset a few weeks ago because my "back" and "menu" buttons weren't working. (They are still not working, but a separate app has given me a serviceable "back" button.) I cleared the cache again this week, but the contacts still disappear once or twice a day.

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Xperia Z5 :: Widgets Disappearing Randomly Upon Wake Up

Jul 4, 2012

Widgets all suddenly disappeared when unlocking the phone randomly? This has happened twice to me know on my Z5.

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HTC One M8 :: Email Randomly Disappearing From Stock Mail Client?

Oct 15, 2014

I have recently purchased myself and another of my colleagues an HTC One M8. We also have another colleague who has had an M8 for some time.

The two new devices I setup as ExchangeActiveSync accounts on the stock mail client. The other user has set his up as IMAP/SMTP. As a company we use office365 for our email solution.

Here is an example of the issues I am having:

This morning I received 11 emails, they all came into the inbox fine, I then received a 12th email. At this point the previous 11 emails were removed from the inbox. However all these email still remained on the server. It doesn't seem to have any pattern, it could be the first or the 20th email I receive and it doesn't always remove all the previous emails. It could just be the last 4 or 5. The Sync period was set to 30 days.

The other user who has the IMAP setting says he experiences the same issue and always has done.

I have tried other mail clients on the phone and they seemed to work, I also have the same account on a Google Nexus which works without issue.

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Nokia :: E71 Contacts Disappearing

Jan 21, 2010

I am using a Nokia E71.Some of my contacts have disappeared from my phone. They are not on the sim, phone or memory card; they have just disappeared.I have not connected my phone to my computer recently, so it isn't Nokia Ovi Suite which has deleted them via sync.I've taken the precaution of deleting Ovi Store from the installations on my phone, now I have Email from 3, Skype, Google and Windows Messenger.Please could somebody tell me why my phone is doing this and how to prevent it?

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IPhone :: Disappearing Contacts From New 4s

Mar 19, 2012

Just got a new iphone 4s. I haven't had a chance to upload my entire address book, but some of the contacts I have entered have disappeared. This is the second time this has happened and I haven't even had the phone a week yet. The first time, I thought that I just didn't save the info correctly... but only some of the contacts are missing, not all of them. I'd like to know what the issue is before I enter all of my contacts. Again, I haven't even plugged the phone into the computer yet, so it cant be a syncing issue.

iPhone 4S

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IPhone :: Contacts Are Disappearing One By One On 4s?

May 25, 2012

I noticed yesterday and today that contacts are disappearing one by one from my iPhone 4s. What is going on? I've read some of these other threads but turning off iCloud and merging and all that did not work. I haven't changed anything on my phone, the contacts are just suddenly disappearing little by little.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Contacts Keep Disappearing From 4s?

Jun 22, 2012

My contacts keep disappearing from my phone. How can I stop this?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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HTC One M7 :: Some Contacts Disappearing And Others Have Multiple Duplicates

Dec 19, 2013

I've have had my phone since May and I noticed something that is bothering me. Some of my contacts seem to be disappearing and others have multiple duplicates. What's the best way to add new contacts to the phone and sync them along with contacts already in the phone? I used to use gmail which worked awesome but didn't they stop syncing? For example if I add a new contact to my phone now it says "Contact Type" I then tap the bar and it gives me the option of adding the contact to "SIM", "Google", "Microsoft Hotmail", another address titled "Google" and "Phone" so which one should I choose? All I want is to make sure when I add a contact to the phone it gets synced with something else and I only want a single contact per person. How to accomplish that?

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IPhone :: Contacts Disappearing After 5.1.1 Update?

May 11, 2012

everytime i sync my iphone with itunes, the sync contacts is always unchecked and i have to click on the box to check it. should i be doing this all the time? and after updating my iphone to 5.1.1 , my contacts have been disappearing. i have an icloud account and a microsoft exchange account.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone 5s :: Number Of Contacts Disappearing

Aug 30, 2014

Sometimes I can see the number of contacts I have & sometimes I can't. Why is that ?

iPhone 5s

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BB Curve :: Contacts In Address Book Are Disappearing?

Jul 16, 2012

I have a curve, 8520. When I add a new contact to my address book, I find that it disappears when I remove the battery and reboot my phone or a few days later. However, older contacts that were saved on my previous phone, before I had my blackberry, do not get deleted. It is not the memory card as I tried saving a number without the memory card and the same thing happened.

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Xperia Z3 :: Contacts List Keeps Disappearing And Reappearing

Sep 6, 2012

My contact list keeps disappearing and appearing at will.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Contacts Disappearing From Favorites?

Dec 14, 2011

Now my contacts saved as my favorites are disappearing?This has happened numerous times. ***, Its like motorola did no testing whatsoever on this phone!

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Where Is RAM Disappearing

Sep 19, 2011

Recently updated to 2.3.4 KG6 (a month ago?), rooted with Chainfire auto-rooting kernel. Great. Still have TouchWiz4.0 and I presume stock ROM as I've not touched that. No problems until the last few days. Now it's started lagging occasionally when sliding between homescreens, and also opening and closing apps (this can take a couple of seconds).I've also noticed in the last few days on the Task Manager that the RAM usage is up from around 250MB to 550MB. I've checked the CPU loading/usage using 'OS Monitor' app and there's nothing unusual, just the Android System and a few unsurprising processes that pop up and go again.Battery life is average for 1650mAh, I use 'Battery Monitor Widget'. I'm running 'SetCPU' as the CPU/battery manager using a modified .txt file to set CPU speeds (doesn't always seem to work).

The only new apps I've put on the phone are '' and 'Signal Finder', which both don't appear to be running in the background. I don't have 'Sync' on at all and only manually sync when I'm @rsed to, and I've always left the background data on since I've had the phone so I can't see that that's the problem.

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Xperia Z2 :: Contacts App Links Contacts Randomly

May 29, 2013

I used the stock software for Sony Xperia Z2.
I am incredibly frustrated with the way the contacts app links contacts randomly and without my input. 
Every now and again I have to delete all the contect on the Contacts app so I stop getting the "unfortunatelly contacts has sttopped" messate.
Everytime i do it, the application decides to link together contacts that are not at all related following some random set of rules. Funny enough, the links the application decides to stablish don't happen in the same way everytime everytime I do it.
This means that I spend more time sorting my phone contacts than enjoying my "top of the range" phone. 
My Nexus S, more than four years old and running on 4.4.4, doesn't suffer any problems like this with the default contacts application.

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Galaxy S6 :: Music / Album Art Keeps Disappearing?

Apr 23, 2015

On my S6 i upload a lot of my ripped CD's in MP3 format from my PC. Using Google Play on my Nexus 5, since the album art (even if you have the art in the same directory as music) doesnt show need to use an app, so i use Album Art Grabber from the GPS.

On my Nexus 5, the only time i'd need to re-run to grab the artwork is if I added new i'd have to clear the Data from Google Play (Play Music), run Art Grabber and then run Google Play again. With the S6 however, im finding the artwork keeps disappearing every 24 hours or so. I keep having to re-run the Album Art grabber and cannot understand why. Never had this issue on my Nexus 5.

it happens with both Google Play and Stock Music player app, some cache clearing is happening over some hours and i cant figure it out.

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Galaxy S5 :: Why Photos Disappearing From Gallery

Jul 7, 2015

I have a s5 my problem started Friday afternoon every time I take a photo it goes to gallery as it should do then it will disappear nowhere to be found also if people send me photos or video's to, from Facebook or whatsapp then go to the file then all of a sudden they disappear too I am having to save everything on drop box before it deletes its self's.

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Galaxy S5 :: Text Messages Disappearing?

Aug 4, 2015

My Samsung Galaxy S5 will notify me I have a text and it shows up in the task bar. I can pull the task bar down to read it. After I close the task bar it's like the text never existed. The text does not show up in the messages app either.

I have tried clearing out the memory and several reboots. I also installed a virus protection program in case it was that. I went back to the plain messages app from the messenger plus, that did not do the trick either. Nothing seems to work.

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Galaxy S6 :: Received SMS Disappearing - Sometimes Shows Up Momentarily

May 2, 2015

I've had my SG6 for 4 days or so and yesterday I noticed that my received texts (using stock message app) have been disappearing. It will show a notification either on the lock screen or active screen and sometimes shows up momentarily upon opening the text but then disappears. I don't think it started happening until yesterday.

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Galaxy S6 :: Download Album Keeps Disappearing From Gallery

Nov 11, 2015

I've had my phone for 4 months (Verizon Galaxy 6, 64GB) and this started happening only a couple weeks ago. My Download album keeps disappearing from the Gallery, as do all the pics I've saved to it. When I start saving again, the album reappears and begins to store pics (in this case from emails) but after a few days I'll notice it's gone again.

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Galaxy S5 :: Pictures Slowly Disappearing From Phone Gallery

Dec 8, 2015

My wife recently noticed that several recent photos on her phone were missing. Over the course of several days more photos either disappeared or were corrupted.

I'm not sure if it's related but recently here phone screen starts to dim and flicker if charging or left alone for a little while.

Is there anything I can do to stop this apparent spread of corrupted data? I ran virus scanners and she is using only the internal memory, no extra SD card,

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Email Sending And Disappearing Messages?

Feb 3, 2012

I am on vodafone and my desktop email provider is talktalk. Problem is; I can receive but not send emails and the emails I do get seem to fade away suddenly.I have the social hub whatsit, Gmail and in the accounts section I have alonside talktalk. I am getting 2 lots of emails therefore side by side as it were.I get a 'cannot connect' message when I try to send.It may be that the phone is not set up correctly but the salesman told me it would auto connect.I would be happy just to have one mail source I could send and receive on but would like to keep talktalk on desktop if possible.

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Galaxy S6 :: Letters At The Beginning Of Words Disappearing Whilst Typing

Aug 19, 2015

Since the last update (August 2015), whenever I type some letters letters (one, sometimes 2) from the beginning of the word disappear before I can finish typing the word. This causes autocomplete to think I'm typing a completely different word.

E.g., I tried to type "think" - the "t" disappeared by the time I had gotten to the "i"(despite it initially appearing initially), making the phone think that the word is starting with "h", and leading to issues when I press space (despite typing think perfectly, the phone autocorrected to the nearest matching word starting with H as "h" was now the beginning letter)

This has only been an issue since updating my phone this week. I thought it might have been the swipe function messing up, but turning that off, it's still causing me issues when I type normally.

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Social Hub Icon Disappearing From Tray When Mounting USB Mass Storage?

Dec 2, 2011

I have an unrooted S2 running Android v2.3.4, which I connect to my PC using USB debugging off.I do this because I have the Widgetsoid app installed, and use it for one-click USB mass storage access on my PC when the phone is connected.when I connect via USB however (through Widgetsoid or the "clean" way though the Wireless Settings), my home screen seems to refresh, and the Social Hub icon I have at the bottom of the screen (along with Applications, Call and Contacts) vanishes. This happens every time I mount the mass storage, meaning I have to go into the application menu to drag it back into the tray and save it again, but the same repeats each time.

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IPhone :: 4s Randomly Deletes My Contacts?

Jun 20, 2012

Many of my new contacts will not stay stored in my 4s 32gb. I can save a number today and later not have a trace of that contact. ?? Do I have too many contacts in my Iphone. The memory available is 4 GB but I have 2,579 contacts now.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, 32 GB

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Contacts Randomly Get Deleted All The Time From IPhone

Jun 25, 2014

Every few nights or so I will get text messages from random numbers but then i realize it is actually someone in my contacts. I will go into my contacts and there will be absolutely nothing there. They randomly come back a few hours or days later but I am trying to figure out how to get this to stop in general.

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