Galaxy S5 :: Pictures Slowly Disappearing From Phone Gallery
Dec 8, 2015
My wife recently noticed that several recent photos on her phone were missing. Over the course of several days more photos either disappeared or were corrupted.
I'm not sure if it's related but recently here phone screen starts to dim and flicker if charging or left alone for a little while.
Is there anything I can do to stop this apparent spread of corrupted data? I ran virus scanners and she is using only the internal memory, no extra SD card,
I have a s5 my problem started Friday afternoon every time I take a photo it goes to gallery as it should do then it will disappear nowhere to be found also if people send me photos or video's to, from Facebook or whatsapp then go to the file then all of a sudden they disappear too I am having to save everything on drop box before it deletes its self's.
I've had my phone for 4 months (Verizon Galaxy 6, 64GB) and this started happening only a couple weeks ago. My Download album keeps disappearing from the Gallery, as do all the pics I've saved to it. When I start saving again, the album reappears and begins to store pics (in this case from emails) but after a few days I'll notice it's gone again.
I backed up all photos from my old phone Samsung s4 (which is now completely dead) and transferred them to the new one Samsung s6. Apparently they can be only seen on a APP called photos but not on my gallery. How can I move them.
I own a Samsung Galaxy S-5, and after a Samsung software update (performed on February 13, 2015) all of my pictures in my Gallery under my camera tab have disappeared. I called Samsung and they had me search the phone in several places to look for the pictures with no luck. Has anyone lost pictures after an update? How to find my photos? I did not have auto-back up on, but I do now.
Strange issue with my S6. The phone application takes 5-7 seconds to open every time. Once I am in the app there's no slow down. I have cleared the cache partition and restarted the phone. I have also cleared data/cache on all three 'Phone' apps. Not sure why there are three.
Version 5.02 ... The Gallery is not showing pictures that I download / save from a browser, or save an image from face book. I restore a bunch of photo's and put them in DCIM > Camera folder along with the other pictures I've take, but those don't show up either. The only pictures that show up in the gallery are those that I take with the Camera. I checked the other folders for the .nomedia file, and I don't see it.
I want to stop my whatsapp from saving sent pictures to my gallery, I have searched Google and have followed the instructions settings>chat settings>media auto download and I've stopped all the options (wifi, data) but they still save in the gallery once I accept the media to be downloaded ...
I have only had my Edge 4 days i noticed this morning my pictures were not showing in the gallery. I tried restarting and still not showing. They are on the device storage though. But i can not figure out how to get them back to the gallery. Strangely enough, the pictures I took yesterday are in the gallery.
I have called Tmobile and Samsung both Are unsure of the issue. This is my last effort to get the problem resolved with this phone before I reset it. How to resolve this or is a reset needed?
I was running out of storage, so I moved/deleted some pictures and albums, via My Files, and inadvertently deleted the instagram folder in my gallery. Now, none of the pictures I upload to instagram are being saved! I uninstalled, and re-installed instagram. Re-started my phone, but still not saving... i even created a new folder entitled Instagram, but it won't save there. I don't know what else to try.
Why most but not all of my pictures are gone from the gallery. Only had about 25. Today I have 6. I don't have them going to another service. I saw another person had this problem a week or so ago. Can't find an answer. Is this just a bug in android? My albums aren't hidden. How do I find the files on my phone? New to android.
I have deleted a couple of albums from the with pictures taken with the phone. How can i recover these ?...not on cloud, etc...only in Gallery.
Yesterday I bought a 16GB sd card and i inserted it into my phone samsung S5 and then I went to a party and I took some pictures which were automatically stored in sd card . when I came back to home I took out my SD card and reinserted it then my pictures were not visible in gallery . I checked into the my file folder in which opened sd card folder and checked everywhere there were not photos but some files which i opened and it wasn't opening there was written that no apps can perform this action . i switched the phone off and then restarted it no picture is visible. what is the solution ? how can i get my photos again?
Yesterday I recorded a video and then when I tired to watch it, it wouldn't let me. The gallery app would freeze or it would come up blank. So I tired the video app and it played for like 2 seconds and freeze as well. I cleared the cache, forced the app to stop and I turned it off a bunch of times and still nothing.
I have N95 8Gb. After installing GPS programm Sygic, I found in my Gallery 20 icons from this program. How I can remove them from Gallery, but not from phone ? And how I can restrict Gallery for showing pictures only from one folder ?
I was saving my Samsung Galaxy S5 holiday pictures onto a micro SD card, but nearly all can only be seen as an icon that looks like a lightning bolt going through a Droid image. If I open "My Files" in the Applications folder, the photos are present (but not visible) as jpeg files. When I open the SD card in my PC each jpeg is present as a 2GB file (approx.), but again, can't be opened. How do I get to se my holiday snaps?
i loaded an app called "CLEAN SWEEP, and " Whats APP".. does any one of these apps change some properties that are hard to find that now makes any of my pictures i download from my messaging app, or camera go straight to "MY FILES" instead of showing in MY GALLERY like they used to do. I have deleted the old download folder to see if it wold start a new one , and it did, but still is not showing up in my gallery, just my files. the only pics showing up in my gallery are the ones on my sd card.
I opened my gallery a few days ago to find that it was cluttered up with a lot of advertisements in the form of videos and pictures. There where about 10 - 20 of these and how they got there.
I don't download many apps at all, when I do I try be very careful to make sure they aren't harmful for my phone.
Before these ads had appeared though, I had installed two games. Knowing about how some apps will abuse permissions to do unwanted things and I assumed the culprit to be the most recent game I had downloaded, because I thought that I saw one of the same ads saved that had popped up in the game and the timing of this happening after a new app installed indicated it was this game.
I was annoyed that my phone had been exploited and deleted these pictures/videos, uninstalled the app and left a bad review explaining it saves ads on your phone.
Well I thought that was the end of it. Today I open my gallery and what do I see? Yep. More damn ads saved! Not so many this time though, there's about 4. So I realized that it wasn't the game at all, it is uninstalled and gone but the ads are still being saved. You could say I promptly made some "minor adjustments" to my review. :P
I decided to do a scan with AVG thinking that will find whats doing this but it didn't find any threats. So now I am seriously wondering how these ads are being downloaded onto my phone without my consent, using my data, storage space and cluttering my gallery up.
I have installed a custom rom on my samsung s6, so far I like it but I am still testing it.I came a few errors and would like to know how to fix them.
When I go to gallery on a video and click the editor, i get an error "gallery has stopped working"When I go to settings>fingerprints, I get the following error "attention an error has occurred with the fingerprint sensor, if this message persists repeatedly, restart your device"...
I had to reset my phone. I then reloaded the camera photos I had taken before into dcim/camera. When I look in the gallery there are no thumbnails of these photos.How can I get the phone to recreate the thumbnails?
My phone seems to have run out of memory - it is filled with movies and photos. Those photos have safely synced to my google online account picasa or photos. google .com. How do I remove them from my phone but keep them in Pcasa or google photo?
I went previously to settings, application mgr, Galaxy apps,cleared cach/data, forced stop. I went back to galaxy and tried to delete pictures and it still won't let me delete and "unsupported file" continues to come up. What can I do to get these pics of my phone?
I'm trying to clear my phone storage but it won't let me access the gallery?I have a fullstorage on my Galaxy S6 32G, and I'm really trying to clear a lot of photos which are about 6,000... the problem is, that every time I log onto the gallery app, it atomically tells me I have to clear my files and redirects me to the files app, where it tells me the same thing any time I click on any photo. It's telling me to clear filea while not allowing me to see any, how can I?
I have a 1520 with a 64gb memory card. For some reason, when I take photos and videos...sometimes they disappear....randomly.....I also get black screens where the photo and video should appear under camera roll.