Eseries / Communicators :: Exchange Outlook Web Access Email?
Dec 29, 2011why there is no support for OWA in Nokia ! while Ihpone have the outlook pro app for OWA.and Blackberry can configure an OWA without activesync!
View 2 Replieswhy there is no support for OWA in Nokia ! while Ihpone have the outlook pro app for OWA.and Blackberry can configure an OWA without activesync!
View 2 RepliesWhen someone sends me an invitation from an exchange/outlook account to my E7 email account I am unable to accept this. What should i do to enable this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI had setup and Active Exchange account for my Gmail (this way I could also sync my mail, calendar, and todo lists easily). Everything was working smoothly, until I installed the Mircrosoft Apps update yesterday. Now I can no longer get this to work. It says my Inbox is empty and never finds any mail. It did work yesterday after I deleted the mail account re setup the active exchange account. But then last night I turned my phone off and this morning when I had turned it on, the account email inbox was all blank/empty. The Calendar was still synced though.Now I am trying to re setup the account, and its not working at all.(Nokia E7 Belle phone)
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to cancel "Confidential Notice" whan I send an EXCHANGE email ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI keep getting an error stating; "Unable to add account. Please check your information and try again."Now, I'm not sure what my Mailbox name is.I was told to log in on my computer's browser to my work email via Outlook Web Access and put the cursor over the inbox to read the name on the bottom of the screen.This is all it reads: "https://webmail.(companyname).com/owa/#. What do I use for the mailbox name?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm using E72 Mail for Exchange for by business e-mails. Today I noticed that some of the e-mails, I sent from my E72, are sent with missing text. At first I thought it was about size of e-mail but it looks independent of size. Because there are some messages that sent 10 words only.
View 2 Replies View Relatedmy exchange mail tooks too much time to open any mail or toggle between mails, i do not know why, and it made the mobe hanges some times and close the mail automatically, kindly note that the mobile version is updated.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIam using Nokia E6. Its been 1 month i purchased it and iam facing a lot of problems. battery heating up, audiojack not working properly, frequently getting hanged..So iam thinking to replace my mobile. Is there any exchange offers in nokia?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using Bold 9900. Last time I can sending and receiving email from my work by using my BB device. Due to security policies I'm no longer able receive email from my work. I have to register my name (as blackberry user) and meet the company policies before able to receive push mail from exchange server.Since my Bold not provided by the company (this is my personal phone) so I don't want to meet the company policies as my office mate using Iphone, Android and Windows phone do not meet the policies at all for their personal phone and no problem with sending and receiving email.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn my nokia e72-1 model, with firmware version 091.003 and mail for exchange Buld: 3.00.000,When I add mail box, it is getting added properly and even conects to the exchange server, but it does not download any mail to the mobile.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBut for some reason my Mail for Exchange widget is not displaying how many mails and the like have come in, The 'Tasks' Widget works fine - showing the 3 most current
why the Mail widget Just shows the Mail for exchange title??
We have 5 Blackberry Bold 9700. We purchased these phones so that our engineers and sales guys can access their emails away from the office.Earlier this week our email server was taken offline for maintenance and all the Blackberrys asked us to validate our email accounts. It has asked us to do this before and we simply re-entered the details and away we went.Not this time though. Despite passwords, exchange address, usernames remaining the same we still consistently get the following error message.Invalid email address or password. Verify your email address and password. If the error persists, contact I can access my emails via the exchange via the internet using the same details that i am putting into the blackberry so i know that they do work. Just can't get the blackberry to receive my emails.I am not to tech minded but i do have an IT team inhouse that manage the exchange server.I have spoken to vodafone who also tried to setup the email account their end but got the same error message.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have problems with repeating calendar events.I create event 1.6.2011, repeating every week for one year. I have set in phone to remove calendar events older than 3 week.After 3 week from 1.6.2011 all events from that repeating meeting are deleted from phone, including events which are in future.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to completely delete / remove your existing MFE account on an E72?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI got a E72 that stops syncronize with exchange server. When pressing synchronize it connects but no new mails, contacts or bookings arrives. And no error info. The only way to solve the problem is to delete the profile and add it again, thet it works. I got the error now for the second time during 2 month.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy E52 stops synchronising with Exchange after approx 10-14 days. Works perfectly for a while after initial sync, then after said period I just notice that sync of all objects (e-mail, contacts etc.) stops. No warnings, no error messages. All settings seem intact.
Only thing that works is a factory reset and setting everything up from scratch again.
I've got an E7 phone which is synchronized to my Exchange 2003/Outlook 2010 email account. Since I got this phone, I've had problems on multiple occasions with contacts simply disappearing - they are suddenly gone from both my phone and my Outlook account. I have a lot of contacts in my address book that I don't use regularly, so it's hard to know just how widespread the problem is. But three or four times over the last few months, a very important contact has disappeared, along with all the notes and information that I'd added.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering is it possible to set up multiple ActiveSync accounts to E7 running Nokia Belle?I'd like to use 2 Google Calendars that are on differents accounts.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a problem starting the Exchange ActiveSync on my E-7. I tried many times but it can not synchronise the mails from my Microsoft Outlook,can not send or recieve mails or says " cannot connect to the server ,check connection settings ". I made it working on my N95,it took me less then 5 min,and it works fine but not on E7.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've purchased an E7 yesterday and proceeded to try to get Mail for Exchange set up with work.When I entered the value for the "Server name" I entered (the equiv of) The connection failed to connect and I suspect I should have simply put the domain name (not the owa bit) BUT when I go to "Options > Settings > Mail for Exchange > Mailbox" I cannot change the "Server name" field - tapping it does nothing.More generally, I CAN edit: { Mail, Password, Include Signature } and I CANNOT edit { Mailbox, Username, Servername, Domain).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was told the E7 does not manage multiple calendars on an exchange account. True ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedE72 MfE sync problems after latest firmware, just wanted to add detail from admin_log1.txt (Nokia?) troubleshoot.Problem started as soon as I took latest firmware 031.023. Formatted memory card, *#7370# hard reset, reinstall f/w and still MfE fails to sync. Via a Blackberry and IPhone sync works fine, via phone browser to Outlook OWA access works fine too, so I'm assuming Activesync is fine server-side but something broken in new build.
"Mail for Exch. Build 2.02.000
Device software 031.023 31 Mar-2010
(C) Nokia
Device model E72-1
Serial number = xxxxxxx
KEASErrSvrSyncFailed While decoding the server response. So just continue with other collections
Starting a new ping
Server indicates that collection sync is required. After sync restart ping
start E-mail sync
Failed to decode XML document
Nothing to sync
end Email sync"
On my E7-00, I have two mailboxes - Yahoo and Mail for Exchange.Is it possible to change the font size in the Exchange client?The font size is huge (looks absurd on the big screen), and it is much larger than the display of the Yahoo mails. This means I have to keep taking my glasses on and off when switching between the two!I cannot find any settings to change the font.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy mail for exchange has locked up. The little wheel icon spins but it does not update. I normally just find the "full resync" option that deletes the content and then resyncs. This generally fixes any glitch. I did a software update last week and I have spent about 3 hours trying to find it. My software version is 211.12.01 date 31-03-01 custom version date 26-08-10 I got this from *#0000#Can anyone tell me the how to access the full resync and if as I have heard rumoured it is no longer available how do you now achieve a resync?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got Nokia E75 and tried to set up my Hotmail via Microsoft Exchange (since hotmail allows to do this). But every time it sync, I receive the following error "Unable to sync. Contact administrator if problem persists." All my data including calendar, contacts and also received mail, is synced except sent e-mails. I really need all this stuff being synced!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am delete Mail for exchange from my Nokia e5-00, but I need it's again where I can download that? I try [URL]but all version give error when install on ovi store write "Sorry, this item is not available for the Nokia E5-00."when I change model to e72, e71, e63 and other I get "not available"
View 7 Replies View RelatedOVI prompted me to download an app to improve mail for exchange display from 'text' display but now with my emails I get a message saying "Security policy that allows downloading HTML messages is disabled" but I cannot find a way to enable for HTML.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to know what are the latest builds for the Mail For Exchange, but also the mail client on the E72. Any ideas from where to find it? Mail For Exchange homepage did not had that information, which is so strange...
View 1 Replies View Relatedi replaced my iphone 4s with a new iphone 4s and it works fine except i cannot get access to email because it keeps asking for my exchange password and i dont know what it is. i only have perosanal email.
iPhone 4S
Our company purchased 12 Nokia E71 phones and they are using exchange for e-mails. What is happening is that our new company e-mail signature now includes our logo, our group logo and 6 small boxes which are hyperlinked to redirect back to our corporate site when clicked on. I have brought the overall signature as far down as 120kbs which is fine for a desktop email client, but when staff are using their phone to open up an internal e-mail which contains the signature, the phone hangs for about 1min with a progress bar that simply states "opening". This is a concern for the company as it would mean higher data charges for field users.
I assumed that the phone only read e-mails in plain text, but appears to be downloading the whole message (I think). When I open the test email and see the message details on the phone...the Nokia says 24kb. am I right in thinking that the phone is not in fact downloading the full message but only the text portion which is 24kb's??
Does the Nokia E71 supports multiple mail for exchange accounts?
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