Eseries / Communicators :: 71 Has No Option To Connect To Vodafone Internet
Nov 9, 2011
My Nokia E71 is currently running on 3 software and is not showing my Vodafone internet. When i open up my web browser on my Nokia is asks me where i would like to connect to and i receive the following options: 'MMS' 'Mobile Internet' and 'Planet 3', all of which i have tried and no luck. I have a pre-paid plan on Vodafone which allows 500MB free data. On my previous E63, i presume it was running on vodafone software because it had shown an option to connect to my Vodafone Internet.
I have a brand new E72. I have set up MS Exchange, Gmail and a POP3 accounts.
The problem is that my phone keeps on asking me 'Select Connection' if I want to connect using Wifi, WAP or Internet. First of all, I do not know which app requires the connection. This is definitely a UI improvement! How can I know which app requires the connection!
Let's assume it is my mails accounts which try to connect (I have played with the Control Panel / App Manager). The issue is I cannot find how to tell my mail accounts I want to force the connections to Vodafone Internet 'Contract Internet'.
It seems that I can only select the connection point for my first email account and not for the remaining ones.. Is that correct? That's a bug.
My phone is Nokia E6. I've installed Nokia Suite (v: 3.6.36) on my pc.I connect usb cable to E6 and pc. Run Nokia Suite. And then I connect my pc to internet. I expect E6 will connect too but it's just not working.
I just got the phone and I was wondering if anyone can please help me connect to the interent without having to find a wireless hotspot! Its really annoying! Whenever I try to use the browser it says 'connecting' then 'select connection' and the only option it gives me is 'search for WLAN'.
I have a Nokia e6. I have Nokia Ovi Suite installed on my PC. I wish to access my phone's interent on my desktop computer through Bluetooth. I don't know how to set it up.
I just updated my E6 to v25.007 and now I can't connect to the internet. When I want to connect to the internet, a message pops up with this message: "connection failed, access denied". I tried different settings and also different sim cards. I even can't connect with WiFi, it gives the same message.
i've just bought a Blackberry Curve PAYG - i am trying to set it up, it won't connect to the internet with the vodafone browser or with WiFi, it won't let me set up personal e-mail its only giving me the choice of the business activation thingy and it won't send text messages even though i have checked i ahve credit!!
i was wondering if there is any screensaver option for Nokia E5-00.I have been searching all through my nokia E5-00 for that option but cant find it.I even tried downloading third party screen saver software but it wont work.
I added a wired handset some time ago, before used to have the "Loudspeaker" option while in calls appear on the bottom right of the screen, now its gone - even when not connected to a handset and in a call. now I have to do a left button click go into options and turn loudspeaker on, its much more cumbersome.
I have seen the option before, and it is in the manual, but neither of my E72s (both with latest s/w) will format the card, either as it was, with 14GB data, or formatted in Windows (7) and clean as the proverbial whistle.
Few days back i purchaced a E72 with a hope that I would be able to read my PDF. But to my disappointment every time I have to either scroll let or right to read it. The REFLOW option is missing. The version that it shows me is Adobe Reader LE 2.5.202 Nokia_S603.0. Please let me know hw do I get reflow done .Its really disgusting that nokia does not provide a Reflow Option for such application.
I switched from Blackberry to Nokia.Earlier with my Blackberry phones I was able to open password protected files by supplying the password, but with my new E6-00, it doesnot give me an option of entering the password.It should provide you with an option of entering the password, as this is being marketed by Nokia as a smartphone?
Is there an easy way to search for a song (except browsing the albums and songs) in the library in E6 with Belle? The player was very simple and efficient in E63, E72, but now it's very complicated.
I have updated my E63 mobile software and after that loudspeaker option is not coming while start of call. it comes only after connecting to caller (when ringing tone comes). Ealier (when software not updated) there was not any problem.
My mail for exchange has locked up. The little wheel icon spins but it does not update. I normally just find the "full resync" option that deletes the content and then resyncs. This generally fixes any glitch. I did a software update last week and I have spent about 3 hours trying to find it. My software version is 211.12.01 date 31-03-01 custom version date 26-08-10 I got this from *#0000#Can anyone tell me the how to access the full resync and if as I have heard rumoured it is no longer available how do you now achieve a resync?
Am having a problem in E-7 that it does not supprt EDIT LABEL option in Contacts since I use many numbers in a single entry.We have edited and remove your email address on your post, personal details like IMEI/Mobile number/real name etc.
In my New Nokia E72 White Edition Advanced VoIP Settings option missing.Control Panel< Connectivity<Net Setting< Download< ?In net setting folder only Download is show and when open Download -Refresh two item show,1 Chat 2 Microsoft Commun.And how to make SIP Profile to make Internet call.I have Nokia E72 and Nokia C7 Astound.I am wating for solution
can any one tell me where i can find Power Saving option on Nokia E6 after upgrade from Anna to Belle , coz without power saving enable its giving me one whole day.
My previous sony ericsson phone had a PC companion startup screen which included the option 'Connect to Internet'. This new Xperio neo V, when you start PC companion does not offer this, only Support Zone, Contacts Setup, Media Go, Sync Zone and File Manager. What has happened to the 'Internet Connect' option? This was very useful for connecting a PC to the internet.
I'm trying to use my E52 as a modem. I connect it to the PC, I select internet access. The installer comes up, I install the software. Unfortunately, Nokia PC Internet Access says it could not find a Nokia device connected to the PC. (**bleep**, you were installed from it, right now.) If I reconnect E52 to the PC, Nokia PC Internet Access has a completely black window. It pops up another window "Updating..." saying "Installer has found some installed components which are older than those in device's memory. There components will be updated." The progress bar remains at 0% and nothing happens. Cannot even cancel the installation.
I have a SIM card with GPRS enabled from KPN. I have tested if Web is working fine using a Nokia C6 - after factory reset - the APN was created automatically for the KPN SIM - and I could browse the internet using C6. I have noted down the details of the APN on the C6.Now I have taken my E7. Inserted the same KPN SIM card. Removed all destination and added manually the APN for KPN. After this I have restarted (turn off / on) once. Then I tried the Web application. It gives "Web: Unable to perform operation".Why does my internet work on C6 and not on E7?
I'm using E72 and I have this kind of problem. How to turn on or off for internet connection in E72? I'm also using Iphone 3GS and it has a turn on/off button for cellular data. Does E72 has this kind of button?
i want to connect my laptop to internet by using my nokia e71 wifi because my have no wifi. how can i connect my laptop to internet by using mobile wifi?