Eseries / Communicators :: Cannot Browse Internet Using E7-00
Jun 18, 2011
I have a SIM card with GPRS enabled from KPN. I have tested if Web is working fine using a Nokia C6 - after factory reset - the APN was created automatically for the KPN SIM - and I could browse the internet using C6. I have noted down the details of the APN on the C6.Now I have taken my E7. Inserted the same KPN SIM card. Removed all destination and added manually the APN for KPN. After this I have restarted (turn off / on) once. Then I tried the Web application. It gives "Web: Unable to perform operation".Why does my internet work on C6 and not on E7?
I noticed a weird bug or limitation in my E72s PDF reader. When I open a large PDF file, I can't seem to browse past page 151. Manually nor using 'go to'. My firmware is 22.007, latest for my region (Netherlands). Trying to read any PDF eBook should do it.
I'm trying to use my E52 as a modem. I connect it to the PC, I select internet access. The installer comes up, I install the software. Unfortunately, Nokia PC Internet Access says it could not find a Nokia device connected to the PC. (**bleep**, you were installed from it, right now.) If I reconnect E52 to the PC, Nokia PC Internet Access has a completely black window. It pops up another window "Updating..." saying "Installer has found some installed components which are older than those in device's memory. There components will be updated." The progress bar remains at 0% and nothing happens. Cannot even cancel the installation.
I have a brand new E72. I have set up MS Exchange, Gmail and a POP3 accounts.
The problem is that my phone keeps on asking me 'Select Connection' if I want to connect using Wifi, WAP or Internet. First of all, I do not know which app requires the connection. This is definitely a UI improvement! How can I know which app requires the connection!
Let's assume it is my mails accounts which try to connect (I have played with the Control Panel / App Manager). The issue is I cannot find how to tell my mail accounts I want to force the connections to Vodafone Internet 'Contract Internet'.
It seems that I can only select the connection point for my first email account and not for the remaining ones.. Is that correct? That's a bug.
My phone is Nokia E6. I've installed Nokia Suite (v: 3.6.36) on my pc.I connect usb cable to E6 and pc. Run Nokia Suite. And then I connect my pc to internet. I expect E6 will connect too but it's just not working.
I just got the phone and I was wondering if anyone can please help me connect to the interent without having to find a wireless hotspot! Its really annoying! Whenever I try to use the browser it says 'connecting' then 'select connection' and the only option it gives me is 'search for WLAN'.
I'm using E72 and I have this kind of problem. How to turn on or off for internet connection in E72? I'm also using Iphone 3GS and it has a turn on/off button for cellular data. Does E72 has this kind of button?
i want to connect my laptop to internet by using my nokia e71 wifi because my have no wifi. how can i connect my laptop to internet by using mobile wifi?
Just got my new Nokia E6 out of the box. It does connect to my WEP+WPA2 secured WLAN, but I cannot access the Internet with it. Nor with the browser or with any other app. I can access the internet via my 3g connection (I live in a kind of rural area where no 3G is available).
My E71 keeps connecting to the in internet via mobile 02 everynight automatically(strangely always around 2 mins past midnight) Its cost me sixty pounds over the last 2 months. I've uninstalled most of my downloads incase one of them was automatically connecting for updates but this has made no difference. The other night I switched the phone off at midnight but it still connected when I turned it back on. I've rung 02 and they've said it must be to do with a setting on the phone
I am unable to disconnect the (active data connection) using my nokia E5 under 'connection manager -disconnect ' for more than 1 minute, it will re-connect itself after 30 seconds. I am worried of incurring unnecessary data roaming charges when abroad, and shortening of battery life for programmes running in background using internet connections when not-in-use.
My E7 worked fine untill a few weeks ago it started to loose 3G internet connection regularly. I have set the settings in the way that it should be always connected, but most of the time you can see the symbol of two broken arrows instead of two intact arrows.
I've only just discovered the E63 and purchased one. The phone seems pretty nifty, not that I need all those bells and whistles. I'm having a problem with the MMS, GPRS / WAP settings for Optus Prepaid. When I popped in my sim card when first turning the phone on, I was automatically sent these 'settings'. I was able to find my way onto the Ovi store and downloaded a few themes, so it must have been working. Now, it won't connect at all, less than two days later.
I've been exploring the phone, but I haven't fiddled with any of the internet settings, nor MMS. I've contacted Optus and awaiting a reply, and have been onto the Zoo website to send myself the settings, but the phone won't recognise them and the settings pop up as a text message that the phone is telling me I cannot open, and there is no option to save them.
i am using my e52 to connect to the internet through my PC. When i use 3g, everything works. As soon as i enable high speed 3.5g (HSDPA) the following happens:
* I can surf the internet for 1 - 2megs, then it stops working (dns problems)
* Skype continues to work and i can chat and make video calls
* tracert fails after the first hop
I called my service provider thinking there was a problem with the HSDPA network in the area, they send someone out, he tested with a USB modem and it worked well, he also checked all the settings .ect on the phone/pc & left with a confused look on his face. We also swapped SIM cards.checked other things like good signal, latest software patches, drivers?
I've got some channels saved in my favourites but can't figure out how to change the volume. With FM, it's obvious but not so (to me anyway!) with internet radio.
This problem just started last night, I've not been able to get onto any other site other than Facebook, if I try and get to either a bookmarked website or just another the browser just turns off.Seeing I don't really want to spend that much time on Facebook has anyone got any idea of what might be wrong and how I could fix it?
I always used the program Nokia Internet Radio on my E51.Trying to update the software, I uninstalled from the phone.I went to the link in Ovi Store, and I began the installation: it tells me"Nokia Internet Update 1.00(1)".It seems all ok, but, after "Completed Installation", the phone proposes me to delete"Internet Radio" (probably the same application?) and the old icon of the programdoes nothing.I don't see any new icon in the InstalledPrograms folder.
i need to start a modem connection via my usbmodem e52. this connection is not for internet but is used only to connect to another modem at 9600 baud and to use as hyperterminal. I have created my connection but unfortunately the phone doesn't start the connection i receive an erro from the pc. How can i do?
I have got the latest software on the phone. Internet keeps freezing and I have to restart the phone at least once a day. I only browse a straight forward forum and facebook so it should be able to cope. I could never watch you tube or any web site with a lot of pictures. I have deleted cookies/history etc. Is it my internet connection that makes the phone freeze or is it the phone itself.
My Nokia E71 is currently running on 3 software and is not showing my Vodafone internet. When i open up my web browser on my Nokia is asks me where i would like to connect to and i receive the following options: 'MMS' 'Mobile Internet' and 'Planet 3', all of which i have tried and no luck. I have a pre-paid plan on Vodafone which allows 500MB free data. On my previous E63, i presume it was running on vodafone software because it had shown an option to connect to my Vodafone Internet.
today my e52 froze, was up to date (051.018) so i reinstalled the software using the nokia ovi suite. my phone turned on a again, no problem everything seemed oke until i noticed the folder 'internet' was now called 'web' and i can't put the shortcuts to facebook and Internet there anymore. a second thing that had changed is the folder gps disappeared. and now the 3 apps who were in there are just in the app's folder
I want to connect my nokia e 63 to internet via bluetooth but I don't know how. More exactly I didn't found gnubox working or another program or something...but only via bluetooth...
I am using Nokia E 71 and all of a sudden I am getting alert like 'Phone memory is full. Delete some data from Phone memory to received SMS'. I haven't installed anything recently in Phone memory and storage of my SMS' is also memory card. All other programs are installed in memory card. I use to browse website heavily on my phone and I think it is causing memory to be filled up due to heavy flash work.