I have reset my phone. Tried everything. still it wont connect.When i have net pack it wont connect at all.Other times sometimes it connect and then it doesnt.Says packet data not available.
I'm using Nokia C2-03 from a month When I tried to connect internet on my PC using Nokia PC suite it showing a message "There's a problem with connecting to TATADOCOMO" Even I tried with manual settings but no use While using on mobile it connects well?
I've been having some connection problems lately for no apparent reason. One day, my connection settings went hiwire and changed, though no one had fun messing with them. I re-applied the connection settings, but my phone keeps randomly disconnecting from the Internet. I usually turn it off and restart it in order to get connected once again. But in a couple of hours, the problem resurfaces.
I've bought Nokia c3-00 for almost two weeks but still couldn't connect to the wlan, internet, mail, chat or community. Every time I try to connect this message always appears "Temporary Network Problem" and "Link Not Available." Only the Bluetooth that works well. Is it because my phone has some problem or my network provider doesn't provide proper service for me?
My C6 connects to my wifi connection successfully and passes the internet connectivity test too.. However once its connected it does not open any page, marketplace don't open, facebook don't work.. All show "Cannot connect to server".
I am connected to Wi-Fi but unable to connect to the internet like FB,Yahoo or other websites. My sister used to connect to wifi but now that I am using her handset, I cannot do so.
I've bought a N97 mini and I'm very happy with it.However in the past week until now, I can't connect to the internet unless i connect via wireless lan.With GPRS i can't.I open the browser, it shows me on the top left corner the phone is trying to make a connection and then hangs up after 3seconds.
1 - I've check the definitions with my service provider
I am having trouble fixing my BB Curve 8520, I can connect to my Wi-fi (home) but everytime I use the browser it says Cannot connect to the internet. Please contact your service provider, which I did.What could have happened to my device? What settings should I change to get back on using my BB to connect to the internet?
i purchased nokia c5-03 4 months back.. wenevr i try 2 connect 2 internet, a mesg is displayed connection not available.. restarted it many tyms and i have received gprs settings many times frm airtel and saved dem bt d problm is still nt solved...
my son managed to restore my factory settings on my Nokia c3-00 now my browser wont open the home page wont open...I have no configuration settings no games (the folder just says empty) theres pretty much nothing there not even calculator.
I recently deactivated my Blackberry Bold 9000 (v4.6.0.304 operating system) from AT&T since I ported my cell phone number to US Cellular who had better coverage in my region. I'd like to continue using my Blackberry Bold 9000 as a free wi-fi only internet access device and install the Google Voice app so my kids could text message and make phone calls via the Google Voice app and phone's wi-fi connection. While my BB Bold is able to connect to our home wi-fi network like in the past it doesn't successfully connect to the internet and gives me the following message: "Unable to connect to the internet, please try again later."
I've lost all Internet capabilities on my C7; it happened two weeks ago when I went to the middle of nowhere and had no reception whatsoever, upon returning to civilisation the normal phone reception returned fine but the Internet and email will not work at all - it won't pick up previously recognised wi-fi networks and won't connect through my WAP either.
It has happened before but always came back within a day or so, but as said this has now lasted two weeks and absolutely nothing.
I just bought nokia C3-00 and now suffering from a problem.
Problem: Default browser works but any other apps like opera mini, facebook chat, ovi store etc doesn't works, it says network problem ( can't connect).
I have Airtel GPRS..and i don't use airtel live account, i use mobile office account.
I got this new phone a couple of weeks ago on PAYG,My money was disappearing fast, when I looked at the phone it either had a G in the top corner or an E.I've set the phone to ask before connecting to the internet, but this still doesn't seem to work.I've got facebook and email on my home screen,When i do go onto the internet the phone asks me to connect, even though it has and E or G in the top let corner.
My C7 keeps connecting to the internet several times a day, before it closes the connection it plays a notification sound the same as when new email has been received and closes the connection, no other notifications are visible. I have several email accounts set up on the phone but automatic synchronization is turned off on all of them. I checked everything I could think of like other applications running in the background but could find nothing.
I have just had a Nokia C7 everything is great other than when I connect to the internet via an application such as ovi store, email, facebook etc when I exit the application the phone does not disconnect automatically, I have to manually disconnect via connection settings myself. Sometimes In forget to do this and run up a lot usage.
I have bought a C2-01 phone for use away from my home country and wish to disable all access to the internet as it would be extremely expensive. In Menu/Settings/Connectivity/Packet Data/Packet data conn./ I only have 2 selections "When needed" or "Always online", what is missing is "Never". The trouble is there are lots of internet accessing options within the phone menu system that use the internet and if you accidentally select one it will go "online" without asking.
I am using nokia c3 mobile in which I use an app Whatsapp. I want to use it only through wifi but when I am out of wifi area Whatsapp starts using the data of sim. So I want to completely switch off the internet on my mobile such that the only way to use internet is through Wifi.
I tried steps given in manual and websites but failed. First it tries to connect with Vodafone network but then after sometime it says "Failed"..In Nokia Device indication showz it is connecting to internet as it does without PC..but does not get connected.i have taken Vodafone mobile connect package and after disconnecting it showz some data transfer but in PC no it always says Connect failed...and when i try to connect second time it says..Sim Card Missing..i have updated all Nokia Suite and Nokia Device software and i have purchased it in Sep 2011 with 5 megapixel camera.
A few months ago I went on a holiyday abroad. Before I went, I tryed to shut down my internet from my Nokia C6 (3G-connection). I went to the following map:Settings > Connectivity > (Don't know the word they choose in Engels, but it will be something like: Destionations or Objectives or Goals.) > Internet.There I made a new wrong port and removed all the working ports I had. So my internet should only be able to connect with that link.Still, a month later my bill was 70 euro's higher then normal, due my internetconnection on my holiday.
I have access to PC but it has no access to internet. I normally use my C6-01 as modem to connect to internet on my PC. So since it is rumoured that belle wont be available via OTA, is there any way I can update to belle using my Phone as modem? Or do I need separate internet connection?
I frequently get the "Memory Full" message when I tried to scroll down a web page. Currently I only have 49.8 Mb of free phone memory. But I do have a 2Gb external micro sd card.
I have a Nokia C1-01.I can access web on the default home browser.But no application is able to access web.I have tried Facebook,Opera Mini,Google Maps,A Banking App but none of them have been able to acces internet.I have set each app as 'Ask First Time' for Internet access
When I open a big internet page like mediafire.com it says " Full Memory " .How can I widen it ?(My card memory space = more than 3 GB.My phone memory space =40 MB.)
I was wondering, how can I remove the EDGE symbol on my Nokia C5 when I'm connected to the internet? Is it possible at all? The reason is because I'm using the internet a lot and it annoys me. With some application maybe?