BB Torch :: 9810 Front Buttons Not Lighting Up?
Sep 28, 2012Recently i encountered this problem my torch 9810 front buttons are not lighting up rest every thing is fine,is this a software issue or i need to repair my handset.
View 3 RepliesRecently i encountered this problem my torch 9810 front buttons are not lighting up rest every thing is fine,is this a software issue or i need to repair my handset.
View 3 RepliesMy blackberry is like its screen is just off. My buttons work, they're lighting up and i can click everything, lock my phone, and everything. But the screen is always black.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a 9810, and the Call and BB menu button backlights are always on. I've tried numerous battery pulls, reinstalled the OS, repaired the OS, changed my backlight settings. Security wipe and re install. I don't know what caused it. Nothing had been installed on the phone for the past couple months, and it only started 3 days ago. Screen Lock does nothing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAll of my hard buttons have stopped working on torch 9810
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy screen is working fine but my keyboard and other buttons are not functioning at all. I also have my phone locked so in order to go into it i need to type my password but im also unable to do that because none of the keys are working.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor some reason, my capacitive buttons next to the home button aren't lighting up. Did Samsung do away with this? Since I'm used to the way they work, I know where to push the button to go back or to open recently opened apps but I'd like to have them lit if I could.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe soft key buttons at the bottom of my Galaxy S6 no longer light up or work for that matter. So not happy as I have only had this phone since June 2015.
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhere the capacitive button LEDs seem to randomly turn on/off, or don't turn on in the dark, or seem to flicker for no apparent reason? We had the same issue with our 1020. It appears to be directly related to battery saver mode in settings. When we turn battery saver off, the LEDs seem to work perfectly. When battery saver is on, we experience all the above strange issues. We also have a 920, and battery saver mode does not affect the LEDs on the 920 at all, hence why we're hesitant to say with100% authority that this is the issue with the 1020.
View 10 Replies View RelatedOk the soft keys down by the home button on the bottom....mine do not light anymore. I have them set to the 1.5 second time out. Even when I put them on "always on"they don't light up.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have been having a few problems with my phone lately. Sometimes when I start the unit up in the morning no icons appear on my home screen although when I go into my apps they are all there. I would have to restart the phone a couple of times before everything would appear. Now I seem to have a permanent problem the touch sensitive buttons on the bottom of my phone for getting to the settings and the 'back' button do not light any more, but they do function.
View 2 Replies View RelatedNow - I know this isn't a major issue but it bothers me that this does not work. I have set up the settings so they are -supposed- to remain on at all times but alas they are lightless. I've done soft resets, pulled the battery, plugged it into my computer and the wall, BUT the buttons still work.
View 6 Replies View RelatedThe 3 buttons on the front (make call, menu, end call) don't work. This means I cannot access the menu screen and can't use any of the phones functions. Only can make calls from touch screen.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI purchased a Flipout around 3 weeks ago and at the weekend it went mental and started rebooting, luckily Orange replaced the handset for me which came today. The thing is that on this handset the three buttons on the front of the phone (the menu home and back buttons) are not back lit at all and do not flash when i receive a text or email.Have Orange basically given me another dodgy phone or is it something that I can remedy?
View 2 Replies View Relatedopying contacts from a Bold 9810 to another 9810.Using the BB Desktop Software I did a full backup of the device (which contained 400+ contacts), then did a full restore on a new 9810, but only 200 contacts were copied over.Next I tried to do a selective restore, but although the 400+ contacts were in the file, it was grayed out and could not be selected. How can I get all the contacts into the new 9810. (Side note: I was able to restore the 400+ contacts to a BB Bold).
View 1 Replies View Related didn't drop it or anything.. but I've had this phone for almost a year.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi've had a torch 9800 since last Christmas, and it's been working fine (with the occasional battery pull, of course). but now i have a strange problem. in the last couple weeks, i've noticed that the back arrow and the red key to the right of the trackpad no longer have a light showing behind them. (nor does the trackpad, but i don't remember if it ever did light up) it's not really a problem, as they still work, but it looks really weird!i have tried a battery pull many times, to no avail. and i also tried installing a brand new os, but likewise had no success with that method. in any case, it is now running the newest os possible (6.0 bundle 1907, v6.0.0.448). it's also running 3G, if that matters.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have changed my battery since I had the battery icon with a red x through it. Now I have been charging the battery and nothing is happening. My keyboard is lighting up but nothing else.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can not log in with my Blackberry ID from my Torch 9810 although the log in works via Internet.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI got my blackberry torch a while ago and about a month later the front panel (calling buttons and back buttons) fell off. i was just using the buttons and they come loose a few days later they fell off. i could not at this time send the phone off to be repaired but i am now trying to and they are saying it will cost me a lot of money although my phone is under warranty?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi recently saw on the website my phone can upload os 7.1 so i downloaded it to my pc but when i connect to desktop software and check it says no uploads available. I then tried doing it from the handset via options and again says phone software up to date. I am using os 6 but cant work out why it wont let me update to 7.1
View 8 Replies View Relatedi bought a 9810 and this is what happens: i connect it to the charger, then the red led turns on, eventually it goes off and a little sand watch appears for like 5 seconds, disappears, and the process starts all over again.
View 1 Replies View Related<y bb torch 9810 keeps rebooting and have also tried several times by removing the battery and start again but in vain.rebooting still goes on
View 8 Replies View RelatedI just got a new Blackberry Torch 9810 and it won't let me add contacts. I scan someone's barcode and it says pending on my end but they never receive the request, we tried it the opposite way and it says pending on their phone but I don't receive the request.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI keep getting an "Error 102 Reload Software for furhter information [URL]" message. There is a Reset button below that and when I press it, it just tries to restart my blackberry. It will load to a certain point and then come back to this Error message. I went to the website it suggests and it tells me to go onto my Blackberry Desktop Manager and reload my software. I tried to do this, but my Desktop Manager and my smart phone will not connect and so I can't reload my software.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am currently on (B1346) with no attached carrier. I see "no updates available" option when I try to update.
View 1 Replies View Relatedthe phone was fine all along but all o sudden it does not wat to o on at al,no light nothing, i even swopped batteries but still nothing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy BB Torch 9810 is less than 3 months old. Yesterday Morning, I observed that it went off. I thot the battery was down, so I decided to charge it. Then it began the booting and rebooting and has not stopped till now. My BB pin is (personal info removed) perhaps there is something remotely that can be done.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was so excited to have a Blackberry device and my choice was the Torch 9810 mainly for 3 reasons.
1- The big screen.
2- The touch screen with the sliding keyboard.
3- Latest OS.
As I watched and read so many reviews about it and compared it to the Bold 9900 and the Torch 9860. The reviews for the Torch 9860 were somehow negative, and the sliding keyboard was a win over the Torch 9860. Bold seemed to be a good phone but the bigger screen was again what made me go for the Torch 9810.
For a new Blackberry user like me, I couldn't really figure out much differences between the three phones.
Unfortunately the Torch 9810 is not yet here in Egyptian market and I was about to buy a Bold 9900 till I noticed it would be locked to my carrier and then I changed my mind. I asked a family member to buy the Torch 9810 for me from the UAE and I finally got it one week ago.
my blackberry torch 9810 doesn't turn on.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have blackberry torch phone is not turning on , i dont known why battery is full only , i have changed battery from other tourch even i changed the battery not turing on? when i turn on torch 9810 the red led light is on for 3-4seconds , then its red led switch off , after that cursor running middle of the screen
again and again come like this , but its not turn on? i have backup my blackberry before to restore the OS or hard rest.
Phantom calls. Rings once or twice, screen doesn't light up, no call on call log. No alerts set up. Tech support says to get an new telaphone number. I've had it for 12 years. That isn't going to happen.
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