BB Pearl :: 9100 Does Not Go Beyond The Initial Bootup?
Jun 20, 2012
I recently downloaded BBM updated version and rebooted the phone, which rendered the phone completely useless. It does not boot up, just gets stuck at the Blackberry first loading page with the status bar showing 100%.
Have a Nexus 5 running the latest lollipop build that has been working properly for a while (Phone is a Google refurb from November 2014, replacing my original N5 that had battery issues; Warranty expired Feb 2015)4 days ago, it randomly rebooted and then got stuck on the "Optimizing apps" page on initial bootup - would never go past a certain app number.First tried wiping cache - which didn't complete even after 48 hours.
Next tried full wipe from recovery, which worked but then shutdowns still happened.Reflashed all stock images (Phone is stock, not rooted) last night - problem still exists with random shutdown - but I can always get past initial setup; shutdown problems happen a little while later during use.Wiping cache from recovery now gives a "Could not mount /cache/" error in recovery
that there's sector(s) on the eMMC that's borked. It's a 32GB phone - is there a way I can flag off a certain sector as "bad" and put the cache partition somewhere else? Also, replacing the eMMC chip if needed (I can find someone set up for BGA work). I considered doing a file check from Philz / TWRP, but since the issue persists after a full reflash/reformat I assume that it's not a software bug.
Less than a couple months ago, I got a new Pearl 9100. Two days ago I had to take the battery out and after I put the battery back on, the phone started to reset itself. It goes from the red light on the upper right corner to the Blackberry start screen with the white line where you can guess how much of the OS has loaded (percentage bar?)It loads about 1 - 2% of the bar and then it resets itself. I have tried to reload the OS according to the instructions providen on this site, but it is not possible, since the phone does not stay on long enough for the upgrade.
My Pearl 9100 will not, and has not since I have owned it, retrieve MMS. I get a notification that someone has sent me a message, my phone displays the message and says ***Not Retrieved Yet*** with a button underneath saying "Download Now" and "Expires mm/dd/yy/time". But after I click "Download Now", my phone does absolutely nothing. I have no idea what to do or where to start to even try to remedy this situation. My carrier is Bell Canada.
I am trying to find out which frequencies does the BlackBerry Pearl 3G 9100 can manage, because i want to buy one and it will be great if it can support 850mhz on UMTS or HSDPA either of them
I've had this phone a while now but I just can't get even simplest taks, installing a new theme, working!!
At the Desktop Manager > Application Loader, I browse to the theme but the only highlighted files are the ALX extensions... all the other COD and JAD files are not selectable! Choosing the ALX file still doesn't give me the theme!!
My wife's Pearl 9100 has been having a lot of trouble backing up over BB Protect software, lately. It used to work perfectly fine before, but now it seems to start the backup and then it aborts after about 90% completion. Also the backup is extremely slow. The Pearl is connected through my home Wi-Fi router and we have 25 Mbps broadband connection, so there should be no speed issues at all, I would think.
my phone was in my pocket and I assume I pressed a combination of keys. The vertical scroll on my track pad does not work on the main screen or in these screen that gets me to applications and options etc. unless I hold down the ALT button. Now this is extremely annoying especially when trying to move fast through messages and options.
Is there are key combo or a setting I can use to remove this? I do not want to have to press the alt screen to move up and down!
i have my yahoo mail configured on my Blackberry 9100.However i am not able to view allmy yahoo sub folders.Can anybody guide me on how to view the yahoo sub folders on blackberry 9100?
The "facebook" calendar entries on my Pearl won't download to Outlook since I downloaded the latest upgrade. I didn't know Facebook had a calendar. I have now deleted Facebook App - still won't download. I have searched to find the 77 entries on my phone but can't locate them to transfer to Outlook on my desktop.
Pearl 9100 3G v6.0.0.481, Platform Recently upgraded to OS 6. however, when I had OS 5, when entered my password to unlock my BB, I can press and hold down my aA^/# key (to the right of the space/0 key, and to the left of the return key) and my BB would go into vibrate sound profile. If it was already on vibrate profile, by holding that key, I would go to normal sound profile. Now, when I hold that key down, it ask me "Assign a Speed Dial to the #?"
What must I do to get my Blackberry Pearl 9100 to ring more than one time. If I'm not right next to it, I miss calls since it only rings once. Where do I find the option to set the number of times the phone rings?
My Pearl 8120 is becoming unusable due to its faulty roller ball. I want to replace it with a Pearl 9100. My current carrier is T-Mobile and I'd like to keep it because three other lines are on this account with mine.I believe I can get a code from RIM to unblock the SIM, is that right?T-Mobile does not have the BlackBerry 6.0 OS.Assuming I can unblock my SIM, will the phone run on T-Mobile's system or will I have to change carriers?
I have one unlocked Pearl 3G 9100 phone. I use this phone using Pre paid card. I want to switch the SIM cards from different carriers. Currently it has OS v5.0.0.748 (Bundle 1262, platform
How can I update the OS on this phone at present and in the future without getting it from any carrier? If I download it from one carrier and install it, does the phone works with other carrier SIM card?
Before I take this phone back to the store I want to find out if this maybe the way that RIM is actually making this phone now.When I get a new email or text etc., the led light flashes red like all the blackberries do but it only goes for a short time then stops. It starts again when there is more emails but again stops.
I looked in the settings and cant find what I would adjust for this. Either the phone is defective or this is the way the phone is.Any help would be appreciated as I will need to take it back within the next day or two.
If anyone in the GTA area, in Vaughan Mills Mall there is are a few pearl 3G (9100) on display - NOT a dummy display. An actual working display. Its being displayed for a promotion for I think it was Elle Magazine? They were holding a contest with RIM. Sorry no pics though :-(There was a blue, pink and black version. None of them were the T9 version(9105)
Having purchased a new Nokia E75 yesterday I set the phone up today. After switching off the phone and placing it on-charge I now find the phone will not start at all?
Ever since I have unlocked my bootloader I have 2 things that bug me.
1. Whenever I restart my phone it asks for my password/pin/pattern everytime before it will start. It's not a huge deal except when I restart my phone and forget I have to do that part it sits a while waiting for the password.
2. The little "warning" screen that tells me my bootloader is unlocked. Just like the way the old Nexus's were with no warning, just the little white unlocked pad lock on the google screen.
i just bought a new xperia ray a week ago. at first, the white line do not appear with the sony ericsson logo. i already updated the phone to 2.3.4. then after a few days every time i turn on the phone or plug the charger, a white line appears flashing at the bottom of the screen with the sony ericsson logo.
Any thoughts on why I takes my Xoom about 8-10 minutes to bootup? I will admit I have something like 400 apps on it but the main flash still has 20gb free on it. Once booted up it seems to run pretty normally. Is there a way for me to speed the boot process up?
Originally I had a US Xoom. After the 3.1 update, so many months ago, it started rebooting almost as soon as it had booted. The reboot trigger seemed to be when it connected with the Wifi. A factory reset would cure it for a few hours but otherwise turning off the wifi was the only permanent solution.Motorola fixed it by giving me a UK Xoom - and 3.0. And it was good until the much anticipated, and delayed, 3.1 update, and it started again. After a bit i realised it was a combination of an old and slightly unreliable Wifi base-station and, I assume, a change in the Android Wifi s/w that made it less tolerant of imperfections. Now I reboot the base-station.
so I accidentally wiped the entire phone and tried to install chroma rom. Now after boot I'm getting an "Encryption Unsuccessful" message. and its asking me to reset phone.
I tap the Reset Phone button and I am taken to TWRP where it asks for a decryption password. I enter "default_password" and the phone reboots with the same issue.
Damnit. Something went wrong and I don't know how to get out of it.
I used Nexus Root Toolkit 2.0.7. Bootloader Unlock went just fine. Root went wrong (I think). It just sits there at the white Google logo. It never goes to the animated loading portion of boot up.
So, I stopped the process. Then went to select Flash Stock + Unroot to hopefully start over. It still stays at the white Google logo. Instructions say it could take up to 20 minutes, but I waited for about 30 and nothing happened.
So I entered Recovery. Formatted/Cleared all data and started fresh with the unlocked boot loader. I was able to flash TWRP and actually flash a custom ROM. It loaded, but the phone boot looped when I tried to flash a custom Kernel.
Fine. I went to restore a backup I made before flashing the Kernel and it boot looped. Restoring the backup did nothing and I couldn't load anything.
Loaded up Nexus Root Toolkit again, tried to root and it just stays on the white Google logo. Tried Flash Stock + Unroot and it still sits at the Google logo.
WTF. I've been doing this for a long ass time now.
Ok so if your phone reboots or crashes, you will need to enter a password or pattern in order for the phone to work. Even alarms and everything won't work until you enter the password. That's pretty bad especially if you NEED an alarm
Some people mentioned turning it on and off and it would give you a prompt to disable it.
Earlier today after I woke up, I was just gonna check something on my phone, when I was met with several errors saying that this and that programmed had stopped working. I chose the option "ok" on all of them because the other option report would not really get me anywhere. The thing was these errors kept coming repeating themselves (same apps getting errors repeatedly).
So after 10 min of just pressing ok on these errors I decided to reboot my phone, but when I came to the startup it stops/freezes on the SONY EXPERIA display. I can't trun it off with the on/off button, so I searched everywhere on the internet about this issue but none of the classic hold volume down + volume up + on/off button to turn it off gets me past the freeze after it goes off.