BB Curve :: Unknown Icon With Yellow Star Appeared On Home Page
Mar 17, 2012
I have a yellow star icon appeared on my home page, on the place where I usually receive notifications from Twitter, facebook Text emails etc. I click on it & nothing happens & I am unable to get rid of it.
There was wondering if any1 could help me, I have recently had a orange envelope appear with a yellow swoosh through it on my home screen where my email envelope icon with the globe on it should be, I don't know what it is and have tried everythin to get rid of it.
All of a sudden I have a yellow star icon on the home page - in the same place as where you get notifiactions of emails, texts, etc. I have no idea what it is or where it came from. It appears over night while I was not using the phone.
I just noticed a yellow icon to the right of the battery and volume icons near the top left of the screen. It has a number 1 to the left of it and it looks like an call out with a small red star in the upper right. What is it and how do I get rid of it? Carrier is Verizon
I have a yellow icon that looks like an SMS message icon with the number 1 to the left. The icon is positioned below the time and date. I can not figure out how to remove it. I have checked my messages without any success.
I am seeing a new icon appearing in my home screen from last night. The new icon is appearing where I see any new msg or email icon shows up. The new icon looks like a black circle with a arrow coming in. Can anyone tell me what is that alert for?
I have had a new icon on my home page that moves to the upper right near the wifi icon when using the 8530. It has a 3 and right next to it is a black circle with a red mark on upper right edge of circle. Almost resembles the old round cartoon bombs from years ago. Just showed up on my phone last week.
yesterday appeared on my screen an icon just like the one when you have a missed call.I looked arround and searched discussions .I tooked the battery out,hard reset,...i looked into log....and i didn't found anything. I called my provider and tried ##002# but nothing.I am starting to regret that i bought myself a blackberry. My model is BB 8310 Curve.
There is a notification icon just appeared that I have never seen before - it appeared on my husband's phone 2 days ago and my phone yesterday. It is in the top left of the screen - a square with a blue background and what looks like a person on one side and a speech bubble on the other. I have been through all my folders and messaging option and I have no notifications that I can find
I want my first page on my Iphone to have no icons and just show the dock. Then swipe to next page with all my apps. I've been trying a bunch of things but it always just reverts back. Any ideas on how to do this?
I have a Storm 9530. I have 3G coverage in my area, but my network connection icon says 1XEV. I have a friend with a Storm 2 whose icon shows 3G. We have tried downloading the same web page at the same time and my download actually seemed a bit faster. Does anyone know why my icon does not show 3G?
I am using a Tour 9630 BB. My question is how can I delete an icon the I do not want to use from my home page. I know that I can made it hide, but I would rather delete it and save memory.
I have recently had a problem with my Blackberry 8520.I appear to have a little email icon with a red star showing on the left handside of the screem (usually where the answerphone message icon usually appears)however, I haven't got any new emails to read. My email boxes do not appear to have a little red star indicating I have new emails. All I have is a little baby icon in the top left hand corner.I have taken the battery and SIM card out of the phone, turned it on and off and still no luck.
I upgraded my BB 9900 with the new version of bbm on 12/11/2012 with 18modules and did the sysn to the bb desktop manager. to my surprise I dont see the bbm icon any more. I have looked andsearched it everywhere from instant messages folder to search icon but it's no where found
My daughter got a hold of my phone and now my phone icon to make phone calls is MIA... I have scrolled all pages and it is nowhere to be found. How can I get my phone icon back on my home page?
Text icon disappear from home page and go to search menu and d ont know when I get a text so I have to check my contact one by one what a pain How do I fix that witout wipping every time
I got a unknown icon at my home screen. It appear right to the date and left for the battery status. I dont fint it in my manual. Its very small blue box with a white line inside it.Anyone who knows what that sign means?
I have Blackberry 8520 curve and in the upper left corner a Icon of a speaker with 3 white lines, yesterday a small red circle with 3 white lines showed up just to the right of the speaker or sound icon, what is it and how do I remove
I always put my iTunes Store icon on second home page, but whenever I switch country in App Store with different Apple IDs, it appears on my first home page. It's annoying that i have to move it to my second home page again.
A icon has appeared on my screen and I have no idea what it is or how to remove it its a blue S on black background with red star I will try and upload a screen shot of it.