BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Not Receiving Emails / Error Device Not Accessible
Jun 13, 2010
For some reason, I can't receive emails on my account. My Yahoo, AOL and Gmail work just fine. I signed up for a BB address on my phone's browser. When I try to log in on my desktop, it says my device is not accessible and I must visit the website on my phone. I have tried sending emails TO my phone and sending emails FROM my phone. Neither one works.
Phone will not vibrate when receiving Emails (8530). I tried changing and editing the profile for Vibrate only, everything looks right but yet its still doesnt work.
I just got a BB 8520 CURVE.i had pals ask me if i got their text messsages but i never fact,i have never got a text since i began using this 8520.
I'm very new to the world of Blackberry, but so far I love it. I'm going on a flight tomorrow night and would prefer my own entertainment, so I'm curious if anyone has tried ripping a DVD to the 8530 and if so were you successful. I'd appreciate any tips on making the process as painless as can be. I have a PC if that matters.
I was wondering if there's any option that allow you to send a message to someone who actually is calling you, like when you're in a meeting and you get a phone call but you can't answer but instead send a default message right away like "call me back later". Is this possible?
Is the quality of the device good? My concern is that it is CDMA and GSM. Will that make any difference in network speeds? I don't travel so SIM cards don't matter to me. Is it worth getting the Curve 8530 since it is CDMA?
It's been happening since this today, when I receive a SMS or email the phone rings/vibrates and everything, then when I go to to the SMS&MMS or email icon nothing new is there. Earlier this morning everything was fine, I was sending/receiving texts without any problem. Then I connected my bb to my computer and opened desktop manager, received a SMS while it was plugged in, I tried reading it and saw nothing. That's exactly when I started having this issue. The only unusual thing was that I was running warcraft 3 at the same time but that has nothing to do with the bb. I already tried turning off the phone then turning it back on, did a battery pull using quickpull, did a battery pull physically and it's still the same.
I have had a Curve for over a Year and a half and ever since I got it I have had it set up to my work email through my exchange server with no problems. I upgraded to the new curve in Feb and I had the Sprint store set everything up. Starting yesterday I will receive emails on my blackberry but they will never show up in my inbox in Outlook. Its kinda of a big problem. I have checked and my outlook is not running in cached mode. I have tried sending service books and check the options on the phone and in outlook and I have no clue whats going on.
How can I speed up or adjust the settings so that I can receive my emails quickly. If someone sends me an email it can take up to 15 minutes to receive the email. On my old Rant I received the emails instantly. Is there a 3rd party email that is available. Please help not really wanting to go back to my Rant phone but need phone that will deliver my work emails quick. Work emails are not on any kind of exchange server either. Just simple MS Outlook through our local cable company.
When trying to sync pc & BB, receive the message that the desktop software will not communicate with the device. I have uninstalled the software and re-installed and still no same message.
How do I move pictures from the phone's memory to the SD card?And, why do the icons for my email accounts fluxuate from a black and white envelope to a colored envelope with the Yahoo symbol?Also, is there a way to move an application out of a folder to make it stand alone on the home page/main page?
I just had my phone for over a month and I am having problems sending email. I have contacted sprint via telephone, but they have only caused additional aggravation. Someone from sprint performed a hard reset and could not tell me how to restore my contacts. My fiancé helped me restored my contacts. I can get email, select reply but there is no send option available to send email. It worked a few days ago, but it is not working now. I can send email from my contacts, but not reply to an email I already received. Even when I try to download a document it says, “More request cannot be completed. Service book information not found”. I even tried the service book option I learned on crackberry along with turning it off and on, removing the battery, and deleting my email accounts and adding them again.
I'm a carpet cleaner. People send me emails and ask what will this or that cost. when I'm in the field I don't want to clack away a long response so I created three or four paragraphs telling about my services and send them in emails to my phone. right now they are residing in my messages folder on my desk top. I created a blank folder next to it called email messages. I want to put my info blurbs in there but don't know how to do it. then, when a prospect sends my bb a message saying how much do you charge, I can shoot them a paragraph about me and try to hook em.
can you give me a step by step how to do this? I have an 8530 curve.
I have searched around and found many problems faced regarding the email icon showing unread emails but in actual fact there are none. My problem however is the opposite of that - there are unread emails but it is not indicating as such.
This is specifically for Gmail as all my other email accounts are showing unread emails just fine. It is a minor issue but it does get on my nerves trying to figure this out.
Recent activities include upgrading OS to OS5 and changing telco, doubt if these are the cause of it. I have tried deleting and creating the email account and battery pull to no avail.
My boss would like to forward his work emails to his personal email account.Is this something he can do on his own?Can someone provide setup instructions?
I have html emails enabled and download images automatically set to yes. why does all new emails that arrive on my blackberry still have missing images? i have to hit get images inorder to see those images? anyone experiencing the same issues on their 8520?
I seem not to understand but my blackberry 8520 device has stopped receiving email messages and I ve tried setting up another one yet its still not working. Username and password incorrect is what I always get as reply. Please can anyone help me out cos am seriously worried about this.
How much Device memory should I have? I have a BB 8520 with 122277261 File Free. And when I check App World it says I have 116 MB left. I'm always scared of going under 110 MB. How much device memory should you have? Is it alright if I go under 110 MB in my device memory?
I have a serious problem with my curve 8520, since yesterday, I could not start my device anymore. When I start the device, it start to boot up until maybe 75 % and then it starts all over again from 0. naturally I tried to pull the batterie out, and waited like couple of minutes but it still want works.does anyone has similar experience? any suggestion on how to solve it?
I own a BB for only 3 days now. I was wondering if the device was normally sold with Appworld already install? It was not on mine. I wanted to download it today, here the process:
1- Go to, send the link on my email...err: I don't have internet explorer 5 or higher on my device (can't download it for the same reason!) 2- Go to to download it on my desktop....err, I use firefox (mac), 3- open VMWare Fusion, run Internet explorer 5, crash. 4- install internet explorer 7...crash 5- Look in the application loader in the desktop manager, I can uninstall/install Appworld on my device! Do it. I still can't see in in my applications.
My device is pw protected. I schedule my quickpull to restart my phone and I gave it the pw so it can by pass that. However, it does not do that. The phone does not unlock and restart. Instead, I have to manually unlock it and it prompts me to restart. Idk what to do. I want to have phone restarted when I don't need it. As in when I wake up and hop in shower.
My Berry isnt stolen and I have used it problem free for a while. I started to use a password yesterday. Woke up today....and have a white screen with JVM 513 reset. I can do nothing to change it. Dont know how to download anything etc etc as I can do nothing to get out of here.
Today, I would try to open my e-mail/messaging after a message came through, getting to the icon was VERY slow, along with it would not pull up the next screen so that I could see what messages came through. I pulled the battery and sd card, and it still happened.
I have been trying to access a website that I normally visit daily and today it was telling me that about memory being full. Its only when i try to access my inbox, yet the the rest of the pages will load (including facebook).I deleted a bunch of pics off my phone and thought if i enabled memory cleaning, it would clear my cache, cookies, etc. the prompt said it would save changes when the device was turned off and rebooted. I did a battery pull and now what is happening is my issue.
after i pulled the battery, I get a red blink of hte led, then a black screen with a clock in the middle (obviously the loading symbol) and then the screen showing "blackberry" with a loading bar.Once the loading bar is done loading...nothing! It goes back to turning off the device and reloading from the start. It has been doing this for 2 hours and the device will not go to the home screen, it just keeps rebooting itself. I have done 2 or 3 battery pulls now and it keeps doing it. Would it have anything to do with the "memory clean" enablement? or is the peice of cr@p toast now? And have i lost all my contacts??
I have a Pearl, doesn't connect to PC, no internet. My brother is letting me use his Curve to transfer a theme to my Pearl. Now basically, i need to know how and where to transfer the Pearl theme to (while the curve is plugged in, and the pearl's micro sd is in it) then remove the SD card and put the SD card it in the pearl, then locate the theme.
When i open the folders for the micro SD card on the computer,(while in the curve) i see no folder for apps or themes. I transfer the alx and cod file into every folder there but i can't find it when i put the micro sd back in my pearl
The next thing ive tried was installing it as an app thru BB manager, it said it transferred ok, but i cant find it on the micro sd card (do they go right to the curves own memory maybe??)