BB Curve 8500 :: Can Not Update Phone
Jul 8, 2010I only get the option to have the buissness enterprise option and not setup my own so I can't update phone ?
View 17 RepliesI only get the option to have the buissness enterprise option and not setup my own so I can't update phone ?
View 17 RepliesI recently received a message telling me that an update was available for App World. I downloaded the update, installed it and rebooted. Now I am unable to download apps. When I hit the download button it takes me to the sign in for BlackBerry ID, then to terms and conditions and then to my ID settings! The only way I can get off this screen is to press Discard, which takes me back to where I started! I just keep going round in circles.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI had to do a software update this morning for my phone so I did this and in the process it got to the screen that says:
Overall restore Progress:
Current Database:
Elapsed Time:
It has been stuck here all day! I called Fido earlier and asked them what to do and they told me to connect to my computer, I have done that and have tried everything and the problem still exists.
Got a Curve 8520 and since updating yesterday, the frame rate when recording video has dropped significantly meaning jerky/jumpy video. It may be worth adding that even when in video camera mode but NOT recording the feed is still jumpy. I can see the difference by watching video I recorded before the update and also by comparing to my wifes phone (exactly the same as mine) which has not had the update yet.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo I began this process at 9AM and thank goodness it went somewhat flawless. I did a backup of my 8530 and then began updating via the new desktop .654 to my 8530. I did have to tweak a few things like facebook and the home screen but other than that it was ok.
I posted earlier and am posting this so others might realize that this is a long process -- hope this helps someone else who thought it might be a few hours but not 5!
I am using the Curve 8530 which I started using with Rogers not too long ago. My friend has the same phone and got it the same time but hers has the software v5.0 yet mine still has v4.6. I want to be able to upload the new software but for some reason I am unable to. When I try to update it it tells me I already have the latest version, yet I am the only one of my friends with this phone that does not have this new software.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI tried updating from the blackberry website. When the Application Loader launches, it only provides me with the option of maintaining my OS and downgrading my OS to the older 4.6.1 version. I have previously used the exact same steps on another Curve 8520 and I had successfully upgraded the OS. After the upgrade was successful on the first phone, only did I try upgrading the second phone. Is there anything I did wrongly the second time around?
View 13 Replies View RelatedWhere can i find the password to update blackberry 8520 OS? Because when i tried to update the OS, it keep asking me for password.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have updated my unit with the new software version and the battery will not last a day from fully charged. i have turned off all email accounts, the only thing i got running bluetooth is always on. could someone give me any more tips on how to make battery last longer. ps. the battery used to last 2 days with all of the above turned on previous to the update.
View 4 Replies View Relatedim facing a problem with my blackberry curve 8520. i upgraded yesterday my device software to v.5 and it worked well then i wanted to update the blackberry messenger to version 5, after i did so the blackberry messenger got deleted and i cant find it i tried many ways to install it its not working! i tried to downgrade the device to earlier version it doesnt want to either.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've being trying to update my device software but it's impossible, not even downloading the archive from the web.
Everytime I plug in my phone and open the blackberry manager to do whaterver it gives me the message that I haven't installed the Blackberry Device Manager . I updated my desktop manager to version 5.0, and I tried to update my device software and it says that I don't have any updates, after that I have deleted the files device.xml and vendor.xml but again when I plugged in my phone it comes the message that the Blackberry Device Manager is not installed. I've uninstalled the desktop manager and it let me use once but again no update for my phone software and then again the same message that i haven't installed the Blackberry Device Manager
My carrier company here in Ecuador wont help me cause I bought the phone in the USA, but anyways I have friends that have the same problem as and they have bought in Ecuador to Movistar (my carrier) the same phone and the update to 5.0 doesn't work.
I can no longer use the ┘to move to a new line/paragraph, as it sends the text message, when texting. Any ideas please as I would not like to go back to the older version
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have a BB 8520 and i recently updated the os, when i restarted the berry my key board lock was gone. Is there anyway i can get it back or get another one without paying for it?
View 8 Replies View RelatedBeen updating the OS on my 8530 using the pc Desktop Manager software v5.0.1 and the usb connector to the phone. I started at 11:00am this morning. It is now almost 3:00pm.It is still showing 346 of the 528 modules in the Download device Software part of the process. At this point it's a fail... But it says Do not disconnect your device... or else. What now? Very disappointing.
View 10 Replies View Relatedtried soft and hard resets [left the battery out for 10 seconds] when i put the battery in the red LED light comes on i have tried pressing the on button whilst this light is on but no response. I tried leaving it without pressing the button for a few minutes but that did not work either.
I also tried the shf +caps +del [holding them down all at once] but this failed to work aswell.
can anyone help me the phone will not turn on at all?#
View 12 Replies View RelatedHad my BB on Orange 1 week PAYG. It took a week to bring my phone number from previous carrier,
Meanwhile I was given a temp one. The number appears when I press send but although my number has now been transferred, the temp number still appears when I press send. Don't remember whether I input the number when setting up or whether it appeared automatically when the phone read the sim card. Please is there a way of me entering the new number or do I need to wait for Orange to do something, or tell Orange?I'm sure there is a very simple answer.
I just had this new BB 8530 for a few hours from the Verizon store. I love it and it seems have a lot better than my old BB 8330. Got home, I plug the BB 8530 to the computer, using BB Desktop Manager to transfer my contacts and calendar, then it just kept on booting for hours and hours.
View 8 Replies View RelatedSituation: My internet stopped working one day. So I took it to the Sprint store, they said it need a software update. Internet works fine now, but now my computer doesnt recognize it as a moble device. It recognizes it as a removable disk but an unaccessable one. PC drivers or phone drivers?
Just a quick question. Is it possible to, while the blackberry is charging, have it NEVER power off?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a blackberry 8530smokey violet, my carrier is Verizon. I'm having trouble receiving and sending any type of message(bbm/email/text) while on a phone call. When I hang up ALL my message come pouring in (I guess I should be happy they come in at all). Initially all the messages came in silently so I adjusted it so that I would be notified when a message comes in. I've since removed it but I still have the problem. Any advice?
Also while at work I changed the ringing to silent but all my messages cause my phone to make noise, I assumed when I made the phone silent I assumed all messages/phone calls would be silenced. Was I incorrect?
help me i cant make or receive calls from my phone,i can use internet
View 11 Replies View RelatedI cannot delete some sms messages from my phone. Most messages delete, either individually or in bulk but some remain. Does anyone have any suggestions. The phone is a Curve 8520.
View 5 Replies View RelatedEverytime i go to Setup->Email Setup->it says "i want to use a work email account with a Blackberry Enterprise Server"as i have no other option, i click next..then it asks me if i have an Enterprise Activation password.I dont have one, and i dont know how to get one.Even when i click yes, it asks for my email id and password, and an activation server address.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI cannot read messages that are sent to me when my phone is locked. When i unlock it it says at the top of the screen that i have 12 unread messages but when i go into the message folder it shows no new messages!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI can receive email and respond to email but i cannot generate a new email message from my phone. What is going on and how can I fix the problem?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was uploading pictures to facebook yesterday and my phone froze...trying to get out of my seat,the fone dropped and the battery came out..i put it back in and it's been rebootong for almost 12hours...i dont know what to do.i wish there was a software to download and then plug up my phone and run it to fix. i need it on asap, because i'm losing my mind and money...also,i haven't backer-up my files on my phone,but i have an email address registered to the phone.what can i do?
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust did the new download and ever since the phone rebooted. It is vibrating every 15-30 seconds and doing this faint tone sound. I have check the sounds and have turned the phone off and then on again.
View 7 Replies View Relatedcan i make my phone vibrate and ring at the same time? now it's like vibrate already then then the tone come out.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a Curve 8530 and have it syncronized with my Gmail account. About a month ago I enabled the password protection option on my phone and now it will freeze about 3-4 times a week when I try to unlock the phone.I haven't pinpointed it exactly, but it seems to happen more frequently when I lock the keyboard by pressing and holding the * key along with the elapsed time for a Security Timeout happening. My screen displays a dialogue box that says "Keypad is locked. Press the Mute button to unlock." I press the Mute button, and a black dialogue box appears behind the 'Keypad is locked." one, and everything freezes. No buttons do anything.The only thing I can do is take the battery out, replace it, and wait 5 minutes for the phone to reboot.The only thing I could think of was to disable the password protection, but now there is a little lock next to the selected 'enable' password option. I am a private user and do not use a company BES. Could it be that synching with Gmail has the same effect as a security policy through a BES? And what could be causing my phone to freeze up so frequently?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have an annoyance I wish to get fixed. When I am sending an email through the browser, not the blackberry's integrated email function, after the message is sent, the recipient recieves 10-20 messages. I sent an email to my work boss and he recieved 110 copies of the exact same email. YES, I only hit send once. This occurs with outlook express online, using two different email accounts from two different websites.
I tested this out again just now, and sure enough, I got 12 copies of my test email to my personal account. My phone was telling me I have all 5 connectivity bars when I sent the message.If I were to guess, this would be a connectivity issue or maybe something involving my wireless carrier, but I figured here would be a good place to start
Blackberry Curve 8520
v5.0.0.508 / Platform
Battery pull did not fix