BB Curve 8500 :: Duplicate Contacts After Upgrade

Jun 6, 2010

They aren't exact duplicates, but all of my contacts are mixed up. Like two phone numbers from two different contacts under ONE new contact, while still keeping the other two. I had 204 contacts, and now my phoen says I have 670. WTF. Desktop manager let me replace the addresses with the one from my previous backup, but now it won't let me do it again. HELP.

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BB Curve 8500 :: Error With Email After Upgrade?

May 28, 2010

I upgraded to 5.0 (i guess) and now i am experiencing problems with email. I can no longer reply to a message from my BB, reply comes up but after composing reply, there is no send option. Also, pre-update I was able to choose deleting from BB & computer, or just BB, now it is only deleting from BB. This I can deal with but I need to be able to reply to messages from my BB, afterall isn't that one of the reasons to have a BB??
I have the Curve 8530.

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BB Curve 8500 :: Trouble With BMW Bluetooth Since The Recent Upgrade

Apr 10, 2010

Is anyone having trouble with BMW bluetooth since the recent upgrade?

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BB Curve 8500 :: Software Upgrade / Keyboard Lock

Mar 25, 2010

I am not a blackberry wizŠ. This is the 1st BB I have owned.. my issue: I upgraded to the new software version and now I suddenly have lost the keyboard/pad lock function. Where did it go?? And how do I get it back?? This phone travels in my pocket, I don't need accidental dials.

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BB Curve 8500 :: Contacts Name Does Not Show Up

Jun 16, 2010

My contacts are there. But when a person calls there name does not show up there number just show. Then once im done with the call there name shows in the call log.

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BB Curve 8500 :: Contacts Will Not Transfer O It?

May 11, 2010

Verizon BB8530. And Desktop 5.0. BB8530 has all the updates.Had a 8320 maybe and lost it recently.Running Vista on the laptop and everthing seemed to work before I lost the old phone.Now I am trying to download all my information and contacts into the BB8530. All my files seem to have downloaded except the contacts.I get an error message stating something to the effect that my files are set for/to a wireless and will not transfer. I am new to all this so. I can provide a jpeg of the error.

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BB Curve 8500 :: Curve 8530 Lost Contacts?

Jun 11, 2010

My husband and I bought Blackberry Curve 8530s last night. We had all our contacts in our blackberrys when we left the store, I was even assigning ring tones to certain people already. I downloaded blackberry for facebook later that night and all my contacts were suddenly gone. I've tried to manually put in contacts, click save, and then no contact shows up. There are no filters checked in the contacts so I know it's not that. Any other ideas?

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BB Curve 8500 :: 8520 Contacts Not Showing

Apr 9, 2010

I have Blackberry 8520. earlier I was using Nokia E 90.I transferred my contacts from Nokia to CSV file and got them coverted to .ipd file using Amber vCard onverter. I restored the .ipd file into my Black berry using Desktop Manager.The software shows 784 contacts and that is same as it was in my E 90.

However when I select contacts in my Blackberry I dont see them. However Desktop manager shows 784 contacts.Please tell how do I see these contacts in my Black berry.

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BB Curve 8500 :: Contacts Sync Retreives Too Much?

Jul 29, 2010

Is there a way for me to sync with a particular "set" of contacts in Gmail rather than have them all imported to my BB 8520? Some are work related and I don't want them all on my BB, just friends and family.

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BB Curve 8500 :: Importing Contacts To Entourage

May 17, 2010

Is there a way to take my BlackBerry 8530 contacts and import them into Microsoft Entourage on my computer?

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BB Curve 8500 :: Names From Contacts Dont Appear?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a BB Curve 8530, and I have read a lot about this issue. Most people need to just change the "Content Protection" , however I can't even find that option in the options list. It is not in the security options either.

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BB Curve 8500 :: 8520 Can't Get Messenger To Work / Can't Add Contacts On It

Apr 5, 2010

Okay, so my brother got the new BlackBerry Storm and gave me his old BlackBerry Curve 8520 and I can't get the BlackBerry Messenger to work. I can't add contacts on it, and when people try to add me I don't get a notification. My web browser also doesn't work, even though I'm connected to a wireless internet.

Off topic, but how do I send stuff from my computer to my BB, by bluetooth, or is there a wire?

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BB Curve 8500 :: Contacts Lost After Email Sync

Mar 26, 2010

Synced my phone with my gmail account last night and after doing this all my contacts were lost.Im sure this is an easy fix but I am not familiar with the phone. I make sure that the filters were off so its not that.If I go into "options" and go into "contact lists" it has my email address and says that I have "89" entries.But the phone will not display any of my contact entries.

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BB Curve 8500 :: 8520 Edit Contacts On Desktop

Jan 5, 2010

I have a Curve 8520 and would like to edit my contacts on my laptop instead of the device.Outlook 2007 does not want so sync with my device, nor does using Excel work.Would someone point me in the right direction?

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BB Curve 8500 :: Unable To Synchronize Contacts - Outlook

Aug 31, 2010

I have a new Blackberry Curve 8530. When I set it up, I was able to synchronize my Outlook calendar to the BB but not my contacts. I was unable to synchronize my contacts because it said my BB was set up for wireless synchronization. I tried to follow the instructions for truning off wireless synching, but when I go to options in my contacts there is no wireless synchronization field for me to change. What am I missing?

Also, I updated my operating system and now I am unable to sync my calendar. When I try to select the organizer data to synronize, it won't let me select calendar because it says that calendar is not installed (and it won't let me select address book because it says it is syncing wirelessly). I have reinstalled my BB Desktop software and I read on another post that gmail might be a problem so I no longer have my gmail account on my BB. When I open my BB Desktop manager on my computer, I get a message saying "unknown error reported," which is why I reinstalled my Destop software, but I still get this message after the reinstall.

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BB Curve 8500 :: Viewing Contacts On Desktop Manager For Mac

Jun 5, 2010

I just installed Blackberry Desktop Manager to my Mac. It looked like it synched up the phone to the manager just fine. I selected the two-way option for my Contacts. But I can't seem to find any support or help as to how I can view the synched up/backed up contacts. Can anyone offer support with this?

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BB Curve 8500 :: Voice Notes To Multiple Contacts

Apr 5, 2010

I have a curve 8530 and bbm 5.0.057. my friends can send voice notes to multiple contacts at one time but I dont have the option in my bbm menu.

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BB Curve 8500 :: How To Sync Windows Mail Contacts / Tasks?

Feb 27, 2010

I am using windows 7.I cannot sync windows mail , contacts,calendar with my new BlackBerry 8520. Under available desktop applications
ASCII Importer/Exporter

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BB Curve 8500 :: Can't Save Phone Numbers From People Who Text Into Contacts?

Sep 6, 2010

I only had my blackberry on Friday through Vodafone.First time I connected to pc it said I needed to upgrade software, so I did.Is it right that I cannot separate emails, sms messages and call log as they all go into the same place?Also I cannot save phone numbers from people who text me into contacts?

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HTC One M8 :: Duplicate Contacts (Merge Contacts And Remove Duplicates Does Not Actually Work)

Nov 23, 2014

Duplicate Contacts (Merge Contacts and Remove Duplicates does not actually work)

I have my contact spread out over mutple source like sim, phone, and accounts.

Problem is each account has duplicates on its own and there has been no cure to this madness.

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Duplicate Contacts In Contacts View?

Apr 5, 2012

Ok, so when I am in the compose message view I start typing a name to send a message to and the phone shows me all numbers for that contact, even if I deleted that number... for example say my contact Lewis upgrades and gets a new number, I edit his contact, deleting the old number and replacing it with the new. Then when I type LEW into the compose message "to" section it shows all numbers ever stored under that name, if you know what I mean..? So i am typing someones name getting multiple numbers even if they only have 1 number to there name.This also seems to be the case if someone registers a number to FB and I overwrite that number with a new number

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BB Curve :: 8530 OS Upgrade Lost Contacts?

Apr 27, 2011

I received an email message from Blackberry inviting me to upgrade my OS to, which I did wirelessly.At the end of the process, after the restart, I got a message that said "uncaught exception ....I pulled the battery and tried again a few times, but I kept getting the same message.I Goggled the error message and to my horror found hundreds of listing - most related to corruption errors!However, since my blackberry home screen appeared under the message warning, and it is supposedly a mission critical device and I need to work, I clicked ok and started to use my device again.

All seemed find until I noticed that some of my contacts were missing.Maybe about 10%. I determined that some of these missing contacts had been updated since my last back-up. Others had been on my BB for years.I decided to try and restore the address book from my last back-up.I launched my Desktop Manager 6.0.2 and tethered my Curve.First I backed up the "damaged contact list" as part of a full back up.All went well.Then I went to use a 2 week only back up file, that I made before the OS upgrade. But the address book field was dimmed. There were 4036 entries on the dimmed back up file. I had 4021 on my Curve, but many more than 15 were missing. Regardless, I couldn't restore because:

(Dimmed entries are data types that are read only . . . . )The only solutions to this problem I found via Google related to older OSes and devices and involved deleting service book entries which look nothing like the service book entries I found. Or, is simply a problem related to running a RIM application on a RIM device after an upgrade to one more "advanced" RIM OS from another RIM OS, at RIM's recommendation?

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Curve :: BB 9700 Won't Restore Contacts After Upgrade To 6.0

Apr 7, 2011

Just upgraded to 6.0 for device last night. Backed up all data. When data restored,everything restored except the contact list. I tried restoring address book 4 times after initial restore. Desktop restore show over 900 records but none of them will move over.

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BB Bold :: Contacts Duplicate Itself?

Feb 3, 2010

It was fine until Monday when the contacts did it again. It also deleted all the information that was added to each contact (like facebook, email, picture etc) and defaulted itself to a standard work number. It would show doubles of some contacts, three of others, and some even four. I then went to AT&T and they just looked at me like I was stupid, saying that it was because I synced my phone to my computer. Well for starters, I don't have an address book on my computer, and I don't know how to used outlook. Also, I've synced my phone with my computer several times before with no issues.I then went home, called AT&T and the Blackberry Department and still nothing. They said it was all a syncing issue. So after all that being said, I re-deleted the extras and re-organized a few.

Today I noticed that when I linked one of my BBM contacts (she had gotten a new pin) to her contact info, the address book again duplicated itself. So I am guessing this is the problem? Is there away I can link BBM Pins to Contact Info without it duplicating all my contacts and deleting their other information? I'm really crazy when it comes to organizing, and I can't keep having my contacts getting messed up continously.

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HTC One M7 :: Duplicate Contacts With Different Info

Apr 17, 2014

I have 2 contacts with the same name but different info under each contact. How do I delete one of the contacts? I can't do delete through duplicate contacts. One contact has the info I need. The other same contact just has an email address that's no longer valid. I can't find a way to just delete it.

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IPhone :: Duplicate Contacts In It

Mar 13, 2012

Having duplicate contact in my iphone 4...

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Eseries / Communicators :: Get Rid Of Duplicate Contacts?

Nov 3, 2011

I think we all have this with the E7-00, how to easily get rid of these duplicates, sometimes I have 4-5 of the same contact info.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Duplicate Contacts

Feb 15, 2010

google sync is duplicating my contacts, even though in my gmail contacts there are NO DUPLICATES.

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BB Bold :: Delete Duplicate Contacts?

May 22, 2012

delete duplicate contacts

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BB Bold :: How To Delete Duplicate Contacts

Aug 14, 2011

How to delete duplicate contacts

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Xperia X10 :: Duplicate Contacts, 44,+44 And 0 Prefixes?

Apr 7, 2011

Not sure what I did,got contacts backed up on Gmail and on SE sync,now Ive got 2 or numbers on each persons contact,some are +44 some are 44 and some start in the tradiyional 0............this is causing texts to arrive with unknown contact details if you get me........text arrives from +447474@@@@@@@ cos its stored under 0447474@@@@,is there a quick easy way to modify all my cantacts back to 07474@@@@@@@@?

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