My phone was working and just quit. My wifes 8350i connects by USB fine, but mine does not. I did all the resets and a wipe of the phone. Nothing is working to get the USB to work. Is the phone junk? With out the USB I can not load any service books for boost.
I've read around the forums and elsewhere but haven't found a solution yet Have an 8350i and with the Mobile network off (Nextel) I turn on wifi (both at home and at work) and it connects to the network, icon is white not gray Data service is on and was working before (had the phone for 9 months). I recently connected to desktop manager for the first time and updated all available programs,firmwares, etc, I'm assuming this is the root of the problem. Gmail and Facebook apps won't connect, (you need a working data connection bla bla) and same with Browser app.Any solution that doesn't involve downgrading, wiping clean? (I've pulled the battery, turned wifi on and off with no results)
i have an 8350i and so does my friend. MOST of my icons are white and work fine. his are colored and also work fine. how can i get my icons to be colored?
Now that Boost will be legitimately offering a BB, the 8330, is it worth getting rid of the 8350i? I NEVER use DC, and is gaining the 3g speeds worth losing wifi over? Are there any other details I left out that would be a dividing factor?
I have a blackberry curve 9300.i don't have a data plan but I want to connect to wifi. It connects to the wifi network but it will not let me use the internet any know how to fix it?
I just bought a BB Curve 8350i off Ebay (yay me). I was starting to wonder what OS it's using? Is it using the same OS that the storm uses, or is it the old OS that looks like some thing that's way behind times?
Up until two days ago I could connect without any problems to my home wireless connection however now every time I try it says it failed to require an IP address. I have tried rebooting it and the other tricks that usually work such as turning on and off the connections but nothing is working.
it keeps on showing SOS even after coming out until I go and manually find and select the network which is already in preffered network list.Why does not it automatically connect to a network which is already in preffered network list when its available.
Does the Blackberry Curve 8350i have SMS and MMS capabilties? I already ordered this phone from Sprint today. After ordering it i read a article that stated that it doesnt do sms or mms messages. Is this true?
Suddenly I can no longer sync my 9330 to my outlook.
Using OS 6.0 bundle 3084 v.`9 Windows 7
The desktop software says that it cannot connect and implys there is a problem with the usb cable, but upon plugging it in, it launches the desktop software.I need to get a new phone, and it wound be a blackberry.
My friend has been wanting to get an 8350i for a while now. Today he walked into RadioShack and BestBuy and both of these retail stores told him that the Nextel 8350i Blackberry had been discontinued. That they no longer carried them in their stores, but that that he could still find them at Sprint locations. They stated the reason as having too many issues. I'm thinking that the retail stores were getting too many returns and possibly decided to stop selling them ("discontinuing them"). I went to sprint website and they are still selling them.
1st of all when im on the phone and another call comes in, the speaker on my phone activates, and i cant cut it off until call ends , 2nd my voicemail is not functional, if i call my # its not my voicemail its some pre-recorded person saying that im unavail , any thoughts?
Not too long ago my employer rolled out a two-tiered phone Nextel service for employees. Some get 8350i with a full BB data plan and some get Moto i456 with voice, PTT, MMS, and limited data (feels like GPRS). I am in the latter category. While I have absolutely no justifiable business need for a data plan I despise the crappy i465 with a passion that is difficult to describe.
I thought I would solve my problem by buying a 2nd-hand 8350i on my own dime and just popping the employer-provided SIM card in it. My hope was that I would retain what I need (voice, SMS, PTT) and be on my merry way. However, it appears that I do have voice and PTT but have lost ALL messaging capability, probably because the messaging the BB goes through their own servers and I do not have BB service.Is there any way around this dilemma? I do need both PTT and SMS, and the only two QWERTY devices with PTT capability are the 8350i and the i465.
I have a BB 8350i and the usb port is broken. I have already ordered a new one and have the phone tore apart. Now what? I am looking at this thing and I am stumped.Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm at my wits end!
I'm running .313 with a stock theme and no 3rd party apps. However, in the last 2 weeks, whenever I have a DC conversation longer than approximately 3 minutes without it ending, my BB locks up. The LED still flashes red, the DC info is still on the screen, but the only button that works is the power button to turn the phone off then back on. No amount of battery pulls fixes the problem.
Ok for the last week or so I've had my email notifyer showing I have one message I've done every thing I can think of but still won't disappear I've tried changing the them, battery pull, reconciling it,**** I even deleted the accounts from my bb and it still won't go away any ideas?
I am getting constant calls from a telemarketer, the phone number is 509.221.3648, the first time they called I told the telemarketer I wasn't interested in the sex pills they were selling, now they call me non stop(I went on google, sounds like this agency does the same thing to tons of people).I wish I could reject the caller, but I've been told the best option is to create a contact and make an exception so that whenever they call me the my phone doesn't ring.
Ok I've heared that you cna and can't use a blue tooth for mp3 I want one but only if I can use the mp3 I know they have the one that looks like a set of head phones but for were ill be that won't work so before I go out and buy one dose any body know for sure if a regular blue tooth will work?
I had the sprint store download 5.0 for me cause my phone locked up while trying it at home. Anyway my wife is still running the 4.6 software and I'm running 5.0 with my update I can't find my keyboard lock icon. She doesn't want 5.0 if she can't lock the keyboard.Any suggestions?
had to reinstall everything on my phone. I had a backup file from Dec, when everything was working. Everything appeared to install without problem. Now a day later I go to send a Text message and I get this error. No MMS service record.So I check the threads and I notice I have to reinstall the services Books since I am on boost. When I go to services books on my BB it says 5 records. I delete those and copy over the combined 3 which has 23 files. However after they are copied over on the device, the device says 5 files and I get the same error.
The word NEXTEL is not on the top of my home screen anymore? I have full bars, NXTL next to them, and everything is working fine but I cannot get the word to appear back on my home screen. I've tried a reboot, battery pull, radio reset, etc. but can't get it to come back up. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Nothing is wrong with it, but it's kind of freaking me out.
I have the 8350i on the boost network. every now and then the text messages get jammed up but usualyy my text all come in i can send out a picture message and i have sent myself a pic message but when i have asked some1 to send me a pic most of the time it gives me could not retrieve mesage content. and i try to hit retrieve content and still nothing no picture comes can i fix this i have called boost a bunch of times and they refresh the shystem and ill send myself a pic to see if it works and it will but sometime wont get pix from other ppl..
I have tried everyting and it does the sam thing everytime at the same time. When the app loader goes to " load jvm and system sofware" the phone goes from white 507 screen to black my computer makes the disconnect sound and then it always sits and the app loader just does its process and then everytime it says device communication error A:0x0000000F > then the phone boots back up and says the same 507 messege.? Its like the usb is turning it off right when the app loader tries the download sequence. it does the same thing at the same time no matter what> i have tried wiping with bbsak and reloading but same thing happens ? I have even went to usb power options and nothing . tried to reinstall usb drivers and tried again > restarted comp nothing> And its not rebooting over and over the app loader actually recognizes the pin everytime i connect it > so its not a problem with seeing the device. I have done it over and over and same thing happens.>>> Its screen goes black thge red led comes on for 3 nseconds and then it sits there black and the app loader never gets past the "load jvm and system software" step. It then goes back to the white screen and app loader says the error communicating A:0x0000000F everytime> Does anyone have this happen? Any tips? I need serious help > I have read all the 101 lecture on a nuked berry and its states that the berry is in a constant reboot sequence which mine isnt doing> It akll work like its supposed to until I hit the finish button on the app loader> Right when I do the phone acts like it gets disconnected from the comp when its still connected> I am trying to update to .313 on a b.b 8350i with boost> I even tried to delete the vendor xml file in app loader and still doing the same thing> I know it would work if the damn phone wouldnt disconnect by itself > If anyone will please help if they have any suggestions thanks alot>
Ok I've tried looking for the answer and can't find or figure it ou I finaly got a screen saver I like and shortly after it starts it goes to the defalt black screen any ideas? And on a side note dose any body know were to get the game truth or dare for adults for the 8350i.
I'm going on 3 days, and about 20 hours trying to unlock this phone.. The only thing I could find was a 15 chapter essay on how to do it but the guy who wrote it obviously skipped a lot of things and uses all kinds of nerd lingo like "YOUR YOUR BBDM?I am wondering if their was any unlock versions written for people who dont have a degree in celluar phone prgramming
I just switched from a Motorola nextel phone to the 8350i. They transfered all my contacts and didn't change my DC number but for some reason I can only DC one phone number on my contacts list. All the rest come up 'user not authorized' The message also shows up on the other end when they try to DC me.
What i should do first with my new phone my instincts are to update the os but reading these forums its seems like the update is worse than the original anybody actually know pros and cons??? also what r any good themes, apps, tips & tricks worthwhile on the 8350i
I have this BB 8350i with the software v5 and its been a couple days it keeps resetting it self at any random moment and sometimes many times in a row.