BB Bold :: WiFi Cannot Turn On

Jul 29, 2012

I have recently been given a Bold 9000 and it was working fine until yesterday. It will not turn the wi-fi on. I have tried scanning for networks to trick into switching on, but that didn't work.

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BB Bold :: 9900 When Turn Off WIFI connected / Phone Turn Off

Jun 17, 2012

I bought my bold 9900 yesterday it have some problem with wifi connect..when turn off WIFI connected ---> my phone turn off..I try up Os ( Bell ins. ) for it but no have change Bold 9900 : vendor 331.

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BB Bold :: Wifi Won't Turn On

May 29, 2012

the wifi on my 9780 won't turn on due to a glitch in the engineering screen (either "crash wilink" or "nvs update" tbh i dont remember which). ive restored it back to an older os and updated it again (3 times) but it still doesn't work. is there a way to FULLY re-write the os and possibly the boot rom? i dont wont any bs about how my blackberry is broken and cant be fixed. if that were so the bluetooth wouldnt work but it DOES work so don't even go there.

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BB Bold :: 9000 Wifi Won't Turn On?

Jan 19, 2012

so i recently bought a blackberry bold 9000 wifi was working well until a couple of weeks ago. i tried to turn it on however it doesn't i says unable to turn on wifi its greyed out and a red "x" and then nothing on the second attempt it just stays greyed out . i upgraded the software, did a battery pull, ctrl alt delete, reset, wipe, try to turn on from manage connections, nothing seems to work.

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BB Bold :: Wifi Doesn't Want To Turn On

Aug 8, 2011

i am trying to have my blackberry as a modem but since my wifi isnt working this whole situation is just a mess! i dont know what to do .. HELP PLEASE! on top of that i disconnected all connections to see if it works like that but that also did not help at all. my wifi is just acting dumb OR does it have anything to do because i have a MacPro? but it should connect to any kind of laptops.

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BB Bold :: Unable To Turn On Wifi?

Jun 30, 2012

i am having a problem with my blackberry bold 9700. i cant turn wifi on and it always say radio is off.

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BB Bold :: 9000's Wifi Doesn't Turn On?

Dec 31, 2011

My blackberry bold 9000's wifi doesn't turn on. When I try to turn it on, the blackberry restarts and then I find the wifi still off..

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BB :: Bold 9700 - Unable To Turn On Wifi

Jan 14, 2010

I have a Bold 9700 recently bought about 4 days ago... At first all the communication channels works fine i.e. Mobile Network, Wifi and Bluetooth. Suddenly this morning the wifi stop working. I'm unable to switch the wifi on even clicking on it many times.

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BB Bold :: Wifi Wont Turn On 9000

Apr 18, 2011

yesterday i was workin on the wifi normally but today iam tryin to turn it on it wont turn on it just go gray then it is unchecked

i've tryed the following:

remove the battery for 1 mintue called my carier to check my service " every thing is ok" downgrade the device software " when try to turn it on the bb was restarting" upgrade it again removing all apps

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BB Bold :: Cannot Connect The Internet By Wifi When Turn Off?

Sep 15, 2011

am using a Blackberry internet service from M1, singapore provider.To manage the data usage, I turn off the data plan in Set up mobile network, but then I also cannot the internet by wifi. Why is that?By the way, how can I manage the data usage? I want to use the service plan when I need to minimize the data usage, because I only have 1gb for free a month.

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BB Bold :: Anyway To Turn On Apps Just Like Android Phones Via Wifi Or 3G?

Jun 5, 2012

my Bold 9780 was stolen from my car in Johore, Malaysia.How can I track the phone using BB Protect.I tried but it just can't get a response.Is there anyway to turn on the apps just like th Android phones via wifi or 3G?

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BB Bold :: Phone Turns Off When Turn On WIFI In 9000?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a BB Bold 9000, and it was working fine, i even updated and it worked great for months.and then last week when i tried to turn on the wifi to search for a network the phone got frozen for a few seconds and restarted it self continuously, like 4 times in a row. since then Im unable to turn the wifi on. bluetooth and service provider are working fine. Just wifi is causing troubles.I even tried to restore it to default settings using the lastest BB desktop software and no results.

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BB Bold :: Setup Wizard Displaying Unable To Turn WiFi On

Sep 4, 2011

I've been using my blackberry bold for quite some time and suddenly I just can't connect to the wifi. I mean whenever I check the box for turning wifi on, it wont turn on and when I do wifi setup wizard it says "unable to turn wifi on". I did clean reload of BB OS, I even did a downgrade for BB OS, I erased all the data and set everything to default but yet no results. I am already subscribed for BIS plan, its just frustrating to watch myself upgrading and downgrading and erasing datas for the past 4 hours just for turning on the wifi....

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BB Bold :: 9900 Turn Off The Network Internet Services Without Turning Off The Wifi Function?

Mar 2, 2012

I have the blackberry 9900 and want to turn off the network internet services without turning off the wifi function. My mobile carrier is vodafone and even when I am connected to wifi, my credit is being used up. How do I disable the internet function but still use wifi? When I try disabling data services, wifi doesnt connect at all?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Get A Text Message When The Wifi Is Off,it Will Turn The Wifi On?

May 25, 2012

I have had some troubles with my Bionic the past few weeks.I have a Wifi network at home but not in my Office or car.I will keep the Bionic's Wifi at home on all the time,but will turn it off whne I leave.Many times when I will either walk into another place of buisness or just get a text message when the Wifi is off,it will turn the Wifi on.So,it's searching for Wifi and taking the battery life down as well.I have taken the battery out with the Wifi on and rebooted.

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Wifi Automatically Turn On And Turn Off?

Dec 1, 2011

my sk17i wifi is malfunctioning. it automatically turn on and turn off. i dont know what happen. and i always get notification for facebook,gmail. but i dont have internet connection.

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LG G3 :: WiFi Just Keep Trying To Turn On

Sep 5, 2015

I turned my wifi off yesterday to save battery life so it wasn't just searching and now when I try and turn it on it just keeps trying to turn on doesn't connect or anything.

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BB Bold :: Unstable WiFi/UMA/WiFi Calling Connections On It?

Jul 20, 2011

I literally drop EVERY WiFi call after about 5-7 minutes. I get an error message "WiFi Signal Lost". I would normally just blame the WiFi network I'm on, but it does it on multiple totally different networks (home, work, Burger King, etc...). And I know for sure both home and work networks are very stable and fast. Not sure what the issue is. If I go and view the network details of the network I'm on, the signal strength is typically between -40 and -75 dBm. While in UMA mode, the phone will actually go out of UMA mode sometimes for no apparent reason, and won't go back into UMA mode until after a few minutes. The worst part is that the Home screen says I'm still connected to the WiFi network, but the top right corner doesn't say UMA! It says 3G! And YES, my Mobile Network Mode is set to "WiFi Preferred". Even if I set it to WiFi Only, the top of the Home screen says I'm connected to the WiFi network, but the top right corner says OFF and the phone just goes dead!!

I use this phone for work and it needs to be reliable. Is my above WiFi Calling experience normal?? If not, does anybody know anything I can try? Are there some apps that conflict the with operation of the phone portion at all? I'm back to using the default theme now and it's still doing it... Should I try doing a factory reset? Here are the apps I can think of that I have installed:

Dark GalaxyCrunchSMSBolt Browser w/BBLauncher PluginQuickPullGoogleMapsWeather ChannelTetris by Electronic Arts I've removed a bunch of the default apps, but all other apps on the phone are ones that it came with.Another thing I've been noticing... it will randomly lock up for a few seconds and be TOTALLY unresponsive. If I'm scrolling through a page, the pointer will all of a sudden stop and become completely unresponsive for a few seconds. Then resumes like nothing happened. And, if I'm typing a long text or email and it does this total-lock up, I'll look up from the keyboard and see that none of my keystrokes were being echo'd onto the screen while it was locked up. But then it starts working again like nothing happened. BUT The strange thing is that if I'm typing while it's locked up, it doesn't appear to a buffer any of my keystrokes! (as opposed to on my old BB 8330: sometimes when it got bogged down because I had too much stuff running in the background, the keystrokes being echo'ed to the screen would sometimes slow down and lag behind my typing.... but it always kept track of what I typed and would eventually catch up.) HOWEVER, when my 9780 completely locks up like I mentioned above, it doesn't seem to recognize that I typed anything while it was locked up. when it "snaps out of it" and comes back to life, none of the keystrokes I typed while it was locked up are echo'ed onto the screen. I'm wondering if it's during these complete lockups that I'm dropping calls?

Running 6.0 Bundle 1879 (v6.0.0.448, Platform

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Cseries :: C-7 Wifi Can't Turn Off?

Nov 12, 2010

I have today bought the C7 and have been setting it up (which has taken me ages) I am trying to turn off wifi but when I turn it off within 5 seconds it switches itself back on again, how do I turn it off and use it manually, I have looked everywhere but just can't find the right setting Grrr

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BB Curve :: Wifi Cannot Turn On

Aug 11, 2011

Suddenly my curve 8520 has a problem with turning on the wifi. When I select to turn it on, the item is turning grey, but the red cross is still there. Hard reset has no effect. This problem suddenly popped up. Is it recommendable to install the OS completely again?

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BB Curve :: Wifi Won't Turn On

Nov 26, 2012

I got a brand new blackberry curve 8520 about a month ago from carphone warehouse & when i got home i connected to my sky router to connect the wifi but for some reason it wouldnt turn on on my phone (i entered all the passwords from the sky router etc..). I went back to carphone warehouse and they took it in for repairs. On saturday i recieved another new phone and i topped up my giffgaff simcard with enough credit for texts, calls, internet & blackberry messenger & when i got home i once again tried to connect my wifi, it connected but just wouldnt turn on! I have had a look at solutions to my query on other sites including giffgaff and we're all stuck as to why the wifi on my blackberry will not connect. I have tried battery pull & connecting to other wifi's & a few other theorys & nothing seems to help! Also, I cannot download blackberry app world on to my blackberry, it says there is an error when trying to download, I heard this can be because the download is to big for my internet on the sim card but without being connected to wifi!

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HTC One M8 :: WiFi Scan Will Not Turn Off

Jul 10, 2014

When I'm not at home, I have my wifi turned off, yet I still get the "network connection available" notification. I turn wifi off, and a minute later, it's back. I checked my settings, and it shouldn't be doing this.

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LG G3 :: WiFi And Bluetooth Won't Turn On?

Oct 16, 2015

The WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities on my LG G3 phone randomly stopped working yesterday and both connections won't turn on. I have tried to enable both connections, but the phone either lags out or does not recognize the command. This isn't the problem of the LG G3 not recognizing networks or finding Bluetooth devices, but both connections won't even enable.

I've tried factory resetting and that did not remove the issue at all.

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Xperia Z3 :: WiFi Won't Even Turn On

Jul 11, 2015

I have had my sony xperia Z3 for a while now, but the wifi just recently stopped working anywhere. the wifi wont even turn on. I go Settings>Wifi>Wifi on and all it says is "turning on wifi.." and that is all it says. tried everything including factory reset and system updating using my computer. How can I fix this problem myself? Or will I need to send it to Sony to get fixed, or will Sony exchange my phone for me since it was nothing I did, and a problem with the phone.

The phone was no where near water before, or at anytime in at least the past 2 weeks and was not dropped. was sitting on my desk for an hour or so and when i pickd it up wifi had disconnected itself and wouldnt come back on.

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Lumia 950 XL :: Can't Turn On The WiFi

Dec 6, 2015

One day after I got my 950xl, I cannot turn on the wifi. Whenever I did, it showed "Cant do this right now/ try again in a little while. if the problem continues, restart your phone and try again."

So I restarted my phone for several times and it did not work. I then tried to hard reset my phone but it did not work as well. 2 days later I tried another several soft resets and one hard resets, it finally works. But I cannot turn it on again just now.

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Galaxy S5 :: WiFi Won't Turn On

Mar 26, 2015

I can't get my WiFi to turn on at all on my phone. Ever since the lollipop update, I've been having a plethora of issues with my phone. It doesn't charge using any charger... I literally have to replace the battery with a different one once it dies. Now all of a sudden my WiFi is messed up. Any of the options to turn on WiFi show up as grayed out. When I press WiFi button, it turns slightly green for a second and then turns off.

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Galaxy S5 :: How To Get WiFi To Turn On

Feb 28, 2015

All of a sudden the on/off WiFi switch will not turn on. I have rebooted, selected all the recommended steps. My WiFi is working, in fact I am on my Chromebook using the same WiFi now.

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BB (RIM) :: How To Turn On WiFi Radio?

Mar 12, 2010

Have a BB9700 with WiFi non functional. The Mac address is all 000000000000. Can't turn on the WiFi Radio! Any suggestions how to restore or fix?

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RIM :: 9300 - How To Turn Off WiFi

Nov 28, 2011

Curve 9300 I have it set to be on for my Home wifi network but i need to turn it off briefly.I cant seem to get that done.So how do I turn off wifi on this phone?

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IPhone :: Turn Everything Off EXCEPT Wifi?

Mar 21, 2012

I'm frequently travelling with my iPhone and never figured how to do the following : Turn off everything except WiFi I can turn off the data when outside of my zone, but I still get connected to a mobile phone provider wherever I go. One could argue that I could simply NOT answer my phone when getting incoming calls, which is true, indeed, but I can not refuse incoming SMS, and I get charged for that. how can I very simply turn everything off BUT the WIFI.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Can't Turn On Wifi On IOS 6

Jun 11, 2012

I'm a register Developer from Mexico and I downloded the last beta software for iOS... everything seems to be working just fine but can turn on the Wifi, it seems to be unavailable in gray.

iPhone 4S, Other OS

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