BB Bold :: Make Videos Longer Apart From Changing HD To MMs?
Feb 3, 2010
I have just upgraded to the Bold 9900 and im trying to send a video to my son but i can only send a video that is either 10 seconds long or less than 12 MB.
how i can make the videos longer apart from changing fron HD to MMs.
Ok I am running out of space and cant install anything. Dont have a pc and don't want to send to the cloud. I do have 7gb of space on my card but when I move anything to the sd card it changes the date of it. Is there anyway I could move a lot of pics and vids without changing the original date?
I've recently got a new HTC One. I've had it for around a month now and has been working perfectly. But the other day I was watching something on 4OD, it worked for ten minutes and then stopped saying "Sorry this video cannot be played.". I then assumed it was a problem with 4OD so started using iPlayer which worked fine until about half an hour into my programme when the same message came up. Since then I have not been able to watch YouTube, Vine or Snapchat videos.
I turned off the photo stream, which should be separate from my videos as they were on both my camera roll and my video app, but NOT on my photo stream, and they disappeared. It took me a few days to realize what happened, so I turned it back on, but they were still gone. I back up to iCloud but only see the most recent version. There is a version from 2013 on iTunes if I absolutely must do thisā¦..but it was almost two years ago so I will lose many videos.Ā
Info: iPhone 4S, iOS 6.0.1, Two phones, a 4 and a 4S on AT&T
Has anybody notice how ridiculously short the iphone 3gs vibrates when you get a text message or email. It vibrates for about half a second. So now I find my self checking my phone every 5 minutes to find new messages waiting for me?
I have a 3Gs Iphone and I recently upgraded the sofware to 5., however I can now no longer make calls, the message received is 'call failed', all the other finction on phone seem to work fine
When I go into the people list to find a number on my phone I can only see half the name. For example, if I had the name allgoodjob constructions - mathew, in the people list it would show something like allgoodjo and that would be it.
ever since bbc moved to flash 10 a couple of weeks ago, iplayer and bbc news videos no longer work on the n900. so does nokia have any plans to fix this by providing flash 10 to n900 usersis there a workaround that can be used in the mean time?lack of a functioning iplayer is a huge deal in uk as that is probably the most viewed flash site in uk (equivalent to claiming that the phone supports flash but doesn't play Internet). so i hope someone from nokia would take it seriously and break their silence on the availability of flash 10 on the platform.
I have a Nokia 6720 could someone please tell me how do I make the phone ring longer. I miss calls because it doesn't ring long enough.I'm just about ready to throw it out the door.
My iPhone 5 (iOS 7.1.2) will no longer ring or "ding" when I receive text (SMS) messages. I verified all my volumes are up,veĀ I tried a soft reset, and I even tried doing a hard reset--once by restoring the phone and another time completely starting it as if it were a new iPhone. I still have the problem. I don't know what else to try.
We've been taking photos and videos with our Iphone that works great. We don't own a Mac computer yet, just a PC. We wanted to burn the videos to a DVD we can play and watch on a TV? Do I need to get QuickTime Pro to do this? I searched on the web for third party products and can't really find a straight answer on any of them.
searched for term "animated"- got a lot of hits, but nothing that was relevant.
essentially, is it possible to make animated pictures last longer? Specifically, MMS pictures. I have received a few, and they last MAYBE 5-6 seconds before stopping. I can restart them, but then they only last maybe 4-5 seconds.
I know it's not related, but I did check my browser general properties, and have already set "repeat animations" to "as many as image specifies". MMS and SMS options have nothing that relates to the issue, nor does the Messaging app options.insight? feedback? have a coke and a smile and shut the f--- up?!?!
Mine is 8 months old and has been starting to turn off on its on own alot, started at first to be every now and then but since monday it has been happening everytime i go to send a txt or when i get half way through a text.I know thats a pretty bad fault but what would cause it? Any way to make my phone live longer as it seems it only has a little bit of life left in it? It always says after it 'inactive sim' or 'insert sim', it has been very well looked after, never dropped from a distance or been near water.
It seems that after the last iOS update (5.1) I now have to type in my passcode and unlock my phone before I can use Siri to make a call or text. WTH? That completely defeats the purpose of using Siri at all for those tasks! Please tell me why this wasn't introduced as an option rather than FORCED on me. Or explain how I can get Siri back to how she was before, so I can make calls while driving. It is EXTREMELY unsafe to take your eyes off the road and stare at your phone while you type in the passcode so you can make a call. Siri was perfect before.
My Droid X updated yesterday and now the audio no longer works when I make phone calls. The person I call or who calls me cannot hear my end of the conversation. It will only work if my phone is on speaker. Has anyone else experienced this or know a fix? I have taken out the battery to restart it, but that did not fix the problem. Verizon had no solutions besides to send me a refurbished phone replacement.
On the note 4 I was able to view my videos frame by frames and take a snapshot at the press of a button.. I don't seem to see the option to do that on s6?
Soo I could only find out how to do this on older phones (the options must have changed), but I have 2 gmail accounts set up on my Bold and I want to be able to differentiate emails from them without scolling up after I open the message. A color coding system would be ideal, where messages from one email would be a different color or something.
I used a new phone number and a new blackberry apps world id, but with the same blackberry 9900. Aparently, I could not log into the phone, and so the phone is locked with an unknown id and password. So, the only thing the phone could do is to format all the bbm contacts etc, while I really need all the contacts.
I've had Blackberries for several years on T-Mobile, and I was always able to set up my mail accounts as either IMAP or POP3. I've switched to Verizon and when I set up my email accounts, they default to IMAP. I own my own domain and both IMAP and POP3 are supported.
I tried deleting my email accounts and setting them up again with an incorrect password so I could enter my own settings. However, I'm not given the option to select POP or IMAP. I prefer POP so that if I delete a message on my handlheld it will also be deleted from the server.
I have a Blackberry Bold 9000 and the profile is changing by itself from Normal to Vibrate and back again and then back to Vibrate and so on. I find this really annoying and don't know how to stop it
From looking through similar threads, I see that it is a problem changing any shortcuts. My particular problem is hitting the spacebar and the phone comes up and, as I have already done several times, hit it a few more times and you will accidentally dial a number in your address book. When I have my phone in my pocket and I don't have keylock on, I have called several numbers.
Luckily, I realized what I had done before the phone was left on for a long time and they could listen to whatever I was saying. I could see where this could become a MAJOR problem! One of the threads mentioned a 3rd party app (without saying what it was) that could change the shortcut. Does anyone know what that is? Better yet, does anyone know how you CAN change the shortcut? I'd rather not have to put the key lock on every time I put the phone in my pocket.
I have the Bold 9930. Before I left the States, my phone was working perfectly fine...I had email, BBM, whatsapp, text, etc...
When I arrived in Haiti, I wanted to switch my SIM card so I would be able to use/have a Haitian number. I do NOT have an international plan. When the guy put my the Haitian SIM in, the phone requested my BlackBerry ID and password. I typed both in, which were both correct, but it kept telling me that it was an incorrect password. The guy told me that the only way I would be able to "reset" my BlackBerry ID would be to sign out and in order to do that, it would wipe out all my pics and everything. I didn't want to do that so I ended up buying a Haitian phone w/ a Haitian SIM card.
At this point, I have two phones. One American with an American SIM card (BlackBerry) and a Haitian phone with a Haitian SIM card.
When I arrived at my house, I turned on my American phone and its WiFi, but my BBM and Emails were NOT WORKING! However, my Facebook App and the Browser are both working perfectly fine. I restarted my phone many times since yesterday and nothing has changed. I checked this morning to see if it was working, but no luck.
So my question(s)/problem(s) now are:
1. How do I get my BBM working again? (probably the most important one)
2. How do I get my emails working again?
3. Is there any possible way for me to have my BlackBerry(American phone) work with my Haitian SIM Card?