BB Bold :: 9700 No Memory For Internet?

Oct 23, 2012

whenever I try to go on internet my 9700 says not enough memory even my we to go.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Where To Find Memory / Memory Card Graph

Jan 26, 2010

Before I remember finding a graph that showed the memory usage and what was on the media card, but either I forget where it is or its not on the new .442 OS.Can someone please help me out, I did a search and came up dry.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Using A Memory Card As Virtual Memory

Aug 12, 2010

would this not make sense for rim to add in a software update, for us to be able to use a memory card as virtual memory? or use a small portion of memory?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Got A New Memory Card

Jun 13, 2010

how would i get the info rom my old memory card to my new memory card!

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BB Bold 9700 :: How To Get My Memory Back?

Jun 24, 2010

I accidently removed the battery from the phone while it was still switched on. When the phone reset itself, I lost all my media (photos & mp3). I tried to put my mp3 music back onto the phone from my PC using the desktop manager but an error message pops up telling me I only have 2.8mb of memory. How do I get my memory back?

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BB Bold :: 9700 Always Stuck And App Memory Low

Dec 8, 2011

Why my blackberry always stuck and why application memory become less than before after uninstalled application?

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BB Bold :: 9700 App Memory Shortage?

Mar 10, 2011

I have added fewer than 10 apps since getting my Bold 9700. I usually have less than 25MB avail. for adding apps which means I have to delete an app to add an app.When looking at what apps use the most memory, 90% of the apps are RIM apps that are "necessary."What RIM apps can I delete safely?

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BB Bold :: How To Clear Memory For 9700?

Feb 18, 2012

I'm sure this has been asked before but for some reason when I connect my BB Bold 9700 to my computer it says my memory is very low or exceeding the limit... I have very little apps on my phone, and I regularly delete emails/sms/mms messages. Now when I go to take pictures it says I only have "7 Photos Remaining" when before it never said that. How do I check my memory? Or how do I clear my memory or delete unnecessary things? I have already tried restoring my phone and it didn't really work.

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BB Bold :: 9700 With 6 Runs Out Of Memory?

Oct 23, 2012

My bold 9700 with 6 runs out of memory before it opens internet pages sometime even before it opens web to go

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BB Bold :: How To Use Internet On 9700

Sep 11, 2011

How to use internet on bold9700

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BB Bold 9700 :: Applications To Memory Card

May 1, 2010

I know there has been a ton of posts about this subject and I have wrote one myself just a few days ago and I got my **** chewed out for even mentioning it. Well I guess the Android platform has just about got that problem licked. They are just around the corner from letting this jewel out. The people from Google said it may be just a "little" slower but will be very usable. The response I received from the forum was that the 9700 had plenty of storage for as many apps as you needed and still operate fast. Agreed but what will happen with the new OS and this great browser around the corner arrives. Many of the phones won't be able to use the new OS because of memory problems so that tells me that it may slow down the 9700 if too many apps are loaded. That is where the ability to save and run apps from memory card will be needed. Android put it together very fast why the **** can't Rim or some company put one together that works?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Applications Taking Up Too Much Memory?

Apr 23, 2010

Is there a direct relationship between the size of the applications being loaded on the Blackberry and the amount of free memory? I had around 90 MB of free space on the device, and then proceeded to load a handful of applications. I haven't done the exact math, but I think I loaded around 5 MB of applications. The free memory has gone down by around 15 to 20 MB. Is there some sort of file management issue that "wastes" memory on the Blackberry? I have tried all the usual tricks to free up memory - running Memory Cleaner, running Memory Booster, clearing all cached items in various applications, pulling the battery. Still, free memory remains below 70 MB.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Memory Card Disappeared

May 20, 2010

Used my bold a few months and was very happy. But today, suddenly it can't read my Memory Card anymore. All the data is still there when I check using my computer with a card reader.I did multi times Battery Pull and changed different card..

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BB Bold 9700 :: How To Install Memory Card

Mar 24, 2010

I just got my 9700 today and I don'tknow how to install the memory card.

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BB Bold 9700 :: How To Improve Memory Management?

Jan 7, 2010

I have the Bold 9700 coming from many years of using Palm OS devices.I am running OS I am an Anesthesiologist and use my device for communication but also to keep track of my scheduling and billable activiities. have very few extra app's loaded but consistently run free memory in the 5- 10 MB range. I do notice things slowing down as the free memory drops but no lockups as a rule. My only third party apps are Pocket Informant for scheduling, Epocrates for Pharmaceutical info and HanDBase for BB to keep track of my Billings and professional activities (This works but MUCH slower & is relatively crippled compared to HanDBase on my old Treo 680 but that is another story)I deleted all the games and any unnecessary apps but still have pretty marginal memory. I have also loaded Memory Booster which does not affect these values but may improve performance.I would love to delete all those PNG images loaded with the device but have not been able to find any reliable info on how to do this under OS5.Do I have some sort of memory leaks? Are there any other ways that I could find out which apps are eating up the memory?Any other suggestions that would improve this situation?It baffles me to read of people complaining about not enough apps for the BB when I can barely run what I currently have loaded. (Interestingly, I was able to run all these apps on my old Palm Treo with it's massive 32MB RAM - I know it didn't have to run all that Java wizardry & it was not nearly as good a phone but it is ironic that BB's latest & greatest should be so marginal in its performance)Any suggestions or advice gratefully received.

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BB Bold 9700 :: How Much Application Memory Does The Device Comes With?

Apr 22, 2010

mine has around 120mb free wheb purchased new. is this about right. i thought it had twice that? i assume the system takes a bit of it? but then i saw a Internet video and the guys bb is loaded with apps and still got 130mb free. search in Internet "blackberry 9700(onyx) over review". why is that? makes me wonder. is it cuz his is a tester model?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Device Memory - At How Low It Can Run Apps?

Feb 7, 2010

Do I really need to reserve before it becomes an issue. I have a fair amount of free and paid apps, probably between 15-20. Right now, I am at 86 MB remaining. How low have some of you gotten before you notice any kind of problems? I have an 8GB SD card for pics, music, etc., so plenty of room there.

I'm a little surprised for as advanced as this device is that you only get 256MB of space (much less than that, really) for applications. Kinda reminds me of the problem the Nintendo Wii had, where they had an SD card slot, but you couldn't save and programs on it until they did a firmware update later on.

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BB Bold 9700 :: How To Take Out Memory Card Without Damaging It?

Mar 6, 2010

I have just upgraded to the 9700 from the Pearl 8110. I want to take out the memory card that has been inserted in the 9700 and swap it with a card I have in my Pearl. However, without sounding embarrassingly incompetent, I can't seem to get the card out of the 9700.I have followed the instructions, and pushed the card in before it springs out.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Why Memory Cards May Be Incompatible? 

Jan 8, 2010

Does anyone know when memory cards will be available for the Blackbery Bold 9700? Also, is it clear that Bold 9700 phones purchased now in the U.S. through AT&T will accept the memory cards when they are issued, or is there some reason why they may be incompatible?

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BB Bold :: 9700 Memory Low - Just Few Apps Installed

Aug 16, 2011

I've been a BB fan for some years. I'm using now a BB Bold 9700 but I've recently experienced enormous performance problems and flaws on my BB, since I've upgraded to OS6. Mainly the issue appears to be on the Application Storage capabilities. It seems that the device only allows 250MB of application storage, being that the OS6 and some BB required software use the majority of it. I've around 8-10 apps which I've been using: Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox. ScoreMobile, GoogleMaps, Accuweather and a few others.

The application storage memory available is already below 2MB even after deleting all the not needed files, applications, language packs, etc. I've experienced that sometimes, when I reboot the system, there is an increase of space available but it keeps reducing after a few days without any further app installations. This problem affects the overall performance of the device. I've experienced three major things:

1. After being for sometime on stand-by, when I want to use the phone, the BB seems to freeze for about 30sec/1min before it reacts on my commands.
2. Very often, I wake up in the morning and the BB simply deleted all the emails in my inbox. IT appears to be a consequence of a low memory situation.
3. Even just using a few apps, I would like to install a bunch of new other stuff. Nevertheless I'm not able to do so as I do not have memory available for it.

Is there anyway to move the apps to the media file storage? How can I stop this?

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BB Bold :: 9700 Internal Memory Full?

Nov 11, 2010

my internal memory is full. and the phone is really slow. how can i delete some app on my phone to create more memory space

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BB Bold :: 9700 Memory Leak Since Upgrade To OS6?

May 13, 2011

Ever since upgrading to OS 6 about 2 weeks ago, my Bold 9700 loses memory at a rate of about 2 MB/hour. That means freezing and battery pulling twice a day. Today 3 times.There are no new apps since the upgrade.

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BB Bold :: Low Memory Warning On 9700 After Upgrade

Jun 8, 2012

I upgraded my Blackberry Bold 9700 to version 6 from version 5. Now I always get the message that I have low memory. I unstalled 50% of my apps and I still get the message. I even uninstalled App World and I still get the message. Is there a way to fix this? Or should I go back to version 5?

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BB Bold :: 9700 Stolen - Any Way To Get Memory Wiped?

Aug 22, 2011

Over the weekend my Bold 9700 was stolen and I did not have it protected with a code. So now that all my contacts and such are out there I'm hoping there is a way I can get the memory wiped. AT&T has deactivated the sim card but I'm hoping there is away that the memory can be wiped remotely? I had google mail setup on it and have read there may be a way to do it though it.

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BB Bold :: 9700 Can't Access To Memory Card?

Aug 20, 2012

my BB bold 9700 just can't access to my memory card sudendly and I don't know why because everything works ok so far, until yesterday.yesterday I have access to all, music, photos...and today a friend calls me and the ring tone is differente and when I try to change access to memory card, says that don't have none?!!!I try to take the battery off for 5 minutes, put the memory card in my Pc and works fine...I don't understand, it's like if my BB don't have any memory card in!

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BB Bold :: 9700 Memory Card Not Reading?

Nov 26, 2012

i recently got a bold 9700 but when i insert a memory card it's sayin that there is no media card in the device.. i have inserted two differnt memory cards and its the same thing.

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BB Bold :: Memory Small With 9700 After OS Upgrade To 6?

Apr 24, 2011

After Upgrading my 9700 to OS 6 there has been serious memory issues with my device. I am always shot of memory on the device. I had to uninstall my GPS apps and many utility software.I feel the 512 MB onboard memory is too small to OS 6 which take up lots of space.

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BB Bold 9700 :: 3G Won't Connect To Internet

Jul 20, 2010

I have been having issues for the last month or so with my 9700. When I get home none of my internet heavy apps or the browser work. Its not every day. Just intermittently. After multiple calls to T-Mo and verification that there were NO issues in my area (a full 3G area) they finally sent me a replacement 9700. I've had it a week and no problems...until today. Same issue. If I put my phone on 2G it seems to work ok if its on 3G/2G it won't connect to the internet at all.Anyone out there know why this could be happening? I had me first 9700 since November with zero internet connectivity issues.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Internet Service

Feb 28, 2010

I sold my at&t bold 9700 and bought a t-mobile version, unlocked it and am using it on at&t and I don't have to pay the ridiculous price of 30 per month for internet service on my phone. really I only need the phone for texting, phone calls listening to music and taking some pictures anywayz. Till phone carriers lower their prices. I will never pay 30 a month for smart phone internet again.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Connecting To Internet

Apr 22, 2010

I've recently upgraded my phone to the Blackberry 9700 (my first BB so I'm completely clueless) and received it yesterday.I also changed my plan to allow internet access.

I registered my phone and was told to turn it off for 2 hours so they can update the sim and everything, which I did. I then turned it on and I can make calls, send texts and all of that, but when I try to access the internet it says 'This is a Wi-Fi service. Please ensure your device has an active Wi-Fi connection and try again'? I'm taking a guess here, but I think this may be because they haven't updated my plan yet?

Also, I went on the browser whilst connected to Wi-Fi, tried to download the app world and it said something along the lines of 'Sorry your device does not meet the system requirements require'. What's going on?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Can't Go On Facebook / On Internet At All When Wi-Fi Is On?

Apr 22, 2010

Anyone know why I can't go on FaceBook or on the internet at all when the wi-fi is on? It connects to my home wi-fi connection but I can't go on the net.It tells me i need the data plan.I thought wi-fi would give me internet on my phone.

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