Similar posts out here and can't find an answer: I have a BB Bold that was working fine today. Since 5:30 ET, it has gone to a black screen. When plugged in, the led light blinks 4 times, pauses, blinks 4 times, pauses, and so on. This blinking pattern has continued for hours. I unplugged and removed thte battery, and then returned the battery to the phone and plugged it in again with no improvement. The phone will not turn on and continues to blink as described. There has been no drop or moisture damage to the unit. Any ideas as to what is going on?
Phone turned itself off.Tryed plugging it into a wall charger and laptop usb cable to charge, but each time the red time stay constant for about a minute and then it changes to flashing four times quickly then a short pause and then flashing four times again (and it just repeats this over and over again.)
I have the blackberry bold 9700 the LED light to alert you of messages etc. Will not stop flashing. I pulled out the battery and that's when the flashing started I thought pulling the battery out again would work but it hasn't stopped it flashes several times stops and flashes again a min later. I checked all apps and messages but cannot find any alerts. Its been over a week but the problem has not corrected itsel
Phone turned itself off. Tryed plugging it into a wall charger and laptop usb cable to charge, but each time the red time stay constant for about a minute and then it changes to flashing four times quickly then a short pause and then flashing four times again (and it just repeats this over and over again.)
i have may bold 9000 for awhile now but all of a sudden it does not turn on any more. screen blank and the LED light flashing four times. i cannot wipe the phone because i cannot access my bold via the USB port. i'm geting frustrated and i dont know what to do.
I tried to charge my phone on my computer and it would not charge and I saw that the batteries light would flash three times when trying to open the unit?? I am wondering if I should go see my provider or if there is a fast fix for that?
I just bought my onyx around a month ago and it has been happening like 4 times already. I had to take out the batter everytime this happens. Anyway to fix this?
My good old Bold 9000 has gone dead! At first I thought it was the battery and I replced it. Now it just flashes at intervals of a minute four flashes until the battery dies. What could be the problem? I tried to do a system restore but its not connecting to the computer.
My sms messages are all messed up. They are in the wrong order, and the red light won't stop flashing, even after I've read and replied to an SMS. I've tried to back it up using the desktop software but it get stuck at the smart-card bit and wont go any further, so I have to unplug it. How can I reset my phone to make this go away?
I am using bold 9700 and bold 9000 at the same time. My bold 9000 was os 4.6 since the OS 5.0 is available. I updated the os However, the battery seems like an issue for me. It get hot so easily and the battery level drop off very fast even I didnt really use it. One day I need to charge it for 3 times. May I know what is the problem about this? Is this due to the OS or what?
I've recently got a brandnew blackberry bold 9700, which I've got one day now and it just won't turn on anymore. I rebooted it because I removed an app, and the only thing it does now is blinking the red led light 4 times in a row. I tried almost everything (apploader, jl_cmder, leave batt out for one hour).
I changed the battery on my Z2, to which I knew was better, after that it doesn´t starts only flash red 3 times when I press the on button, put in the second battery that sat in the beginning the same phenomenon flashes 3 times refuses to start, the worked without problems before I changed battery.
i cant seem to load any software on my daughters phone it flashes twice then 4 times have tried reinstalling the desktop software but still cannot get the backberry to start?
There was this pop-up thing happening and without knowing what it is and trying to get rid of it, I entered the password incorrectly 10 times and my phone got wiped. I did not back up any of the data in my phone. Now, every time I turn on my phone (bold 9000) the battery dies within 2-3 hours and when I switch the battery it erases all contacts and adjustments to the settings that I've made. In addition to this, the phone gets super hot, even though I turn the phone off.
A few days ago I pulled my phone out of the holster and It was really hot and when i looked at it i realized it was off, and wouldnt turn back on. just a red light comes on like normal upon a battery pull but after it turns off the red light comes back on again once more then stays off for good. unless i plug it in then it comes on and goes off all the time. I got it powered back up yesterday but then it did it again. Today I plugged it in and I saw a picture of a battery come up on the screen showing it as empty, i was hoping that meant it might charge up. but no such luck. My main objective is just to get the phone up long enough to back up the info on the phone.
I have recently upgraded my android version to 4.0, i don't know if the cause comes from the upgrade, but some times when i start a game on my phone the screen keeps flashing when i reload the game the screen is back to normal. Is there a fix or something for this?
My girlfriends SE K550i died yesterday. If you try to start it it flashes red a couple of times then nothing happens. I have read about this and I thought I could reflash the phone to see if that fixes it. I have tried with XS++ and when I press 2 and 5 and connect the phone the program reacts but it stops at "Protocol Version 3.1" then nothing happens. The phone doesn't react when I put it in the charger so perhaps the battery is all drained too.
i have a bold 9000 given to me from my aunt because of this problem.i don't know what it should look like when it boots up or when it's plugged into the computer because it doesn't do anything when i try to turn it on.When i remove and replace the battery the red led light comes up for a little. The buttons then begin to flash for about 2 seconds then die. It does this repeatedly until only a little bit of the trackball is flashing.When plugged into the computer, it just does the red light thing again and my computer recognizes it and makes the usb noise numerous times periodically (and doesn't stop).
I've google'd around and searched around for solutions and I've tried every single one. Wipe and reinstall OS. That doesn't work because when i try app loader it says it cannot connect to the device in the second stage (sorry don't remember which one). Every single battery swap method. Leaving the battery out for 48 hours. You name it.
I am using backberry9000 and it just keeps on flickering the red light, doesnt switch on. is it dead, is there anything I can do about it, can it be fixed?
im using a bb bold 9000, and after a years use, the keyboard light seems to be getting dimmer and dimmer. any suggestions on how to get it back like the way it was?
I recently upgraded my OS from 4.6 to 5.0 and everything is going well except, I don't know why my Bold 9000's screen light will NOT turn off while it is in it's cradle charging. I must be messing up on a certain setting It used to turn off for the night while charging.
Is the red LED supposed to be ON while the Bold is charging?I just got the Bold and when the phone is on, and I plug it to the wall charger, there is a lightening bolt on the battery icon so I know it is charging, however, there is no red LED.
I used to have a Bold about 6 months ago, then switched phones, and I'm now back on the Bold. I could've sworn when I had the Bold last time, that there was a red LED ON when I charged the phone. Now I don't see it.
Was I just imagining things? Or maybe it was a different OS version? I'm on 4.6. (I think when I was on the Bold last time, I was on OS 5.0.
I initially charged my phone still I got 2-3 battery bar. Since its not fully charged yet I left if overnight. When I woke up it was totally dead. No signs of life. Tried taking out the battery and put it back in after few mins still wont work. Connected to it to my pc same thing, wont work. Tried to hold down the power button several still not working
I'm purchasing a used Bold for $10. The owner says she did a master reset by pressing ctrl+alt+del. The phone went black and only the red indicator light comes on. Did the battery pull and charged it for hours but still nothing. Next steps? What may have happened?