I was wondering if anyone can help me with changing my start page on the bb browser. It loads up to the AT&T MediaNet and when i go into the options to change it I'm unable to. I can't type or delete anything from the field.
Thanks for any help.
Whenever I try to visit a web site using my browser, by clicking a link or accessing a site from my history, The page starts to load but then the Start Page opens instead.
By what logic does the Windows Phone internet browser choose page it loads on start up? Every time I start Internet Explorer it opens up useless site I visited week ago. How can I make it load some useful site on start up? (Like Google)
Searched around but can't find anything on this one. I've had a Bold for about 6 weeks and just today have a problem. My keypad and trackball do not work on the home page, except for the green phone, escape, red phone, convenience buttons, and the mute button. I can switch applications with the left convenience button, and all the buttons and trackball work on any other screen. It's not a password issue, and I don't think it's how the keypad lock works. Any ideas?
I had a Pearl for 2 years and then it broke in July but my mom never stopped paying for the extra 30 dollars for the internet and stuff and then I got a Bold 3 weeks ago and up until like 5 days ago it let me on the internet. It will let me go to a site but then won't let me go anywhere else. For example it will let me go to google.com and then I will google something and it goes to the AT&T world phone page and something pops up and says "A problem occured while trying to render the page" anyone know why it's not working?
Starting when I installed, and continuing on .593, and .593 pwncakes hybrid I have this minor problem I did not used to have. On my browser's go to page, the icons for the search options are cut off or missing. See the images below. This did not happen with my stock .293, .405, or any versions I used prior to .545
Is this "normal" or is something a little off with my 9700? I don't think I've wiped it since my .545 install, just upgraded.
I have a 9700 bold & updated it to os 6 recently.I have never had any problems before but since updating it, when I am browsing different sites I will get a message saying 'closing this page because its too large', and then the page just shuts down.Its seriously annoying me as I had no problems ever before the update and I have had blackberry's for nearly 3 years without issues.Also I recently had a new router installed by an IT company and my wifi will not work with it at all, although it says I have full signal.I have tried everything - the usual reboot etc - the IT guy said he spoke to someone from BB and they said it was something to do with the bb blocking the router security wise.
I am having BlackBerry Bold 9000... i was out of country so i wasnt using my bold for a month now the battery has totaly drained i charged it for 3-4 hrs but no luck then i googled for this and got a method that keep wall charger on and remove the battery and put it in after 30 seconds. This showed up a sceen with battery and a bolt but now the red light glows for 50-60 seconds then the white screen with bolt and battery comes up then screen goes off and red light lit up. this is coming repetedly that is screen.
Im desperately need your help over this matter, i have sent to couples of repair shop, but still, they cant rectify my bb bold problem.My bb wont charge as the result, it wont open and load to the homepage. even if it did, it will repeatedly load the OS.Can someone give me some leads on this problem? something to do with technical errors. Btw, my battery is fine, tried switching it with my friend's bold, and it works. .so no problem with the battery. .
my bberry won't start up. I turned handheld off becouse it was looking slow and then didn't start up again. I plugged it in but doesn't show the charging light. took batterry and sim off, stil nothing. did it with charger on, same. when i remove battery flashes for a second a light inside camera lense.
my blackberry bold 9000 is not working.. i mean 2 days before it suddenly reboot and after that it wont start. its red light flash for 30 second then its tried to loading but in 10 seconds it reboots again and it is not starting. even when i tried to connect it with pc, it is not connecting with desktop manager. i am worried. i searched for all solutions but not getting any usefull information
I have read several posts about this issue but i have a couple of specific questions. I updated its software through my computer and after it had finished i plugged it in to my wall charger and went to bed, the next morning it would not start up or charge. i tried letting it sit for 24 hours without the battery in, and Ive tried letting it sit with the battery in, it doesn't seem to make a difference. when i put the battery in the red light flashes once very quickly and then doesn't do anything else. every now and then right after i put the battery in and then put the charger in right after the red light comes on and stays on for as short as seven seconds up to a couple of minutes. Is there anyone who can help me get my blackberry back up and running or is it just an expensive paper weight?
My wife and myself are getting Bolds in a week. Im getting the 9700 and she wants the 9000. Just wanted to know if the 9000 will get the new web kit browser and is it compatible. Ive been trying to convience her on getting the 9700 but she wont budge. She wants a white Bold. Trying to make sure she wont get screwed in the end.Im pretty sure somebody posted this before but just couldnt find it. Unfortunatly I dont have as much time as before to look thru the threads. Too much work and too little time.
I have a Bold 9000. Its unlocked I was told its a international version since it dosnt say ATT or t-mobile at the bottom of the phone. Well it only has the hotspot browser. And when I go to options >browser configuration> browser it only has one browser which is the hotspot browser. Theres no other browser there. Is there anything I can do to add the other browsers? Because I don't want to just have wi-fi alone because not every where you go has wi-fi. Can any one help me or tell me what I should do?
I have a bb 9700 (v5.0.0.586) often when using the browser it stops working it just says loading (like when loading a normal page) but never loads any page. When I remove and put the battery back the browser works as normal.is there any way to sort out the problem without re booting the phone.(The phone has the original software, I never updated any software)
My current BB works perfectly fine, just that for some reason I cannot open the internet browser. It is 100% connected to the wifi. ( I do not have data plan) But Browser would not open. and leaves a message "your device does not currently have any Browser Configuration Serive Book entries". I've tried going to rogers and fido and all, but they all suggests me to go call them instead. Therefore, I did but I ended up calling different departments, but neither of them could get me to the right department. and I'm sick of being pushed around.
With default BB9000 web properties set, javascript support enabled, suppose you are at a web page which has a listbox control and you need to display the list items to select one row.how do you do that with the BB9000 ?what button or what combination ?
I am running My browser says unable to connect to the internet please try again later. If issue persists please contact your service provider. I have a bis connection andd full service. Email andd viigo both work.
I'm having trouble with my internet. i can use my WAP browser but i do not see my regular internet browser, not even in the options menu. also my bbm does not work. i cannot send or receive bbms. i can send out emails but not receive them. my apps that connect to the internet will not work, ie berryweather, facebook, appworld. i get a message about contacting my provider and upgrading to a service plan that allows me to browse. all this just happened all of a sudden on this phone. i've tried reloading the OS back to the original .167, and numerous battery pulls. nothing seems to work. is there an outage or something? even my wifi wont connect to my internet at home. it says connected but its greyed out.
I have a problem,BlackBerry Bold 9000 Carrier is AT&T V4.60.304(platform
I have no connection on blackberry app World or any of the blackberry apps or my e-mail, I can use MEdia net browser to connect to the internet it works fine, I can us Wi-Fi and everything work fine. Myspace or Facebook or any apps don't work unless i use my home Wi-Fi. I talk to AT&T and they said my internet was working fine.
I've upgraded to Lollipop on my S5, and for some reason, my google chrome start page and subsequent tabs, are trying to open a document that I had written and deleted.
I've tried to change the homepage, the subsequent tabs, delete and reinstall the update, but no avail. It still tries to load the deleted document.
So if I leave a tab open in my stock browser on the HTC one, then come back to the browser a few minutes later, choose the tab, it has to reload the tab again. This is annoying when I need the page for later when I'm not going to have WiFi or strong signal.
i have connection to internet via my home wlan. e52 can connect to it and when i choose a web page it will open it. but if select a link in a page and try to open that nothing happens. same thing when i try the preconfigured links for the facebook and Internet. i can open the first page, but i cannot login to the facebook. i have to close the connection and type in directly the page where i want to go. i cannot use any links within the web pages.
What is the short key for toggling between 2 web pages in Nokia Browser ? At times some sites open 2 windows and I can see '2' at the top but not able to toggle between the windows.