Nokia Nseries :: Transferring Info From N97mini To N9?
Aug 28, 2012
I've recently purchased an N9, which uses a micro-sim. My old phone is the N97mini, which does not. I figure the easiest way to transfer all the info, contacts, messages, calendar notes & etc is to transfer it all to my PC then onto the N9..(totally non-IT-intelligent) how I can do this with the N97?
a few months ago, as I put a newly bought 8gb micro sd in my n97 mini, on which I had copied all the folders from my previous micro sd, the audio player bugged: I couldn't refresh the music list anymore, and couldn't see the musics of the micro sd. The memory card was fine since there was no problem for pictures etc.Since then I tried everything... soft reset, hard reset, other memory cards, musics on the internal memory of the phone... my firmware's updated (v30.0.004), never used a hack or anything like that, all updates made from nokia suite.By the way, the message displayed when I refresh the musics from the audio player, it says (in French) Operation cancelled: file corrupt.
Suppose I have a winmo 7 phone that I have been using for a while (HTC HD7 tmobile version) and I want to get a new winmo phone (one with support for 3g on rogers)- is there a way for me to transfer all my information, settings (people hub, contact lists, texts) etc over to the new phone without much hassle?
i downloaded the free nokia maps app and i cant use it as i used to ... last time i was able to use it was 3 months ago. i am used to using it as a GPS but since the last update i cant now .... my Nokia is N97 mini and i am verry fond of it
I have just bought a new X10 mini pro and want to transfer ALL the contact and calendar info from my olld Sony Ericcson W595 not just th info on the SIM card - have tried syncing - only takes numbers from SIM card.Old network 3 new network Tesco mobile.
I have copied all my contact and calendar details from the old phone onto Sony Ericcson PC companion but when I try and copy the data to the new phone I don't seem to have the same options. My number will tansfer on 04.01.11 and am now concerned that I may lose this info
Why there is no track and artist name display on the main screen of internet radio ?I had that on my old NOKIA 6710 and even with ahistory of last tracks. I guess it also worked in Anna , but not in Belle.
just as mentioned, i bought n97mini and tried to use its gps function in UK. it worked perfectly before i upgraded but after i downladed the nokia ma loader and upgrade map in my mibilephone, navagtion , my location, maps all could not find even 1 gps signal...i tried online with internet(WIFI)/ WAP , but nothing happened.
My parrot handsfree kit worked perfectly with my E61i but on upgrading to the n97Mini I find that the incoming calls do not play therough the cars loudspeakers but through the phone so I cannot hear the person on the other end. Do I need to change a setting somewhere
I have always used the Nokia Email client on my N97 Mini, it's worked fine for some time.Last night my N97 mini notified me that an update was available, which I accepted and it downloaded and installed Nokia Email messenger After the install I turned the phone on and off again, and now it will not receive new email - specifically my 2 Windows Live accounts: & I went to the page and re-downloaded and re-installed the same version, turned my phone on and off again and still nothing. It says the email client is online and I have tried forcing it to sync by going to "Options" then "Send/Receive" but it simply isn't working.
As normal use of the N97 mini mean frequent removing of the battery, I was unpleasently suprised that this did cause application icons removed from the Applications folder.As I am sure I installed the application on Mass Memory I am confused that there is no Program Files folder to have the applications.Where do I locate installed applications and how do I restore the icon?
On my E71 I had different lables for the mobile phones of all the couples and families I know. The live on the same address but tend to have one fixed line but mulitple mobile phones so I labeled these accordingly. One of the neater features of the E72 I'd say. After transfer to the N97 I realized that they are all called "Mobile" again. It seems that the option to change them is not available on the Options menu.Very excited about the N97 mini
As an ardant lover of music and, in just a tiny lesser degree, of the N97mini I was wonderering of someone had succesfully been able to have the Music library search function to confine its search to music only. I am willing to use a loose definition of music to include Kylie, 50 Cents as well as K3 but for the love of God I cannot regard the no doubt popular tracks "Skype" or "SkypeIM" as music.Is it possible to restrict the location where Music library is looking for material to the location of locations where I, or whatever Ovi/Nokia application is installed, stores its music?
I am unable to resolve the sync error 8004fd22. I am using Nokia OVI with latest update with Win XP and Office 2007 MS Outlook to sync between Outlook and my device. All others except the calendar are getting synced. Could some one help please in resolving this issue? All my MS software are updated.
I purchased a Nokia N97 Mini about a month and a half ago. There is a problem with the headset that came supplied with the phone, firstly when the jack moved it cut out and nothing could be heard. Now however, the left earpiece has completely stopped working. It is due to a faulty jack on the headphones, as I've seen the problem before, but on a supposedly quality pair of headphones less than two months old this should definitly not happen.I took the headphones into an authorised Nokia warrenty service repair shop today and they said they need a reciept before they repair the headphones. I explained to them that I did not get a reciept for the headphones as they came supplied with the phone, but they kept saying they could not fix them until I had a reciept for them. I asked if the reciept for the phone would suffice and they said no, it HAD to be for the headphones. Please explain what I am to do, how do I go about getting these repaired under the warranty?
I wanted to transfer my contacts, ringtones, pictures, and memo pad info from my storm 2 to the 9800. I didn't want to use the DM "Switch Devices" utility because I don't want everything copied over including the settings.The pictures and contacts were easy as I just switched SD cards.Ringtones and pictures I transferred over by plugging in the phones up and used Windows to simply drag the files over.My problem is the memo pad info. How do I get that to my 9800?
I don't know if this has been talked about before, but I'd like to know what to do exactly when I want to go from my L800 to my brand new L920. I'd like to take contacts, music, pictures, accounts, apps etc... to my 920
I used to have GPS Info QT on my E6, but the new version doesn't support the E6. Is there anyway of getting the older version? I checked the store to no avail. Trying to contact the developer only leads me to his blog with no way of e-mailing him.
This is my first experience on a discussion group so i'm hoping for a positive one. I've just bought a nokia X6 after owning a N96 for 18 months. I want to find the easiest way of transferring all my music that's currently on the N96 to the X6. I've got 6,200 tracks to move so i don't really want to start from scratch.
I have my corporate email set up on E72. The set up was using IMAP option. When I press the right most email key , I see all the emails in the inbox. Could you please explain is this is indeed my mailbox or is it just a link to mailbox ? The reason being everytime I click this key, I get a message stating that the last connect was at so & so time and do I want to connect again. When I connect , it shows connecting to my mailbox and disconnects immediately. I do not see any change to the list of emails shown. Sometimes I do see emails in this screen even though I have deleted those from the mailbox.
I have a Nokia E71, and there is a display indicator at the top right corner that looks like a mailbox. If I go into the main menu, the indicator changes into an envelope with a @ sign on it. I checked the User's Guide, but there is no image/picture that resembles it. What does it mean, and how can I remove it?
1. when i go to activate Bluetooth it stalls and tells me "unable to perform bluetooth operation". Therefore i cannot enable it.
2. I took a whole bunch of pictures a couple days ago. I use the nokia image software to transfer them, somehow it deleted my pictures from my phone, and none of them to my laptop. The most recent picture came out broken up, but resides perfectally in the phones memory. How is this possible? can i get my pictures back?
-if tried googling the bluetooth problem. havnt found a solution yet -i have done a hard reset. 3 buttons. then loaded my settings back onto the phone. Bluetooth still dosnt want to turn on.
I can't seem to find any good source that explains how to do this! My sim card has no contacts on it, and you cant export them from the iPhone to the sim card, I'm lost as to what I can do to keep my contacts! how to transfer contacts from iPhone to Lumia 920?
I just bought new 920 and want to transfer my all iphone contacts. There is nice application in my 920, "transfer my data". So after getting bluetooth on from both phones I did use that app, and it told only contact information in available for transfer. I did choose it and after running from 0% to 100% my 920 said "done".
Now when I go to my 920 phonebook, I cannot see any contacts? Where it has transferred them? I have disabled getting contact from facebook and hotmail because I really do not need all my 500 facebook "friends" information to my phone. They are not real friends and just mixing up my phonebook too much. I had/have all needed information in my iphone contact list but cannot get them in 920.
Cell Info Display when activated on E72 briefly shows in upper right corner & then is displaced by Date. Is there any way that Cell Info is Displayed continuously like other mobiles?
I have been struggling with syncronization issues between my Nokia N97 and Outlook 2010 for nearly a year! With the latest Ovi Suite version, finally some issues are solved but still others persist. In this thread I would like to mention that Ovi synchronization does not sync the Contacts information such as Company and E-mail.