IPhone 6 :: Downloaded Ringtones From ITunes Disappear Within Hours
Dec 5, 2014
i have downlloaded numerous ringtones from iTunes and then they disappear within hours.
I Have sunk my phone into iTunes library on my desktop and it still allows them to vanish. I have the iPhone 6 and I have reported numerous problems and they re download but then disappear again. I went to Apple store and they see my phone is having a software issue but said to call apple for a refund, to rebuy my purchases.
I have downloaded a ringtone and the app says to import it to the "ringtones" tab in itunes but I cannot find such a tab. I have the app downloaded to my iphone 4s but cannot find a way to attach it to a contact.
I just upgraded to a Iphone 5 c and bought new ringtones. Did the update 8.1.1 and all purchased ringtones disappeared. After talking to Apple about the problem, I was told they would not credit my account because they are aware of this problem.
Info: iPhone 5c, iOS 8.1.1, My iTunes purchased ring tones gone
If I use the option to convert higher bit rate songs to 128 AAC for my iPhone, I can no longer see my ringtones that I've synced on the iPhone itself. When I plug the iPhone in, iTunes shows that they are on my phone but when selecting ringtones for contacts, they are not visible. When I uncheck the option and resync, the ringtones are now there. I've tried changing the name of the tones but no luck. Anyone else have this issue or a solution?
I have iPhone 6 plus , i downloaded ring tones , ok for an hr , then they were gone , tried again and again ,same thing , was told i had already brought item , but carried on , they r in my ituines , but can not be synced.
BBought the iPhone 5s last week from the apple shop... Got it all transferred correctly via backup ... Everything worked, photos, messages, ringtones etc .....now the ringtones which I have always used and downloaded, are not working ! They did when I got the phone, but yesterday I connected it to the laptop to make sure iTunes was working with it, which it was ... since then , although my chosen tones for text and ringtones are in the list in 'Tones' and ticked , they don't work ..checked using my husbands phone to ring my phone , just got a tinkling type sound, same with text message tones, not the ones I have ticked either on my phone of my iPad ... Tried all kinds but can't get them to work ... And they all transferred correctly from I tunes on laptop to phone and iPad when I connected and applied ...
I just got this phone about 3 weeks ago and just got my data cable and sd card and such the other day. I downloaded a couple of songs to use as ringtones and they are in the correct folder on my card. I set one as my ringtone and called my cell phone from my house phone and it worked. I cut my phone off and I was going to show my wife what it sounded like (when she got off work). The ringtone was set back to one of the originals that came on the phone. I have looked and looked and it seems like no one else has had this problem. I even deleted those songs and tried a new one. It worked fine until I cut the phone off and back on. Same results. I ave this through NET 10 by the way.
When a call come in, displays on screen but no tones are heard. Went to "change sounds and alerts", "phone ring tone" and it just comes back to same screen.
I forgot my iphone 5 passcode and it became disabled when i guess it.. Then it says "connect to iTunes" so i connected but it keeps on loading for 4 hours already>,< is there any other way to reset my phone?
I have taken the old steps for creating a ringtone in iTunes 8, going from a .mp3 to .m4a and then to .m4r, but once I have changed the file type from .m4a to .m4r and placed the ringtone in the music file in iTunes, the ringtone will show up in the Ringtones folder, but will not sync to my iPhone 3g. Also the file is only 35 seconds long. Any suggestions? If there is any other info you need let me know and I'll tell ya.
Last week I purchased three ringtones from iTunes directly from my iPhone and when I synced up my iPhone to my Mac just now, it removed those ringtones off my phone but now I can't figure out how to get them back on! I can see those ringtones in iTunes on my Mac but when I tell it to sync those ringtones back to my phone they never show up. What am I doing wrong?
I made several ringtones and changed the extension to .m4r but they don't show up in iTunes ringtone folder. I have done this before and it worked but can't get it now. I am using the latest iTunes and all songs are 30 seconds long. Thanks for any help!
I have sucessfully converted songs into acc files, deleted the converted files from iTunes (but not the computer), found the m4a files on the PC, converted them to m4r, transferred the m4r files back to iTunes and found them under "Tones".
What I cannot do is to get them to be found on my iPhone 3GS.
Syncing the iPhone does not appear to transfer the ringtones..
Info: iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.0.1, Windows 7 Home Premium wireless lap
i am trying to transfer ringtones that i download from an app to itune but i download itune on my pc and connected with iphone but dont know what to do next
I had both created and purchased ringtones on my iPhone4S. I did a full backup of my 4S to iTunes on my Mac. I restored my new iPhone6 from that backup. When I go into my Tones file in the iTunes App, it shows all the ringtones. They are checked. But, when I connect my phone and look at the iTunes App's Tones file of my device, the ringtones show up but most of them are grayed out and won't show up on my phone.
How do I get the ringtones that are grayed out to sync with my new phone? I have looked at their format- they are m4r.
I have unchecked all tones, synced, checked all, applied, and synced again. Nope.
"Sync only checked songs" is checked.
I found the ringtones in my history of purchases, but it was 2 years ago and when I try to report a problem, it says it's too old.
I'm using iPhone 5S. I bought 3 ringtones from iTunes and none of them are working as my ringtones. I tried to play them via iTunes Library, but it doesn't work also. The ringtones colored grey and can't be play.