Xseries :: Missing Nokia Apps After Upgradeon X3-02
Oct 16, 2010
Had bought a X3-02 2 weeks ago. Did a firmware upgrade yesterday to V05.32. After the upgrade, found that the OVI and all other pre-installed NOKIA apps are missing (facebook, twitter, IM...). Could not figure out how to recover them after searching Nokia webs.
How to remove installed apps from nokia? I cannot uninstall apps from phone because when I select Application mgr. > Installed apps. I have black screen and error message 'Memory full'. Nokia X6.
my phone X2 02 .....it update via Nokia care Colombo...but i can't radio recording now......i don't what to do.....before i visit Nokia care because Nokia browser going Chinese language & facebook apps and can't acess to internet ..so after updating nokia browser it's back to english languge & can go internet but facebook app and other still didn't acess internet.Moderator's note: The post moved from another thread. Please start a new thread if there is no existing thread about the issue.
I bought my nokia n900 around 10 days back, works absolutely fantastic, gives me atleast 14-15hrs or battery life. yesterday i installed a couple of applications like MYMENU and MYTUBE. i checked it then and there and did not find it very good. so i uninstalled it. after that i cannot find 'MORE' option which is at the right bottom of the menu screen. dont know what to do know. even if i tap on the empty space at the right bottom it comes up to my dashboard.
Nokia panoramaNokia chatNokia gig finderNokia dropNokia wellness diaryNokia Swype 2.1I understand the rest of the world exists in other echo systems. But what about Nokia's apps that give critical functionality that no one else will provide White 808 Pureview NAMBlack N8 NAMSilver N95-3 NAM
I reinstalled the Nokia Belle on N8 after there was some space issue based on recomnedation from Customer support i am missing Need for speed application. I checked in Nokia Ovi store app i can find it , if i restore my backup i will still be having space issue on C i think.
I was generally a bit ticked-off with my E7, particularly because its USB port had gone extremely dodgy. sorted by my service provider by simply swapping the handset. The new one, however, has come with a completely different set of software loaded. Most of which is fine, but the Location App, with GPS data has dissappeared, and it's one of the items I used a lot.
I've looked at other GPS apps, but they don't have the functionality of the "location" app, mainly the ability to set a destination (via longitude and lattitude) and have it direct you there. This app has been on Nokia phones for years and years, and yet suddlenly this phone doesn't have it. Most odd.
Is it available for download from anywhere? I've looked for it on OVI for quite some time, but to no avail.
I got optional update from my N8-00 and I dont know what happened but it seems that it corrupted my phone because it doesn't pass through the loading page luckily I was able to get a fix on that. But the main problem is I've been missing some of Nokia Apps including Maps, Ovi store, quick office and also the pre-downloaded games that came with Symbian belle. I believe those are Need for Speed, Golf and I forgot the other one. How can I have those apps back? I've been doing factory reset every now and then but still programs are missing. And also those missing programs have widgets on my homescreen and an error which is "Error occurred. Widgets removed" will pop up on my screen.
so i recently gota a nokia 603 from my dad as a birthday present...i used it for a while and changed some settings...after doing this i decided to do a hard reset on the device..after the fone restarted i noticed that some of the original apps had gone missing..and also i cannot access social, nokia store, maps...and other preinstalled apps through mobile data..but its possible to access them through wifi.
When I first got my X3, there was a bar on the Home screen with 4 blank faces in it which I think was the Favorites bar. Somehow it's gone missing, and I can't find it anywhere. I assume that's where I can place people I call most. How do I get it back?
I tried several time to find the way to delete some rubbish apps but I could not find the menu with delete option. Also in Ovi suite, no way to delete apps.
I cant uninstall any apps in my X6 as I am getting 'Memory Full error' whenever I open Installed Apps folder. Please let me know if there is an alternate way of uninstalling Apps.I tried if there is any such option available in OviSuite but couldnt find any.....I downloaded OviSuite from nokia website a month ago.
So my nokia x7 phone works well but my dad doesn't let me use 3g network and my app store doesn't work so i was wondering if theres a way to get apps or how to fix this problem.Community Management notice:Hidden link to external content removed.
This is getting really anoying. From time to time, any of the apps I use (from the official Internet browser, to Foursqure, Opera Mini, Gmail, or any other that need Internet access for that matter) don't even give me the dialogue to chose an Internet connection. I just get a message: Unable to connect to Internet.
I'm pretty sure all my settings are ok, especially because this happens sometimes (from never per day to always per day/session) and there are no rules when it starts working again. Sometimes it needs a few phone restarts, sometimes it just need some time.
So basically, the applications don't try to evoke Internet access. Even if I already have a constant Wi-Fi connection, they still don't see it "or even try to do so by asking".
My wife had her iphone 4 replaced under warranty. She had not backed it up recently so the apple technician backed it up to the iCloud before setting up the new phone. After the data download completed to the new phone, a number of her apps are missing. How do i restore them? I saw that syncing to itunes does not work with the cloud turned on. Do I turn the cloud off then manuall
I performed a security wipe on my phone and when I went back to download the apps I purchased they were not showing in the un-installed list on BB app world. When I try to download them again it wants me to purchase them again. Anyone know how I can redownload them without paying a second time?
I have just updated my X7-00 to Nokia Belle, In the Gallery app, when I press the Share button in the bottom bar it says "Feature not supported", why is that?. Also, the Nokia Recommends app doesn't work and always tells me it has problems with the connection, even though I'm already connected to a Wi-Fi network and every other thing on the phone works. I re-installed the update again but the same problems exist.
I tried to update to Android 4.0 via the Sony Ericsson Bridge for Mac. The software prompted me to change the settings to MTP, after I changed, my Mac couldn't detect the phone. After I disconnected the phone, I found that many of my Apps went missing. Went to Google Play store to reinstall the apps, only to get the message "App cannot be installed in default location". My phone memory storage has been really low lately, about 30Mb left, and I haven't installed any new apps. I have moved most of the apps to my SD card, not sure what has happened.
I booted my phone in safe mode and when I returned into normal mode many of my apps' icons are missing. They are missing both from the home screen as well as the app drawer. They are still installed. I can open them through Google play and I still get notifications. I tried a cache partition wipe with no luck. how to get them back?
My s6 (all stock) Is missing 6 folders full of apps. I have the apps in my applications menu, and I can only access them if I go through Google play. A few of the sideloaded ones I can't get to at all. I have tried rebooting numerous times.
It occurred after I updated on Verizon to 5.1.1 and my phone died. After charging a bit, I booted the phone and it went into safe mode. I turned off the safe mode and rebooted, still missing. Booted into safe mode separately... After turn off and reboot. Still the same thing.
Having upgraded my iPhone 3GS to the iPhone 4S, I backed up my data etc. and uploaded everything to my new phone.... unfortunately now I do not have all the iPhone 4S allocated apps (original build) - how do I get them back ?
I have recently bought iphone 4s from saudi arabia.. Now few built in apps like face time, HD video recording and find my iphone... These apps are missing in my iphone.