Xperia Mini/pro :: Calendar Not Showing Event Titles?
Aug 11, 2012
The bug(?) started after updating to ICS. First, thought it could be a sync issue with Facebook, but the same is the case with Google calender, and localy created events.
Since getting upgrade from Samsung SIII to Z2, I am unable to sync facebook event into the calendar, it does show birthdays but no events at all. I have tried removing facebook account and xperia facebook as well and re-add with no solution. Â Initially I thought it might be facebook's issue but it has been like this for months so I am starting to suspect it is Z2 issue. Â ActiveSync with my work calendar work fine on the phone, but not the facebook events.
When I + New Event in my Agenda in Calender the New Event Tableau do appear but after having filled in the relevant field and upon saving the event, the phone says "creating new event" but this not recorded and not see under the heading agenda meaning that it was not created.
My Bravo has begun not synching with my computer's google calendar. When I tap an event that I created on my phone, I get the the following message in the blue box that should contain the event details " fake event to work around a calendar issue" How can I fix this? Googling that phrase has led to several other folks having the same problem, none with solutions that I can find.
I added an event to my calendar a few days ago- but it has disappeared! Now I can't add any events. I didn't have this probl with old phone. How can I fix this?
I can't add a new event to my calendar on iPhone. The plus sign is greyed out and even when I try it with Siri it says "Sorry. I can't do that right now". I did my due diligence and searched all over the forums and internet and I can't fix this. There was a listing in a forum where a lady had this same symptom but it looks like toggling iCloud worked for her. Not for me. I went into Settings>iCloud and turned off Calendar and then turned it back on. Still nothing. I even went to iCloud Backup and turned it on then back off and still nothing.
I just switched from Android to Apple iPhone. When I try to use the calendar, nothing happens. The calendar comes up, it shows the correct dates, I can move from list to day to monthly view. But when I try to enter an event, nothing happens. I have set up the calendar in the set up screen. What gives? Is it defective?
I want to be able to duplicate a calendar event and then edit the date/time. Think about a reoccurring dentist/doctor appointment that you make your next one as you leave. The web interface allows for this easily, and Samsung's calendar allowed for this as well. this basic concept is there and I have just missed it. If not, I will be looking for calendar replacements
I added a recurring event to my iPhone calendar. It is an event the originated on my work Outlook account that i forwarded to my personal email then added to my calendar. The event isn't synching across iCloud for some reason. It is only on my phone, so I want to delete it. There is no "edit" button on the event and, thus, no option to delete it.
I deleted a calender event by mistake, is there any way I can recover it? It turns out my iPhone had been backing up to iCloud at the same time so it was already deleted there.
Small question: Can I have the next meeting or next event from my calendar appear on the home screen. From now, I just have the next event for the current day, not for the seven next days (before this nokia I had a WM phone and I can read the next event on the home screen for the next 7 days, it was very fine). I didn't found any parameter on the phone or any idea on the forum.
After one week, I think I got my Bold under control, but something still bothers me:I have my calendar set up to display my agenda when I open it. When I want to enter a new event, I open the menu, navigate to Go to date, click on it, the slider with day, month, date, year appears, I set to the date I want to go to and press the pad. It takes me NOT to the date I chose, but to the closest date with an event on it.
Is it because I have it set to display agenda? I"m I using a wong command sequence? Is this program dumb?
I used to be able to see the actual events on each day of the month but now I only see a green dot indicating there is an event. You have to click on that day to see what the event is. It was much better before when you could see at a glance your schedule for the whole month and not have to look at one day at a time. This change happened yesterday after having the phone for one week. My phone syncs with my google calendar on my computer.
When I make an appointment in my calendar - lets say a DR appt, I would like to link in the contact so that I have the map/location in the appointment - is this possible? I don't want to do the traditional invite to an event thing - just have the contact info there in my calendar.
My dream of dreams is being able to long click a contact and have an option in dropdown for add to calendar or some such - so that I have everything there - phone map etc..
I can add an event to my Outlook calendar on the computer and it will sync to my calendar on my Galaxy S5 but when I add an event on my phone it does not sync with the desktop calendar. Is there a setting I'm missing to fix this?
I have an iPhone 4. When I use iCal (which is now synched to my Macbook) which is housing my google calendar, I can't invite anyone to my events in iCal. I have to go to the google calendar website and schedule it from there. My wife has a 4S and she can do it right from iCal on a google calendar.
I deleted a calendar event from my iPhone 4S after the event but it keeps popping up on my phone as an alert every single day. I might have set it to recurring which I don't remember but even if I did I deleted the event itself. I sync my phone with my laptop everyday but I don't understand how I get an alert on my phone when I already deleted it. The worse part is I cant find this event anywhere on my phone but it pops up before lunch time every single day and its so annoying now. What I should do to get rid of this recurring event that I already deleted.
I sync my bb calendar with Google using Google sync. Today I made some adjustments to the calendar on the bb and it switches my repeating Monday event to Sunday, and erases the alarm setting. It doesn't do this with any other repeating event.
Ok so I use the auto on/off feature, and recently i have noticed that after my phone turns off for the night, if there is a event on my calendar where the alarm would go off during the time that the phone is off it will turn itself back on and let the alarm go off. Is this normal, or is something wrong?