Xperia Z5 :: Skipping In Music When Play Music Using Bluetooth
Nov 1, 2015
When you play music using bluetooth there is a lag or skipping in music. Like 1 sec. skipping in every 1-3 minutes or sometimes 30secs - up. I think the problem is the android lollipop. I used to connect my z5 in jbl xtreme. my huawei telpad running android kitkat has no problem in playing music using bluetooth. But my z5 and my wife's asus selfie running android lollilop there is a lag or skipping problem.
so in my car with my bluetooth on listening to my groove music... all of a sudden it start skipping at playing back at probably 130% speed. what the heck? Pandora works fine with no skipping.
I know this is an issue with the GS5 and I have researched a bit on the internet. The problem is that anywhere from every 20 seconds to once a minute, audio skips using Bluetooth. It doesn't matter if I am using the stock player, Pandora, Google or Amazon, etc.
The only consistent solution I have found from others is to leave the display on as the problem only occurs when the display "sleeps". This does indeed work for me as well, but I think it is ridiculous to have to leave your display on to listen to skip free music.
Another possible solution I saw was to 'overclock' your CPU while sleeping, however I am not a rooter so I don't know if this works.
Any app to keep the screen lit (longest setting is 10 minutes from Samsung)?
I have been noticed that when I'm listening to music with headphones I get random skips. I'm playing the music using play music and I know the audio files do not have the skips normally. I've noticed it when the screen is off. Originally I thought it might be notifications coming through but when I check my phone there's nothing.BTW I'm running jellybean
S6 Edge or regular S6 experienced the infamous Bluetooth skipping issue? Both my wife's new S6 Edge and mine are doing it. Both have latest Verizon update, I have cleared cache partition, cleared Bluetooth partition, tried the keeping screen on trick to no avail. Having your music Skip no matter which music app I use, natter the coverage area as well.
Just got the Droid 4 yesterday. Using it on Verizon's 4g network, and have discovered a really annoying issue: When playing audio across a bluetooth connection (either to a droid roadster or my 2012 chevy sonic), there are occasional skips in the music. This happens about once every 4-6 seconds, and the cutout is brief, about 1/8th of a second. It does not happen for phone calls, nor do the skips happen if I disable bluetooth and listen via the built in speaker or the headphone jack.
Wifi is disabled, and the source of the audio doesn't seem to matter. I've tried Pandora, Tune-in radio, and locally saved music, same result. It's not the network, as I just upgraded from a Samsung Droid Charge (also a 4g phone) which does not have this issue. I've unpaired from all sources, and re-paired, rebooted the phone, tried while charging / not charging, enabling gps / disabling gps, everything I can think of to isolate the issue. This phone is my in-car entertainment device, and if I can't use it for it's intended purpose, it's useless to me.
I stream a ton through blue tooth to my vehicle (Jeep wrangler via Uconnect). I get bad skipping periodically. To explain a song will be playing and I notices there is a "skip" in the song and as time goes on the skipping gets worse, the song fast forwards a second. Mostly happens on the Nokia + app, but occasionally happens on pandora.
I tried head pones and I didn't notice it, but to be fair I only did it for one or two songs. I do not know if it is a BT issue or if it is something to do with the storage. I turned off driving mode, turned it back on.... Also, music occasionally stops when I get a text message or an email. Not all the time, just maybe 50% of the time? I have to pause the stream/song and hit play again for the music to continue. I had no issues with my GNEX (went through several....POS phone....)
how to play music (mp3) on my Nokia 5800 via bluetooth, so my PC with bluetooth recives music and plays it via speakers. I'd like to do the same in my car which has Bluetooth integrated.
My Xperia X10 will pair with the Bluetooth in my Mazda 3 and I can make phone calls okay, but whan I try to play music nothing comes through the speakers.
I have synced my blackberry bold bluetooth with my honda and I can seamlessly accept/receive calls. I am yet to figure out on how to play music using my phone. When I play music on my phone, the sound comes from phone speakers and not from car stereo. I guess since its bluetooth connected, it should automatically play music through car stereo when I play it on my blackberry.
Love the phone and hopefully this is a basic operation I missed somewhere, but when I connect handsfree to my Bluetooth in the car, calls work great but when I play music it comes out the phone's speakers and not the car.
Similar when I plugged in the phone to a USB input on a boombox, the music plays from Zune over the phone's speakers.
i am using BB 8900 curve..and i cud able to pair my bb device with technocel t10 bluetooth headset device.But how to play songs and listen from that headset...i tried to press the play button on the headset when the songs are being played on the bb device..but when ever i am pressing play button it is going to voice mail and asking me to tell name of the person i need to call....
I have the phone connected via Bluetooth, and i can make and receive calls just fine, all is loud and clear.
But it will not play Music (not from YouTube, not from google Music) when i hit AD2P
I checked some forums and other sites, i tried unpairing, i tried force stop and remove data and clear cache, i tried to do almost anything - nothing worked.
i also do not have the "Media Audio" option under options in Bluetooth device properties (when you click the round icon next to the car device name) - but also ,
My brother has LG G3 (android 5.0) and he is ABLE to play music just fine - He also do not have the "Media Audio" option in bluetooth device properties.
Both phones properties look the same, but only the LG G3 is playing music once AD2P is chosen in the Car.
I would like to play my iPhone music to my computer using bluetooth, as I can in my car or to a bluetooth speaker... Is this possible? or, do I need to connect at cable from the phone to the computer. Bluetooth is how I would like to do this because I already have my home stereo connected to my computer using the cable connection.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 16G RAM
i had transferred my music downloaded on my phone to my pc but was unable to play it on the pc then i registered my pc on the ovi player still cant play the files it says that the songs are protected under microsoft VRM & needs small update which i tried to run but it continues to say that cant connect to internet whereas i m connected to the internet.
also the musc i had trasferred on to my pc when i m trying to transfer the files back to my device the pc it does not allow me & says that this content requires licence...
I loved my Lumia 1020 but could not get music to play via Bluetooth in either of my cars no matter what I tried. It says it connects fine for phone and music and I can receive calls, I can hear and dictate texts, but when it comes to music the phone plays one song for 1 second and then continually loops trying to play the song but only ever makes it 1 second. In the Toyota, it also doesn't send any song information. I have unlinked bluetooth, relinked it, reset the phone, disconnected voice and left music, and had no luck.
My cars are a 2011 Tundra Platinum and 2013 Infiniti JX. I've also read some people had the same issue with Audi and Lexus.
Additionally, both of my cars have USB jacks to interface and play music through with the Navigation/sound system directly and that doesn't work either. The cars completely don't recognize it. Androids and iPhones all work flawlessly.
I honestly had become a big Lumia 1020/WP8 fan and love what Nokia offers in software. I actually really like the WP8 interface as well but not having Bluetooth connectivity to my vehicles (for both voice and music streaming) is a deal-breaker.
I have a 2010 Toyota Tundra with Navigation system. I can pair my new Iphone 4S to the calling part, but I cannot get my music to go through Bluetooth.
When I connect my phone to my cars Bluetooth it automatically starts playing music from Samsungs Music app. The issue is I have Google All Access so none of my music is in that app. Is there a way to have Google Music play by default when connected instead of Samsungs Music app? I checked to see if Samsungs app was set as a default but it wasn't and I can't find any auto play options, I also can't just disable the music app. Oddly enough sometimes it will open Google music and other times it will open Samsung Music even if the last time I was in the car I used Google Music.
I was always very positive about the 1320, but now, after 2 months, the faults are starting to annoy me. This is the biggest problem: I can't play music through bluetooth. It always stutters and skips. Even if I put the phone next to the device. Even on other devices.
I have a Vivaz phone and whenever I am listening to music, the music is skipping. It is a little hard to explain, but other people describe it as being similar to when you shake a CD player while listen to it. All the music I have is MP3 format, 128kbps, but have also tried the music in 192kbps and 320kbps and there is no improvement between the formats.
I have also tried listening to music through both 3.5mm jack and bluetooth headphones (Sony Ericsson HBH-DS205), and strangely enough, there is a difference. The skipping appears no matter what, but is far less noticeable through the 3.5mm jack. I have also tried the music through the default Media Player and through TTPod. I have also tried reinstalling the firmware, reformatting the memory card (16GB by the way) and deleting all music then re-transferring.
I use my D3 to listen to music. I have the mp3s stored on a memory card in my phone. I have music version v4.1.513. Before the update the music played fine. After the update the music will skip/click when ever my cell or data signal changes. I work in a very low / no cell signal lab so the phone is continuously losing signal and getting it back. This cause the music to skip/click every time. Not related to the update my phone still does not like to play music over bluetooth and do navigation at the same time. I have the phone linked to my car radio for navigation and I listen to music from the phone. It will reboot after about 15 minutes of use.
Does anyone notice the droid x 2 continues to say its charging after being removed from the car dock and also the music cuts in and out when playing it through speakers? is this a bug or an actual problem with my phone?