There has been way to many times where I have to restart my phone in order to get my text messages. One weekend I didn't get a single text I restarted my phone two days later and my phone blew up with all the messages coming through. Is this just my phone?Or did I ppurchase a defective phone?
My phone has not received at least two incoming text messages, what can I do to fix this. The phone was an outright purchase & I've used my existing SIM card & mobile number.
I received a text from a contact and it was another contact who had sent the text! Now when my wife texts me, it comes through showing its from my son....after viewing message details, the number is my wifes, although if i reply it goes to my son! I'm using chomp and up to now have had very few problems with it. Is it my phone or the app?
I was wondering if any of you had this issue. I have a LUmia 1520.3 and everything works perfectly, except that if I am listening to music and I get a txt message. If that happens after the message is read and I return to the music the phone starts to play thru the speakers and the the same time. There is a significant reduction in the volume thru the headphones but it still plays. I have tried different headphones and the problem persist over the podcast app as well.
I have an xperia x10 mini which is up to date with the latest software
When I recieve a text from one of my contacts the number that is displayed is a combination of two numbers from my contacts. It doesn't come up with their names, just their phone numbers seperated by a semicolon. Then when I reply to the message it will go to the first number of the two and not to the person who sent the message in the first place. I believe that this happened when I sent a text message a little while ago with both of these contacts as recipients, however I now cannot seperate these 2 contacts. I have tried deleting all the texts and contacts, however as soon as I get a new text from this contact it shows as both numbers again. The only way I can reply to this contact is to remember to start a new message, otherwise it will go to the wrong person. I have searched on the internet and found a few other people with is issue on an xperia phone
My current text messages are being combined with old text messages, creating messages that don't reflect what I sent. The recipients of my texts are very am I when I get there response.
I have recently bought the x8 smartphone but it has not been receiving text messages from other people, now i put the sim card into a different phone and tried that nothing wrong with the sim card that worked fine?
My xperia x10 has started to send text messages that I didn't write to one of my contacts!!!! All the messages are the same "Ppppp" Yesterday they all had a scrolling circle beside them and message details said unable to send sender unknown.I deleted them but they kept coming back at least a dozen of them at at random times. Today they are being sent. By each message there is a envelope with a clock icon. This is happening while the phone is not being used by anyone and is sitting on a table, so its not as if it is being touched by anything in my handbag or pocket.I was using the Handcent App but it was also happening in the installed messaging software. I have uninstalled Handcent and am using the supplied messaging programme. Also getting a lot of force closing messages when I try to send a genuine text.
My phone won't receive text messages. However I can send them.I first thought it was the sim card, so I got myself a replacement simcard from my provider (VOdafone NL) but that didn't work.
I need to print off all my text messages from my ex because shes taking me to court and is sprouting ******** left right and center, i have the proof on my phone from the messages she has sent me but i need to print them off for the police and the magistrate.
I successfully updated to the official Vodafone release using SEUS, loving the update so far but I've come across a problem with text messages.
Every couple of text messages they won't send and instead I get the message cannot be sent error. Trying repeated times has the same results then all of a sudden it will randomly work.
It can't be down to bad signal, last time the error came up I had full 'H' signal. I also tried Handcent to see if using an app would make any difference but it didnt. Are there any known bugs that sound like this
I have a couple of contacts that I have sent a few text messages, yet am unable to reply them since the message reply box is missing. If I want to send them a new text message, I have to write a new one instead of replying. What could cause this issue? I can reply to most of my contacts. I had this issue on my previous Xperia phone as well.
I have owned this phone, a Sony Ericsson Xperia X8, for 3 months and in this time have experienced several instances of sending/receiving texts perfectly OK one minute, then all of a sudden with no explanation it stops allowing me to send/receive texts. This often goes unnoticed by me for several hours because everything looks as it should on the phone, full signal etc. It is not until I go to send a text at some point that I notice it won't send, just keeps saying sending (I know when it has been sent because I get message from O2 telling me my pay and go balance plus the message gets stamped with the time it has been sent).I have to keep on removing the battery and the sim card, then reinserting the sim card and battery before it will work.
I have a fairly long stream of text messages with one person on my Xperia X8 that I wish to keep but I also need to get the messages off my phone as it is getting increasingly slow to open them now. Is there any way of backing up text messages, either through PC Companion or with Astro?
I'm having the 'email' and 'sms' message constantly on my screen to indicate I have a new message- yet there is none. I've cleared my email and text inbox to try and help this, but the icons remain.
att finally release the sense 6 update and i was thrilled. really like what they have done, especially the transparent dock. however, since updating my call log and messages are not coming in chronological order. this is not good. i have tried looking through the settings and restarting to no avail.
I was having problems with my x10 mini pro over the weekend when sending texts, it was being really slow and kept saying there was a problem with the messaging application and asked me if i wanted to "force a close" or "wait". I chose wait everytime and everything seemed ok, except for being really really slow. Today I got the same message when sending a text, but it didnt give me the option to "wait" and I had to press "force close". Well, it then showed me as having NO text messages in my history....I have lost them all. I went in the Vodofone shop and he said they are gone for good....does anyone know anyway I can get them back? Some of them are really special to me and I hate the thought of losing them all like that with no warning