Xperia Z2 :: Won't Turn On - Not Go Into Flash Mode
Jul 8, 2015
My Z2 wont turn on , and i tryed to turn it by presing pow + v UP But nothing have.. and tried charge it but it not charging and i try to repair it with pc companion and when they told my to pres pow + V down i do it but Pc companion cannot recognize my phone ..
I searched and thought for sure this would've been answered elsewhere, but couldn't find anything.Anyway, when I'm in the camera app in camera mode, the flash toggle is set to "auto". When I switch it to "on", nothing happens. However when I go to video mode and press, "on", it works fine. Am I missing something?
While attempting to update to 2.1 through SEUS, the installation failed, telling me that my battery was too low. The phone is now stuck in flash mode, the SE logo flashes for a brief moment, then I am met by a screen with a phone and an Exclamation Point in a triangle for awhile, then the phone restarts and does it again.
I have obviously tried removing the battery and trying again. SEUS has the same result every time I attempt this. I have also installed PC Companion, and one of two things happen 1) PC Companion completely hangs my Win7 (32bit) machine, or 2) Prepares to repair the phone, and while 'preparing', an error pops up and directs me to the webpage.
I cant enter flashmode with my fone. Once I plug it in flashmode my pc just freezes and I have to shut it down manually. So I cant update my SE Neo V to ICS.
i can't update my xperia mini to ICS.I can not connect to the computer as flash mode, the program asks. I tried several computers but do not go: (. Simply start charging.Why not put the program in the previous update, the flash mode, as it did?
in the update phase 2: after i press the back buton and connect the usb cable it lights green and i waited for more than 20 sec to boot in fkash mode but it doesnt happen and the phone turned back on automatically..
Here's my probelem and as i have read around the problem never has been helped out. Oke after i have flashed my phone from 1.6 to 2.1 i never had any problems. but when i updated my phone from 2.1 using PC Companion to 2.3.3. the phone just died. It keeps hagging in flash mode and after like 10 sec it vibrates and won't stop until the bat is dead. What i have done: I have tried to flashing it using the flash tools with many firmwares nothing worked, then i have used the SEUS repair function but when i use that it only wants to flash it to 2.3.3 and doesn't repair it, unless the repair is only reflashing and without whipe user data then it didn't work. Oke anyone with ideas? There are like 3 other people with the same problem and i think we all have an X10i So? The unbrickable phone has a weakness...
I put my phone on silent, it ran out of battery, now after turning it back on i cant get it off silent mode, the volume buttons wont allow me to and when i try to do it in the menu the volume thing you're supposed to slide to the right is greyed out ...
Probably the silliest and easiest to find but for some reason I cannot find how to put my phone to silent mode and or turn off the vibrate setting. Every notification that comes through vibrates even though I don't have the vibrate setting on.
My Z3 is acting up. My Bluetooth and Airplane mode will turn on automatically and when I turn my phone on, sometimes my messaging will be open with words like: awsdt jgtuio gods. Also, today my Facebook opened on it's own and was going to post letters like above on it.
i have bought my x10 mini and i am update it from android 1.6 to android 2.1 by myself using sony PC companion. yes , i am able to install it in about 1 hour , i have notice that the battery consumption after the update is terrible, battery would not recover although the screen is turn off , battery temperature is about 34 deg celcius.I am then turn off all the data transfer , wifi , GPS, background process , kill all the running app application and measure the battery consumption rate !!! it give me 20 minute/percent of battery which is very not desired ! For "my" X10 mini SE 2.1 update ecleair got bug on CPU management, it run continously without going to sleep mode!
I've a problem in z2 whenever i use time shift video mode the camera turn much darker than the normal video mode in same light condition .. I tried alot of times but the results are the same....
I Just reflashed my N900 to RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1.203.1_PR_COMBINED_203_ARM and wanted to clear it completely by flashing RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM Though the first 1 flashes just fine, but the vanilla file wont flash. I entered this command flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_ MR0_ ARM.bin -f -R. It detects the device, then it says "booting device into flash mode" But then nothing happens anymore, phone does not show usb icon anymore And i just see flasher v2.5.2 <sep 24 2009> Image 'mmc', size 255947 kB version RX-51_2009SE _10.2010.13-2.VANILLA USB device found found at bus bus-0, device address \.libusb0-0001--0x0421-0x0105. Found device RX-51, hardware revision 2101 NOLO version 1.4.14 Version of 'sw-release': RX-51_2008SE _10.2010.19-1.203.1_PR_203 Booting device into flash mode Suitable USB device not found, waiting. Can anybody explain me why it wont do this? EDIT: Tried a few times to start over. Sometimes it reboots, and i see the low power mode 5fots moving. Then after a few seconds, it freezes on the 2nd dot.
I feel incredibly stupid, but for the life of me I CONNOT find how to turn on the flash for my camera.In my old Nokia it was as simple as going to the camera settings and selecting Flash > On / Off, but on my new 2730 there doesn't seem to be such an option. I have tried going into all the camera settings but couldn't find this very simple setting.
Even when i click on "Off", it just turns on the light and then turn it off when clicking pic and when i record video, there is a red light. how to turn them off?
Took a pic with my torch and it needed a flash..the flash will not turn off...Shut down the Phone and it remains on - only way to turn it off is to remove battery...Also on my keybad the Z will type a Y and the Y will type a Z...
The flash light on my iphone 4 will not turn off and keeps coming on intermittently, draining the battery and really heating the phone up. Have turned it on & off to no avail.
My flash stays on - happened after I ran with my iPhone this AM.Any ideas on how to turn it off - I've tried powering the phone down, removing the SIM card - now what?
When i put the flash on off mode the flash light turns on when the camera is focusing and it is annoying if you try to photo a person , as the light hurts the eye , is there a way of turning it off completly.