Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Unable To Upgrade To Android 2.1?
Nov 6, 2010
First of all, sorry in advance for any mistakes, because I just crated my account here.I just tried to update Android 2.1. As I correctly followed the steps from PC Companion, still the firmware version shows 1.6 version. The only change that I saw in my mobile was the Backup and Restore was added to my home screen.My questions are:
If I beckup my files would the software will update to 2.1 version?Even if I try to update the software through PC Companion, is it necessary that the software have to be available in my country ?Btw, I am using T-mobile operator in Macedonia (FYROM).
iv had a sony xperia mini pro for about a year now and my si number 1249-4862 which was on the old list which sony removed for the upgrade 4.0 but i still cant upgrade am i doing something wrong? is there any other way of upgrading to 4.0?
Just got my new SE XPERIA Mini Pro. When searching for apps on Andori Market, I understand I need Android 2.2 for many of them. Can I upgrade from Android 2.1 to 2.2?
I live in the Philippines and I have been trying and trying to update my phone to 2.1 in my computer and I always get the same results. My OS is windows XP and I have tried both PC companion and SE Update service for the upgrade. When it comes to the part where I have to "turn off the phone...wait for 5 or 30 secs, connect the cables etc then press the back button while inserting the microUSB into the phone"....then nothing happens. My computer just freezes after a few minutes with nothing indicating on the screen that something...anything is going on. I have tried this several times and for several days already.
Regarding the gallery for every time we need to go to application manager in settings, clear cache. is there any permanent solution to see the files in gallery directly and how can i upgrade my android 2.3 to 3.2 or 4 version.
I have a problem after upgrading to Android 4 Usually im connecting to workplace wifi by using static IP address setting But now in Android 4, those manual setting have been disable I cant make any changes with the router? How can i change the IP address?
In recent i upgraded my Xperia Mini pro to Android 4.0. Since my mobile is not playing video files properly, videos are all playing very slowly. Is there any option to rectify this problem? or else is it possible to degrade to android 2.6 V.
I'm having issues upgrading the Xperia X8 to android 2.1 in both PC Companion and the Update Software. I've tried them both in Safe mode with networking and that doesn't work either.The software update application fails to recognise the device and PC companion always says that it has failed to download the update and to "try again alter".
Over the last few weeks I tried to download or upgrade apps but it always fails. I always get the message: "Download was unsuccessful please try again". When I go to the android market and look at the help front page there is a link called "Download Issues Troubleshooting page". The fix described in here does not work for my phone.
How do I make my phone work properly again.
Also, I am on Android 1.6 but I cannot upgrade to 2.2. The PC Companion says that I have an up to date phone.
After multiple tries of trying to update Android for my Xperia X10 mini pro phone via the PC Companion as well as the downloaded Update Service (after reading similar threads) i am still at a loss! I am in Mumbai using an Airtel SIM.
In the case of the PC Companion, it goes smoothly until the Prepare step (where no Previous & Next buttons appear). After "preparing" the phone nothing happens. I tried pressing Enter & then it goes onto the Update panel. But here the Download status bar is just mpty & doesnt download anything.
With the Update Service, it runs fine till the Connect step. After following the instructions once again nothing happens. Here there is only a Previous button & no Next button. Pressing Enter takes you to the Previous panel.
In both cases I have seen no message appear on the phone at all & no sign of anything being recognized on either of the softwares.
When I try to update my xperia mini pro to Android ICS through PC Companion, the progress is as follows:
And donīt even try to propose to switch off antivirus and firewall, because Iīve tried that also. And no, I have not got another PC to test it. Instead, you should try to do software like we are used to in 21st century.I really have to restrain myself from using more appropriate language for your utter software engineering disability. You should really sit and think about how you do your business.
I have x10 mini.The latest facebook app, 1.8.1 or whatever, I just cant get it to work properly, Often, or almost everytime, just says "loading" on an almost empty page.But the page does not load most of the times, and when it does, pics etc are missing. Just works very slow.
I have even re-installed my phone just now, but its still the same.The funny thing is that when this last facebook update was released a month ago? or so, it worked very fast and nice.Now for the past 2 weeks its almost unusable. Both on mobile internet and trough WiFi. How can this be?I have a decent internet on the phone and other webpages loads normaly.
Finally the Update to Android 2.1 is available, I think.On trying to update wit my phone, It says the update is available dat I should use a computer to do d update.
Here's were i need help, On using the Pc companion, after updatin the Pc companion, I tried to connect to get my Phone update but It tells me it needs to connect to the internet to be able to do this, But I'm already connected to the net. I know my Pc companion is ment to tell me automatically that there is an update for my phone available since my phone gets the message while i use it but the Pc companion doesnt.
I am unable to download or update android to v2.1. After i installed the PC Companion, it does not prompt me anything about the update of android 2.1. I dun think my x10 mini is still android 2.1.
Also, anyone knows how to move applications from phone to memory card?
I have a SE Xperia mini with Build Ver: 4.0.2.A.0.62 I am unable to Update the phone to ICS. My software upgrade shows that my phone is upto date.My current android version is 2.3.4.Note: I had my motherboard replaced at SE service centre recently.
I bought the x10 mini pro just before christmas and am having trouble trying to upgrade to android 2,1. I have checked the firmware version on the phone and it says version 1.6. I have downloaded the latest version of pc companion and update service and when i connect to update it says i am running the latest software. I am unable to send files via bluetooth so must definatley still be running 1.6. can anyone help me and advise me how i can upgrade from 1.6 to 2.1?
Recently I have updated my X10 mini to Android 2.1. Every thing seems working fine except the Android Market app. I can search, and browse Android Market. But I am failing to download ANY app from the Market. The download icon does appear; but after a while it says "download paused". I searched through different forums and found that one very common suggestion is to boot the phone by pressing "Power" and "Home" key. No luck by booting either.
I bought a new SE Xperia Mini Pro, which gave me the option to upgrade my Android OS to ICS.I have installed Sony Companion, clicked on > Phone software Update > Start
Get the message
"Server not Accessiable" This has been going on for 24 hours.. I'm thinking it maybe my machine that has the problem.
How many users have lost the feature to connect to PC wirelessly after ICS upgrade?My phone's (Xperia mini pro) SI : 1249-0751 Android version 4.0.4 (4.1.B.0.431)
I successfully upgraded to Android 2.1 on my Xperia x10 Mini Pro. After the upgrade everything works beautifully except 2 things.
1> I am unable to play any online videos. When I try loading the video it does not load the control for it and shows a small square block like a Lego brick. Looks like the browser is missing some add-on like Flash or something. Have tried installing Flash for the browser but it said Flash is already installed.. Have tried downloading a different browser, like Opera but that does not help either.
2> This is not very important, but for some reason the alarm does not work any more. I can set the alarm on the phone. It shows that the alarm is set for a particular time but when the time comes it does not ring. Have tried using different applications for this but those don't work either.
I've just performed upgrade to ICS and now it seems that I can not move email items from Sent folder on my Exchange account.In other folders it is OK, only Sent items are affected.On previous Android OS version I could do that, as well as on my iPad and iPhone.
After I have been upgrade my xperia X10 to android 2.3.3 from 2.1.I relize that I am unable to arrange my own order icon sort.It will automaticly change to random sort after i restart my phone.Is this the bug of sony ericsson android 2.3.3?
update my phone software to 2.1? I live hear in Saudi Arabia. Until now since last month announcement of rolling out of updates I'm still waiting for my share of bread. Even I used the latest PC companion I still can get any, it's showing that I have the latest software while it's not.