Xperia X10 :: Application Never Actually Downloads?
Nov 22, 2010
I've been trying to update a couple of applications that I have on my phone but everytime I try to download anything from marketplace, it just says "starting dowload..." and stays there. The application never actually downloads.I've dowloaded stuff in the past but I can't seem to download now. Is there something that I need to turn on
I'm trying to dowload applications from 'market' and when I click on the application and press on Install I get the 'Accept permiossion' prompt and then press 'ok' . On receiving the 'Item downloading'n message I assume that everythiong is ok but that's where the process stops and my applications seem to be in a frozen state of download without ever actually downloading.
I've visited the Orange store in Leicester today and waited 40 minutes for an 'Expert' to tell me that the fault lies with Android 2.1 and if I download 2.2, everything will be fine. Oh how I wish. Clearly 2.2 is not available as a download for the X10 and I'm now at my wits end as to know what to do apart from taking a large sleddgehammer to the phone!
I've downloaded the app store twice now and deleted between downloads. Here's the problem, I download it and it installs... unless I select "RUN" once its done, I cant use it. If I don't click "RUN" the app is nowhere to be found. Its not in the downloads folder, app folder or anywhere else I can find, although under "ADVANCED OPTIONS" and "APPLICATION" it does appear. Any one have this problem of know where the apps icon is so I can use it more than just once?
i try to download app's from android market nothing happens, all that happens when i touch install is the message "starting download", which stays there indefinitley, has anyone else had this problem & can someone solve it..
Its too easy to download apps that cost which you dont want iv already been stung for £15 of downloads i didnt know i had done Can you set a password to stop this happening??
I have an X8 with the 2.1 Android update, I have noticed that if I try to download something using my wi-fi internet while the phone is connected to the PC then the download gets stuck, any further downloads also dont progress and it is not possible to even cancel the downloads in such a case. Only solution I have found is doing a factory reset. But I am afraid it might happen again, if I download apps while the phone is connected and I dont want to have to reset it again.
Every time I mount my X10 to download photo's, there's always 2 of each photo in the Gallery on my laptop. I've checked the settings and all over google for an answer but to no avail. It's not a huge deal but I have to go through all my photo's and delete the spare one, as it's annoying if i'm viewing them as a slideshow. I'm not sure if it's the laptop or the x10 setting's but pretty sure it must be the x10.
I just got my new X8 almost two weeks now, and was finally able to update to 2.1. However, I cannot download any apps from the Android Market, as they just get stuck at the "Starting download" phase. I'm using a WiFi connection, and the browser works just fine so it's not a connectivity issue. I've factory reset the phone several times, uninstalled Android Market and cleared its cache countless times, and the downloads still stay stuck.
Has this happened to anyone else?Yesterday I received a notification about a software update. I was advised to carry out the update via a PC which I did. Followed the instructions to the letter. Installed the Update Service, downloaded the software and the installation began. After several minutes I was told the installation was unsuccessful and now my phone will not turn on. There is no OS so my phone is completely useless.Is there any way to roll back the failed installation to the previous software version?I have only had the phone 3 months
Using browesr in my phone i can open all webpages. But using applications i can't connect , it's showing server communication error. Initally i tried gmail application. It keeps on showing your acount is syncing,mail will appear shortly. Android market also getting server error. so i checked other application facebook, etc for all i am getting server communication error.
I have a problem with my Xperia Neo. I can't download an application, because it says that there's not enough space left. It doesn't make any sense because when I check how much space I have free, then it says that there's plenty of space and yet it it can't be downloaded from Play Store..
I have a Xperia X10i which my father bought from overseas the phone is just fine evryway but recently i got to know that there should be an Application Matrket tab which is missing in my X10.
I consistently get the message of '"this application, unfortunately stopped" ....  I tried to format the mobile twice but the problem still exist ....
I bought my Xperia Z3 in november of 2014. From the first day i boought it, i have experienced reboots of the phone several times. I have seen the post where you talk about this so, i wont repeat this but it is a problem in my phone too. The problem i want to talk about is an error thats appear in my cellphone each time i go to sleep and have a heavy application running in my xperia. When i wake up, sometimes appear the next message: Unfortunately, Clock has stopped working (clock is an example, it has happened to me with clock, whatsapp, phone... etc).
Ohkay i posted a thread last night about a problem with the pre-installed sms application, iv now found a far better third part sms app, is there a way to turn off the pre-installed sms app so i can just use this new third party one ?
My phone does not have Market application in it. I wonder If it was removed or if there is a version of X10 without Market application. Kindly let me know how to get the Market applicaiton on my phone. My phone is running on Android 1.6.
Is there a ways to disable automatic application updates? If I uninstall updates from certain applications, I can get my phone's available space up to the limit that will allow me to actually USE my phone. But lately, lots of application updates are being pushed out, and many of these are on apps that I can't delete but don't use. These updates take up so much space that I continually get the Low on space message, and then I can't get emails, etc.--which is my primary purpose for having this phone.
Isn't there a way for me to turn off automatic updates so that apps only update upon my initiation?
i have an Xperia X8, and well i have done some research on the net about how could i install my downloaded applications on my sd card rather than on my phone memory as it is actually installing on my phone memory! i saw something called APP2SD but i cannot find the application
how to move application to sd card. some application directly store to phone memory. that's why i can't update some importent applications low phone memory.
why is my bluetooth application not working??... if i paired to other deevices... result will be.. paired but not connected...i can't recieved a file through other devices via bluetooth..
It is not possible to set a Task in the Calendar application. When pointing to Task a blank page open and is not possible to write anything. The events and the rest of the Calendar work OK.
When I access the camera from the cell she has recently started to show the following error message:
"Recording in progress in another application. You can not record."
I've tried to close running apllications, clear system cache, clear album, remove the memory card, restart my phone and still the error message persists.
I want to know if i can uninstall some inbuilt app like live on YouTube and further apps that are consuming a lot of memory space and heating up my phone and also affects my phone performance. So if i uninstall some of them will it harm my phone?