Will Charging IPhone 5s Overnight Hurt Battery

Sep 4, 2014

Will charging IPhone 5S overnight hurt the battery?� Wil charging when 45% full hurt?

iPhone 5s

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Moto X (2014) :: Phone Battery Overnight Charging

Jan 11, 2015

What happened is that I kept my Moto X gen 1 phone for charging at 11 pm in the night and was supposed to remove it after an hour or so, since i anticipated that it will be fully charged by then. However, i fell asleep and then woke up at 6. As a result, my phone got OVERCHARGED for nearly 6 hours straight. And this has happened TWICE.

Though Motorola claims that the battery is "over-charge proof", i think there is a possibility that there must have been some little damage to it, since this occurred twice.

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IPhone :: Charging 4 Overnight On IHome P90

Jul 1, 2012

I charge my iPhone every night, overnight in my iHome P90. I was wondering if this can hurl the battery in any way. I used to do this a few months ago but it seemed as if I was getting less usage time from my battery. I was also wondering if unplugging the iPhone before fully charged can hurt the battery in any way (e.g. Charging at 50% and unplugging at 80%).

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Alarm Clock Works When Charging Overnight?

Mar 25, 2012

I turn my phone off before bedtime and plug it in to charge. The alarm still goes off at the time I have it set and when I go to hit "snooze" the phone is on.

Ipod Touch, iOS 4

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IPhone 5s :: Battery Draining Overnight Without Using It

Aug 29, 2014

My phone battery almost died overnight leaving me 19%. I didnt even use it but it was fully charged last night. What do i do?

iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2

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IPhone :: Battery Time Dropped From 15 Hrs To 3 Hrs Overnight?

Mar 20, 2012

Three days ago, my iphone4s would last about 12 to 15 hours on a charge. Overnight, it dropped to three hours. This was Sunday March 18th. Did something happen that would cause this? I've restarted the phone several times. I havent changed any settings or changed my usage habits. I took the IOS 5.1 update over a week ago so that's not it.

The battery almost drains while i'm looking at it.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: 4 Charges Overnight And Then Says The Battery Is Dead

Apr 25, 2012

Like I said I plug the phone in at night before bed. When I wake up in the morning, with the phone still plugged in, the phone is unresponsive. Pressing the home button brings up the "iPhone-is-charging-please-wait" icon, indicating that its out of battery power but will power up when its ready. So, I wait, and wait, and wait, and finally it powers up to reveal that the battery power is at 100%. iPhone 4, appx 1 year old not jailbroken no problems otherwise What's going on?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1

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IPhone :: Quick Battery Drainage Overnight (98%->53%)?

Jun 18, 2012

I charged my 3GS iphone last night, unplugged it at 98% and went to bed.woke up less than 3 hours later, found it to be at 53% and was radiating heat. I plugged it back into the charger, which helped it cool down, but this has been a recurring problem.this is happening and whether Apple can replace the battery or any other part?

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BB Torch :: Left It Charging Overnight And Won't Turn On?

May 5, 2012

I woke up this morning and my phone would not turn on. I left it charging overnight. I tried a different wall plug to see if that was the problem but it is not. I don't know what to do!

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BB Bold :: 9700 Died After Overnight Charging

Oct 13, 2012

Left my phone on charge overnight, this morning it was off, it starts the loading bar and then switches off. The red Led comes on shortly when I try to charge but it never progresses past this. I have disconnected the battery but no resolve, I tried connecting to my laptop and still nothing.

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IPhone :: 4S Battery Getting Down 50 Percent Overnight In Standby Mode

May 25, 2012

My wife's 4S has been running down about 50% overnight in standby so I decided to investigate it. The basic problem is that it is showing a usage figure of almost the same as the standby figure while in standby indicating that something is running. After trying all sorts of things (including a restore), in desperation today I restored her backup to my 4S and my backup to her 4S. The problem remains with hers which is really strange indicating a hardware problem, but the fact it is showing too much usage would indicate software.

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Motorola Defy :: Being Sluggish And Slow After Charging Overnight?

Sep 29, 2011

I charge my Defy when I go to bed. When I hit the power button first thing in the morning, the phone response to touch, click, etc.is all slowed down. This goes away when I turn off the phone and turn it back on, but I'm lazy and don't want to reboot every day. (I normally reboot every 3-5 days)

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Motorola :: Droid X2 Completely Locking Up After Charging Overnight

May 29, 2011

For 2 of the past 3 nights, I have awakened to a locked up phone. After charging through the night as I sleep, in the morning the phone is completely locked up, with a steady "green" led (as though it's still charging) even after unplugging it. I've waited for awhile and it never recovers... eventually I must do a battery pull to get it working again. charging) even after unplugging it. I've waited for awhile and it never

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Dead - Won't Turn On After Overnight Charging

Oct 31, 2011

I left my atrix charging at night and when i woke up the next day, the phone is off and wont turn on. Stuff I tried:

- Pulling the battery out,
- Charging with another chargers
- Charging the battery with an external battery charger
- Using a tester to see the battery voltage(it was OK)
- Connecting to the computer via USB (solid green led no charge, nor detected by computer)

It wont even turn on, show any errors or messages or leds, my atrix just became a brick by itself out of nowhere, it didnt get wet or fall down or anything like that.

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IPhone :: 4 Lost 10% Of Full Battery In The Matter Of 7 Hours (overnight)

Aug 6, 2010

I had my phone fully charged to 100%.I unplug my phone and put it near my bed as I use it as my alarm.In the morning I get up about 7 hours later to fund the battery had dropped down to 90%...which seemed like a lot.I only have push mail on, and it did download one small message during the time, but that's it.

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BB Torch :: Battery Sometimes Depletes Overnight

Jun 21, 2011

I have my BB Torch 4 days. 2 days ago, after removing the fully charged device from the wall charger around 6PM, the next morning the device was off with a fully depleted battery. Yesterday, after fully charging again I removed from the wall charger at 11:20 AM and today at 8:56 AM the battery is 25% depleted.

I have checked for running aps, which I cannot find. The only difference is that 2 days ago the green led in the camera flash was burning, yesterday it was not. Actually it's burning again now -

Why is this green led light burning and how does that relate to the battery life?

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LG G3 :: Phone Lost 47% Battery Overnight

Feb 8, 2015

My G3 lost 47% battery overnight to mostly Phone Idle and Android OS.

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HTC One M7 :: Battery Losing Charge While Off - Overnight

Jan 14, 2014

Having issues with HTC One's battery losing charge overnight? While off! It just started happening to me, I get home from work, fully charge phone after I power it off, get the green light indicating full charge and turn it on the next morning only to find that it has lost about twenty percent of it's charge.

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HTC One M8 :: Battery Drained 55% To 0% Overnight In 3 Hours?

Sep 10, 2014

This has happened a couple times from ~30% or so but last night was the worst: I went to sleep with my HTC One (M8)'s battery saying 55%, and woke up 6 hours later and it had died. I almost missed my alarm! How I can prevent this happening?

I have Power Saver enabled to kick in at 15% battery, and Extreme Power Saving at 5%, but neither clearly made a difference. I've attached a screenshot from HTC's battery life monitoring:

In a little over three hours, the battery drained completely! The screen was off but the phone was, apparently, "awake" - and why?

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Lumia 950 :: 75% Battery Drain Overnight

Nov 26, 2015

As the title says. Went to bed with 75% battery last night. Woke up this morning to a completely dead phone. I had just closed out of all apps before going to bed.

This is unfortunately going to be the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I can't in my right mind pay $600 for a device that I have to keep plugged in all the time.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Battery Went From 100 To 0 Overnight?

Oct 31, 2015

Mostly when my phone is powered on through the night, I only lose like 14% tops in battery percentage difference but on this particular night, I placed it on my Silver MacBook pro and it was a cold weather. Since this is unusual, the questions I have been asking myself is if it could have happened as a result of the contact between the back of the phone and the laptop or what could be the issue`? there are many processes that probably runs overnight on the phone and even in previous times but never seen such a drain like this I it went totally flat from 87%...

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BB Curve :: Battery Dies When Switched Off Overnight?

Oct 21, 2011

Every night before I go to sleep I turn off my Blackberry curve and then turn it back on in the morning. However, just lately when I go to turn it back on it won't switch on, even though the battery was fully charged when I turned it off, leave it overnight and it won't turn back on. It has happened for a week now. If I turn it off at any other time and turn it back on it is fine, just overnight I have the problem. The only way I can turn it back on is by plugging it in. Is there anything that I can do? Do I need a new battery?

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Google Nexus 5 :: Battery Drain More Than 20% Overnight?

Nov 29, 2013

I just switched over to Android from my iPhone 5, and while I love the OS, the battery life on this thing is pretty atrocious. I'm not sure if I'm just spoiled from my time with the iPhone, or if I have a defective unit, but even after performing a factory reset, my battery life appears to be draining about 1% every 1 minute during fairly normal usage (no streaming, processor intensive apps, etc). On top of this, over the past two nights, I have woken up to find my battery has been drained by ~20% by just sitting on my nightstand.

After the factory reset, the only app I reinstalled was Facebook, so I'm pretty much ruling out any apps as the culprit here. I know there have a been many articles/threads about specific functionality you can disable to maximize battery life - and believe me I have tried some to no avail - yet I am pretty against the notion that I need to essentially disable the functionality of my phone to get respectable performance out of the unit.

I'm talking to Google support right now but thought I'd post here as well to see if 1) other people have been experiencing issues like these and 2) if there is anything I am overlooking here that might be the source of the issue.

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Galaxy S6 :: Overnight Idle Battery Drain

Aug 28, 2015

On at&t so no 5.1 yet. All of a sudden my battery plummets overnight. Went from 80% to 33% this morning. Nothing out of the ordinary in terms of app usage I can see. Battery has been on the ok side since launch can stretch to 24 hrs with 4 sot max. Also getting the camera issue when it launches and looks like surface of a lake periodically. Also, seems hotter when charging... Could this be a dud this far along? Bought on launch day...

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HTC Sensation XE :: Battery Will Not Charge To 100 Percent Overnight

Sep 7, 2012

Basically I charge my phone with the mains charger, everything looks fine, the orange light comes on and the battery symbol in the corner shows that it is charging. I leave it charging overnight, so it's usually plugged in for a good 7 hours, however, when I wake up the next morning the phone isn't fully charged, at best I am on 50% and at worst the battery symbol is yellow.

I've been upgraded to ICS quite a while and have not installed any new apps recently so I am a bit stumped as to what the issue is. I thought maybe it was the battery, but I have since bought a new battery and I get the same issue with this also. A factory reset has also not sorted the issue.

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Lumia 1020 :: Phone Drained Its Battery Overnight

Feb 13, 2014

Here's what happened, I charged my phone before sleeping and it went to 98% then I unplugged it that was like at 12am. I went to sleep then as this time of writing I woke up and tried to unlock my phone but to my surprise it wouldn't turn on! I thought something happened until I plugged my charger and everything went fine. I don't have apps that could possibly drain my phone because I just hard reset it 2 days ago. I can't send it to Nokia Care because my unit is out of warranty.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Lollipop - Battery Went From 40% Overnight Drain To 5%

Nov 29, 2014

My battery losing 40%-%50 overnight while it was inactive sitting on the nightstand. (Factory reset did not work at all!)

Now after futzing with the WIFI setting, last night I lost only 5% total in 8 hours sleep time. Furthermore battery read 18% remaining at 10:30 PM and still read 18% at 4:17 AM. Now this is more like what my iPhone 6 gets while sleeping.

What seems to have fixed by battery woes. I changed the (Advanced) WIFI frequency setting from Automatic to 5Ghz (which would not work at all) and then to 2.4 Ghz only.

As of today I have 87% remaining after 3 hours of casual use (after charging to 100%.) Previously (for the past week since installing Lollipop) I was losing about 25% per hour during casual usage - ridiculously bad battery life.

I had just listed this thing on Craigslist because I cannot use a phone with 4 hour battery life.

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BB Pearl :: 9105 Draining A Full Battery Overnight While Off

Apr 1, 2011

My month old Pearl 3G has played this nasty trick on me three times now, with the added inconvenience that the alarm also becomes out of commission.I charge it until it's totally full, turn it "normal" off and find it next morning lifeless. As soon as I connect it back to the charger, the red led blinks, the system reboots and my wake up alarm goes off.This could have been cute the first 2 times, but I got late for work today.

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Plugged In Overnight Will Damage The Battery?

Jul 22, 2011

I think I saw somewhere that it could damage the battery to keep it plugged in while fully charged.

Is this true? SHould one really not let it charge overnight?

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BB Curve 8900 :: Battery Drained Overnight Whiled Turned Off?

Mar 3, 2010

Last night my 8900 turned off at its scheduled time and I went to bed. I woke up this morning a little ahead of my alarm clock and waited for the alarm on my phone. Nothing happened. I picked up the phone and there was nothing. I plugged it in and found the battery drained all the way. This has not happened before but I also need to note that I did have trouble yesterday which I seemed to have resolved. I cant post links yet but the email folders disappeared and I did a wipe and restored from the last known good backup.
What is going on with this crazy phone ?

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BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: Storm 2 Battery Goes Dead Overnight

Feb 22, 2010

My Storm 2 started doing something strange last couple of days.I have had it since the day Verizon made the Storm 2 available. When going to bed, the battery is almost fully charged. About 8 hours later it beeps and when checked the battery is dead.Phone is in standby, i.e. display off, and no apps running.I took it into Verizon and they had no clue.

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