Samsung :: F480 / How To Change Default Names Of Pictures Taken?
Aug 12, 2010
I have a problem with my Samsung F480.I want to change the default name of photos and videos (Photo) that I take with this mobile phone's camera !I searched through settings but I can't find such option!
The problem is with the location identification (name). The address resolution can fall to a Range of addresses and blocks out the ability to use it im 1/2 mile increments at our work location. My phone appears to be accurate on gmaps to within 20 feet of my actual location. When I go to add the additional locations they all try to use the same app provided name. they are anywhere fromm 300 yards to one mile apart. Why can't it use a user defined name to stop the conflict? I have business uses for this if it is possilble. Like security guard tracking. The application finds the locations using GPS coordinates in place of addresses correctly but then converts to a street address thats not correct for a name...
I have been given a faulty Samsung Tocco F480 if I can fix it, its mine basically. It starts up fine, screen display is crystal clear, it vibrates when starting and plays the startup tone but the touch screen will not function at all. The person who gave me it took it a mobile repair shop and asked how much it would be for a new screen, £45 they quoted but he's unsure if that was for the LCD screen or touchscreen. They then looked at it and said it was water damaged and the motherboard/circuit board would need replacing too! Now I've had this phone to bits and the water mark indicators inside the Tocco casing as well as on the battery were both white so I dont think it is water damaged. I think it could just do with a new Digitalizer Touchscreen casing as if the circuit board was to fault surly the LCD screen or vibrate motion would be effected. I've done some reasearch and a lot of Samsung Tocco phones with similar probs like mine just need a new Digitalizer when the touchscreen isnt working and that works fine after.
I recently purchased a samsung SGH-F480. Thanks to this forum website I was able to enter the proper codes so it would work with my provider (At&t). However, the icon always shows as G network, and not 3G. Does anybody know what the problem is or/and how to fix it? My phone is 3G capable, so I know the phone should be able to do that. What can I do? Who is "in charge" of that: the phone or the service provider?
I am having problem with F480 Tocco. My wife put it through washing machine. I put it in ultrasonic bath and then isopropanol. It will not power up but gets very warm.
When taking pictures with the camera, the pictures are saved in a default folder. I want to change that so when I'm at work, the pictures can go into a work folder. And when I'm taking pictures on trips, the pictures can go into a trip folder.
I have a Samsung Galaxy S6. Recently the keyboard keeps defaulting back to the Samsung keyboard, rather than the Google keyboard which is my preferred option. I've reset the default in Settings repeatedly.
How in the world do i change the access point names? i just switched from a straight talk phone to my iphone 3 and they told me to change the apn settings but i cant seem to figure out how?
I got my Droid X back in December and the Facebook pictures for each contact haven't updated once since I got the phone. I've tried telling it to sync, but the pictures remain the same. Also, with some of my contacts it lists their Twitter name as their name, even if I type in a new name. Is there some way to set a default name? When I'm searching for someone to call/text, I don't normally think of them by their Twitter name, so it can make some people difficult to find. Other people come up by the names I set them to. Not sure what I did differently there.
how do I change device names on iPhone 4, in settings/general/bluetooth? I have three vehicles with SYNC and they all show up that way so when I select, I sometimes don't select the right one
So Im new to the site and am in desperate need of a solution to keep the peace at my house. Its the weirdest thing on min her phone will show all of her contacts when she goes to check her text. In a matter of less than 5 mins the names will disappear and it will just show numbers. She puts the phone down and picks it back up later and its magic her contact names will show up with the messages. At no time do the contact names disappear from her actual address book tho.
i have a problem with my bb bold 9780. the folders in the main manu keep changing their names from german to english (my selected language is german). e.g. the games and the application folder, the rest has still its german name. and also there appear new icons, some with a question mark in it (but on top it says sounds), some i don't know. it seems to me, that my bb kind of splits folders and than some of the icons show up in the main menu.
this started yesterday and so i updated my bb. after this everything was fine again. i deleted some of the apps that were installed with the update (Internet, myspace, ...) and after the restart there was the same problem again. i installed some new apps (slide lock, games, themes and password lock) before and some time after the problem started. i don't know if this has any to do with it.
So while using categories I noticed when you put in certain folder names the icons will sometimes automatically change to correspond to the theme you are using.I have only done this with 2 names: "Games" and "Apps"
I tried searching google for a specific list of names I could make them that would go with my theme but then realized its theme specific. Any ideas or can any1 teach me how to check? Im using glassklart and there are thousands of app icons so I imagine there are some other folder names that will do what I want that I simply just cant think of.
Is there any way to change the default web browser in OS6? I recently installed Opera Mini and like it much better than the stock OS6 browser, but there doesn't appear to be any way to change the default. When I click on links in the Twitter app for example, I want to view them in Opera, not the BB browser.
is there a way to change the default web browser? Skyfire seems to be working a whole lot better for me so would love to have it as my default i know it still beta version but i've able to access a whole lot more with it.
Does anybody know how to change the default browser on the X6? I recently installed Opera Mobile, which is much more reliable than the Nokia browser. Therefore I'd like to know if there is a way to change the default browser to Opera.
When I try to get on the internet it says this is a wifi service, please ensure your device has an active wifi connection and try again¯ but do not even have wifi on I have always used internet always worked fine now when I try to change the default browser to that I cant, my only option is hotspot browser?
Whenever I want to open a link I always get a dialogue box asking me to choose what app to open it with, and also whether that is every time or just once. I usually reply just once, but then I accidentally clicked 'every time'. Now I want to change the app that I use, but now I don't get the choice. How can I restore that dialogue giving me the choice?
I was living in China and purchased a iphone 4. Living in Vietnam now. When I search the internet, Safari directs me to China search engines. How do I change that?
As silly as this sound if you enter in any search box for "change default web page" you will get no answer or something really stupid.I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH BLACKBERRY PERIOD ON THE BROWSER.
I have the Xperia Z3 from Tmo and when I see my contacts I see the pictures on them but when I call them or they call me I get the blank default picture for them during the call. I have verify I dont have multiples contacts of the same or multi pictures. I reset the phone and in the first sync everithing was OK but after like one hour again the same probpem. I reset it and installed all apps one by one to see if one of them was giving me the error but everithing was OK after I intall them and after some hours again the same thing. I like this phone and I dont whant to go back to ios.
I have a question about setting the default applications under Menu -> Settings -> Phone -> Application sett. -> Default apps. As I understand this, I can change the default application here. But I can't. I want to change the default webbrowser from the built in thing to Opera Mobile and the default music player to PowerMP3 but can't figure out how to do this as I only have the standard items when I want to change them.
I had installed Ovi Player. Whenever I try to open Ovi Player, the default store gets' open is "India". I change the store location to "Germany". When I do the search for particular music, it will again take me to "India" store instead of "Germany" store. In addition, most annoying is that I have to re-login but my user id and password will not work as its different store. Also when I go via and try to login, it open Ovi player and since default location is "India", it takes me to India store and my login credentials do not I ask Nokia care on how to change default Ovi Player Store location but they are unable to provide any good I already un-install / re-installed but won't work. Do any of you have answer to my problem? I want my default Ovi Player location to be "Germany" instead of " More information, my regional settings have location as "Germany" and language as "English".
I just got two Lumia phones 920 and 820 (ATT in LA). I was wondering how can I change the phones name since currently both of them are "Windows Phone".