I have a scandisk micro memory card which has locked itself with a password! I emailed scandisk and they said its a common problem with nokias they put a password on the memory cards if you take them out and put them back in or update your phone etc. Scandisk have assured me that they do not make the memory cards to have passwords and its nokias fault. Can anyone pls help i cannot access my kids photos now and cannot afford to lose them No matter which phone i use it comes up enter password. Currently i am using nokia 6300 and 6600. One person on a different forum suggested going to file manager, settings, system folders, getting a file called MMCSTORE bluetooth to your pc open in notepad and password is in there. BUT i dont have anyone of these options in my phone especially file manager!
I would like to know where is the function to reformat my Micro SDHC memory card from my N900 device? I am still using the same 16GB memory card from my previous Eseries S60 third edition device which created all the folders & system files & some downloaded apps for S60 still saved on this card, please advise.
Mobile Information : Nokia Nokia Corporation Model : 6230i Type : RM-72 Made in Germany FCC ID : QTKRM-72 IC: 661AD-RM72 C E168 Code: 05260099 IMEI:357969/00/541899/6 Card Information : 0631150 4,0 32 Mbytes ! Made in Korea ME56H032NACA - 7A D 8CFD0000 704 Now my main problem is that i have forgot my card password I have some data on it that is real important to me has sentimental valor (hope my spelling is ok)is there a way for me to reset the password without formating the memory card ?I'm desperate ! what should i do ?
I have E71. I just upgrated to latest firmware and phone just restarted but asking me to enter the memory card password. I can't recall the password. Please can any one tell me what is default password ? OR if password is lost how to reset it ?
I m using C2-03, I found an option to set password on memory card.Apps and Games > Memory Card > Mem. card opt. > Set passwordfor my privacy I set a password but the Memory card still opens without asking.
How do you access you micro sd memory card from your phone? I downloaded a program that can open pdf files, but it is saved on my micro sd memory card! How do I get to it on the card to access it?
Yesterday I bought a new nokia 5233. It works fine. But I have a problem with it.I can't lock the memory card with password. I had set the password for memory card.But it still opens without entering the password. Can anybody help me.
This is saumya, recently i have purched Nokia 5233 from one of Nokia priority shops. I was using Kingston 4gb micro sd card. Everything was going fine but one day when I tried to transfer my data into system via card reader i fealt hopeless since it was not recognised by my system, no issue but when i inserted this card again in my phone it prompts for a password. I never set a password on this phone or the memory card, ive only had this phone for about 1 weeks.So here i am with a bare new phone, and i lost all my information on my SD card and to make it worse NOW i cant even access it anymore! Under options on my phone i tried deleteing the password, changing it or reformating the card, but before any of those could be done it prompts me for that password and im stuck.
I am using nokia 2700c and i have bupdated my phone software today but i haven't remembered that i have locked my micro sd card which i did before 6month back but i was able to accessible the memory card as the password would be saved in system before and when i updated my phone today and started using , it asks for password of memory card. i wasn't able to remember the password.
i forgot my memory card password for my nokia e51-2..password is required to use the card in another phone so i want to remove or reset the password without formatting the card..
due to less phone memory problem ,I have reset my mobile but now it is asking password for memory card ,even after trying with multiple possible passwords ,my memory card is not unlocked?
I have a motorola DEFY that came with a built in 2GB micro SD card.I now feel the need to upgrade memory to a 16GB card.While doing this How do I ensure the transfer all applications from android market (paid and free) to the new memory card?
i just updated my phone and it tells me to put memory cards password. Is there some kinda "normal" password that i could use to unlock it? I cant remember my old password ( I dont remember putting it. and i cant get access to my phone.
Like always, on previous Symbian phones I have locked my memory cards with passwords and if you were to insert that locked card into another Symbian phone, it would immediately ask you to enter the password. I did so with my old phone (Nokia C7) and now after inserting that locked card in the 808, nothing comes up.. it doesn't ask for a password input. I am now stuck with a 16 gigs locked micro SD card to which I know the password but I can't unlock it! I know for sure that password protected cards will not show up on computers and it doesn't show up on my gf's Android either. I have been to a Nokia care shop and they have tried with other Nokia phones but nothing worked. They suggested using the phone it was locked with but that's not a possibility because it was broken into pieces and sent to Finland
What else can I try to be able to unlock/input my password into this SD card?
After a year of purchase, i now decided to reset my nokia 5800. I backed up every contact and messages on to my Memory card and after the reset Memory card asks for a password...Guys please help and plz do't give sugessions to format memory card as i have all the USEFUL data on it..By the way i only connect mobile to PC via USB cable i don't have a seperate CARD reader.
I lost my 256mb micro sd memory card password which was set in nokia 5300 express music phone. I am not able to read the mc in any other phone. Please suggest me how to find out the lost password..
I just recently bought a 16gb Micro SD memory card online, but it doesn't work. I put it into my phone and it says to format and I format and everything. After formatting is complete, I connect my phone to my computer so I can sync it with my itunes. The problem occurs as soon as it gets done syncing. After it's done syncing and I disconnect my from computer, the "format memory card" message comes up again. If I say no, none of the music comes to my phone. Then I go to option > memory and then it says memory card is not readable. It has to be formatted because it might be corrupted.If I select yes to format it, all the data that I just synced erases and I'm back to the beginning. This happens every single time I do it.
However, one thing I notice was when I stop the syncing halfway through, the memory card works. But if I let it sync all 600 songs (which is about 5-6 gb out of 16), the memory card fails.can anyone help me? Maybe someone had a problem like this and found a solution. Appreciate all the help I receive. BTW, I'm using the Bold 9700 for tmobile.
I have a Telus Curve 8330 and only have about 2 mb left of space so the phone has been freezing. I have a 8 gb micro sd card in there and I wanted to save my apps and everything possible in there.
I have broken my e71 phone and want to retrieve the contacts (phone numbers / names) that were saved on the micro sd card. I have a PC usb card reader and can see the microsd directory structure, however I do not know where the contacts are stored. Does anyone know how I can retrieve the numbers from the microsd card?
i own a 5800 and when i tried to access to the memory card through the file manager it says the card was corrupted. but when i inserted the card in a memory card reader, it works accept that i cant eject it and a pop-up window came out saying an error occured while ejecting the card. it is a 8Gb memory card. i found a solution similar to my situation but is there any other alternative ways that doesn't require me to download huge files?
for something reason, my phone started to be DAMN slow and laggy, when i try to go menu, it takes about 10 seconds to get to menu, and all is laggy in this phone. When going to file manager, seems it doesnt find memory card, even it is inserted.Then when removing memory card, phone works normally and not slow, fast. What is wrong with my 5230, why it doesnt find my memory card and why inserting it makes so slow? I would like to get it work because it has all my music and pictures etc...
Just recently bought a c3, having fun using it , its a Great Phone.I turned the Security Level to phone, and put a password in my memory card, but it seems I cant get it working.