Nokia :: N8 / Supporting Of Voip Calling Through Internet Or Wifi
Jul 17, 2010
I would like to ask about the upcoming nokia n8 is supported for voip voice calling through internet like skype,gtalk and rynga. voip calling is supported by nokia n900. is it possible to make a call from n8 by using internet rather than desktop internet calling. is it possible to install any applications to support this feature.please send me reply. it is very important for me to choose upcoming n8.i am the great fan of nokia and symbian. i am waiting for the shipping date of n8.
Received the following error when trying to make a calling using wifi? The error message says that I do not have internet calling account on my phone. And it sends me to a screen to set up a sip account. It doesn't always happen but it does happen when I try to make a call her from a contact page (ie, my wife's contact page that includes her numbers and other contact information). It doesn't happen if I dial a number from the phone app.
I have a 3GS operating on 5.1 and find my network subscriber Virgin Media do not support Internet usage on this phone. Other than changing my network subscriber is there anything I can do to access the Internet with my 3GS phone other than through Wi-Fi.
sir,can u tell me how can i do video calling via gprs internet like lumia 710 skype video calling,you can tell me about the software like skype which can do video calling in nokia x6 or email the link.
I have a new Elm and have a couple of questions - sorry if I sound a bit stupid! If the 3G icon and the wireless icon are both shown, how do I know which I'm actually using and if I'm being charged for the call - in other words how can I know for sure that all I'm doing is using the local wifi rather than dialling out, or visa versa? Also does anyone know if I can use skype/fring or similar over wifi to make free/low cost calls?
I literally drop EVERY WiFi call after about 5-7 minutes. I get an error message "WiFi Signal Lost". I would normally just blame the WiFi network I'm on, but it does it on multiple totally different networks (home, work, Burger King, etc...). And I know for sure both home and work networks are very stable and fast. Not sure what the issue is. If I go and view the network details of the network I'm on, the signal strength is typically between -40 and -75 dBm. While in UMA mode, the phone will actually go out of UMA mode sometimes for no apparent reason, and won't go back into UMA mode until after a few minutes. The worst part is that the Home screen says I'm still connected to the WiFi network, but the top right corner doesn't say UMA! It says 3G! And YES, my Mobile Network Mode is set to "WiFi Preferred". Even if I set it to WiFi Only, the top of the Home screen says I'm connected to the WiFi network, but the top right corner says OFF and the phone just goes dead!!
I use this phone for work and it needs to be reliable. Is my above WiFi Calling experience normal?? If not, does anybody know anything I can try? Are there some apps that conflict the with operation of the phone portion at all? I'm back to using the default theme now and it's still doing it... Should I try doing a factory reset? Here are the apps I can think of that I have installed:
Dark GalaxyCrunchSMSBolt Browser w/BBLauncher PluginQuickPullGoogleMapsWeather ChannelTetris by Electronic Arts I've removed a bunch of the default apps, but all other apps on the phone are ones that it came with.Another thing I've been noticing... it will randomly lock up for a few seconds and be TOTALLY unresponsive. If I'm scrolling through a page, the pointer will all of a sudden stop and become completely unresponsive for a few seconds. Then resumes like nothing happened. And, if I'm typing a long text or email and it does this total-lock up, I'll look up from the keyboard and see that none of my keystrokes were being echo'd onto the screen while it was locked up. But then it starts working again like nothing happened. BUT The strange thing is that if I'm typing while it's locked up, it doesn't appear to a buffer any of my keystrokes! (as opposed to on my old BB 8330: sometimes when it got bogged down because I had too much stuff running in the background, the keystrokes being echo'ed to the screen would sometimes slow down and lag behind my typing.... but it always kept track of what I typed and would eventually catch up.) HOWEVER, when my 9780 completely locks up like I mentioned above, it doesn't seem to recognize that I typed anything while it was locked up. when it "snaps out of it" and comes back to life, none of the keystrokes I typed while it was locked up are echo'ed onto the screen. I'm wondering if it's during these complete lockups that I'm dropping calls?
Will, after I bought the new N900 (two days ago) and paid $$$$ and missed up my expenditure budget for this month :mansad: I found out that no MMS for N900 and Maemo 5 is not supporting MMS this is even made me sadder? ,and what made me want to Cray is the fact that two days ago Nokia VP announced that Maemo version 6 is on its way., but what I hope is that Maemo 5 can be upgraded to Maemo 6 and the issue of Missing including MMS can be solved with an upgrade for Maemo 5 to Maemo 6 (Hatmattan).
i'm drivng a 2009 Hyundai i30 cw with onboard carkit and navigation, NAV55. it's possible to mount my Nokia N8-00 with this navigator but the N8 say's it's not supporting my NAV55. There's no differance between connecting automaticly or not.
I have had Fring installed on my mobile for some time. I used it as a means to log on to my company Skype account and chat with my colleagues - or log in to my private account and chat with my friends. Yesterday I looked and I couldnīt find Skype anymore, only MSN, GoogleTalk, ICQ and those, no Skype.Is that just a temporary issue that might be solved by upgrading or has Skype stopped collaboration with Fring or something?
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my nokia asha 305 nt supprtng watsapp.everytime i try to download it i get the message 'unsupported format'. pls advice frm where i can download the suitable one for my phone..
I was recently given an unlocked Blackberry Bold 9000. It is an AT&T phone, but I am using it on the T-Mobile network. For some reason, I am able to connect to WiFi, but when I do I am only able to use the internet. I am not able to use the WiFi to make calls or to send texts. My T-Mobile signal is pretty weak, so it would be nice to use the WiFi to make calls and send texts from home and work.
Some problem with this nokia 7230. This device cannot support gtalk application. I want to stay in online always but this mobile doesnot support the gtalk application. There is no minimise option.
It's taken the better part of a day to figure out, but I finally have SIP working on the Nokia E72. I have worked my fingers to the **bleep** bone, but after five or six hours of searching and banging my head against a wall, it finally works. I've decided to document this struggle so that others may perhaps endure less suffering.
In case it makes any difference, I'm using the North American version of the E72. The model is listed as being an E72-2, RM-529. It was purchased through Expansys: it's unlocked and carrier-neutral, straight from Nokia.
Naturally the first thing I did was set up a generic SIP profile. Try as I might, no matter what settings I used, it simply would not work. First there was no option for an "internet call" in my contact list (see below for the problem). Then, when I figured out how to get it to show up, it would always return "Authentication failed" when I tried making a call.
I won't discuss my unsuccessful attempts any further: I will instead describe for you, step my step, the magic dance I did to make it all work.
Setting up SIP on the E72
1. Go to your Control Panel and into Net Settings.
2. All you see at first is an option called "Download." This retrieves a list of "services" that Nokia makes available to you.
3. Click on the Gizmo5 service. This is a sip / voip provider that would probably work very nicely with your phone, but Google bought them out a few months ago and now they aren't taking any registrations. Your phone will now download and install a Gizmo5 app...
4. Next you'll be asked if you'd like to create an account. Click No until it stops nagging you.
OK, what we've done now is install the Gizmo5 service on the phone... if you go back to Control Panel > Net Settings you'll see this:
Now if you open up your contact list, you'll see an option for Internet Call:
5. That's great, but you're not done yet. Now go to your SIP settings through Control Panel > Settings > Connection > SIP Settings. My phone looked like this:
Note that I have two profiles... the second one is my first and unsuccessful attempt at getting everything to work; just ignore it. What you'll see is the GIZMO VoIP profile. The secret sauce is that you have to edit this profile... just overwrite everything with your SIP provider's information, though I'd leave the profile name alone.
I have a X5800 music, model 5800d-1 and I can enter all the necessary SIP data. I get the message (settings, connectivity, admin settings, sip settings) registered which is fine. My provider is freephonie. Question: 1) Although on the freebox the SIP is activated, I don't receive incoming call on my nokia. 2) How do I tell my nokia to call on the internet ? Is it possible only using SIP tel numbers which I can enter in the contacts list?
Nokia X6 can support voip or sip? I have searched in forum and Google but to no avail. Its not clear whether it can support voip. I am looking to buy X6. If it doesn't have voip, I might have to go for Nokia E71 which can support voip. Can anyone confirm whether X6 has voip?
I have a sprint M8 and want to use WiFi calling but I'm noticing a bug with the GPS. When enabled the GPS is basically unusable and maps shows me in very weird places with no movement.
I have an existing account with intervoip (a voip client app program) and i would like to set it up on my nokia 5800. iv heard i may have to install the 'nokia voip framework' to configure voip settings but it is very confusing.
Also i dont really wana use 3rd party apps such as "fring" but if this is the only option, then i will. and if 3rd party apps are recommedned, could you also give me an example account to fill in, showing where i would need to put my account details etc.
I was prompted when checking for updates today to connect my phone to a (Windows) PC, no mean feat for me, as it happens, to upgrade the phone software. I now have the Custom version indicated. Before the upgrade I had set up VoIP on the phone to work with my Asterisk server. Now the upgrade is done, it doesn't work. No error messages appear on the phone or the Asterisk server in fact, nothing appears to happen at all.
It seems that there are a few out there struggling to make the Nokia N97 (and other S60 5.0 devices) work with VoIP (SIP), so if you're one of those folks scratching your heads wondering how it's done, then take a look at this guide with screenshots:
I used my Gizmo account details as an example for the settings, but of course you can substitute any SIP VoIP service provider's settings there instead. I understand that the guide won't fix everyone's problems, but any feedback to this discussion thread is welcome and with that we could improve the guide.
In other new S60 3.2.3 devices such as the E52 or E75, you will find the settings to be slightly different, but the basic setup procedure is similar. For those having even older devices like S60 3.1 (e.g. Nokia E71), there's a slightly older guide here:
So I have been traveling a lot, and wherever I've been there's one common thing. it costs an arm and a leg to call back to the US from iPhone, regardless if roaming on AT&T, or using that country's local SIM.I have both Google Voice +, and Skype.GV + is nice for texting, but the nature of it's operation is you dial a number and it dials you back to complete the call, which negates the purpose because then it's still using airtime if roaming on AT&T, and if using a foreign SIM it won't dial out to connect the call to an international.Skype is great because when I'm on a hotel's WiFi or 3G network I can use it to call back to the US to toll-free numbers, however it doesn't allow free calls to standard area-code numbers (like homecell phones.Is there any alternative I'm not seeing? What do people use to accomplish this? I would love to see a company like Vonage or MagicJack come up with an application that would do what I'm looking for, but it seems like there are regulatory hurdles they're facing to accomplish it from what I'm reading online.
the announced Wifi calling feature of OS 7.1 never worked on my Torche 9810 ... I keep updating it but still I don't see any option to call using Wifi only as announced in the 7.1 update site.
soon as the phone tries to enable wifi calling via the settings it says authentecation error try again. then i click it to try again and it takes me to the self service thing and says it has been enabled and phone immediately reboots but then wifi calling still is not enabled and when i try again the proccess repeats.
Is there an app, like Tasker that can automatically turn on and off the WiFi Calling feature.I like using the WiFi Calling feature when I am on my home WiFi, but I don't tend to use it when I am away from home.Sometimes I tend to forget to turn on the WiFi Calling feature when I get home, and other times I forget to turn it off when I am away from home.
So I am wondering if there is an app that will turn on the WiFi Calling feature when my phone connects to my home WiFi and turns off the WiFi Calling feature when I get out of range of my home WiFi.