Nokia :: Change Destination Of Drive Home Maps 3.03
Mar 28, 2010
I have put some location as my "home", and I don't know how to replace it.When you go on maps --> drive --> DRIVE HOME, you can easely get guidence to "home". How can I change this "home"?
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Feb 2, 2010
or does it only go into the drive mode when you have it set up with a route? The map goes into idle when it's just on the normal "my position" readout.
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Dec 31, 2012
I have Nokia Lumia 900 running Windows Mobile 7.5. The Nokia Drive running on it is It had been working great for me till 10 days back. Suddenly whenever I open the application and tap "Set destination", the app shuts down. The Nokia Drive then needs to be restarted.
It seems to have something to do with the destinations. The same behavior is also witnessed when I try to "Clear history" using Settings >> Clear history.In appears that the app on my cell phone does not like number of destinations stored, or a specific destination.
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Jun 21, 2010
Is it possible to install Nokia Maps 3.04 to the memory stick ? If yes, how ?
Nokia E52-1 (RM-469)
Firmware: 034.001
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Dec 11, 2011
Ovi Maps 3.06 & later:Seems to support GPS Coordinates, Degrees Minutes & Seconds,Decimal Degrees (WGS84)
In the format Decimal Degrees (WGS84) Latitude: 51.5825
Longitude: 12.582222,Becomes: 51.5825, 12.582222
In Degrees, Minutes & Seconds,Latitude: N51 34 57,Longitude: E12 34 56,Becomes the following: 51 34 57n, 12 34 56e
In GPS coordinates,Latitude: N 51 34.950,Longitude: E 12 34.933,Becomes the following: 51 34.950n, 12 34.933e,To select any of the above formats, go to Menu > Settings > Application settings > Positioning > Notation prefernces.
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Mar 23, 2010
Anyone know how to drive to an contact's address in the address book, without having to:
1. Find contact
2. Select
3. Write down address on a paper(!)
4. Open Ovi Maps
5. Choose "find places"
6. Enter the address written down on the paper.
There has to be an easier way! I've tried to copy the address, but I cannot paste it into Ovi Maps.
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Mar 20, 2010
I've installed OVI Maps 3.03 over Maps 3.01. Poor me! Now I have 2.5 Mb left on my C drive. Vs. 16 Mb as of yesterday. Should I add that "application manager - installed apps" does not start anymore?
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May 3, 2012
Is it possible to raise the house outlines on the map to a third dimension where possible? At the moment only 3D objects, specially made, are seen in the phone, but it would be nice to see also other regular buildings on a constant 3D level.
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Oct 29, 2012
Go to Nokia Drive > Settings > Manage Maps
Add your favourite maps & use them offline in future to save your data connection & battery.
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Dec 16, 2012
Is there a way to use my Nokia maps favorites into Nokia drive ?, i don't understand why we don't still have that option in a menu somewhere already.
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Nov 19, 2012
I just received a Lumia 900 and updated to the latest firmware and am having troubles downloading maps on nokia drive, both on the 2.0 and now 3.0. It says I need to be on wifi to download, however I am on wifi and I can access the web, email and every other function on my phone, except download maps on Nokia Drive as it doesn't recognize I am online on wifi however drive does work only it updates the map in realtime so I can't use the maps offline as it does not allow me to download offline maps. When I uninstall drive and then reinstall the app I can download from the maps for countries that do not have regions such as hong kong, however if I select US or China, a large country where you have to select the region the region/state page is blank. I have already tried soft and hard resetting to no avail and also tried different wifi networks with the results.
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Dec 25, 2012
I've a L920 runing Maps (v2.9.39.70) and Drive+ Beta (v2.1.0.1451).I've imported my landmarks into Maps, but it is not shared with Drive+, so I have to first go into Maps and then choose the landmark I want to navigate to. The route is then displayed.How do I get Drive+ to open so I can get voice guidance?
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Aug 11, 2010
A question on "route planning": If I want to drive/walk from point A to C via B, using Maps 3.03 (on an E52), how is that accomplished? Note: with the phone alone, without syncing with Ovi Maps.If "A" is my current destination, it's easy to set "C" (set destination) and be on the road right away. But, if I want to add a new route point "B", I only get the option to add a "category" close by and NOT a favorite or a location by search or history. Actually, pretty useless, if you plan to drive from Paris to Berlin via Amsterdam, to mention one theoretical example.I have noted that many people look for this, however, I found no good answers. If not available in Maps 3.03,any inkling if/when this may be added? The simple answer is, of course, to plan two routes rather than one "via" route.
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Dec 13, 2012
When I launch Maps and press the circle button to zoom to my location, it will do so. It finds me within a few hundred feet. After this point, it has no idea where I am. The dot representing me on the maps will vanish, and if I press the locate button again, it will pop somewhere else within a couple of miles of me, and then realize that isn't right, and not change the circle locator button to green, or show a dot on the screen. I can press the locate button again and have this happen continuously.When using Nokia Drive Beta, it will use my correct location to plot a course, but then not follow me at all, so it constantly displays the first direction. It, too, seems to have no clue where I am.My commute takes me through country, city, and suburbs. I've tried placing the phone on the dash, in the cupholder, and just holding it. Previous phones (iPhone, android) have not had this issue over the same commute.
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Oct 3, 2012
Since updating to Belle FP2 yesterday on my 808 Pureview, Maps and all map related apps won't open, they simply close straight away. Tried resetting the settingso n the phone and updating the maps on the Nokia Store. Now I'm stuck. Nokia drive was my second reason for buying the phone after the camera, so I'm a bit distraught lol. I've been making fun of my iOS6 friends the last couple of weeks about their maps and now I feel a bit foolish.
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Apr 20, 2012
I installed nokia drive on my new phone Lumia 900. However, I just cant download maps on it. It says "Please connect to Wifi" when I am already connected to wifi. I tried uninstalling the app and installing it again. I reset the phone too.
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Mar 28, 2010
Free Drive navigationFree Walk navigationFree maps and map updates" As it says on the website. I have updated my Nokia N97 to the latest firmware (2.0) and installted the map loader. I have downloaded the latest maps and installed them to the phone. Then when I try to "drive to" on the maps, it says "Your license expired on 15.11.2009" and wants me to purchase a subscription?
a) Am i doing something wrong?
b) Are they actually free?
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Dec 25, 2012
Just bought Nokia Lumia 810 (T-Mobile) and downloaded the maps - the internal memory is ony 8gb. With OS and the Maps it takes up considerable space. Is it possible to move the map to the SD card? If yes any link or steps to do the same?
For using Nokia Drive - is it mandatory to download the maps? Just wondering how Google Navigation / Maps work for Android as I don't recall d/l any maps on Android!
I test drove the Nokia drive on couple of known locations and both times the paths chosen were uncommon - when comparing to the inbuilt GPS in the car as well as with Google Navigation! This was US maps. I hope Nokia Maps / Drive gets better.
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May 24, 2010
I downloaded and installed maps of Australia and the surfer dude voice using map loader. However my maps application did not detect any drive navigation voice. When I browsed the voices folder however it was there.i had to download another voice thru the maps application (sadly no surfer dud) in order to get voice navigation. Is there any reason for this? I am using a 5800 with v31 and im using maps v3.04. Although with both v3.03 and 3.04 the same problem was there.
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Nov 13, 2011
I have updated by n8 with Anna and Maps 3.08, 11wk41 b02, map version It works fine except when driving to a destination on a freeway / motorway. The roadway is a gray color that blends into the background and even though it zooms in at interchanges it is small. Thus, at 70 MPH you cannot clearly see where to turn without staring at the scene, very dangerous. This makes it unusable and unsafe for freeway driving and it must be changed. Can I go back to the old version, or do I just start using my Tom Tom GPS and dump the phone.
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Jul 11, 2010
I have 2 different cases that I would like to se some kind of solution for:
- In my city, there are several "bugs" in the maps. Is there a way to get this corrected ? Several roads seems ok for drivetrough, but then you find them to be "walking only". Ovi maps told me to drive into such road, - but luckily I knew the area, and did know it was a dead end. Places like this I would like to share with other users, so the map itself would be more up to date and as correct as possible. But ; such issues I have found no way to feed the maps with. ( yea, I might share the cinema, and hospital, cafe's and som but the road and blocked roads, - nope. even nopt telling wich speedlimits the different roads has).
Is there a way to get the ovi maps to remember a input? (It asks over and over "connect to location server" y/n - while driving in areas with a lot of tunnels, and steep mountains (it looses the GPS signals). This is not only annoying, but it disturb while driving. If I consider to say yes, - ( or no for that matter) - it continues to ask everytime it looses the GPS signals. I have now turned it off, and will see if the nagscreen shows up all the time. If it could remember the FIRST answer - as long as it is running, - it would be okay. As it is now, - its really disturbing - here in Western Norway. (where the FJORDS are, and a lot of tunnels).
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Jan 28, 2010
Does any please no how to set home location on ovi maps for the Nokia 5800.
Have have tried and searched everywhere but cant work out how to!
For instance if i go to Drive/ Drive Home How do i set up my home location.
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May 1, 2010
Whenever I set a place and select "drive to", it always ask me: "Online connection required to enter the shop. Connect now?" when I select NO, it will not work. It can show where I am, but don't tell me how to go to my destination.
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Nov 8, 2011
is it possible to change the default from metric to imperial ? Works on Navigation but not Maps, bit hard for me to judge distances as I'm not very 'Metric'
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Feb 13, 2012
i have a nokia e7 and i wondering if i was able to change the units set on it.Currently it is set on kph and i want it to be in mph as this is the standard unit in the UK.
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Jul 29, 2013
I'm trying to download all HERE maps (+2gb worth of data) on my phone, but it only downloads while my phone is awake. How do I get it to fully download without have to tap my screen every 5 minutes?
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Jun 21, 2010
I am trying ti use the GPS in my E55. I have a problem. I start the application, MAPS and then select CAR. I'd like to write the exact address where I need to go, but this seems to be impossible. The only thing I am allowed to write is the city (or, in the best cases, the train station, the cinema, etc). But I'd like to go to the house of my girl friend! Any idea?
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Feb 21, 2010
Before I upgraded my 5530, I could choose between phone and card memory for ovi store downloads. Now I cant any more n it keeps downloading n installing it to my phone. I cant seem to find where i can change that.Its not the case with app manager. When i install something from there, it asks me which location i want it installed into.
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May 14, 2010
I am running Maps 3.03 on an E71. While this version provides free turn-by-turn navigation, which is great, I find that providing the destination address is much less convenient than it was in the previous, non-free version. Before, you'd enter a city from a menu and having done that, you got a menu of valid streets within that city and so on. Now you just get a single text-input box into which you have to type the address (and deal with the system's invariably wrong attempts to complete things).
This step backward provides an additional incentive to want to be able to choose the destination address by indicating an entry in your contacts database. Navigate me to THIS restaurant, or the home address of THIS person, etc. There appears to be no way to do this, unless I'm missing something. And, inexplicably, there also appears to be no way to copy-paste an address from the contacts app to the Maps app. I've attempted to check the documentation, which in Nokia E71 tradition, is useless.
If I'm missing something here, I'd appreciate being enlightened by someone. If I'm right about this, this is another example of why Nokia's market share in the US is miniscule and why their share worldwide is dropping. Smartphones cram a lot of capability into a very small package, which places a huge premium on user-interface design. This is a major factor, perhaps THE major factor, in the iPhone's success, despite the fact that it's not so great for making calls (unlike Nokia phones, which excel in that department).
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Aug 18, 2010
I came across the following problems whilst trying to update an address in my favourites list:
*Editing the address does not change the position of the place - i.e. I now have an entry that shows all the correct info for one location, but is actually pointing somewhere completely different! I edited my entry from the Homescreen search (which seems to take you through to Location>landmarks.
*In Maps, I can't move a place to the right collection (organise collections) There is no scroll bar so I can only access the first few collections!!!
*Trying to get around this using Ovi Maps on PC fails too - After selecting the right collection to move it to, the message "cannot connect to remote server" comes up. There is no problem connecting to the server for any other functions, but for this one it is persistent.
I then went on to plan a route:
*Using Search in Maps does not include (or allow you to select) results from your own favourites or history!
*When adding a route point you don't have access to your collections (only a raw list of favourite places)
*After clicking "Start driving" in a route, you can no longer access favourite places or history at all!
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Jan 5, 2010
i've recently started having problems with ovi maps and it's internet settings. i'm not sure when the problem started but whenever i try to access internet settings (because i want to change my connection from wifi to wap) the program just exits back to the nokia menu however all the other menus work fine. i've made a short video to show you exactly what i mean.
as you can see as soon as i press to access the internet menu it kicks me out, but i can access the navigation tab just fine then i tried to go accross to internet settings and it kicks me out again. i have already tried deleting cities folder and .qf file to no avail. i have also tried to go offline before accessing internet settings which didn't work either. i even installed nokia maps 2.0 which wasn't for this phone but installed just wouldn't work then reinstalled ovi 3 to no avail either!
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