The problem was (and still is) with freezing up my phone during usage. Most frequently using bluetooth+wifi.
I've received my phone from Nokia Care... (second time)
I have doubt if someone really checked anything
The funny thing is, that now my nokia works much worse... Freez up are more frequent. Now, turning ON the phone posses problems (freez up while system booting) The only solution is to remove battery restart phone again (usually 3-5 times). More than 14 days without a (brand new) phone and such annoying news........
the 5630 comes with a nice function to read text messages aloud. However, this function works only with UK English. Most messages I receive, are not in English, as I'm currently in Germany and bought the phone in Germany. Any chance to get other support for other languages, esp. German and Spanish on the phone?
I'm experiencing strange behavior in my Nokia 5630. When i got it i added 3 WiFi points without a problem to "Internet destinations". But recently, whenever i try to add an WiFi access point, it puts it into the "Uncategorised destinations". And i cannot move it to other folder (i select move, and choose Internet, but it throws me out to main menu). Because of this i cannot use new WiFi on applications which check the "Internet destinations" for available WiFis.And few unrelated questions:
- has anyone had experience with NCP VPN client for symbian?
- is there a application like Smart Connect for this phone? I think Smart Connect is only for N and E series?
I have purchased Nokia C6-01 in March 2011 and faced a serious problem from 17 Sep 11 that my phone touch screen freez several times when I have received calls or SMS or in apps running. I called for Nokia Support in Careline and also support mail, they assist me to reset the factory settings and reinstall the latest software. I did those tasks but unfortunately the Handset remains in same problem. After that I took it in Nokia Care Center, they took time day long and reinstall the software again claiming that the problem might be in software update, after they returned my set and before I reached my Home the problem again arised.
I am currently lookink for a way to update my nokia 5630 xm from the 11.020 firmware to the 12.020 firmware. I am in the UK and at present there doesnt seem to be anyway through nokia to update my device. Is it available in the UK? When will it become available? I am only asking because nokia never responded to my support email and I already contacted my provider.
while my previous Nokia devices (e.g. the 6230i, N770, N800) could be switched to Spanish (and Portuguese), this seems to be a problem for the 5630 telephone. Why did Nokia drop Spanish in a newer product? Can I install a firmware variant e.g. for South America or South Europe?
I have a nokia 5630,and so far I have installed python 2.0.0 and the script shell from the official website. Some python apps install and are working fine. Other python apps do not work at all.The icon appears after install, but nothing happens when i try to run the app. This happens whether I try installing on mem card or phone memory.Do I need a different version of python instead?Which one do I need? Will it let me use any python app?
When i connect my nokia 5630 to my computer via usb, my pc detects it but before i can begin to install it, my pc crashes. Also, sometimes my pc doesn't crash ( i dont know why) but even then when i connect the mobile to the pc via usb, my pc continusly tries to install it as new hardware instead of detecting it in Pc Suite, and even then it never detects or installs it...
The main reason for me to buy the 5630 is the video phone feature. But I'm not yet sure, how to do this. On the PCs I use both Skype and SIP. Now I installed Skype on the 5630 and can do the "Skype testing call" w/o problems via WLAN, but I'm not sure how to activate the video function. Does it work? If so, how? Or do I have to use SIP for video telephony instead of Skype?
how can I get rid of the screen saver (blue and white things floating across the screen)? I just want to have date and time displayed, nothing else. I tried this:
Menu -> Settings -> Themes -> Power saver -> Date. but it doesn't work as expected. After about fifteen (15) seconds of not touching the phone, date and time are displayed. Fine. After another fifty (50) seconds the blue and white floating things appear. What is the right setting to get rid of any animations?
my 5630 does still have firmware version 11-something, but I heard that 13-whatever is current. I cannot find release notes or any description of the changes. Where can I find this information? The firmware update costs and I want to be sure, that it is useful to me.
I have the problem that when I select a phone number in the log application I get a message that the memory is full. This makes it impossible to access the menus and sometimes to exit the log app itself. I can however see that there's 53 MB free RAM and 25 MB free space on C, with an application called Y-tasks. Also, no other application has memory problems. It seems to me to be a bug in the log application
When i connect my 5630 XPress music phone via PC Suite, a ballon connfirms that Nokia 5630 connected. But whenever i try to install application or do any other work via PC suite, it gives an error saying that connection to the phone lost.
Moreover, when i plug usb to ma computer and to my phone, computer finds a hardware named " MTP", computer tries to install it but gives an error saying that a problem occured during hardware installation and it might not work properly
because about two thirds of my audio files are ogg (the remaining third is mp3), I would like to play them on my new phone. Which is the best way to achieve this?
When listening to music my Nokia 5630 is restarting randomly after 3-10 minutes. I just received my phone 2 days ago. Is there a solution or do I have to return the phone?
I really miss the built in smileys in sms.. And the sms/mms counter? :/ Is there any way to get the counter back, or example on softwares i can donwload?
Can anyone help me on putting my Hotmail calendar onto the my Nokia 5630XM?
I know that this is an extremely idiotic question but looking online, there are web pages on how sync between Google calendar, but no sign of hotmail!
I saved my calendar onto the computer and I got an iCal(ics) file and apparently, nokia PC suite don't accept this file type! I tried to use sync, but the only half the calendar came out correctly while some meetings came out as saying tentative or nothing.In some parts of the calendar, there are two meetings at once, this displays fine on outlook, but will this affect the view on the phone?
I am unable to use GPS on my Nokia 5630 xpressmusic. It gives me error "enable satellite based positioning method first". This option is not available in Nokia 5630.
I was wondering if I could use the old LD-3W GPS-receiver with my Nokia 5630 XpressMusic. My phone was not mentioned in the compatibility list so I would like to have confirmation that my phone works together with said gadget before I buy it.
I have unsolved problem until now. I have Nokia 5630 (buy in Czech Republic), I updated to latest firmware 012.020 and after that I canīt connected with Nokia maps updater (it shows the announcement like topic - see attached file). I try hard to reset and many, many things but without positive results. Is it this problem solvable?I want to use Nokia maps and I donīt. I want to buy Nokia GPS module but it is useless in this time. It must be any solution from Nokia company.
I experience sth. very strange. My "new" phone seems in fact to be a used one, and now. I have strange private contacts, calendar entries, and text messages on the phone. All the data looks a little bit like "fake data", like data to demonstrate features of the phone, not like real private data. Bad thing is, however, that I removed all this nonsense, but after a reset to factory settings, the data appeared again! Nokia advised me to do a firmware update, but I'm not sure
I have downloaded some SIS files and would like to install them on my 5630. How can I do this? Note: I cannot use the PC programs by Nokia, because they are for Windows and my computers have Linux. I tried running the Nokia PC program with "wine", but doesn't work. Can I just copy the SIS files to some place on the phone and install without PC software? I have to copy the files then?
My Nokia 5630 got wet. After that I dissembled it and dried it. Everything was ok beforer the second reboot. Thats when I reseted my phone. It obviously failed. Now when I plug my phone in to charge (either to usb or just power) the blue light on the back (on top of the 3,2 MPix camera) is always on until the battery runs out. I have tried the *,3,answer button (green) trick and that also didn't work. My phone just won't turn on.Also, I have tried removing the sim card (as shown in the attachment) and memory card and that didn't work either.
And im trying to connect via WLAN to my home broadband, which is a Linksys one. I can scan for all the WLAN networks and i can find my network, but when i connect and put in the WEP key it doesn't connect! It says WLAN: Unable to Connect.... there was this one time i managed to connect for a while but then it said No response from gateway..
I would like a fresh update on the your experience with N97, after la latest updates.
I am considering to buy a N97 phone, because is the only smartphone that could the following, ordered by priority:
A. Mandatory
1. simbian + gps + garmin mobile on N97 (i will install)
2. touchscreen + large screen 3,5" + good res
3. WiFi + full qwerty keyboard
4. FM + transmitter
5. bluetooth
B. Not as mandatory , but neither optional
6. Good video/photo camera + geotagging
7. large memory 32GB
C. Optional
8. battery has a good cpacity
9. 3,5 jack
I am looking forward to N97, and not mini N97 because the mini ver,doesn't have 32gb and screen is smaller 0,3" and no fm transmitter.
I took in consideration even the iphone, but the main problem is garmin, because is not available for iphone. And secondly, I want simbian, because I will use diferent software without paying/unlocking.
I am looking toward a used with warranty <4months N97 => cheaper > 40% , brand new is too expensive.
For the last several weeks neither the WiFi nor the Bluetooth will turn on. When selecting to turn on WiFi is starts to turn on then stops and displays Error. About 75% of the time after attempting to turn on the WiFi the phone will reboot. I have factory reset the phone and the WiFi and Bluetooth will work once after the reset but once the phone sleeps neither WiFi nor Bluetooth will operate. This is even after a power down. I have checked my settings and can't find anything that would cause this.
My E71 used to work fine in car hands free via bluetooth - now it pairs OK but then gives "unable to create bluetooth connection" message. Another E71 works fine.
I did try (twice) to e-mail Nokia care - each time I filled in all details only to get a Gateway timeout message when I tried to send it - and all details wiped out!
The WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities on my LG G3 phone randomly stopped working yesterday and both connections won't turn on. I have tried to enable both connections, but the phone either lags out or does not recognize the command. This isn't the problem of the LG G3 not recognizing networks or finding Bluetooth devices, but both connections won't even enable.
I've tried factory resetting and that did not remove the issue at all.