Motorola Zumocast :: Sync Office Files BACK To The PC?
Oct 26, 2011
I am trying to update an Excel file on my Bionic. No problem downloading the file at all, but I would like the changes to sync to the PC file. The changes are simple numbers (Sunday School Attendance) so no large complex formulas. Is this possible or is Zumo simply for downloading?
have just got a Samsung Galaxy S2 and created my first document on Polaris office, saving it as a .doc file. But when copying it to my computer and trying to open it, up flashes a Microsoft Office File Validation security alert, saying that a problem has been detected in trying to open the file and that opening it is probably dangerous and may allow a malicious user to take over my computer.I'm aware that there are issues with MOFV over reading some file formats -- has anyone come across this? Is it that MOFV can't read Polaris files, or is there the possibility of something sinister going on? I've run two different antivirus programme scans (installed on two different computers) on this file, which haven't flagged anything.
I can play my MP4 files using Zumocast, but not my M4V files. I see that M4V's are supported, so there must be something I'm doing when encoding them (I use Handbrake and the Apple TV preset). Is there any way to tell what it doesn't like abou them?
Have my new Bionic and when I downloaded my music it went to the internal disk, would prefer it to go to the SD card. Do I need to configure something on my Bionic or in Sumocast to have it automatically saved to the SD Card
I tried searching, but I can't find the answer to my question. I've downloaded music files via Zumocast to my ipod touch. How do I delete them off my device?
I am new to this forum, I just have a quick question. I have a desktop computer running windows 7 with zumocast installed on it. I have accessed my files (mainly movies) from another windows computer just fine. I just got a macbook air for christmas and i tried to access my movies through zumocast on my mac but none of the files showed up. I dont want to put all the files on my new laptop because it only has a 120 SSD installed. Is it possible for me to access those files on my desktop from my mac?
I know that ZumoCast allows you to stream and download files from the PC to the phone, but is there a way to go the other direction? I take a lot of pictures and videos on my droid bionic and would like to be able to wirelessly send those files to my computer to edit, send to friends, and send to websites. I know I can do a lot from the phone, but would really like to be able to do some things from my computer too. I think that would make the zumocast product complete if it was a two way product.
I cannot stream my .mts files in the web browser anymore. Just get a black screen and the massage "video not found"... it exist a can stream through my ps 3 etc. I can see the thumbnail of the video in the browser.
ZumoCast is setup on both my Win7 PC and my Bionic. I can see most of my many files with the Bionic however when I try to view the files in the player the screen just goes black, like it's trying to play the files but nothing ever happens.Then when I press the back button, I get this msg "Error During video Playback" ZumoCast was not able to playback this file; it might not be in a supported format.
I'm working with an XP machine and am always getting an immediate "failed" download when trying to get .asf files from my machine. I'd hate to have to convert all of these files. They do show up on the Bionic's option for stream or download and to begin transfer but just fail. Is there a way to get this to work.
I have the Bionic and have loaded Zumocast on my laptop and my desktop. My desktop music library is a few thousand song files in one folder. I get to listen to them using the random button on my Bionic with no problems. I have started Ripping all my music CDs to my laptop. They are stored in the Music file, the a sub file for each artist, then a sub album for each album, then the individual files. I must open each folder down to the album folder to listen to my laptop music. This means I can not use random and listen to all my files of all albums. My question is obviously, How can I listen to all the files without manually opening each folder to access them? Can Zumocast do this, or can you suggest a way for me to group all the music in one big playlist to access with Zumocast?
I just recently purchased the droid binoc and i have started using the zumocast with my phone and macbook pro.
I am able to stream photos, videos and music but I am unable to download any file to my phone and when I do my phone confirms file has been downloaded the file says failed and when I tried to retry it stops after a few seconds and says failed again.
I have also tried this with videos and music and it had the same result.
I'm still unable to download any files from my computer to my phone at this time.
Zumocast works great for my music and pictures. Just can't get my video files to play. The videos were taken with a Sony HD video camera. The file extension of the videos are .m2ts. how I can get these files to play on my Bionic?
I've run across this serveral times. The movie will play great then when it gets to about 35 mins into a movie , i tried serveral diff movies all in avi format , the audio will go out of sync. this will also happen if i FF the movie past 35 min as well. If i FF the move 15 or 25 min it will play in sync.
I have a large music library and it seems that I can't access all of it from the Music tab on the zumocast app (phone and desktop). If I go to files, I see and can play all of the songs, but not from the music tab. It's annying because it's easier to navigate via the Music tab (albums, artists, etc.)
I have Mac Osx 10.5.8 and i downloaded it, installed it and did the initial settings but then it crashed and everytime I try to open it, after about 3 seconds. i restarted by computer, reinstalled it twice, i have no idea whats wrong! it works fine on my droid 3, just not my mac.
I have a Black Armour Net Drive attached directly to my home router.Is there a way to get ZumoCast to access that drive without having to go through my home computer?
I am using Office Suite Pro, great program. I am having a problem transferring back onto my Mac the Word files. They transfer ok but they do not open and show as possible corrupt files.
I've been working on this now (i.e., researching blogs, google, etc.) for hours and it is NOT going well! I have a new Blackberry Bold 9900 that I need to sync with MS Office Outlook 2007, particularly the contacts and calendar. I am using OS7.1 Bundle 921 (v Platform and Desktop Manager. The config setting in DM for Contacts Account shows only Windows Contacts, with no option to change to Outlook. When I then attempt to sync, the process wants to add all the contacts in my BB to some unknown address book on the computer. My BB shows my BB contacts as "default", whatever that is. My frustration is mounting exponentially. I am a converted iPhone user that really wants to give RIM a chance, but this isn't going so well.