Motorola Xoom :: Listen To Radio Which Uses Real Player?
Apr 21, 2011
how I can listen to radio which uses Real Player? I tried to download the beta, but was told it does not support the Xoom. This really feels like the early days of Windows Mobile - which ran on guess and a prayer..
I'm using the real player to stream a bbc radio station, it's streaming at 64 bit rate, however my friend has a e71 the same link using real player stream at only 20 bit rate (a third). Does anyone know how to adjust this (as it's costing me 3 times as much). The only difference I can see is the real player version, where can I download older versions of real player or can someone recommend an apps will can stream.
Nokia E72-1 Software version 021.024, date 17/10/09. Type: RM-530
I have an iPhone 4 that I want to plug into my car so I can listen to my favorite online radio station. How do I do this? And is all I need is an A/C adapter? Please list all possibilitys.
i'm try to play direct from a website where are 3 players on winamp realplayer and windows media player but none of those are suported what do i need so i can play directly from the website the players are on [URL]
why is the video player differnt beteween xoom and X. on my X i have no problem playing videos from websights. But on the Xoom i need to buy a player to watch my videos. why cant they be same. also why cant i use bt headset to listen to my videos.
I can listen to music and watch videos on my Xoom2 via Wi-Fi from my computer but when I try the same music or videos from a USB Flash Drive, I can see all the files but when I try to play any of them the Xoom2 goes to "Settings".
I'm new to N900. Prior to posting, I could not find any topics on real player and hence, the posting of this query. I tried installing realplayer into my N900 but could not install as the message "file corrupted" appears.How can I install real player into my N900?
does anyone know if its possible to install real player on the n900., this isn't a video of the n900, its just me mixing some scouse house.
I wanted to watch a video in Sockshare but it says real player needed. I wasn't sure if you are able to download real player on an iPhone through the Internet, or if there was another way to go about it?
Nokia X2-00, FW 4.90. When I bought this phone I was hoping that if there is no need of wired headset for the radio, I could listen to radio through a bluetooth handsfree. But ... this is not possible. The options for radio output are - loudspeaker or wired headset. May be Nokia will develop this very useful in my humble opinion) feature in the next firmware version.
So I am moving to the Dominican Republic in a few months, and its going to totally suck when I can't listen to my pandora or slacker radio. I usually plug it into my dock and just let it play using my wifi. Is there anyway I can get it to work down there? I tried using hotshield vpn but it doesnt work anymore. Any other free options, apps on cydia, anything?
When I tried to restore the defaults by reflashing it with rsd lite, it ran a time, but my pc crashed. The restore went fine, but the connectivity was dead. when i tried to reflash, i got a new not known device called Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 and rsd failed. When i've done that before it always went fine... only this time not. I searched a lot in the net, but didn't found a way to recover it.
Im using a Sony Erickson vivaz and i tried to play real player via using this phone but sadly i cant.i just wanna ask is there a real player apps for this phone?
I have been using Inernet Radio happily on my e63 for some time on the vodafone network in Australia and frequently listened over GPRS.I recently signed up to Telstra and the first time I started Internet Radio after inserting my new SIM I received a "terms and conditions" notice - as if this was the first time I was using it.
Now, only my WIFI access points and Telstra MMS are showing up in the available access points for internet radio - I can't see the Telstra Internet access point so I'm no longer able to to listen to Internet Radio over GPRS!!
I have this great bluetooth headset I use to work out with and I would love to be able to listen to the radio using these instead of having to plug in a wired headset. I know it uses the wired headset as a antenna so maybe there is a plug in antenna that will still let the music flow to the bluetooth headset?
I do not know why, real player started to work wrong. whenever I play a video, it plays for 5 seconds and after that the image frezees and the audio keeps playing.
From just a few days i can't open any video file by real player.Then i tried to open it from video centre.Same problem.I onLy hear the sound.Even i can't open that 3gp file which was played good by both real player and v'd centre before the problem started.
When I play video in full screen in real player the video is in portrait mode and it can't orientate in landscape mode. When it's not playing in full screen the video is normal in landscape mode. My phone is nokia E72-2 fw 071.004?