Motorola Triumph :: Permanently Stuck In Bootloader Mode

Jan 31, 2012

Upon turning on my Triumph, the phone states the phrase "Incoming Download Mode" once, then repeats the following message over and over, on a black screen: "polling, get oemsbl_mode = 1". Apparently this is the bootloader mode. I am Not inadvertently or intentionally holding down the volume down button or any other button at the same time as the power button, as many forums mention as the possible problem. I have tried: pulling the battery for hours; pulling the battery and holding down the power key for 30 seconds; pressing the volume up and down keys a lot when the phone is off and the battery out (in case up or down volume button is stuck), then powering up the phone. In none of the above scenarios is the phone connected to anything via USB cord. At the time my phone developed this problem about 48 hours ago, I was simply surfing the web on my phone.

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Motorola :: V3m Flashing Stuck In Bootloader

Feb 5, 2010

i recently tried flashing my v3m to altell. But it fail in the process and now it just shows the altell boot then goes to bootloader mode. But when trying to reflash it gets to flash group 2 and fails. I used rsd lite and radio comm. FLASH FAILED: Tx RQHW boot cmd failed. Boot Command: RQHW M-Link error 0008: DeviceIoControl() result falied during USB device I/O.

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Motorola Triumph :: Not Coming Out Of Sleep Mode?

Mar 24, 2012

I've gone through a couple phones now, but I am still having this problem with the Triumph. Periodically, when the phone goes into sleep mode, it will not come out when pressing the power button. I have to take the battery out and replace it to get it to function correctly again. After experimenting with it a bit, it seems to only occur when I have Wifi enabled. When Wifi is off the phone seems to function in and out of sleep mode correctly. Anyone else experience this and/or have a fix for it(beside keeping Wifi disabled)?

I have also experienced some of the same issues that others have addressed on this site (random rebooting, slow GPS), but my Wifi sleep mode problem gives me the biggest headache.

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Motorola Droid X :: Stuck On Bootloader Screen?

Jun 1, 2011

had a slight moment where wifi had shut off.. but it fully downloaded.. pressed install.. and it installed.. (i think) but it booted up to the bootloader screen.. says:err: A5,69,25,00,27battery OKOK to programconnect USBData Cable

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Motorola Defy :: Stuck On Bootloader Screen?

Apr 3, 2012

Totally stock Defy, upgraded to 2.2 and on its 2nd ear speaker.While in the browser the phone froze compleatly, so after waiting a while I pulled the battery, and on restarting it went straight to a bootloader screen.Then when i connect to the PC it, just changes the last line to Transfer Mode OK.I have tried the Start button and Volume rocker switch, but this seems to do nothing. Please tell my "Life proof" phone isn't dead before my 2 year contract is up!? I have tried googling, but all the help I can find, seems to be for people who are rooting their Devices, I would just like to state that is not what I was, or am trying to do.

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Motorola Triumph :: Low Volume / Dialer Stuck And WiFi Connection Errors

Jul 29, 2011

This is my second Triumph, while 1/2 of my issues were resolved because I got a replacement, the following are issues that are happening with both phones and I'm not sure if these issues will be fixed, or if there is something I can do on my end.

Phone volume - No matter what, the volume is low.... the other phone was way lower, on this one I can hear people, but its like my volume at 50% on my intercept. When the phone is being used as a phone, it sounds like the speaker is blown, on top of it being low. Speakerphone sounds ok, but still volume is low.

Bluetooth - I have tried this with 3 headsets, so its not the headset. When I connect, it will disconnect on its own sometimes reconnecting, but most of the time it doesn't. It will show the icon that it has a connection, but it doesn't (even if I turn the headset off, it still shows the icon is connected). And of course, volume, if its down to 50%, I can't hear anything.

Phone Dialer - If I try to use this to dial the phone, it sticks. So I have to press a 5, then wait for 10 seconds, then press a 2, then wait for 10 seconds, etc. Using speed dial.

WiFi - I have a strong wi-fi connection. It's a cable modem. But when I select my wi-fi, it says its connected, but I get connection errors when I try to get e-mail, go on you tube, etc. I have to restart my phone and then connect to get it to work.

I don't have much installed on the phone, and I have 893 mb remaining. I don't like my battery life getting killed, so I turn off my 3g and everything when I'm not using it and don't have apps running in the background. Battery life is lasting around 36 hours on a charge.

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Motorola Triumph :: Stuck White Pixel (Not Visible On Dark Backgrounds)?

Aug 11, 2011

I am on my 4th Triumph since the 19th of July. I don't know if it's just been bad luck or a bad batch, but I've had issues with all of them. My best Buy pretty much said they do not want to take the phone back again because of how many times I've returned it for various legitamate issues. Now, in addition to this device having the usual issues I've had with it, I now have a bright white pixel that only shows on white/light colored backgrounds.

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Motorola Triumph :: Skype Video Calls Now Work On Triumph?

Sep 30, 2011

After yesterday's update, skype video calling now works on the triumph. It does not show in the supported devices list, but I have tested it and was able to videoconference.

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Motorola Triumph :: Triumph Battery Not Charging?

Jan 15, 2012

Is there anyone out there that can help with this? I have only had my phone for about 40 days (10 days past Radio Shack's return policy, unfortunately), and beginning 3 or 4 days ago my phone stopped consistently charging. I would put it on the charger and it would look like it is working for a few minutes, then simply stop charging. I have tried 3 different chargers with the same results-- one with a USB connection to my computer, one in my car, and one plugged into a wall.I already exchanged this Triumph once because of serious software glitches including a keyboard that wouldn't always type. I am starting to feel like perhaps this isn't the phone for me, but it feels terrible to feel like I have been cheated $300 for a phone that doesn't want to work.

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Motorola Triumph :: Purchasing Accessories For Triumph

Sep 19, 2011

Besides us waiting for some sign of a software update to address the issues with our Motoroloa Triumph, does anyone else find it curious how difficult it is to find the accessories for the Triumph? I mean, it's impossible to find something by going to the Motorola Store for the phone. However, if you circumnavigate the site and search on all Android Phones, and find the one phone for Virgin Mobile (by carrier), then find the teeny tiny link for Accessories, one does determine there is a BT headset and also a car charger. But wait, the car charger isn't even available yet.

It's not good commentary that there isn't Motorola badged batteries and car chargers and earbuds, Micro HDMI to HDMI cables, USB charging cables available for the product from Motorola, when clearly, this stuff is available on eBay. And I've recently purchased a very good OEM Motorola Charger and USB charging cables... so the question becomes, where is Motorola's support for the phone? I propose someone feedback to Motorola that besides waiting for needed SW updates, we could use a little product support in the way of accessories.

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Motorola Triumph :: Can Use Triumph As A Tether

Jan 6, 2012

Can i use my triumph as a tether?

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HTC One M7 :: Stuck In Bootloader And Isn't Being Recognized By PC?

Aug 15, 2015

My HTC one M7 is booting up and then immediately going into the bootloader. At the top it says Tampered, Relocked, and Security Warning. Im using the HTC one M7_UL with S-ON and hboot 1.57.

Things i've tried:

Factory resetting the phone doesn't work at all.

I've tried using Fastboot ADB to unlock the bootloader, but windows 8.1 doesn't reconize the phone and the cmd window keeps saying "Waiting for device" when I try to find the identifier token.

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HTC One M7 :: Stuck On Bootloader Screen - How To Get Out Of This Cycle

Sep 6, 2015

So I fell asleep with my phone when i woke up it was on the bootloader screen, I thought this was no big deal and just had it reboot as it boots up it goes directly back into the bootloader. Ive tried everything apart from factory reset.

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HTC One M7 :: Stuck At Entering Recovery After Unlocking Bootloader

Dec 15, 2015

About 3 years ago i bought an HTC M7. And yesterday i tried to unlock the bootloader for the first time using HTCdev and all went well. I also managed to install CWM at that time. When i tried installing a custom marshmallow rom i received several errors and decided i wanted to revert back. So i relocked the bootloader but now i have no os installed and if i try unlocking the bootloader again i get stuck on white screen with htc logo and purple letter at top entering recovery... After this screen i have to wait for the battery to die before i can do anything with the phone again (stuck)

I have tried flashing a different recovery file but i keep getting remote: signature verify fail. Without unlocking bootloader i cannot get anything to work. I have no working mobile phone atm.

(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.61.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband: 4T.35.3218.16
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main:
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON


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Google Nexus 5 :: Phone Stuck At Bootloader?

Oct 18, 2015

I have a nexus 5 that I was preparing to hand down to my wife. I had transfered everything over to my new phone, and initiated a factory reset. It rebooted to the "erasing" screen, and sat there for about 20 minutes, before switching to the dead android screen (w/ red triangle.) I thought that was odd, did some searching, and tried the recovery mode from the bootloader. That produced the same results. So now I'm stuck.

From the boot loader I can access the following options:

Start -> Erases for ~20 minutes, then dead android
Restart Bootloader -> Screen goes blank, phone vibrates, and then back to the bootloader screen
Recovery Mode -> Erases for ~20 minutes, then dead android
Power off -> turns off the phone

I called Google, and the tech support hadn't heard of anything like this. Because it's almost two years old, he transferred me to LG's tech support, who basically said find a local repair shop, or they could RMA it for an unknown cost.I'm pretty sure the phone is bricked at this point, which is frustrating, because it was running stock android - completely unmodified. I think I might have rooted it once, months ago, but I can't imagine that that would have caused this issue. I had even received and installed Marshmallow OTA, and it was running perfectly.

Anyway, some program I might be able to use on the PC to regain access to my device.

Literally the only information I can provide about the phone at this point in time is as follows:
Product_Name - hammerhead
Variant - hammerhead D820(H) 32GB
HW Version - rev_11
Bootloader Version - HHZ12k
Baseband Version - H8974A-
Carrier Info - None
Serial Number - 047....
Signing - Production
Sercure Boot - Enabled
Lock State - Unlocked

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Stuck In Landscape Permanently?

Jul 8, 2012

Ever since I received my mini pro, unless some program has caused otherwise (games etc) it has been stuck in landscape mode. I have checked my settings and it is set to rotate when I turn the phone and still nothing. Tried factory reset, I'm on the most recent build (I think, pc companion isn't offering any updates) still nothing.

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Galaxy S5 :: Permanently Stuck Voicemail Notification

Mar 21, 2015

Could I lose my contacts? I am trying to clear my permanently stuck voicemail notification.

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HTC One M7 :: Locked / Unrooted Device Stuck In Bootloader Menu

Jul 20, 2014

My Dad's HTC One M7 is stuck in the bootloader screen and is unable to boot to the main OS.

The phone has never been unlocked or rooted, I've never even seen the bootloader screen until now. The first thing it says in the bootloader screen is ****LOCKED****.

The only information I know is that prior to this, he was prompted for a system update which (he says!) looked official.

I've tried every option in the boot menu (fastboot, bootloader, recovery, recovery reset) and it just goes back to the main screen.

Is there a key combination that I'm missing? Was the system upgrade corrupt? I know next to nothing about Android bootloaders.

I have tried Googling for hours but all the results are from people trying to load a custom ROM or unlocking the bootloader - nothing about a 'normal' installation.

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Motorola Triumph :: Triumph Or ICS Is Better

Sep 5, 2012

I understand that Motorola said it plans to update most of its 2011 devices to version 4.1. Does this include the Triumph?

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Galaxy S5 :: Duplicate Toolbox Icon Permanently Stuck On Screen

Aug 29, 2014

This one will be hard to describe so I'll do my best: Somehow, I have 2 Toolbox Icons on my screen. One is movable and fully functional (works normally) and the other is stuck in the bottom right corner of my screen and is grayed out (but visible) and is not movable or functional.

I have done the following:

1) Reset phone;
2) Turned the Toolbox "on" and "off" in Settings (when doing this, the functional Toolbox Icon turns on and off as it should);
3) Battery pull. Still, no luck as the non-functioning Toolbox Icon simply will not go away...

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Motorola Motoactv :: Stuck In Boot Mode?

Jul 15, 2012

I've just recently upgraded my Motoactv but since then it won't boot.It gets stuck on the pulsing 'M' bit. as anyone else had this issue since upgrading?I've tried holding down 'Start' 'Music' & the 'Power' button, the screen turned off but when booting it up it gets stuck again.I can't re-do the firmware again because my PC wont recognize it.

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LG G3 :: How To Permanently Turn Off Driving Mode On Phone

Jul 16, 2015

I am sitting at my desk at work and the driving mode keeps going on...I have no docking device in my vehicle

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Galaxy S6 :: How To Turn Off Driving Mode Permanently

Dec 14, 2015

How do I turn off driving mode permanently. I've turned it off in msg+ on verizon service but it automatically turns back on.

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Google Nexus 5 :: Backup Through Fastboot / Bootloader Mode

Oct 7, 2015

Is it possible to pull anything off the phone using fastboot in bootloader mode?

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Google Nexus 5 :: Why Can't Access Recovery Mode From Bootloader

Nov 28, 2014

just updated my Nexus 5 to Android 5.0 -- things looking smooth

went to root it

step 1) enable developer mode
step 2) restart into bootloader
step 3) fastboot flash recovery boot.img ( )
step 4) reboot into recovery mode...

step 4 is where things get funky, when I tell bootloader to load recovery mode the phone restarts and then boots normally.I've been hacking at this for a few hours, and ended up loading the boot.img file more than once (see steps below) -- the original attempt worked and would access recovery mode the "load from zip" option wasn't available to I started tinkering, at one point I told it to restart from recovery mode -- it listed updating 7 files after which it had flashed itself back to factory defaults.I then flashed the boot loader a 2nd time it stopped accessing recovery mode

since then I've tried
- download Quick Boot app (crashes when trying to load recovery mode)
- flashed with fresh factory image
- numerous attempts to restart into bootloader
- voodoo chanting (not really but that's next)

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Motorola :: Stuck In Boot Loader Mode With Low Battery?

Jan 21, 2010

As I was talking on my Razr v3 yesterday, I experienced what I thought was just another typical of many AT&T dropped calls. However, upon further inspection, I noticed my phone had gone into boot loader mode for no apparent reason. It's done this on a couple of occasions. Once after it was accidentally dropped and another when I turned it off (then back on) because I was on a plane trip. I've been able to get it back to normal by just power cycling it until it booted.This time no such luck and the screen says the battery is 'too low to program' so if I wanted to attempt to flash it which is something I have NEVER done, I couldn't even do it due to the low battery. This is the only Razr I have and I don't know anyone that still uses one so I don't have one available to put my battery in to charge.Is this the only way to charge the battery? Is it not possible to charge it with the power off?

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Motorola Motoactv :: Stuck In Black And White Mode

Mar 10, 2012

I am having trouble with my fiancee's Motoactv which I gave to her as a gift this past Christmas. It looks like the backlight is no longer working, and the device is stuck in a black and white mode. She can see the display (without color) when outside in the sunlight, but indoors or at night it is completely unreadable. We've updated the device with the most current firmware, and made sure that it is fully charged, but nothing seems to help.

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Motorola Razr :: XT910 - Stuck In Webtop Mode

Sep 23, 2012

However, recently, when I switched on my phone, it switched to Webtop mode, even though it wasn't connected to my dock nor to any HDMI cable. This happens every time I switch my phone on, and has been happening for a week now. The only workaround I've been able to find is to go to the Display menu, check and uncheck the "Enable HDMI cable detection". It works perfectly fine after that.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Stuck In RSD Mode And Screen Stays On

Apr 17, 2011

The phone asked me to update so I did. I wake up this morning and I get this. The phone is toast. After the download of the update it can't restart. It says: Can't boot 2 Starting RSD And the screen stays on.

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Screen Permanently In Landscape Mode?

Mar 23, 2012

I've recently acquired an Xperia Mini Pro (SK17i) with Android 2.3.4 but the screen is permanently in landscape mode. And before anyone says check display settings. Yes it is in auto rotate with full animations on. Tried repair from SE companion, hard and soft reset but to no avail.

When i check services using the *#*#7378423#*#* request, accelerometer appears to work just fine as does the Slide flip Keyboard count. I originally thought it might of been hardware fault. But these tell me otherwise.

Although, admittedly it did switch to portrait view once for a split second whilst sliding the keyboard in half way. I haven't been able to replicate it since.

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Volume Stuck In Media Mode

Nov 26, 2012

I've noticed this happen several times before, but if I'm connecting/disconnecting to headphone jack or bluetooth, all media volumes will go silent (resuming a podcast, music, etc), and turning up/down the volume has no affect. The only fix I've found is to pause everything, go to the homescreen, turn the phone volume (which appears automatically) down, then go back into the app and press play. However, sometimes I can't turn the phone volume down on the homescreen because only the media volume appears, even after I close the media apps (even from the recent menu from holding the Home button). Even going into Menu > System Settings > Sound > Volumes and adjusting everything there made no difference. I had to make a phone call, hang up, then go back to the homescreen, turn the phone volume all the way to mute/vibrate, then turn it back up and go back into my media app and the media sound would be restored. It's really frustrating and considering how often I use media apps and how often this happens, I'm considering ditching the Razr Maxx and getting a non-Motorola phone.

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