Motorola Droid Turbo :: Battery Life - If Have Not Cleared Cache
Nov 17, 2014
I see a lot of discussion about bad battery life. I was experiencing it as well. Clearing the partition cache got me from 50% at the end of the work day to 75%. I think this should be put somewhere for all turbo owners to see as a "get your phone, immediately do this". And stickied. Just a thought and did not want to burry it in the long battery thread.
So, I had horrible battery performance after the update. I figured I would do a cache wipe. Normally this erased battery history, but not this time. The gap is during the wipe. Notice the average slope before and after
I wish they could push an update that doesn't require this crap, but its never happened.
My only concern is the battery. I'm not exactly what you would call a heavy user but usually look for about 3-4 hours screen time on an average. Mostly done by browsing the web, social media, A LOT of texting, a few YouTube videos and some Bluetooth streaming with my car AND my Moto 360.
So this things got a 3900 mah battery yet why does it feel closer to 2800. I understand that the device does have the higher resolution display and whatnot but do people not realize this thing has a 3900 MAH BATTERY?! Shouldn't that blow everything else out of the water? Like not even be close to any other phone. I switch between a Note 4 and the Turbo and I can get more screen on time with the Note 4 (5.5-6.5). Keep in the mind the Note 4 only has a 3250 battery (I think) and the same resolution display yet it's much larger. AND it runs touchwiz, something that destroys battery life.
Went to bed last night with battery life showing 60% remaining after starting fully charged. This was a typical day of use and I usually get to bedtime on battery day #2 before I need to recharge. Imagine my surprise when I looked at my phone today and I had only 30% battery remaining! Looked at the battery monitor and WeatherBug had used 18% of the battery. Seems it was awake for hours. I hadn't changed any settings and I had previously not noticed any battery drain from WeatherBug. (Settings are on update every 30 minutes, and I have location services off.)
I've tried four times now to clear the phone cache according to the directions on Motorola's website. Each time I get to the point where I select clear cache, and after running some scripts on the screen, the fallen down android icon flashes randomly and the phone never recovers. I've let it sit for as long as 45 minutes with the icon flashing and eventually had to turn it off and restart the phone.
I've been making it a point to, once a week, go into 'system recovery' and wipe the cache. It isn't to correct an issue that not wiping can create, but rather as maintenance to keep the phone running well. I was curious how often the rest of you wipe the cache?
I have a Moto Maxx XT1225 but I believe clearing the cache partition is the same as the DROID Turbo (it's immediately below my question).
I always get hung up after step 5 (below) - i.e., when I press the up volume 10-15 seconds and then tap the power button, NOTHING additional menu options appear as listed below for step 6.
FYI, here's steps 1-6 as mentioned above:
1. With the phone powered off,*press*the*VOL*DOWN KEY*for 2-3 seconds then*POWER*key then release;
2. The device will display*different BOOT*OPTIONS;
3. Use the*VOL DOWN*Key to SCROLL to Recovery*and*POWER*Key to select;
Tip: If the device reboots, you may have*waited to long to make a selection, you*will need to begin the process again.*
4. The device will display*the*Motorola logo and then*the*Android in distress*(logo with Exclamation mark);
5. Press and hold the*VOL UP*key for*10-15 seconds.*While still holding*the*VOL UP*key*tap and release the*POWER*key;
Tip: You can*try this step, holding the phone in landscape. If you are*stuck on step 6, try a*force reboot by pressing the Power key and Vol Down key, and start the process again.
6. The device will display additional menu options (Text will appear in*BLUE);
So I had a bit of a close call decided to do a cache wipe after the Lolipop update. Everything ran pretty good before the Cache wipe but there were a few small glitches so I figured I'd do it. I followed all the steps and the screen said clearing cache so I waited. About a half hour later I come back to the phone and it is black so I think it's done. Then the android guy on his back starts flashing on the screen(no command) He only pops up for less than half a second. I know the step after wipe cache was to reboot device which I could not do.
The first time it took about 10 mins. 2nd time failed after 30 mins and I had to restart. 3rd time just took 25 mins but completed. What's going on!?!?!
I was part of the soak test, so the first 2 days were spent trying the new software out. So I didn't really put much thought into the fact that my battery was dying much faster. However, since there was really nothing earth shattering on the new update, the next 4 days were back to my normal usage patten. Normally, I would very seldom run my battery dead in a day. 30-40% was typical. But I have hit 10% every single day since the update.
One thing I was really hoping would change with the update was an improvement in battery life. I know it is too soon to tell -- and I'm playing with the phone more, so that has an impact -- but, if anything, I think I'm getting shorter battery life than I was before. Anyone else have any observations regarding battery life?
how often some of these blur widgets are refreshing themselves. There doesn't seem to be a setting to set a refresh rate, and no matter if they are on the homescreen or not I notice that they are loading themselves into RAM anyway. For instance, social networking, weather, news, bookmarks widgets, etc are auto-loading into the RAM.So the question is, will it make any difference if I add the blur widgets to the homescreens or not? Would there be a performance/battery/ram difference if they were not on the homscreens? Could I get better battery life with or without the widgets, or does it make any difference so I might as well add them to the homescreens?I pretty much have OCD when it comes to trying to squeaze every last bit of performance out of my devices.
Gorilla Gadgets informed me that Motorola installed software into their phones to not recognize any battery not approved or sold be them. Motorola refuses to answer my questions regarding this. Does anyone know how to remove this software or how to get the Droid X to recognixe an extended life battery not made by motorola.
I've had the RAZR for a few days now, and one of the main things I used my last phone for (droid x) was to listen to music at work.I've been listening to music these past three days, and when I look at the battery use chart, there is something called "Mediaserver" using up a significant amount of battery life (~20% or more if I've listened to a lot of music). On my droid x I never saw this process on my battery use, and I am wondering if there is an option or something that I am overlooking that is increasing the amount of battery drain from listening to music.I listen to mp3s on the stock music app and to mp3 and m4a podcasts using Pocket Casts.I can't say for sure, but Mediaserver seems to not appear on the battery list until I start listening to music and to not increase the amount of battery that it uses while not listening to music.
i received my update last night and fully let my battery charge from 10 pm til about 6 this morning, i had light use watching a couple of Internet videos that were no more then like 3-4 mins and some light facebook use and by 11 im down to already 40 percent where as before i could use phone all day and still be about 40 percent by the time i got off around 5 pm.
My girlfriend owns a Razr and every since the ICS update she has been telling me her phone has giving her problems. It gets hot when listening to pandora or videos after a short time in use. Her battery life wasnt the greatest from the beginning but after ICS it's worse. I was suppose to do this a week ago after I mentioned. Now shes threatening to take my Maxx.
Seems since the update yesterday AM my battery has been draining faster. Haven't made any changes to smart actions or any other settings, but seems I'm down about another 20% at the end of work day the last 2 days. Still not dissatisfied by any means, just curious. Also, last 2 days Android OS has been top on battery use list, compared to prior to update, where it was farther down.Also, never dropped 4G prior to last outage, and now post update/post outage seem to be waffling much more between 3G and 4G.
what the Life span of the battery in the maxx is. I know usage, number of charges, and other factors go into it. There must be a average life. Since the battery is not replaceable, it leads one to wonder ( or at least the severe Type A's to wonder)
My battery life on my droid turbo was awesome. I would end the day with around 30-45% left. With 5-6 hrs screen on time. I went on a trip and had to use the GPS so I plugged it in in the truck to my USB port.
I love my droid turbo and the battery life is amazing, it could be better however. Going into my battery usage at any given time shows Cell Standby uses about 30% of the battery life. At the time of this writing it was my biggest consumer at 28%.
Screen-21% Android System-8% Support & Protection-8% Android OS-8% Phone Idle-6% ...and so on and so forth.
At my home the service is a bit spotty so it switches between 3g and 4g but time without a signal is at 0. My brother has an LG G3 so whatever cell tower issues we have at home should be the same. His battery usage is similar to mine except Cell Standby is only at about 2-3% at any given time. All of our settings are similar, we use wifi as much as we can, and both have Verizon and use their Global/LTE/CDMA network.
When I don't make many calls, my battery is used by cell standyby about 35-50%. It really drains the battery. Get about 15 hours with 3 hours screen time. How do I stop this high usage? I've done factory reset and wipe cache.
It doesn't happen all the time, but maybe once a week. I'll be using it and all of the sudden the battery will drop by 20% to 40% in a matter of seconds. See the attached screen shot for an example. This happened both before and after the Ice Cream Sandwich update. I haven't been able to link it to a particular app or service. I have done a hard reset on my phone and the problem persists. Also, with the example shown in my screen shot, I was doing a Google search using the chrome browser and the battery level dropped from 40% to 5% in a matter of seconds. And as you can see the battery level hasn't changed since, it has been at 5% for two hours or so without a change.
I was working after lunch and noticed that my phone was getting hotter and hotter. When I looked at the screen it showed constant data up and down. I wasnt syncing anything or surfing but it wouldnt stop. I shut down and restarted and even did the software "Battery Pull" but soon enough it would start data again and the battery would be eaten up. It was on 4G. Then finally it would stop an hour or so later. If I start the music app again it starts all over. Here is a thread on another site where we are trying to narrow it down. They think it may be the media server as it shows a lot of data usage!
About four hours ago Facebook messenger started really killing my battery. I haven't even used it in about a week and a half and suddenly it just has gone wild. It's not using data or WiFi but in those few hours it's used 20% of my battery.
My Droid Turbo has had great battery life all the time. All of a sudden my battery can barely make it a few hours without dying. It had become ridiculous. When I look at the battery in my settings, its saying that email is draining the majority of my battery.
This phone is nice but the battery life has been miserable I've had it for a month and yesterday I was at 4% battery with only 2 hours of screen time and the battery screen says the screen is always using 33% of the battery. I have turned brightness to low and set timeout to 15 seconds and its still the same thing. I also wiped the cache partition and charged the battery overy night with the phone off and nothing changed.
Attached is the most up to date battery stats analysis Ive been running since I bought the phone new on 11/10/14.
So far over the life of my phone my average usage is:
By 27% battery left
- 2.23 days on battery
SCREEN - 4.14 hours of screen on time - Screen 30% of battery usage
CELL STBY - Cell Standby 1.61 days - Cell Standby 24% of battery usage - Time without signal 3%
VOICE CALLS - Voice Call Time 40 minutes - Voice Call 8% of battery usage
on the main page if you scroll to the right at the top youll see some simple crunching to compare how many charges less my turbo is getting compared to my old android phones (droid x and gnex) where I charged them every night. I charged them every night because I had too, likewise I only charge the turbo when it needs it. I am open to hearing others opinions on what % its best to charge at but as I know and you should too it is very much debated. There are many surces claiming what is best as for charging habits. i am testing based on charging my phone to 100% once it hits around 25-30% and ever 30 charges I run it down to 7-10% to 100.