Motorola Droid Turbo :: Can't Clear Cache Of Phone
Dec 7, 2015
I've tried four times now to clear the phone cache according to the directions on Motorola's website. Each time I get to the point where I select clear cache, and after running some scripts on the screen, the fallen down android icon flashes randomly and the phone never recovers. I've let it sit for as long as 45 minutes with the icon flashing and eventually had to turn it off and restart the phone.
I have a Moto Maxx XT1225 but I believe clearing the cache partition is the same as the DROID Turbo (it's immediately below my question).
I always get hung up after step 5 (below) - i.e., when I press the up volume 10-15 seconds and then tap the power button, NOTHING additional menu options appear as listed below for step 6.
FYI, here's steps 1-6 as mentioned above:
1. With the phone powered off,*press*the*VOL*DOWN KEY*for 2-3 seconds then*POWER*key then release;
2. The device will display*different BOOT*OPTIONS;
3. Use the*VOL DOWN*Key to SCROLL to Recovery*and*POWER*Key to select;
Tip: If the device reboots, you may have*waited to long to make a selection, you*will need to begin the process again.*
4. The device will display*the*Motorola logo and then*the*Android in distress*(logo with Exclamation mark);
5. Press and hold the*VOL UP*key for*10-15 seconds.*While still holding*the*VOL UP*key*tap and release the*POWER*key;
Tip: You can*try this step, holding the phone in landscape. If you are*stuck on step 6, try a*force reboot by pressing the Power key and Vol Down key, and start the process again.
6. The device will display additional menu options (Text will appear in*BLUE);
The first time it took about 10 mins. 2nd time failed after 30 mins and I had to restart. 3rd time just took 25 mins but completed. What's going on!?!?!
I've been making it a point to, once a week, go into 'system recovery' and wipe the cache. It isn't to correct an issue that not wiping can create, but rather as maintenance to keep the phone running well. I was curious how often the rest of you wipe the cache?
I see a lot of discussion about bad battery life. I was experiencing it as well. Clearing the partition cache got me from 50% at the end of the work day to 75%. I think this should be put somewhere for all turbo owners to see as a "get your phone, immediately do this". And stickied. Just a thought and did not want to burry it in the long battery thread.
So, I had horrible battery performance after the update. I figured I would do a cache wipe. Normally this erased battery history, but not this time. The gap is during the wipe. Notice the average slope before and after
I wish they could push an update that doesn't require this crap, but its never happened.
So I had a bit of a close call decided to do a cache wipe after the Lolipop update. Everything ran pretty good before the Cache wipe but there were a few small glitches so I figured I'd do it. I followed all the steps and the screen said clearing cache so I waited. About a half hour later I come back to the phone and it is black so I think it's done. Then the android guy on his back starts flashing on the screen(no command) He only pops up for less than half a second. I know the step after wipe cache was to reboot device which I could not do.
I have Defy running on 2.1. I have installed some of applications from Android market (say 15 apps) and the performance of my Defy has decreased very drastically. I wanted to know how can i improve the performance of my Defy ? Should i clear cache for these applications ?
I know how to clear the cache on the photon 4g through the recovery screen. But how long should it say starting rsd protocol support before moving to saying fastboot and all?
Over the last couple nights I've noticed that my Turbo won't charge overnight. I often read or play games before bed and it seems if I have a few apps open and then plug it in it won't charge. If I close all the apps down then I've never had a problem.
I've also noticed it freezing up at times and then rebooting by itself if I don't close open apps.
The phone is great and at this point I don't care about Lollipop. We've had 2 S5 go bad with Lollipop and until they get the bugs all worked out I'll keep munchin the kitkat.
i just installed the the outlook app on my droid turbo.when i send an e-mail, the recipient see's that it is coming from my e-mail address ( how can i change it so that they see it is coming from my actual name instead of my e-mail address?
Any reason why all of a sudden I am not getting notifications when I am on my home WiFi? It's weird, and I can't find a setting that would be causing this.
I traded in my droid maxx and tonight while disabling some apps I noticed under apps, all. That there is a demo app. I never saw it on my maxx. The disabled was grayed out so I forced stopped it. When the rep brought it out at the store it was a new unit sealed.
I am using SwipeDialerPro as my dialer app mainly because I wanted a dark themed dialer (the stock dialer is just too darn bright). I know you can set the default app for messaging (I have set 8SMS as mine).
I have been trying to clear system cache to see if resolves some issues with WiFi I am having. But when I am trying to do this but when I get to the screen the red triangle, press and hold then VOLUME UP and POWER buttons, the screen will go blank the the phone will just reboot into the OS.
1) Power Device Off 2 Press and hold the VOLUME DOWN and POWER until you get into the system menu. 3) Press VOLUME DOWN, highlight the RECOVERY option press POWER
Wait for Red Triangle to appear.....
4) Press and hold VOLUME UP and POWER to enter option the clear system cache.
At step 4 is where it just reboots into the OS, I never get the option to clear cache. I have also tried just pressing both VOLUME UP and POWER and releasing, no luck.
It gives me the message There was a problem syncing this folder please try again later. This has gone on for days. I tried turning sync off and on a few times and restarted my phone. No go.
During the course of the day, at least once a day, sometimes more, for no reason at all, I'll get a notification on my Droid Turbo that the camera didn't initialize. If the problem persists please power off phone. Well the problem always persists and I always have to power off my phone and turn it back on to get the camera working again. I've tried clearing out the data and the cache and it doesn't work.