Motorola Droid Razr :: Switch The Adapter Plate On The HD Station?

Mar 31, 2012

how to switch the adapter plate on the HD Station? I am trying to get my RAZR MAXX to fit without taking off the cover each time and it appears that the additional adapter plate will do the trick. Problem is I cannot remove the one that comes installed.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Buy Maxx Insert For HD Station Dock?

Jun 14, 2012

I have the Razr HD Station dock from before them adding the other insert for the Razr Maxx. Is there a way to buy this insert from moto (or anywhere else)?

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: 3.5 Mm Adapter To Video Out?

Oct 16, 2012

Since the M does not have an HDMI port nor support MHL, I was just pondering another alternative. My televisions are not DLNA compatible and I really don't care about HD quality, so I was wondering if the 3.5 port was an option for basic video out. I know some devices used to have a compatible adapter for this process, but thought maybe it was terminated because of new technology. In most phones the 3.5 seems to only be an audio port, but just figured I'd ask.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Chargibg Adapter Not Working?

Jun 15, 2012

My phone is only a month old and the adapter that plugs into the wall just started not working??

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: Micro USB OTG To USB 2.0 Adapter Cable?

Nov 28, 2012

Has anyone tried to use a Micro USB OTG to USB 2.0 Adapter Cable to connect a USB drive or other device to their RAZR-M? Which cable and did it work?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Should Auto-switch Between Wifi & 4G

Apr 6, 2012

While using the DROID Razr Maxx at home, wifi is turned on and works great. When wifi is turned off or is unavailable after leaving the house, the phone will not automatically switch to 4G LTE data. To switch to 4G, the phone has to be rebooted. Mobile networks is set to CDMA/LTE. Enable data access over Mobile network is set to ON. Enable background data is set to ON. Data Saver is NOT enabled. Is the phone supposed to automatically switch between wifi and mobile data? If so, how can I make it work.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Get Maps To Switch To Nightmode?

Mar 16, 2012

I was using the navigation on the maxx last night but the screen stayed in "day mode" so the screen was very bright and distracting. How can I switch it to make it go darker at night so there isn't as much glare. My old Incredible did this without any input from me.I have the Navigation dock and was using that I also had the screen settings set for auto detect day or night.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Switch From Email To Gmail App

Dec 2, 2011

I got a RAZR a couple of weeks ago for my wife, and I made a mistake setting it up. I setup the email app instead of the gmail app. Now all the emails are going only to the phone, so unless the laptop is left on all the time (we use google apps sync to outlook), it never gets any emails.

How do I get these emails back to gmail? Can I mass forward these emails back out somehow? I can forward one at a time, and I can save to the sd messaging folder one at a time.

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: How To Switch From 4G To CDMA Mode Verizon

Nov 14, 2012

how to switch from 4G to CDMA mode verizon

steps are listed below for verizon customers only with 4G Devices with " ICS or Jelly Bean "

how to switch from 4G to CDMA mode verizon devices.

For whatever reason, Verizon and Motorola have removed the option under Mobile Network Settings to switch to "CDMA Only" in the Ice Cream Sandwich update that is headed to RAZRs over the next few days. For anyone that doesn't have a RAZR MAXX, this is a problem, as LTE destroys batteries faster than you can charge them. In place of the former "CDMA Only" option is a "Global" feature for those that travel the world. Why they didn't leave the old option and simply add "Global" to the list is a great mystery, but don't worry, we have a way to get you onto 3G and saving batteries in just a few steps.

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Motorola :: Can Docking Station For Droid Be Used For Milestone?

Jun 17, 2010

if I buy a Droid docking station, can I use it with the Milestone as well? The Droid and Milestone have the same chassis and specs, the only difference is in the radio (Milestone=GSM/Droid=CDMA), right?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Can't Watch HBO Go Videos On TV Through HD Station

Oct 8, 2011

I am unable to play HBO Go videos on my Bionic using the HBO Go app and the Bionic HD Station (dock). The videos display perfectly on my phone. When docked, I can see everything on my HD TV that I see on the Bionic until I press PLAY. The screen rotates to landscape on the TV then the following error message apperars: "Please unplug the HDMI or TV out connector and try to play the video again." I have done the following:

Powered off and removed the battery for 30 sec. as instructed by Motorola.Cleared the HBO Go app datUninstalled and reinstalled the HBO Go app Have talked with Tier 2 reps with Verizon and with Motorola. The latter says it's an HBO issue and that I should contact the developer. I haven't found an easy way to do that yet, but will keep trying. Until then

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Motorola Droid X :: Multimedia Station Messes Up Wallpaper?

Jun 3, 2011

when i remove from dock wallpaper is reduced.. if i reboot all is fine again.. that is until i dock again..

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Motorola Droid 2 :: MHL Adapter And Motoblur Interface?

Oct 1, 2011

I own a Milestone2 handset, nevertheless I wanted to ask this in Droid2 community because it allows to access wider American users globe, I want to know if MHL adapter works on Milestone2/Droid2 in their raw state? And how to restore Motoblur interface when I first skipped it during first time motoblur account setup?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bluetooth Adapter To Car Stereo

Jan 20, 2012

I have a stereo with no bluetooth, but would like to stream Pandora or other music from my phone to the stereo. Now, I use an aux. cable from the headphone jack to the aux on the stereo, but I hate having the cable running from the phone to the stereo. Anybody know of a bluetooth adapter that plugs into a stereo to do this?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Droid Razr Usable Without Verizon Service?

Oct 19, 2012

If both Verizon phone and data service are discontinued, will a Droid Razr still function (especially, will internet access via Wi-Fi still function)?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Droid Razr Maxx And Bluetooth 4.0?

Apr 8, 2012

I purchased the Moto Elite Sliver because my Plantronics Pro HD would drop its bluetooth every single time a call was answered or placed. I did a little research and found it may be related to a conflict with the 2.0 headset and 4.0 phone. Moto Sliver is BT 3.0 and was working great until this week. Now every single time a call is disconnected, the headset disconnects and reconnects. Reboots galore, problem still exists. Uninstall/reinstall Motospeak, problem still exists. Sometimes the bluetooth will not connect at all (reboot required). The Droid RAZR Maxx and the Elite Sliver are supposed to be state of the art MOTOROLA, I make a living with my phone and headset.

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: RAZR M WiFi Doesn't Wake From Sleep?

Oct 25, 2012

I have WiFi enabled. Often when I am near a wireless access point, my RAZR M still uses 4G. It's as if the WiFi is going to sleep when I power the screen off, but it doesn't wake up again. Turning WiFi off and on makes it reconnect.It seems to happen mostly when I'm at home, where I also use the Motorola flip stand with "ESP" smart charger, and a NetGear dual-band wireless router/access point.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: When Dock The RAZR It Does Not Change To The Car Navigation Screen Or Start To Charge?

Nov 17, 2011

Brand new Car Dock and Razr. Installed and all good working no problems for first 2 days,then when I dock the RAZR it does not change to the car navigation screen or start to charge.Power light on the power cable. RAZR charges and transfers data via other cables.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: No Outlook Sync Native To Razr?

Dec 16, 2011

The Verizon Sales assistant assured me that I'd be able to Sync my Outlook with my Droid Razr as easily as I synced it with my old Blackberry Tour. Now, after several days' worth of set-up, google searches, forum searches and FAQ's, I'm come to the conclusion that Motorola did NOT build this function into the Droid Razr, and I have to pay a hefty fee for a decent 3rd-party app to do what my Blackberry did for free. Have I missed something?

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Razr HD Usable Screen Size

Oct 18, 2012

I frequently hit adjacent keys while texting on my old Droid X. A larger screen and of course 4G and a faster processor were appealing as well. As the Razr HD models sport screens almost as large as the S3 I ran to see them on their first day out of the gates. What a disappointment! Holding my old Droid X up against them I saw that the usable screen sizes were identical. Namely 4.3" unless playing videos in which case the video filled up the Razr HD's 4.7" screen. I couldn't find anything else that would fill up the screen. Perhaps, photos might. But internet browsing, texting and whatever else I tried occupied a 4.3" inset within the 4.7" screen. So why have a 4.7" screen at all? The Galaxy S3 on the other hand fills up the entire 4.8" screen with not only video but everything else, including texting, messaging, web browsing, and everything else I tried. So what gives? Why did you even create a 4.7" screen if you aren't going to utilize it to its full potential?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Battery Life With Razr Maxx

Jul 2, 2012

I thought ICS was suppose to extend battery life? My MAXX wont last very long lately since the ICS, And its suppose to have a very long battery life, what happened?

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Defective RAZR HD LCD Screen?

Dec 4, 2012

On Oct 20, we switched from AT&T to Verizon Wireless after being with AT&T for over 10 years. We had iPhones and had to get new phones when we switched. The Verizon salesperson convinced me and my adult daughter to get the RAZR HD that had just come out and he said it was better than the iPhone. My husband stayed with an iPhone because he is a commercial pilot and needed to use aviation apps that were not available on a DROID phone. Initially we were very impressed with the RAZR HD until my daughter had a problem with hers after just 20 days of use. She is an EMT and was on duty sitting in her ambulance. She has to have a phone on her while working. She used her phone several times and had it in her front pocket. She took the phone out of her pocket to call us and the screen was black and not functioning—a few minutes before it was working fine. She noticed some spider cracks in the LCD at the edge of the screen. She took the phone back to the store where it was purchased and the Verizon salesperson accused her of abusing/dropping it and said she would have to file an insurance claim which would cost $99. I was shocked. Our iPhones had heavy mobile use and were even dropped several times, including on cement, but never failed. I told our daughter we had no intention of filing an insurance claim for a defective product that should be covered under warranty. For all we know, it had damage before we even bought it from Verizon. But when she contacted Motorola, they said a screen failure due to a cracked screen was not covered but she could send it in to be evaluated. When we read the warranty, it does not say this. It says it doesn't cover damage caused by accidents, abuse, misuse, including improper usage or operation, abuse or neglect, or impact damage, such as dropping the phone. The phone had not been dropped, abused, or misused. There is not a scratch or any physical damage on the phone and the glass. The phone failed under normal use. The LCD screen under the glass fractured. Normal use should not cause this unless there was a manufacturer's defect in the phone. I.contacted my dad who works with digital and analog wireless technologies/hardware, and he told us to file a warranty claim. He said the phone has an accelerometer in it that detects G-force and impact and Motorola should provide us the data that shows the phone was impacted outside the tolerance thresholds for normal use. Well clearly Motorola and Verizon are just scamming customers and ripping them off. How convenient for Motorola to automatically tell a client all screen failures are due to customer damage. We should have stuck with iPhones and the AppleCare. Apple stands behind the quality of their products and would have never questioned replacing a phone for a defective LCD, i.e., no broken glass, just screen failure. You get a replacement on the spot. Oh but not Motorola—mail it in and then you are without a phone for how long??? We are going on 24 days now. Motorola got the phone and sent a picture of the phone screen (included) and said it was physically damaged—said it would cost $99 to fix—interesting how that is the same amount as the Verizon insurance deductible. Really--they are insulting my intelligence... I called them up and told them to provide me the accelerometer data—I wanted proof the phone was damaged by us and not defective. They still have the phone and have not responded to my request for over a week now. I told customer service that Motorola should be ready for a fight—we will file a report with the FTC and the BBB if they don't repair or replace the phone at no cost. I am very angry about this poor customer service. If we dropped the phone and cracked it up, well that is what insurance is for and that is why we bought the insurance. I would not expect Motorola to fix a phone for free if we broke it, but this is not the case and it is just outrageous. I am worried the same thing will soon happen to my RAZR HD which has overheated while it was charging. The phone is so thin that any expansion in the case is going to put pressure on the LCD. I am wondering how we are going to make it through a 2-year contract with Verizon when the Motorola phone can't even handle normal mobile use. I used my AT&T iPhone 3Gs for over 3 years before switching to Verizon and the RAZR HD and the iPhone still works well as a Smart device for email, photos and music. Clearly Apple has a superior product and also knows how to take care of customers. We called Motorola customer service again today since we aren't seeing any information online regarding the current status of our phone, and they couldn't even tell us what the status is. They have had the phone for over 2 weeks. If Motorola doesn't do what is right, they will lose us as customers. This is so frustrating.

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Motorola Razr :: Droid Razr UI After Factory Reset Is Different

Jul 10, 2012

I was facing problems similar to this ( Gallery crash after OTA ICS update )url..I followed the thread and did a factory reset.I now find that the problem is solved but the UI after factory reset is different from the original UI that came with ICS update. I kinda like previous UI. I am guessing it is Motoblur. Is there any way to get that back.

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Can't Switch Calls?

Sep 11, 2011

I have noticed that I cannot switch calls if someone "clicks in." (Is that what it's called anymore?) When I hear the tone that someone is calling I look at the phone and there is a box for "switch calls." But it's grayed out and pushing it does nothing. Anyone else having this issue? Really wish this update would hurry it's butt up so I can see if stuff like this and especially the spacebar keyboard issue is just cause I got a bad phone.

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Motorola Droid 3 :: How To Change And Switch To Another Gmail Account

Jul 19, 2011

When I got my phone and set it up at Verizon, they had to enter a gmail account to get the phone to work. I gave them a gmail account, but did not realize that my wife was using this account for her Droid phone, so now I have all of her contacts. How do I switch to another gmail account. When I try to delete this account, it says that I have to reset the phone to factory defaults and I don't want to lose Touchdown which I have already paid for.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: No Switch To Delete Open Web Pages

Jul 18, 2015

When I hit the two rectangles on the bottom right of the phone I see all the web pages I recently opened. Been told by Motorola customer service that you have to delete one by one.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Phone Calls Switch To Bluetooth On Moto 360?

Jul 17, 2015

Both devices updated to latest OS Lollipop 5.1 on Turbo and 5.1.1 on Moto 360.

Making phone calls using hand set, everything seems fine. Then two about 10 seconds into the call I notice that I can't hear anything in the Turbo handset earpiece. When I look at the setting on the phone screen I notice that the connection has switched from "handset" to bluetooth. The only bluetooth device that is connected is the Moto 360.

When I switch it back to "handset" or "speaker" it works fine again. And when I switch back, the person on the other end of the call says: "Now I can hear you much better again, for a time you were very soft/far away" -- I'm assuming that is because they are hearing my voice picked up by my watch's microphone and not my droid turbo.

How to stop this from happening?

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Lose Signal, Then Switch Back To The Network Extender?

Aug 11, 2011

The first indication of something wrong was the issue where my Droid 3 began connecting to my network extender only with 1x. But, the problem was worse than that, because it would then connect to a distant, weak tower for 3G. It would lose signal, then switch back to the network extender, where it would lose 3G once again and fall back to 1x. (How do I know it was swapping to a distant tower?the network extender team diagnosed it while I was on a phone call with them and told me they were seeing it do it live on their screens).

They "did something" (I don't know know what that something was), and it seemed to clear up for a while.Then, it came back. Another call to their network extender group, and they "upped the power" of the extender and the problem went away... for two weeks.Today, it started again. Only this time, it was doing the same behavior between two *actual* cell towers at work! The network extender wasn't in the mix, this time.My original Droid, Droid 2 Global, my son's Droid X and my wife's iPhone 4 all have NO problem with the extender (nor any other aspect of the service). This Droid 3 has failed in this manner three times, now.What's up, Moto? Can anything else fail with this phone? Camera blows, keys repeat, social networking is flaky, and apparently it has issues maintaining 3G in some situations. What a miserable experience.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: RAZR Keeps Showing "Connected To HDMI Cable"?

Jan 11, 2012

My Razr constantly detects a HDMI cable connection, even though there is no HDMI cable near it (not even a USB cable is connected). A popup keeps showing up asking me to "Select Dock Type". This has been really annoying, as I need to dismiss it every time it shows up. I can't find a way to disable the detection of the HDMI cable.

This problem started after 2 weeks into owning the phone, back in mid December. I called Verizon technical support. They thought it was a hardware defect, and sent me a replacement phone. However, when I received the phone, I found that it was a refurbished phone with a big scratch on the side. I returned it and kept my original one.

Other than this problem, everything runs great, and I love my Razr. My question is: has anyone seen this problem? I have learned to deal with it by dismissing the popup every time I unlock the screen. Can a future software update include a setting where I can disable the HDMI detection?

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Motorola Xoom :: Motorola Docking Station Not Charging

Apr 22, 2011

Sometimes mine does not start chargeing - and I have made sure the battery is not fully charged. I unplug it, then plug it back in and it works.

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Motorola Droid X :: Switch The Wallpaper So That It Doesn't Scroll When Flip Through Home Screen Panels?

Oct 4, 2011

How do i switch the wallpaper so that it doesn't scroll when i flip thru my home screen panels? I think i had it set like that before the update but can't remember how. Also how do i keep the picture I want to use for my wallpaper from zooming in when i set it as my background? It displays perfectly when I view it in the gallery but magnifies absurdly when i set it to wallpaper.

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