Motorola Droid :: Music App Plays Over Other Apps On Bluetooth
Apr 16, 2011
When I turn car with Blue Tooth to listen to an audio book or the XM Radio app, the music app (That cam pre-installed on the Droid) starts without an invitation and plays over wanted audio. The app can't be removed or disabled. I "chatted with a Motorola Support rep., and was told to do a total reset. After taking a lot of time doing this, nothing changed.
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Oct 31, 2011
Does anyone elses Xprt go to music and start playing a song when the Bluetooth is connected?
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Aug 10, 2011
phone is connected via bluetooth in moto. droid3 car dock and after i terminate my call music starts playing,whithout music app ever being selected?
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Oct 7, 2011
Music and Pictures work fine Video plays for about 6 sec the buffers , How long should it take to load Video
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Feb 12, 2012
Since the 2nd last firmware update my music will either not start or it will stop after 4 seconds of playing. This isn't my own music but the music that came with the device. I then try everything to get sound. I see the song playing I press play and pause and nothing.I reboot and everying is ok. Sometime rebooting does not work.
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Jun 10, 2011
I recently purchased a non-us atrix with Bell Mobility.Everything works well except when I tried loading it with music and playing them.The play speed is too fast so it sounds wierd.I tried using the OEM player and a few other ones (Win Amp, Power Amo) but the results are the same.Si it does not appear to be a problem with the player.In addition, when I played a video (MP4), the video plays normally, but the audio sounds similarly wierd (i.e. with high pitch as if it is played at high speed).
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Apr 15, 2012
MA 1.6.6. N16 Playing music works ok but the first time this happened it was after 1 hour. Then I get a popup dialog saying "You must set a fit song". The music then skips through the song and then skips songs continually.
This happens everytime I workout. Today it happened after 20 minutes Since I have never set a fit song I tried to set one. I had to turn off the music.
This only started happening after the last update to the one shown above.
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Nov 16, 2011
When streaming music to my aftermarket Alpine car stereo via bluetooth I constantly get 1/2 second drops in sound. It is intermittant but happens with almost every song, sometimes 1 or 2 times per song, sometimes up to 5 or 6 times, and some songs it doesn't happen at all. It does it while streaming through Napster or through downloaded music on the stock player, so that doesn't seem to be the issue. At first I thought it could be a loss of 3g or 4g signal or the Razr searching for the signal but it has happened in both 3g and 4g coverage area. So today I thought I would check it while stopped in a parking lot, and it continued to happen, I'm still in a 3g area til Dec. but thought the phone could be searching for a signal causing the drop of sound so I disconnected from bluetooth and the problem goes away, so I'm pretty convinced it is a bluetooth issue, I did not have this problem with my DX, so I do not believe it's an issue with my car stereo'e bluetooth adapter. I do not have any issues with phone calls but do have an issue with connecting to my bluetooth unit sometimes. In the settings it says paired but not connected until I click on the setting then it connects. Also, this does not happen while listening at home through the speakers or headphones whether I'm streaming or downloading via 3g or wifi.
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Jan 10, 2012
Motorola Defy connected to my car on bluetooth (Toyota Corolla) and when I switch the car off, plays music on phone every time.
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Nov 15, 2012
ICS update has changed something for the bad on my Droid Bionic!! I can't get music to stream to car radio using the radio controls (2012 Sorento). I had no problems with worked just fine. I tried FDR and got a slight improvement in that the music would stream but I would have to start it with the phone. Tried re-pairing phone and car which didn't work. I have experienced the music stream stopping after 1song or several songs.
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May 19, 2012
I have two music apps - standard Motorola (which I do not use) and Google Music (which is my preferred). And my question is ... is there a way to set Google Music as default player that accepts bluetooth commands?My typical use case - when I try to play music using bluetooth system in my car, I have to manually open Google Music from the phohe, otherwise standard Motorola Music app would take over and play. And since there is no way to uninstall it, I have to stop motorola music app, switch to google music and manually start music there.
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Feb 17, 2012
Just got the Droid 4 yesterday. Using it on Verizon's 4g network, and have discovered a really annoying issue: When playing audio across a bluetooth connection (either to a droid roadster or my 2012 chevy sonic), there are occasional skips in the music. This happens about once every 4-6 seconds, and the cutout is brief, about 1/8th of a second. It does not happen for phone calls, nor do the skips happen if I disable bluetooth and listen via the built in speaker or the headphone jack.
Wifi is disabled, and the source of the audio doesn't seem to matter. I've tried Pandora, Tune-in radio, and locally saved music, same result. It's not the network, as I just upgraded from a Samsung Droid Charge (also a 4g phone) which does not have this issue. I've unpaired from all sources, and re-paired, rebooted the phone, tried while charging / not charging, enabling gps / disabling gps, everything I can think of to isolate the issue. This phone is my in-car entertainment device, and if I can't use it for it's intended purpose, it's useless to me.
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Sep 27, 2011
In recent days I've noticed a rather annoying quirk with the sound from my Photon. If I'm listening to music (Winamp, the stock app, or Pandora) and a notification pops up, I hear the notification sound but afterward the volume of my music drops down a lot. I'll turn the volume up, but as soon as the track changes my ears blow up when the volume level returns to what it was previously
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Sep 15, 2011
Every time I set up a different ringtone for a contact it plays the default ringtone.
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Nov 17, 2015
When my turbo is paired to a device and either streaming or just playing music or video it becomes extremely laggy. To the point where it freezes and will not work. Often times this happens while simultaneously charging the phone but its not exclusive to that criteria. It's done it while off charger as well. Is this a heat issue? Too many things going on at once?
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Oct 20, 2011
What can I do to get my Droid X to play wav files again like it used to fresh out of the box? If there is no solution can I go back to the software I had before the update?
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Jul 9, 2015
Prior to the lollipop update everything was working fine. Now if I am listening to something on the Audible app or Pocketcast app the Google Maps voice will not break in with directions. There will just be a brief silence where it is trying to speak but no actual voice. If I pause the book or music the maps voice works. If I turn the Bluetooth on the phone off the voice breaks through just fine on the phone speaker. It's very frustrating.
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Jun 18, 2012
I've had this phone for about a week now and being more comfortable with it I'm using more features and have an issue with the music app and widget. It wont play all my music. The app will play each song individually when manually selected but when on the song list is plays one to two songs after in order then jumps to the songs listed under "I" and repeats that segment (the songs that title starts with I) instead of staying in order, it has also done this with "M" once, have tried clearing cashe and data of the app with no change in result. Has anyone else had this problem (P.S. I'ma give up saying I wont by Motorola anymore, had the perfect chance to switch over when I signed the contract for 4G service and... bought Moto, just the brand me and my family have used as long as I can remember)
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Nov 17, 2011
I have a weird issue. I power cycled the phone and went to unlock it and as soon as I unlocked it the ringtone started to play. I can get the phone to do this on every power cycle.
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Feb 28, 2012
I've had two Razr's behave the same, whenever audio plays, especially using the headphone jack and external speakers, one can hear an audiable click or pop just before and after the audio plays. This happens with Pandora, Rhapsody, and Google Navigator. I haven't tested other audio based apps yet.Verizon and Motorola say they've not heard of this issue, so I'm wondering how many other Razr owners have noticed this pop? Hearing such noises as the audio turns on and off is not acceptable quality for a Motorola branded phone.I don't know enough about how the Android OS works, but I'm thinking there are two possible causes. First, as different apps access the audio hardware the internal electronics of the phone produce an audible pop as the circuits power up and down. Alternatively, the Android OS may be probing the headpone jack trying to determine if it's connected to external speakers. I've noticed that the pop gets louder as the phone approaches 100% charge.
With a 90% charge or better I've even had the audio output go quiet if the headset cable is moved, even though the audio application shows audio is playing. I know that removing the headset cable will pause the player, but in this case hitting play starts the player and it shows progress, but no audio is heard.
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Jun 27, 2012
I was listening to music on my Blackberry, and leant on it. Somehow, I managed to make the music fastforward so that four seconds of the song is played in one actual second. I've tried everything to stop this, I've stopped the song, played other songs, turned the phone on and off again, and yet the same thing happens.
I really can't do without my music and I use my blackberry as an ipod, so I have no other alternative.
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Aug 21, 2014
I have a new iPhone 5S which plays music at a much quieter volume than the radio in the car with the stereo at the same level. My old iPhone 4S is fine and plays music [i]very[/i] loudly, but both my new and previous 5S phones had the same problem. Even if I turn the car's stereo system up to full volume neither 5S phone produce loud music. I have a new Volvo XC60 and all the phones and the car have the all the most recent available software updates. I usually use the phone on Bluetooth but I get the same problem if I switch the input source over to iPod and Aux. The phone settings have Sound Check, EQ and Volume Limit all switched off and the Volume Limit set at maximum.Â
iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2
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May 20, 2010
I am hoping you guys can give me some insight as to what is going on. The other day, I got a phone call, and when I pressed the ignore, a song started playing. Now, more about the situation, I have OS 5.0, and my phone was on silent. The song played after pressing ignore is not a song on my blackberry that I am aware of, not my ring tones or music I've put on here. So, I don't know how the music started, why, but I couldn't get it to stop either. I had to do a battery pull to get it to stop. Anyone have any clues to get this to never happen again?
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Jul 3, 2011
Since my May 2011 update, once every two or so days, a song I don't know plays through my phone. You can't turn it off. I don't know where it is playing from.
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Jan 2, 2015
I have several bluetooth speakers. I'll pair a speaker (UE boom in this case), connect the phone to the speaker and start to play some music. The audio comes out of the phone speakers. I had the phone "forget" the bluetooth speaker and then re-paired, no dice, audio still comes through the phone speakers. The same thing happens with my car sometimes. I've tried everything.
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Nov 28, 2010
Everytime when my N8 connects to my car kit via bluetooth the music player starts automatically.
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Aug 27, 2012
I have a Bold 9780, I have added a playlist of 31 songs to the media player using the desktop software. When I try to play the playlist in the media player, it seems to play the songs in a random (or what seems to be random) order. Is there any way to stop or correct this from happening?
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Jul 31, 2012
For no apparent reason, my BB 9800 seems to play a song (which BTW I do not have loaded in my media). I can't even mute it.The only changes recently have been a new battery, and an MMS forwarded from another user with a Voice Mail in it.The song is not in my music list. My ringtones and sound profiles are all checked. It is very strange indeed.Any ideas why my BB9800 would just start playing a foreign 30-sec sound file for no reason?
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Aug 21, 2012
When I try and play music on my phone it comes out the speaker rather than through my headphones.
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May 24, 2011
Recently my wildfire had problems with playing a music playlist, it plays every song not just the playlist, it did work properly first, but now it stopped working, I have checked out the settings and even google but I couldn't figure it out.
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Jul 8, 2011
I have bought a X10 mini pro on ebay and replaced the 2GB card by a 16GB sdhc. I copied the contents of the former onto the latter via my PC.Since I did that, the phone starts to play one of the mp3 tracks I copied to it (always the same) as soon as I connect the USB cable, regardless whether it's for synchronising or charging.The song is not played by the audio player app - if I start a track there, then I here both at the same time. Killing all processes doesn't stop it either.The only way is to switch off the phone. Switching it on again doesn't restart the music, unless the cable is removed and plugged in again.Obviously this is more of an oddity than a problem, but it is somewhat annoying, especially since I usually intend to fill the battery when connecting the phone, not drain it with a song on its lips.
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